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  1. #1
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    Default Any experiences with Chikara?

    So I'm

    looking at the best selling products at Love-Scent and see Chikara at #1 spot with lots' of 5star reviews.

    I didn't find any information about the actual amounts of pheromones in it, only that it has seven(!)different

    pheromones in total.
    Have any of you had any experience with it? If so, please mention your age and what experience

    you had. How did you and others like the smell?

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Cool Long reply - but worth it

    Age: 23 (started using `mones about 3 or so years ago. though since I started buying from LS, the results have

    improved in ways I can't even begin to describe. Honest).

    Epxerience: I got a lot of it with SOE unscented,

    Edge Essentials *Arouser (both of which I use almost on a daily basis). Some considerable experience lately with A1

    (I lately added it to my almost-daily mix). And some experience with 6 more `mone-products that I own - One of which

    being: Chikara.

    I only tried Chikara by itself (as a standalone) three or four times. It brought ok results...

    not too amazing. It had somewhat of a mysterious vibe to it. Yet, it is sweet and the girls at my age range react

    well to it... specially the girls around 19-21.

    What I liked about it as a standalone:
    - It smells pretty good

    about half an hour after you put it on.
    - It does draw the girls to the applied areas.
    What I dislike about it as

    a standalone:
    - Its' mysterious vibe doesn't seem to make the gils as chatty as the nol-heavy products like SOE

    for example.
    - The reactions are many, which by itself is good; but many of them I couldn't tell for sure if they

    were actually from the product or not... nor could I tell for many of them if they were positive or negative

    reactions to the smell.

    Now, I should explain what I mean by that last remark:
    Compared with EE (basicly the

    same as TE), and SOE for exapmle (which are acttually two of my three favorites... see

    this link for more detail)...
    The mix I made

    with them, and even each of them by it's own, almost always gives me a defininte and clear reacton from at least

    one person per at least every second day I wear it, saying how good I smell, asking what cologne I wear, or

    sometimes even asking how is it possible that I always smell so great. Honestly. After a while you start to

    notice more and more such remarks
    Not to metion that I get social reactions.. clear, positive, reactions; and

    even a lot of sexual remarks (sometimes people even have to make them sutle... if I have a g\f for example.. and

    they actually find it hard not to say them).
    Yet with Chikara (as a standalone), the reactions are not so clear,

    and I don't get as many compliments on my smell. They usually like the smell - there's no doubt about that. But

    what it does to them... I'm not sure yet.

    However, I have only tried it a few times as a standalone.

    Now to

    the good news:
    It IS a product I would buy again (when the first bottle runs out). "Why?" you ask? Well,

    because of the tiny-yet-Great addition it has on coplex mixes.
    I wore it more than just a few times in combination

    with other products. It had little and not such a needed result when added to my usual SOE+TE mix (see link above),

    but when added to mixes with a bit more none in them.. Booya!
    When I say I add it to mixes, I would like to clarify

    that I'm not talking about the type of mixes you mix in an atomizer, but the type where you just smear one product

    on a specific part of your body, then smear another product on a different (or sometimes over the same) part of your

    body and so on and so forth until you got your " `mone-clothing" right

    Anyway the addition to mixes is great.

    You know what?
    Long ago I started writing a long hit repost... Let me look for it on my computer... I'll find you

    my hit story on the first time I used chikara in such a mix. Results have been pretty much the same with Chikara in

    such mixes since then
    Sometimes a bit less impressieve but most of the time at least that

    I'll post it on my next reply here

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Exclamation Here it is.

    Well, I found

    it! Much faster than I expected
    But I gotta warn you, it's written in a very coarse lenguage. I hope it won't

    insult anyone here and I hope it is within the regulations to talk that way in these wonderfull forums.
    So please

    take no offense. And if it's any trouble that I post this, then moderatrs - PLEASE send me a private message and I

    would gladly edit the post in a more polite (yet less stirring) way .

    So.. here it is. Bare in mind that I've

    changed quite a bit since then and have become more of a partner type hehe. I even curently have a wonderful g\f

    that I adore & admire
    Just FYI

    This is a part of an unfinished post which I am considering to

    upload eventhough a long time has passed. I'm considering it because the hit stories are lacking here on the forums

    So feel free to remark on any faul lenguage before I go and post the whole thread somewhere on the

    Aaand... feel free to remark if you enjoyed the hit story & found it useful in any way


    Happy B-day Lor.! [TE, WAGG, C7]:
    The next day (Saturday),

    was the Birth-Day party of an old female friend. Out of 10 – she’s a 13!!!
    We’ve slept before.. long ago… years

    ago. Back then, she gave me the happiest smile in the world when she saw my c*ck, and she told me she never saw a

    more beautiful person as he cums. BIIIIG compliment coming from her! Back then we were both great

    friends, and f*ck buddies.
    Since then… once, when I had an open relationship, she told me I’m such a good lover,

    that she’d sleep with me even if she had a boy friend. We almost slept that night too… it was more that a year

    without sleeping with each other, and we both wanted to. We were at the sea, and we fooled around a bit, but then we

    each went to his own home. She told me "I too would like to come home with you and f*ck your brains out all night

    long.. but I’ve got work tomorrow, it’s already very late, and this is a day I can’t miss".
    The time has passed -

    we haven’t f*cked for years. And this was a girl that had to tell me not to fall in love with her long ago, when we

    knew each other for like a week. F*cking her stayed a fantasy I used many times on my own (if you know what I mean

    lol ). Even after we f*cked several times – it stayed something I fantasized about doing again & again.

    She’s… to put it simply… HOT!!!
    Next time I met her it was in a big crowd and the next (after she’s been traveling

    in a few places around the world), she already had a boyfriend.
    I’m not the type of guy who can take advantage of

    the preposition she once gave me. I stayed a friend.
    So… after this LOooooooNG history lesson, let’s get back to

    that Saturday, shall we? … It was her B-day party, & she was gonna be the only person I know there. So I brought

    along my best friend, and a calculated load of ‘mones on me.

    Here are the exact amount:
    TE {Essential Edge}:

    4.5 dabs total=>
    1 behind the right ear & down the right half of my jaw line,
    1 behind the left ear & down the

    left half of my jaw line,
    1 distributed between the two outer sides of my shoulders,
    1 on my chest,
    1 small

    dab on my (u-huh… ).
    WAGG: 3 dabs total=>
    1 on my chest (covering the TE),
    1 distributed between

    the wrists,
    1 distributed behind my ears( again – covering).
    1 spray distributed on neck & jaw line

    (covering) +
    1 very small spray on (hey… it works ).
    All of those spots, covered with

    Armani Black Code.
    In addition, I added…
    1 very small dab (taken with the original NPA dropper on) on

    the pants (above the zipper.. ya` know… so she’ll just HAVE TO look… which she did.. a lot ), covered

    with 1 spray of Dolce & Gabanna.

    This was what happened…
    My friend & I arrived there only to find out we’re the

    first ones there. So when she arrived (with a bunch of friends), we were saving the sits. Lor. gave us each a hug,

    and set right beside me (on the ledge of the couch I was sitting on). Not much time passed before she swiftly moved

    from "beside me" to straight right "on me" heehee. Felt very nice, especially as she kept rubbin` her behind on my

    aspects lol. She was always somewhat direct with her looks & smiles, but this… this was definitely the affect

    of the `mones.
    We all drank some beers, and chatted for a while. Nobody seemed especially chatty with me. Not Lor.,

    not her friends (which did talk to me… just not that much), nor even my own best friend. Yet I kept on getting looks

    from her female friends, and also from many other chicks around the place; so I felt pretty confident most of the

    At first I didn’t think that this mix was that good, `coz the only thing worthy of my attention (that I could

    attribute to the `mones) was the constant looks I got from every other chick (including Lor.). Now those looks

    were indeed flattering, but once in a while, in crowded places like that one, I do get these "good

    However, as we got closer to the end of the evening, I started noticing Lor. & her friend were whispering to

    each other while taking the "occasional" glimpse at my direction. And so it happens that the next time I set next to

    her, Lor. asked me if I wanted to spend the night with her. Now, she whispered it… with a very drunk &

    satisfyingly-hinting voice.
    Can you guess my reply? Rofl
    So I went on to her house with her & some friends. She

    kept me waiting for like 40 minutes or more in her room, while she was chatting with her friends in the living room.

    Of course I was welcome to join them… but I didn’t really feel like that type of evening.
    I forgot to mention I

    brought a present for her B-day. A very invested present, which she acted wonderfully cheerful about getting; even

    though she only opened it the following morning (still… I was there to see it happen ).
    When she came to bed,

    she was so tiered I didn’t even think of hitting on her or making out. Before going to the living room she gave me a

    sexy kiss, and frankly, after years of wanting her, that kiss was enough to make me wait a few hours. So I tucked

    her in, and we fell asleep.
    After a few hours I kinda` woke up. You know those zombie situations where you’re awake

    enough to notice you’re horny, but not awake enough to notice you’re awake? Lol… well, one of those. Without even

    noticing I started to caress her over the cloths. After a while I was already under the cloths. Then on her chest,

    then rubbing her chest gently. From move to move she only became hornier; I could tell `coz she lightly moaned and

    moved more & more towards me.
    At one point, she simply took her pants off and started rubbing her ass on me. It’s

    not that I wasn’t expecting it, as all these years, even when she had a boyfriend, she kept giving me these teasing

    looks like "You know I want you & that’s the way I like it". So although I was at this point attributing

    some credit to the `mones, I wasn’t yet sure how much.
    We got to the point where we where both naked under

    the sheets. It felt absolutely great. She is Inter-Galacticly HOT… AND soft
    I went down on her & she actually

    asked me – her face all blushy – to do it again. But the point where I knew it really was the `mones, was when she

    held me close, put her mouth next to my ear, and whispered in a begging voice "I want you to f*ck me!".

    Honest. I’ve been told such things before… with some wild women; but it was definitely unusual for her. And

    there was this vibe when she said it… grrr… this is the stuff fantasies are made of

    I was exhausted from the day before, and didn’t perform as well as I’d like to have done
    There were more signs

    to the effects of the `mones that night, but it was so long ago, and I had more significant reactions from other


  4. #4
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    Thanks for taking time to write

    these two long posts, I appreciate it and want to let you know I will read them for sure.

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    lol... no problems at all

    The second post I wrote a while back, all I needed was to cut&paste.
    And I agree with you that Chikara should

    have more posts about it
    It helps the new comers AND the already-here `mone users to deside weather they want

    the product

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