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  1. #1
    Stranger LiquidShadow's Avatar
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    Default Yet another N00b looking for expert help

    Hello everyone! I'm completely new to LS and the mones in general. I have been doing a lot of reading

    on both the LS website and the forums in the past couple of days and have learned a great deal. I realized that

    everyone is different when it comes to mones so I'm looking for some suggestions from you guys.

    I'm 21, Asian,

    5'8", 175lb, moderately fit (I jog and play basketball regularly), I would say I'm above average looking. Right

    now I wear Lacoste Red cologne, which is on the spicy and "sportive" side. I'm looking for something that won't

    break the bank cuz I'm a university student.

    Here's what I need it for: I have been really good friends with

    this blonde girl for a year now, she's 2.5 years younger than me, but we are really really good friends, but let's

    just say that I'm stuck in the "friends-only" zone. She likes me very much as a person, but I don't think she's

    sexually attracted to me enough to want to be in a relationship with me. That being said, I'm not looking for

    something that will give me an insane amount of sex. She compliments on my cologne and my shoes all the time and she

    said I'm a good looking guy, and I have no problem talking with her, so I have everything else except for that

    little "something" that will make her want me more.

    After doing my research on LS and the forums, I think I'm

    going to get a bottle of TE Unscented, since it will balance out my "nice guy" side, and my Lacoste cologne will

    cover it nicely. I also like TE because of the price. Later if my money allows I MIGHT add some SOE or Chikara to

    it. But who knows.

    Sorry for the long post guys, but I wanted to be as detailed as possible so it's easier for

    you guys to help me. Thank you guys in advance!
    Last edited by LiquidShadow; 08-17-2007 at 06:02 PM.

  2. #2
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    If she thinks of you as

    just a nice guy, then anything with a lot of -none may give you that alpha males edge you are looking for. TE fits

    that bill. You might also consider NPA, which is also affordable.

    Having said that, don't be surprised if the

    mones don't help with this women. If you have been friends for so long, she already has a well established

    relationship topography for you which is not likely to change with a change in your pheromone profile. My experience

    is that mones are mostly effective with women who didn't know me before I started wearing them.


  3. #3
    Stranger LiquidShadow's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply! Yeah

    I realize that it might not work in my situation, but I'm willing to give it a try, it can't hurt. If it doesn't

    work, oh well there are other girls out there.

  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I agree try TE or NPA, but tread

    lightly until you know your limit. You may want to consider an androstenol heavy product as well, e.g., SOE, to

    buffer the androstenone and add a little "friendly." Nevertheless, I'm had many friendships blossom into romance,

    so it's not impossible, but can be touchy and ruin the friendship if it fails.

    I don't think it's a pheromone

    solvable problem. Instead, it's mainly about the attitude and vibe you project to her. I always try to maintain

    some sexual attention under the surface of a friendship even if I see no immediate possibilities. At the least I can

    practice flirting and feel comfortable around a woman I like. And she'll view you as a man in waiting rather than

    little brother. She needs to see you as a confident and sensuous man, not her GF or brother. If you've maintained

    an innocent brotherly relationship you need to slowly change her perception without forcing the issue. The mones

    will help but it's still 95% up to you.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
    Stranger LiquidShadow's Avatar
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    Thanks Gegogi, I know that

    mones may not be the solution and I'm not expecting miracles out of it, but I wanna give it a try anyway, just to

    see what happens. Also if I get NPA, how do I apply it? I read that it's meant to be used with cologne, so I just

    drop one drop on my wrist and rub it with my other wrist and then spray cologne over it?

  6. #6
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    NPA is designed to be "mixed"

    with cologne, hence the name New Pheromone Additive. I mix it 5:1 Burberry Weekend to NPA in a Sephora atomizer.

    Thus I have a more manageable strength I can spread around. The problem with straight NPA is it's so concentrated

    you can easily OD on a few dabs. TE is better for dabbing as it's 5 times weaker than NPA (basically the same

    product otherwise). However you can dab NPA, just be really careful. You can apply it anywhere it best reaches your

    target. If she's short, apply lower down so your body heat causes it to dissipate upwards to her nose. If she's

    taller, a higher app is fine.

    If you do mix with cologne, start with a small batch until you find your sweet

    spot. 4:1 might work better for you, or maybe 6:1. Of course you can make up for it by using more or less sprays.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  7. #7
    Stranger LiquidShadow's Avatar
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    Oh ok. I know that TE and

    NPA are basically the same thing just NPA is 5x stronger, but isn't it a better buy because they are about the same

    price but NPA is basically 5 times more? I'm thinking just dab it real carefully, just one tinny drop with the

    eyedropper lid on my wrist and rub it on my other wrist and neck.

  8. #8
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    Thats essentially what I

    do with my NPA. I wish I brought more with my last order... sigh*

    I repeat that NPA should be used in conjunction

    with a pretty strong cover scent because after a while it smells like piss on your arms.

  9. #9
    Stranger LiquidShadow's Avatar
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    And like I said earlier, I

    use Lacoste Red cologne, which is spicy and on the sportive side, so it will cover up NPA well. How long will the

    small bottle of NPA last if I use 1 drop a day?

  10. #10
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    Didn't mean anything by

    that. I still can smell the stink of npa over whatever cover scent that I use, especially after sweating a little


    As for your bottle of npa, its a really small bottle of about 5mls, and using one drop per day, your looking

    at easily over a month.

  11. #11
    Stranger LiquidShadow's Avatar
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    Oh ok thanks, how long

    would a bottle of TE last then if I use one spray aday? I'm just trying to figure out which one is a better bang

    for the buck.

  12. #12
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    Well I am guessing that

    your getting a 24 ml spray bottle of TE for $30 which contains 2.4 mg of pheromones or a 1mcg/ml pheromone


    Each ml is the equivalent of 25 drops of liquid, with a spray equaling ~(I like to say 5 drops?),

    based on this arbitrary number, the TE should last you if you use one spray a day, roughly 4 months but probably

    like 2 months because my numbers are arbitrary and also the actual usage my vary.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by LiquidShadow View Post
    And like I said earlier, I use Lacoste Red cologne, which is spicy and on the sportive

    side, so it will cover up NPA well. How long will the small bottle of NPA last if I use 1 drop a day?

    ~25 drops per ml, then a bottle of NPA should last you at least four months if you use a drop per day.

    Be aware:

    not all -NONE products are created equal. Some are more pure and some seem to break down on the skin a bit quicker.

    And some seem to smell more like cat piss than others-- I think NPA falls into that category.

    Personally, I

    like A7 the best, even if if you need to buy 10mls at a higher price. It smells musky but less like urine. Therefore

    it needs a little less cover and it's a bit harder to OD.

    Your mileage may vary.


  14. #14
    Stranger LiquidShadow's Avatar
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    Ok so NPA then? I just want

    to get either TE or NPA, and maybe add some SOE later.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by LiquidShadow View Post
    Ok so TE would last longer than NPA then? Hmm in that case I might just get

    Not necessarily. As I wrote just minutes ago, a small bottle of NPA should last at least 4 months


    But it's not about quantity!!! Pick the product you think will meet your needs the best-- saving a few

    dollars doesn't make sense if you end up with a product that doesn't meet your needs. Having said that, there's

    no way to know in advance which product will meet your needs the best. You have to take a best guess and then

    experiment like the rest of us have had to. There are a number of factors involved, not the least of which is your

    own body chemistry and innate pheromone profile.


  16. #16
    Stranger LiquidShadow's Avatar
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    lol I edited my post just

    as you were posting yours. Well I have my mind set on either TE or NPA.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by LiquidShadow View Post
    Ok so NPA then? I just want to get either TE or NPA, and maybe add some SOE

    Sounds like a great plan. I don't think you can go wrong either way.

    If you look at a post

    titled "ratings" you'll see that people have have more success with NPA than TE. It's not a statistically valid

    poll, but worth noting. I think the cat piss bent of NPA is also a consideration. But to be honest I haven't used

    either TE or NPA-- I'm just reporting what I've read over these past months.

    SOE is a great--I use it

    everyday. And A1 is the best once you are close to a woman-- it's not an attractant but makes her feel good to be

    around you. It's actually the one pheromone I wouldn't do without.

    Just my two cents.


  18. #18
    Stranger LiquidShadow's Avatar
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    Thanks so much for your

    great advice CAtriathlele, I think I'm going to go with a small bottle of NPA for now, and maybe next month add

    SOE to it once I have the money.

  19. #19
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    Hey L. Shadow,

    Did you

    get your product yet? Be sure to keep us posted with your experiences!



  20. #20
    Stranger LiquidShadow's Avatar
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    No I haven't yet, but I

    will get it next week, I'll definitely keep you guys posted!

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