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  1. #1
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Essence of Alpha Male

    Those who have

    followed my work may wish to note the involvement of the LH receptor. Those who have not can now note that my first

    presentation to a scientific forum (in 1992) was: LH: the link between sex and the sense of



    V. Kohl
    Author/Creator: The Scent of Eros (SoE)

  2. #2
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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but

    doesn't birth control mess with prolactin in girls? Or maybe I'm thinking of something else...

  3. #3
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    Birth Control Pills screw

    up numerous things and have physiological effects that are still being cataloged. As to your question, I do believe

    so because birth control pills operate by stimulating a false pregnancy and prolactin is one of the hormones that

    changes in pregnancy.

    Hope this helps.

  4. #4
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    So, wouldn't that mess with the

    effectiveness of pheromone products?

  5. #5
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    The marvelous thing about

    science is that you find the answer to one question, but it raises many others as you have demonstrated. As to

    whether it will definitively (mess) with pheromone's ability to attract? That I can not say for certain without

    experimentation~ Any volunteers?

    Prolactin is associated with the repression of dopamine, which as you know is

    the chemical/neurotransmitter responsible for sexual pleasure among other things. Males with high amounts

    (Hyperprolactinemia Symptoms) experience a

    lost of libido and every man's dread... impotence. As to the effect on females... I do believe a side affect of the

    pills is that they will be harder arouse, therefore you may conclude that it will hinder the ability of pheromones

    to work, if my deduction is correct.

    Of course who knows pheromones may stimulate some sort of pathway that we

    haven't discovered or perhaps interact with current pathways different... (rambling). I'll still with my previous


  6. #6
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default A nose within a nose

    Quote Originally Posted by ShyAsianGuy26 View Post
    Of course who knows pheromones may stimulate some sort of pathway that we haven't

    discovered or perhaps interact with current pathways different...

    University of Maryland

    researchers unlock mystery of a third olfactory system
    “It allows animals to detect food and determine that

    food’s quality, it provides social information like sexual status about other animals, and it can warn an animal

    when a predator is present. Because of the great similarities between humans and animals when it comes to the sense

    of smell, the more we learn about the building blocks of the system, the more we will learn about how odors affect

    our lives.”

    James V. Kohl
    author/creator: The Scent of Eros

  7. #7
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShyAsianGuy26 View Post

    Control Pills screw up numerous things and have physiological effects that are still being cataloged. As to your

    question, I do believe so because birth control pills operate by stimulating a false pregnancy and prolactin is one

    of the hormones that changes in pregnancy.

    Hope this helps.
    In theory, the relatively static

    level of estrogen that is maintained by oral contraceptive disables the cyclic estrogen induced luteinizing hormone

    surge that is accompanied by peak monthly testosterone levels in ovulating women, and their peak interest in sex. It

    is the cyclic estrogen increase, which is disabled by static estrogen levels, that is most associated with women's

    increased olfactory acuity and specificity to the natural body odor of men. Simply put, kill the cycle, and kill the

    sex drive of ovulating women, as many studies suggest.

    James V. Kohl
    author/creator: The Scent of Eros

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Ok, the scientific terms

    got me slighty confused but I think I might have got it.
    So... are you saying that birth control DOES indeed harm

    the pheromone products' efficiency?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl View Post

    Simply put, kill the cycle, and kill the sex drive of ovulating women, as many studies suggest.

    James V.

    author/creator: The Scent of Eros
    I know women who have been through menopause who still have

    plenty of sex drive. Probably not as much as before, but I wouldn't say it was "killed". I'm guessing there are

    also plenty of women who have been through menopause who have no sex drive left. So, the cycle is no doubt linked to

    sex drive, but perhaps not the final word?


  10. #10
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    I gotta put my 2 cents in here.

    I had a GF that was on the pill and her sex drive was too much for me. Everyday sex, I kid you not and when I

    couldn't help her she had this little vibrating massager to use on herself. She couldn't get enough. BTW this was

    way back without mones so I think the idea she couldn't get pregnant made her feel liberated or she was just a

    psycho for sex. I think my girl was maybe a special case. More mental sex drive than hormonal.

    Hmm my hormone

    studies is a bit dusty... if I am correct the pill is progestrogen which makes the girl develop the muccous membrane

    covering the uterus walls at extreme layers preventing the zygote from attaching itself to the walls. since LH is

    the opposite of FSH estrogen makes em horny and LH makes em mommies, yeah they would be less sex drive and more

    wanting to smell flowers and walk on beaches and take care of loving creatures. And I think I too am correct that in

    that state if you suck on their nipples long enough like wks, they will produce milk. I remember hearing it makes

    their boobs bigger since I guess the mamari glands are being filled. just the oxitocina( sorry I only remember the

    spanish term) is not present to contract the mamaries but I guess with a little help they will secrete

    hormones are fun!

    So from my POV, I see this as maybe a good thing. Since most girl will take pills if they are

    already in a relationship, long-term that is. I know many girls do not like taking it but since they are in a

    relationship with lots of sex, they don't want to make a mistake so prevent it all together with the pill. So our

    mones is only pulling in girls that are not getting much sex and are fertile and horny. Sounds good to me.

  11. #11
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default A Mammoth Task in the Creation of SOE.

    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl View Post
    Those who have followed my work may wish to note the involvement of the LH

    receptor. Those who have not can now note that my first presentation to a scientific forum (in 1992) was: LH: the

    link between sex and the sense of smell?

    James V.

    Author/Creator: The Scent of Eros (SoE)
    I being an uducated person can

    hardly begin to imagion the Intelligence requirement that must have gone in to the creation of Scent of



    would say it must have been a mammoth task in just being able to convince say Stone Labs for example, or whoever, to

    go so far out on a limb and actually combine two completly unknown pheromones like Androstenol and Androsterone at a

    80% - 20% ratio.

    Then the actual mind draining task of finding sutch a beautifull name to compliment the product is

    i feel worthy of great applause.

    But the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and the society of this great planet Earth has

    indeed been blessed by the exceeding brilliance of this great creator.

    In conclusion i can only add that we are so

    privileged to actually have a being of this magnificient magnitude in our prescence and it is only natural to want

    to reach out and touch the hem of his garment in sweet communion....
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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