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  1. #1
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    Default Another Newbie and beginning with pheromones.

    Hey everyone, I've visited these boards for a few months now and have read various success stories,

    product reviews, etc.

    I'm 18 years old, about 6ft 1" tall,
    average body weight, straight, etc. As far as my

    confidence level with women, I am generally flirtatious and talkative once I get to know the girl, but the problem

    is initiating that first contact, and this is where I thought pheromones might give me that boost.

    I ordered

    the Beginner Special pack a few months ago, and never really devoted to testing it out, being it was summer, didn't

    have a job, or school, thus no real opportunities to try it on a consistent basis.

    Needless to say, I now have

    a job at the library. All my coworkers that work in my department are either high school or college students, thus

    ages around 16-20, and we get numerous amount of attractive women in that age group as well coming to the library.

    Also I started classes as my local junior college which has women from ages 18 to about 22-23.

    Now that I feel

    there are more opportunities to try this out, I'm going to give it a shot.

    Yesterday, I mixed some of the musk

    oil and TE in the atomizer in equal amounts and put some on my wrists and neck. I didn't notice any hits, or at

    least really obvious ones.

    In regarding TE, I have a question regarding the smell. Back when I tried it the first

    time a few months ago, I sprayed a bit on my wrists and noticed the extremely strong smell. Now to apply it, I

    actually fold up a tissue, give it a squirt or two and then I use that to lightly swab my wrists and neck.


    question comes in at is how far am I supposed to be able to smell it from. Prior to covering it with my own cologne,

    I can smell it on my wrists but only if my nose is about 1-2" away. If I'm just standing or sitting, I cannot tell

    its even on as far as the smell. Am I not suppose to be able to smell it at all even at close distances, or would

    you say what I'm experiencing is average.

    Anywho, tonight I have work and I plan on using the Perception gel

    pack that came in my Beginners kit, and tomorrow I'll give the SOE packet a go for school.

    Also, any advice on

    recommended products for my age group would be great. I read in another post that SOE is great for my age. I have a

    feeling, but no real reason, that TE might be a little strong or not that effective for my age.

    Well I'll give

    Perception a chance tonight and post back with any results, or lack there of tonight.

    Thanks everyone.

  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Hey Shane, welcome.


    suspicion of TE is probably correct. Guys your age apparently produce plenty of -none, which is what TE contains.

    I'd try SoE by itself, with a cover scent of your choice. It contains no -none but does have the friendly stuff

    which seems to draw people in, esp the ladies. This is especially good for work.

    Once you learn how one product

    works on its own, then you can experiment with mixing. If SoE works for you, you could add a very small amount of

    TE layered very lightly with the SoE for a social function. Its been said many times here, always start small and

    work up.

    As far as the smell goes, all -mones have the "stink", even the scented ones after a bit. You should

    smell it more strongly when you first apply it and then it fades with time, but that depends on temperature,

    humidity, your own skin chemisty, etc. You need to cover it with cologne, some people use various oils. In my

    experience, the -mone scent lasts longer than any cover scent I've used, including oils and colognes. But it does

    stay close to the skin.

    You don't want to stink, but you don't want to drown yourself in cologne either.

    Some like the faint musky -mone scent, so don't discount it entirely. Also, the -mones work best when you're

    close to the target, so you want be careful and not leave people fainting in your wake.

    Its almost an art form

    learning your particular tolerance (and success), add to that the cover scents and you have a lot of experimenting

    to do. Its all great fun, and an adventure, and it does work.

    Hope this helps, and good luck,

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Arrow Just a few more advise and tips

    I'd say the reply above me is almost full - so I recomend you learn from it and use his advice

    Furthermore, being a 23 year old myself (started using `mones at about the age of 20), and having about

    the same age range of wanted targets to attrack (ages 18-25... I'm guess you want the 16-23)... I can advise from

    experience that SOE IS probably gonna do you good hehe.

    I would recommend you try it alone at first, and

    after a while of getting use to recognizing the reactions and results it gives you - try adding just a tad of TE to

    the mix.

    You should be aware that when people here say they mix `mones, they may mean one of two things:

    1) Some people mix just as you said you do - in an atomizer or a similar bottle-type-thing. [though I would advise

    you not to put that oil 50%-50% with TE, but rather put less TE in the mix]

    2) Some people (I myself usually

    choose this way), mix `mone products by distributing a certain amount of one product on specific parts of their

    body, then smearing it around, rubbing it in, or using any other methd to distribut the product in as even a way as

    possible through the selected part of their body (wrists, neck, jaw, jaw-line, hip-sides, etc. etc.), and then

    putting a different `mone-product on a different (or sometimes over the same) parts of their body... and then

    covering it all up with their favorite cologne.

    Those are the two methods of mixing I know

    I don't think

    putting the `mone-product on a tissue is such a good idea. I might be wrong on this one but it seems to me like a

    waste of good TE. Just spray it on one wrist and spread it over the other wrist as well using the method of rubbing

    both wrists on each other. Or... just do what I do and take the sprayer top off and dub the TE. Although with SOE

    you're not going to have that problem as it has a roller top on it and you just measure it in inches and that's it

    In addition to all that advise, I want to give you my own personal advise. I have a favorite mix. Now

    one persons' favorite mix doesn't necessarily have to be anothers' favorite too. But as we are at the same age

    range and when I started here I didn't see many at this age around the forums, I figure this mix might be of use

    for you.
    Don't use it at first - just start with SOE as a standalone (with maybe a cover cologne if you

    When you feel you're ready - try it on. It may be good for you to use a little bit less TE than I do on my

    mix... just a little bit less
    It's a mix similar to "DD Lite" (which you will later on get to

    know... just keep reading ). You can see my favorite mix in the green text

    in this post (click here).

    Now I've

    mentioned "DD Lite", and you probably asked yourself what it means, right?
    Well it's a name of a known mix around

    these forums. And where do you see all the names? Where do you learn all you need to know about mixing?

    Right here in THE Cookbook I

    strongly advise you read it all from begining to end before you start mixing ... it is an awsome help,

    and I still thank the people involved in writing it

    But... before you read

    anything... there's a post I think you specifically will find very helpfull; as you mentioned having trouble

    understanding how much of a product to put on you - and where should you smell it from. Well Shane, go read

    The Minimalist


    And by all means Shane...

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the advice guys, I

    really appreciate it.

    Well I just got back from work while using the perception sample packet.

    I applied about

    1/2-3/4 of the pack on my wrists, and a bit on my chest being as I'm somewhat tall, I didn't want to go for the

    neck again as it won't do much good with people generally shorter than that.

    I then covered it a bit with some

    Calvin Klein Obsession cologne...big mistake...

    I generally don't use cologne too often, most of the time I go

    with deodorant gel sticks and then some axe/tag body spray as the scent isn't nearly as strong but still works for

    me throughout the day. Needless to say, I now remember why I don't wear cologne to often. I generally tend to sweat

    after getting even just a little bit hot, overworked, nervous, etc, so that combined with an already somewhat strong

    cologne isn't that great of an idea.

    However, I think I may have noticed some differences at work. One of my

    coworkers who is slightly younger then me seemed a little more open to me I guess I would say. We already don't

    talk all that much, and it's not like we had a 10minute conversation today, but I did notice she approached me a

    few more times and as we were all closing up the building at the end of the night, generally everyone is spread out

    waiting to leave, but she was standing closer to me then normal as we were all waiting.

    Also I noticed about

    maybe 1/3 of the women that came near me or walked passed me inhaled through the nose as if they smelled something

    interesting I would say. None of them really sniffed and then walked away quickly or sneezed afterwards so I don't

    think it was from strong smelling cologne or allergies or anything else of that nature.

    I wouldn't call either

    two of these incidents "hits" as they may just be coincidences or they may be happening before but now I'm just

    making mental note of them.

    However, as I was putting away some cds, I noticed these two fairly young girls, no

    more than 16 years old, walking slowly, somewhat clueless I would say. After putting away the cds, I went to the

    other side of the library to put some books away where I noticed they were slowly working their way towards me.

    After a few minutes, one came up and asked me to help find her a book, which she could have easily asked any one of

    the adults working at the information desks that she passed.

    Again, I wouldn't necessarily call this a "hit"

    either as her age was a little young and I'm not sure if these products would even work at that age, and it might

    be possible that she just felt more comfortable asking another teenager walking around then going up to a desk and

    asking a 40+ year old women for help.

    I think I might just lay off the products for work, as most of my coworkers

    aren't even in my age bracket, and the ones that are, I'm only attracted to maybe 1-2 of them. Plus I wouldn't

    expect to get any hits from any other person as most teens that come in there are usually with family or wouldn't

    start chatting it up with someone working in a place that is supposed to be quiet.

    Well tomorrow's test will be

    using SoE by itself for school, as obviously there is about 1000% increase in the amount of women in my age group.

    And I will also try using body spray instead of cologne as cologne just seems to heavy for me and doesn't usually

    work well for me too often.

    I'm sure I'm just imagining the strength of the cologne, but why wear it if it just

    makes me that much more uncomfortable?

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Mental notes = good start

    Sounds to me like you're starting to get the hang of it. You stay calm, you notice your surroundings, you don't

    expect too much right at the beginning, and you try out things and decide for yourself what fits for you and what

    doesn't (like with the clogne for example)

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaneS89 View Post
    I wouldn't call either two of

    these incidents "hits" as they may just be coincidences or they may be happening before but now I'm just making

    mental note of them.
    That right there is the most important thing about it all - the mental notes. After

    a while it'll come so naturally and the `mones'll bring it so often that you might not even have to especially

    make a mental note to remember the important stuff; but making these mental notes is definitely the way to go

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaneS89 View Post
    Well tomorrow's test will be using SoE by itself for school, as obviously

    there is about 1000% increase in the amount of women in my age group. And I will also try using body spray instead

    of cologne as cologne just seems to heavy for me and doesn't usually work well for me too often.

    I'm sure I'm

    just imagining the strength of the cologne, but why wear it if it just makes me that much more

    Very well done. You notice the increase of potential "targets", and therefor see fit to try

    a probably more suited product. I'd say you probably got at least one hit coming for you there. Question is now -

    will you notice it?

    If cologne isn't your right way to cover - maybe bodyspray is a good idea

    should at least check it out. It doesn't matter if you're imagining the all ordeal - if it doesn't feel right,

    there's no reason why you won't try a different cover
    Just be sure to cover. It ain't always needed,

    but it usually is a good idea.

    Keep us posted.

  6. #6
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    Well I just got back from

    school with trying out the SoE.

    I only have the one sample packet and I believe it is the scented version.

    Anywho, I actually enjoy the scented smell as it kind of have a "spicy" kind of scent to it, needless to say, the

    body spray I used instead of cologne also had the same type of smell as well. So the SoE and my body spray

    complemented each other very well.

    As far as hits go, I only have 2 classes, my computer class nothing really

    went on, everyone focuses on their own screen, no real talking at all with anyone in there. However, after class I

    was walking through a hallway and turned right into another hallway. About 15-20 feet ahead of me was a girl walking

    i my direction. Well as with any situation and two people walking down a hall at each other, we both try to pick one

    side of the hall to walk on so the other person may pass. I somewhat hugged the wall to my right and she went to do

    the same. We approached each other for a few more feet and she somewhat stumbled over herself and then quickly moved

    to the other side of the hall so I may pass her.

    Didn't strike up a conversation or anything as she wasn't

    attractive in my opinion and that stumble was more than likely a mere clumsy move and not really a response to her

    seeing or getting smell of the SoE and became flustered.

    Anywho, I really personally enjoy SoE, the smell is

    quite nice and works great with my body spray. I actually felt more comfortable and confident throughout the day,

    despite the lack of conversations and whatnot.

    I have half a packet left of the SoE and I'm going to give it a

    shot at work this weekend when I will be working an 8 hour shift and nearly every girl in the department will be


  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    At first these stumbles

    seem like simple clumsiness - and it may indeed just have been that... But after some time... I know at least I...

    got so many of those reactions, that yu start considering the `mones have a part in it.
    Anyhow you can't really

    tell if that was a hit or not, but SOE does seem to be suited for you
    And that confidence you mentioned

    is a great added bonus with `mones.

    Keep on experimenting - you're at the right path

  8. #8
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    So I had work today and all I

    can say is I love SoE.

    No hits whatsoever from customers. However, the huge change was with my coworkers. One

    coworker I joked around with and they complimented me a few times on my personality and work I was doing. Another

    coworker who I barely even talk to, even after working with them for a few months,
    talked to me on several

    different occasions on non-work related subject.

    All in all I am very pleased with SoE. About a half packet

    spread between my wrist-forearm, and a bit more on my chest.

    Great results for me.

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    You're gonna love SOE on

    the bottle version even more
    I personally use SOE unscented, but that's just my own taste... I hear the scented

    one is just as great

  10. #10
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaneS89 View Post
    So I had

    work today and all I can say is I love SoE.

    No hits whatsoever from customers. However, the huge change was with

    my coworkers. One coworker I joked around with and they complimented me a few times on my personality and work I was

    doing. Another coworker who I barely even talk to, even after working with them for a few months,
    talked to me on

    several different occasions on non-work related subject.

    All in all I am very pleased with SoE. About a half

    packet spread between my wrist-forearm, and a bit more on my chest.

    Great results for me.
    So glad to

    hear of your success Shane. SoE was the first -mone I used and with similar great results. Once you get used to

    how it works for you, adding a bit of TE in small amounts may just amaze you even more.

    Keep us informed, and

    follow up on the hits!


  11. #11
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    Default Soe

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaneS89 View Post
    So I

    had work today and all I can say is I love SoE.

    No hits whatsoever from customers. However, the huge change was

    with my coworkers. One coworker I joked around with and they complimented me a few times on my personality and work

    I was doing. Another coworker who I barely even talk to, even after working with them for a few months,
    talked to

    me on several different occasions on non-work related subject.

    All in all I am very pleased with SoE. About a

    half packet spread between my wrist-forearm, and a bit more on my chest.

    Great results for me.

    love SOE too Shane, I notice that asian girls are great target, for some reason they go crazy!

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