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Thread: Hit Report?

  1. #1
    Stranger LiquidShadow's Avatar
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    Default Hit Report?

    After wearing SOE for

    about a couple of weeks, finally I think I got a hit, I'll let you guys judge:

    So there is this good-looking

    girl in one of my class (to be honest I'm not terribly attracted to her, but most other guys seem to think she's

    extremely hot), and we knew each other but we were never friends. So out of the blue one day she said we should hang

    out, I said sure, I mean wth, and get this, she asked for my phone number lol. And last night I was chilling in the

    cafeteria with a friend of mine, and this girl came over to sit with us, which has never happened before, and she

    was really chatty. She sorta put her arm behind me along the bench we were sitting at and touched my knee with hers

    one time. And when she had to go, she said "we should party sometime"; last time it was "hang out", and now she

    wants to "party" lol. She's definitely an alpha type female.

    So what do you guys think? Is this a hit or not?

    This is what I use: SOE on the neck and lower arms daily, and a dab of NPA in my hair every other day, because I

    know I probably won't wash it off completely, so I don't want to OD it.

  2. #2
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    SOE definitely brings results..

    I only have a bottle of SOE(u) so far and let me tell you.. people that i go around have become more friendlier for

    some reason.. if nothing about you has changed then its definitely the SOE..

  3. #3
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    NO, it's not a hit, NO,

    EVERYTHING just happened ACCIDENTALLY you know

  4. #4
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    Didn't you have a topic

    saying NPA didn't work?I guess all it needed was some SOE

  5. #5
    Stranger LiquidShadow's Avatar
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    Thanks guys, I guess I can

    call it a hit, but that's about the only one I got, so I'm kinda disappointed in that.

  6. #6
    Phero Guru
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    Default aso you got a hit

    what are you

    doing about it?
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by LiquidShadow View Post

    guys, I guess I can call it a hit, but that's about the only one I got, so I'm kinda disappointed in

    Some of you guys really have strange expectations.
    What are you expecting?
    That a girl will come

    to you and ask you maybe some time you will consider having sex with her and spell you on a piece of paper THIS IS A

    Or rape you in a hall?
    I don't get it. You had this girl in your arms. Girls are not like that.

    They send you SIGNALS and hope you will pick up on them and MAKE A MOVE.
    And what you mean by saying it is the only

    one? HOW DO YOU KNOW??? Signals, not words.
    And even if you are right...then understand that mones as powerful as

    they can be can only give you and edge, but cannot substitute your personality.
    Being a wall flower will get you

    Your attitude, your energy, that's what comes first.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by TylerD View Post
    Some of you

    guys really have strange expectations.
    What are you expecting?
    That a girl will come to you and ask you maybe

    some time you will consider having sex with her and spell you on a piece of paper THIS IS A HIT. I WANT YOU.

    rape you in a hall?
    I don't get it. You had this girl in your arms. Girls are not like that. They send you

    SIGNALS and hope you will pick up on them and MAKE A MOVE.
    And what you mean by saying it is the only one? HOW DO

    YOU KNOW??? Signals, not words.
    And even if you are right...then understand that mones as powerful as they can be

    can only give you and edge, but cannot substitute your personality.
    Being a wall flower will get you

    Your attitude, your energy, that's what comes first.
    I agree, it sounds like that

    situation you described above is about as close as a girl will get to going straight out, sitting in your lap,

    staring into your eyes, and saying "FUCK ME."

    Go party with her sometime.

  9. #9
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    I notice that hits

    aren't always as obvious.As in yesterday one woman in my class out of the blue mentioned something about

    sex(unusual),I just blew it off and she was giddy andwas always touching me,but nothing serious though and later

    that day someone else kept trying to be close to talk to me and her body language seemed to always be facing

    me(subtle).Right before class ended she asked to be her partner for her report,nevermind that we were doing reports

    on totally opposite things and there were at least 5 other people aroud her who had something remotely similar to

    hers!Then I went to dinner with some friends and they kept bringing sex up,but it might have just been part of the

    convo as I had applied Edge(1 spray from atomizer,no more SPMO!Covered with fierce) 12 hours before dinner.I'll

    still test though and so far its a lot better without SPMO.

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Thumbs up You did good. I'll explain...

    I won't be as hursh as TylerD (though he's right), but I'll give it to you straight...


    did well by noticing this "maybe"(not maybe dude: this is a SURE)-hit.
    You did well `coz now you know a few new


    1) Now you know what it feels like to have things happen to you that never happened before, and "blame"

    it on the `mones (I'm of course saying this as a very positive thing ).

    2) Now you know what your

    expectations were, and by the reactions of people here on the forum, you also know that more, subtler, things can be

    considered hits.

    3) Now you know (`coz I'm telling you right here), that you gotta make a move and use your

    game (your personality, your initiative, your brain, your body-lenguage, your body, your touch, your gentle

    "accidentaly-touched-you-though-I-wouldn't-mind-doing-it-on-perpouse-wink-wink" touch, your eyes, the look in your

    eyes, your smile, your facial-expresion, your mouth, the things that come out of your mouth, and so on and so forth)

    to let her know you picked up on her signals. Generally do this in a subtle way; make her wonder... "Did he really

    notice me? or was it my imagination?"... make her think "I should try it again.. I should get his attension in a

    special way... that way he'll show me if he gets my signals, and then I can be more up-front about what I want, and

    the fact that I tottaly got the hots for him". Make her try again.. in a way that won't requier neither of you to

    actually say "I want you" (not until much later on at least ).

    I hope I've helped make a clearer picture of

    what TylerD was probably trying to say
    `coz he got a very important and valuable point

    Now that you've

    seen what you thought to be a small-hit, you can re-evaluate your perspective and realize that was quite a

    medium-to-big hit
    [It's not a "Booya! In the car `coz we both were so horny over each other that we

    couldn't wait no longer"-hit (which is called an International-hit in my book.. or even an Intergalactic one hehe),

    but it's a big hit for starters... one which you could bounce on `till you make it be followed by a really big


    You should understand LiquidShadow, that for a girl to come up to you, sit down next to you with no

    invitation whatsoever by your part, and even put her arm around you (or behind your back... whatever), it

    takes a lot of courage to actually do it mate. She probably stared from afar a whole two minutes thinking "am I

    gonna do this? Am I not? Am I? Am I not? Can I? How will he react? Will he want me? Will he make a move? Will he

    start a chat with me? Will he try anything? Will he laugh at my face? Will he want me back? Will he dismiss me? Am I

    cute enough for him? Does he feel I'm fun enough for him?... Oh F**K IT! I'm going for it!"
    Get my drift?

    Just as it's tough for us shy guys to make a move - it's tough for them. And tradition says we got to try harder


    If she did it easily, it's only `coz she's got experience and got rejected so many times that she

    doesn't care anymore.
    You gotta be in the same spot. You gotta try and talk back in a playfull way. You gotta

    realize that no matter how many times you get rejected - It'll only give you more experience and make you better at


    And now, for the specified part:
    Quote Originally Posted by LiquidShadow View Post
    After wearing SOE

    for about a couple of weeks, finally I think I got a hit, I'll let you guys judge:

    So there is this

    good-looking girl in one of my class (to be honest I'm not terribly attracted to her, but most other guys seem to

    think she's extremely hot), and we knew each other but we were never friends. So out of the blue one day she said

    we should hang out,
    Out of the blue? This ain't no coinsedence. It's no prob., you could call it out of

    the blue... BUT, you know what happened. She got the courege to do it because she couldn't help it anymore.

    Now I ain't saying she wants to have sex with you (who knows), but she definitely wants to spend time with you.

    `mones or no `mones - this is a hit.
    Quote Originally Posted by LiquidShadow View Post
    I said sure,
    Good going! You

    made a move (well technically you didn't, but you replied... You showed interest; and that's great).

    Quote Originally Posted by LiquidShadow View Post
    I mean wth, and get this, she asked for my phone number lol.
    Well... ummm...

    why didn't you? If I were you I'd say "Sure, let's exchange numbers", and if she doesn't say to you right

    at the spot "Here's my number, when can we meet?" then I'll call her two days later to make it a date (date and

    hour hehe).
    Still... She gave you her number? -> That makes it a 100% hit.

    Quote Originally Posted by LiquidShadow View Post

    last night I was chilling in the cafeteria with a friend of mine,
    I wonder: Male or

    Quote Originally Posted by LiquidShadow View Post
    and this girl came over to sit with us, which has never happened before, and she

    was really chatty.
    Bam! Another hit.
    By `mone standarts - this is a hit. Why? `coz you got special

    attension from a girl that took initiative at your benefit. I'd say the `mones probably helped there. She got

    closer, which not only means she wanted to be closer (and maybe smell you better), but also means she can now

    actually get a better whift of the `mones... Yay for you!
    I hope you were chatty towards her as well... and

    friendly.... and maybe even... now I'm reaching but hope is a good thing... maybe even funny?

    Quote Originally Posted by LiquidShadow View Post
    She sorta put her arm behind me along the bench we were sitting at

    wat`d`u`know? huuua...hit maybe?
    Quote Originally Posted by LiquidShadow View Post
    and touched my knee with hers one

    lol... Now that might have been a coinsedence
    Quote Originally Posted by LiquidShadow View Post
    And when she

    had to go, she said "we should party sometime"; last time it was "hang out", and now she wants to "party"

    NNNNNow you got it! That is the way to look at things bro

    Quote Originally Posted by LiquidShadow View Post
    She's definitely an alpha type female.

    So what do you guys think? Is this a

    hit or not?
    hmmm let me think about it... uhhhh.. YEAH!

    You're the man Liquid! Just remember it

    more often hehe

  11. #11
    Stranger LiquidShadow's Avatar
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    Thank you for the reply

    tenaciousBlade, that really helped me tremendously. The reason I didn't go for her is because like I said earlier,

    I'm not terribly attracted to her, I never wanted to have a relationship with her or anything like that. But I

    think I have definitely stepped up my game since I started using SOE, I'm more talkative to girls around me, more

    easy-going. I'll keep you guys posted if I get more hits. Thanks again tenaciousBlade, you are my hero.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    A hero am I?

    Gladly mate... I remember your first post and you did lots of reading on the forums and the phero

    library. I respect that

    Please do keep us posted

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