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  1. #1
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    Default Oke, too much choice, need advise......

    First of all, i've read ALLOT the last few days, but i keep on reading different stories about different products.

    I can also understand that age has a mayor influence on the choice of product....soooo

    here is the deal.

    I've recently read allot about pheromones and i know there is a chemical proces in the brains etc etc...i know

    since i have a ****load of friends that study pharmacy, medicine, hell even one of my friends is a senior student

    surgeon (brain surgeon is what he eventually wants).
    never the point of view...yes there is a chemical

    proces in the brain, activated by pheromones.
    Never the less im a pretty sceptic guy since i also believe in common

    sense and modern adapted behavior of the modern human, which can also be seen as...we're not animals (anymore).

    So first of all, i do not think pheromones do wonders...just maybe they can just that little

    never the less i want to give it a go

    My goals are simple.

    I want to get more

    attention, be noticed since i'm a person that doesn't easily takes the first step when im not sure the girl is

    going to appreciate it. I need a little thing to get a bit more confidence... a look, a know..the little

    things to get me started.

    I'm not LOOKING to get laid. Hell if it happens it happens..oke thats fine. but

    im more a person that believes in love. If there is no real connection, its nothing for me. just nice know someone

    new. So basicly...again, im just looking for the first contact..a smile, a look, maybe a touch...just something so i

    know they don't mind me hanging around, talking to them etc.

    oke...those 2 were for meeting new people.....and

    have a fun time with them. whatever happens next...happens

    But i also have another thing.
    My ex

    girlfriend.... We broke up a few weeks ago. She broke up with me. She still cared for me, still "loved" me, but more

    in a way she loves a very close friend, that "one" thing..that chemistry wasn;t there anymore. I had a hard time

    with it but thats over now...i just want to stay close friends that we where before we began a relation. thats also

    what she wanted when we broke up but i noticed that she keeps more distance then before we had a relation. She's

    probably not really comforable when she's with me. Probably since she realizes that i had a pretty hard time with


    What i want with her....i want my best friend back ! i just want her to feel at ease again with me. touches

    me again as a friend you know....real close friends.
    Maybe pheromones can help here. (And well, oke if there

    happens know, for good old times... i would't mind )
    But just to break the ice again. Good thing she's

    pretty cuddly so she probably comes very close.

    Oke..that was a pretty long story ...
    But now my problem...i

    want to give pheromones a chance, i do not expect wonders from it, but just that little extra thing i mentioned

    before to give me a good feel before i go for it if you know what i mean.

    What is a good choice for me ?

    im the netherlands (europe) its not really easy to get all the products that i read about on the net. Also i read

    allot of different things about every product, its just marketing i assume.

    Another thing...I REALLY appreciate

    it to use my own perfume ("Life by Esprit")

    oke, products im thinking about...

    - Alter Ego

    0,015% Androstenol
    0,010% Androsterone
    Total: 7.5ml with 3.375mg pure pheromenons


    13 mg total gel

    - AFA for men
    0,020% Androstenol
    0,020% Androstenone
    total 7,5ml with 3mg pure


    - Primal Instinct
    0,044% Androstenone
    total 10ml with 5mg pure pheromenons

    - PPA passion for

    0,015% Androstenone
    Total: 15ml with 2,25mg pure pheromenons

    -Charisma Shots
    0,020% Androstenol

    total 0,14 mg pure pheromenons

    -The edge ??

    -Sense of Eros ??

    I like to experiment with

    some of these. Which would be best for the first "click" ? Im thinking of Primal instinct and maybe Alter ego or TE

    And which one for the "problem" with my ex

    Im thinking of AFA, alter ego, Charisma Shots . and maybe Primal

    instict or TE ?
    But i'm a REAL noob with these things...what do YOU guys think ? Im a pretty avarage guy, 22 years

    old, not really goodlooking but not bad either... i just seem to need that little extra thing to get a bit more

    confidence. it seems that when i see that im beeing appreciated by a girl..that my confidence gets a big boost and

    that everything turns out in a good way, its just that i need to get to that level..

    Maybe there are other

    suggestions.... i've read here about Edge and Pherlure and Sence of eros... those are a bit harder to get for me

    but how do they fit my list ? are they about the same.....way better or worse experience ? Pherlure is a bit of a no

    go since i cannot use my own perfume

    The girls i'm attracted to are like about my age...bit younger.. 18-22.

    don't really like musk in/as a perfume so i need something that goes well with my own perfume (now days "life by

    esprit"). So it has te be something that can be covered up good...
    oh also, with my ex..the first time, i don't

    want to do an overdose or something like that (she always comes very close and gives me a bi hug) ...more like first

    time right or a bit less. What dose would be oke concidering my age and the age of the girls im attracted to ?


    would really appreciate any comments...

  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Welcome jjans,

    1. Read A LOT

    MORE on this board, I'm constantly learning new things that I missed. Take the time, its worth it.

    2. Pay

    attention to the guys your age who post here, and look at their results.

    3. Board knowledge says that at younger

    ages you don't need -none (TE,PI,etc) as you already produce a lot at your age.

    4. In my experience, and that of

    others here, A1 has a very strong "comfort" effect. Could be good for dealing with your "ex". SoE has a very nice

    social effect, and people near you become very warm and chatty.

    5. Keep in mind that each product will behave

    differently on each person. That's why you see the "conflicting" stories. It seems the only way to know what

    works for you is to experiment yourself, guided by what you read here. Think of it as a new adventure.

    Hope this


  3. #3
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    well its often hard to find an age

    with a topic....its not always mentioned.

    Also, maybe im not someone that produces big amounts of -none. With A1

    you mean AE ?? if not what else ?

    I'm thinking of experimenting with AE...just a little bit to start with, see

    how that goes. Also, does AE need to be covered al the time ? i usually only use perfume when im going out on

    saterdays etc, not often during the week. So i might want to give it a go with AE...start with 2 dabs or

    something...maybe thats still usable without any covering ?

    It also has a little none in it...maybe its not bad

    for me, just need to find out.

    anyone else ?

  4. #4
    Full Member bubblebob's Avatar
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    Hey jjas,

    Nice to see a

    fellow European over here...

    I wouldn't advise to take any of the heavy -none products (NPA, The Edge, A7) at

    first: It's very easy to OD on them. My best 2 bets for you would be Alter Ego and Scent of Eros. Alter Ego is a

    great all-in-one product as it has the 3 main pheromones. I had some good results with this. You don't need to

    cover it at all as it comes with it's own scent. The scent isn't everybody's cup of tea as it seems a little

    'old-manish' to me, but others like it a lot - so it's for you to decide. Scent of Eros is great for building

    comfort and opening other people up. I'd say get the unscented version - the smell of the scented version is really

    heavy... (IMO)

    A1 is the short name for Androstadienone (you can get it in the store under 'Kits/Supplies'). It

    is said to put women at ease and make them comfortable with you around. So maybe this is a good bet for you.

    Unfortunately it has a downside, as some man report getting a mild depression while wearing it - and it has the same

    effect on men around you. So maybe save it for times alone with women...

    I hope I could help!


  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast stuttgart-man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjans View Post

    With A1 you mean AE ??
    A1 =


  6. #6
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    i thought AE was unscented and SOE

    was only a scented version...
    Also, whats in SOE exactly ?

    Maybe A1 is something for the missy, but i guess AE

    also has some nice things in it that bring a bit confort. Its not bad if she feels kinda attracted to me

    Never the less, where in the netherlands can i get SOE (haven't found it yet). Same thing with A1

  7. #7
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    These 2 links + this Forum

    will provide all the info you need on the products.
    Read up, and good luck!

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast stuttgart-man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjans View Post

    whats in SOE exactly ?
    SOE contains 80% Androstenol (aNol)and 20% Androsterone (aRon)!


    roll-stick contains 4mg aNol and 1mg aRon, the gel-pack contains 64mcg aNol and 16mcg aRon!

  9. #9
    Full Member bubblebob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjans View Post

    the less, where in the netherlands can i get SOE (haven't found it yet). Same thing with A1

    afraid you will have to import this stuff from the US -

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