OK here are my first results of using my first beginner’s kit.











Climate: Warm low


The Edge: 2 Dabs - Back of the


SPMO: 4 Dabs – sides of neck and above

top of sternum

Cover: Aqua di


I really have no idea how much I put on since

I don’t know what the aperture size is and how much it can dispense. The Edge bottle has an opening of 11mm and the

SPMO has one of 8mm. If you guys can figure that out for me that would be helpful.


]I decided not to do the recommended 1:1 ratio mix of TE w/ SPMO. I believe I produce more than enough –none and

wanted to increase the –nol to get them to feel comfortable with me. I figured if I put –nol up front when they see

me they will feel safe and leave the –none on the back of my neck so when I turn or they are behind me, they can

allow the –none enter their senses easily since I am in no threatening position like facing them.



]I went to do my weekly shopping for food and washing my clothes. I went in the morning to get some special items at

the local warehouse supermarket. You know those huge supermarkets that have like bulk items that last you for like a

year. I love this place. Lots of girls and lots of room to test out many theories. So I am walking down the aisles

and nothing. I mean nothing really. Only 2 interactions when these old ladies wanted to get something I was standing

in front of and they asked me to move. Bought my items went to the checkout and nothing. This young girl running the

register showed no signs. [/SIZE]

Went to wash clothes. I placed

the clothes and waited in there. Normally I go out to buy other crap while they wash but I decided to stay and allow

my funk to spread enough to cover the entire Laundromat. No hits. Nothing. Like always, just everyone doing there

thing and minding there own business. Only this lady that keeps the place clean sat close to me and I think was

looking at me. I didn’t look since her ass takes up 3 seats so I didn’t bother. But then again I can attract fuglies

with ease.

Went to another supermarket to get my shit for

my lunch. Once again nothing. Got the cold-cuts and headed to the checkout line. I stood behind this cute chic that

running the other register. She turned around and asked the guy that was charging my items “you know what, chicken

butt” and stayed silent. Maybe that might have been a hit. But logistics didn’t help for me to learn more since he

handed me my receipt and I was out.


]All in all, it was fun. Trying to hunt for hits. I like smelling they way I do. I think the SPMO and the Aqua di

Gio go well together. I found the Aqua was too fruity for me. Now with the SPMO it balances out. So at this stage, I

think of 2 things. One I am still not trained to see obvious hits or I still need time to allow my body adjusts with

this pheromone dosage. I will keep this mix up for one week. If nothing else happens, I will increase to 3 dabs of


I have this sample gel pack of SOE. How should I go

about using it? Do I use just ¼ or the whole thing at once? I know the SPMO is a cheap brand compared to SOE but I

would like to figure my limit of -nol with SPMO so I know how much I should use with SOE. Or should I forget about

SPMO and go straight and buy the regular SOE to begin testing?

I also have the edge wipes and not sure if I will use it. Maybe one day I will

use the whole thing while I am at a club or bar to see how it works.