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Thread: Extra Fat Gals

  1. #1
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    Default Extra Fat Gals

    What is beauty?

    Can anybody tell the definition? I don’t think so. Maybe you can say what is esthetic, but

    those are two different things. As for some, beauty is one thing and for others different. I know some of my friends

    really like fat girls, extra fat, but then I say it’s disgusting. There are no chances they could

    be attractive to me no matter of the amount of copulins they are swimming nor how intelligent they are.
    Do you

    think same things are possible with unattractive, fat male too? Do you have similar experience for yours friends and

    large girls?

  2. #2
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    I think its different

    from guys and girls.Guys go mainly on looks,girls go on looks too,but a lot of other things
    I guess.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    Here is something...


    girlfriend's ex-boyfriend would rag her how she has stretch marks and imperfections on her body. He even DEMANDED

    that she get up an half hour early to do make-up and all that crap... !@#$ HIM!

    Him and I are extremely alike in

    the respect that we are highly observant and demand perfection. But, alas, there is a extreme difference on the

    philosophy of beauty... his is obvious, mine, to me, is imperfection is the essence of beauty.


    imperfection what is perfection... without perfection what is imperfection.

    Perfection is abnormal.

    Imperfection is abnormal.

    There is only a fine line to walk... you choose the direction.


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  4. #4
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    Wow, I just read my post... it

    does not answer any of your questions...

    let's see..

    if there is not an attraction then plainly there is not

    an attraction...

    Everyone wants something different. Looks, brains, karma, money, happyness, security, ect. For

    me, personally, what I want is far and few between... it's rare. For most people it is not 'rare'. For the rest

    of us .... well... IDK what to type from here... .........

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    Quote Originally Posted by Iaskalotof?'s View Post
    I think its different from guys and girls.Guys go mainly on looks,girls go on looks

    too,but a lot of other things
    I guess.
    You mean $$$? That is something that cover all our

    disadvatages for some girls, not all

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surreal View Post
    Wow, I

    just read my post... it does not answer any of your questions...

    let's see..

    if there is not an

    attraction then plainly there is not an attraction...

    Everyone wants something different. Looks, brains,

    karma, money, happyness, security, ect. For me, personally, what I want is far and few between... it's rare. For

    most people it is not 'rare'. For the rest of us .... well... IDK what to type from here...

    Yeah, but guys are no doubt more in looks and still you see some people nice looking male

    with not exactly nice girl. So somethings really gives me aa idea that maybe just maybe our scent system

    could be really above visual, like some people here seriously say!

  7. #7
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    wow man..
    So somethings

    really gives me aa idea that maybe just maybe our scent system could be really above visual
    yes, yes it is...


    I've known this young woman for about two years... we are the same age... we worked together and we

    had a few no cloths encounters... getting to the point... she, I find is not attractive in the face.. (shallow,

    yes)... she is not attractive in IQ... she is not 'dumb' but, we have different worldly perspectives and

    observations.... she is a simple women while I am an overly complicated man... I have not talked to her in a

    year... but every once and a great while she comes to the place I work.. to work.. and when I stand next to her I

    get a half chub and want to jump her bones... I AVOID her... I don't want anything to do with her.. in fact I want

    her sister.. (gross!) but... when I am near her the attraction is so incredible I come near to loosing my


    My point is... attraction comes on a plethora of different levels and planes.... some are easy to

    identify and some are not...

    everyone has qualities and attribute that a potential mate will fall head over heels

    for... the only thing, and which I find the most difficult... is finding it. do what you do... be who you are... and

    never blow off and opportunity.

    __ __ __

    I like to call it a 'chemical attraction'...

    <--- to

    much beer for the night.,..

    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  8. #8
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    There's a big difference

    between attraction and beauty...
    I've meet girls I would say she's perfect and fun, sweet, jokes how I like it, a

    little shy and a little game/flirty also..
    BUT.. I couldn't get the physical attraction I NEED... Some of these

    were big girls and it was too bad because I just CAN'T be with a big girl..

    But I think women doesn't mainly go

    for looks as I see many really hot girls with dorks and fat guys.. To women it's more the way you are and make them

    If you aren't that big jerk like all the rest of us then she (most of them after all) doesn't care how you

    But there's also those girls that will walk away when she doesn't see the look she wants..
    But in

    general I think women go more for the feelings than looks.. If you doesn't give her that feeling of being safe,

    having fun, feeling loved etc. than she will not care how hot you are..

    Fx. I have a friend thats a model-like

    hot and he can get girls for 1 week but a longer relationship he can't and it's because he get's them hot at

    first when they see him, but after a week they realize he's not a charmboy and doesn't makle them feel that

    WorkingMann - you've been there, done that!

  9. #9
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    Well, I have to say based on

    my experience that I don’t look like that on girls. Most of the couples I know when I look deeper I

    usually see some material interest from the female side or they are with some total jerk and just a few of them that

    are with someone because he is really nice to her. It doesn’t look to me that they like any idealistic sense

    to be main in their love.
    I have some friends that never had a girl? Why? Because they are educated? Because

    they are nice? Because they are not jerks? See the point. Whenever I was looking any girl like she could be nice and

    better for me to be nice I have never done anything. And I see a lot of jerks that have much more experience then

    any of my educated or really nice friends. What those punks have that we don’t? Is it so called “self

    confidence” based on their experience or what? Don’t think that all those nice looking girls with them

    are not educated or smart. I was never able to understand that phenomenon smart nice looking girl with total jerk

    who doesn’t have a penny in his pocket. Maybe some more experienced people here on this forum could give me an

    explanation WHY. I was always admire middle aged coolness that I don’t have. BTW I’m 24.

    Nevertheless I’m always trying to be somewhere in the middle all the time if it’s possible.

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    You do see pretty girls with

    jerks a lot and you are right that it is the self confidence or the bad boy image. Nothing new about that at all.

    Studies have shown that the bad boy is the one she wants to play with but the stable 'Nice Guy' is who she'll

    want to marry and raise a family with.

    We've been over this a number of times on this forum. Nice guy means a

    lot of different things to a lot of different people. In my eyes there is a huge difference between a nice guy that

    acts like a gentleman and the wimpy 'doormat' type that women take advantage of and who are forever stuck in the

    LJBF zone. You can be nice to people without allowing them to take advantage of you and by demonstrating the self

    confidence to tell a woman no, you win points. By not playing the bad boy or jerk you also can win points. And the

    fact that you are different from both groups makes you interesting. I've used that approach all my life and have

    been reasonably successful with women. No Cassanova here but have never lacked for an attractive female either.
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    The age old proverb holds

    true even today, "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." We all have our own different views on what constitutes

    beauty... for me its the Nordic Stock, with long hair and the nice hour glass figure (although most women will get

    this figure after childbirth).

    As for the "Nice Guy" vs. Jerks debate. This has been raging on for quite a while

    as Belgareth pointed out. I fall into the category of... Mr.Nice guy~ has money, nice/caring, but insecure. Part of

    it is admitting that you are such a person. Over the course of this summer I have gone to great lengths to try to

    change some of the basic characteristics that nice guy entails. Through it I came to realized that all of us have

    insecurities, but we never focus on our strengths. Thats what I intend to do as I head back to grad.


    Believe me I know what your talking about... but it was much worst for me... I went from into LJBF zone

    to confused zone (she wasn't sure what she wanted) to Avoid at all cost zone (awkward). Now all I have left is


  12. #12
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    I dont really have a problem with big fat girls just so long as they dont squash me or inhibit my

    level of leverage control when it it their turn to come over on top for 15 minutes or


    If i start to get into breathing diffuculties as i am 70 kg

    which is about 10.5 Stone, Well i have very good triceps and i can quickly disengage and toss them back on their

    backs without wasting too much time.

    And they also

    enjoy having the hot little firebrand back on top keeping them under control.

    No i for one dont mind fat girls at all, well to be more precise i dont mind any girl Just so

    long as she is kissable.

    Thats how it usually starts with me,

    Attraction i mean, I usually just see a girl who i feel as if i really want to kiss her real bad and i just go for


    Sometimes i am genuinly suprised when the time comes that

    they want more as it always seems to come around fast before i sometimes even contemplate the idea of extended love


    For me it always seems to start with a


    I will still entertain a woman who i think is not exactly

    kissable, especially if they are intent on using me up and leaving me dehydrated


    I really dont mind pleasing them and giving them the

    best time of their lives.

    And if they are somewhat unsure of

    themselves because of a self image insecurity i will actually tell them that they are so sexy and just driving me

    out of my mind, and then actions speak louder than words its true, and they always feel better for it.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  13. #13
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    I am going to start a new thread next month and take a survey to see how old women may be before they

    lose interest in sexual encounters.

    And if anyone has experience in this area.

    I think the highest i have been is around 60

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  14. #14
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    I am going to start a new thread next month and take a

    survey to see how old women may be before they lose interest in sexual encounters.

    going to save you the trouble. I know a woman in her 90's who likes to bump uglies regularly with her 87 year old

    boy friend.
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  15. #15
    Full Member bubblebob's Avatar
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    Well, the most gorgeous woman

    that I know personally - who happens to be a very good friend of mine for 20 years now - has a boyfriend who is not

    exactly good looking and has some 20 pounds too much. So yeah, it's perfectly possible that a overweight guy with

    (sub-)average looks can get a beautiful woman.

    On the other hand - I can't imagine having sex or even a LTR

    with a clearly overweight girl. I just can't imagine functioning with someone like this... But - I might be proven

    wrong sometime in the future...


  16. #16
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubblebob View Post
    Well, the most gorgeous woman that I know personally - who happens to be a very good friend

    of mine for 20 years now - has a boyfriend who is not exactly good looking and has some 20 pounds too much. So yeah,

    it's perfectly possible that a overweight guy with (sub-)average looks can get a beautiful woman.

    On the other

    hand - I can't imagine having sex or even a LTR with a clearly overweight girl. I just can't imagine functioning

    with someone like this... But - I might be proven wrong sometime in the future...

    It now seems that there is a bit of an epademic of overweight women around at the moment, some of

    these gals are extremly beautifull women.

    You will have to take one 4 a good test drive Sir Bubble and perhaps give us

    your opinion.

    It is clearly obvious that some girls who are grossly overweight can be unattractive, so they

    probably miss out on the choices of hot guys.

    I seen a woman yesterday, she looked about 9" taller than me and not fat, just

    very pleasantly plumpish and oh she looked sooo sexy.

    I am only

    about 5ft 7" tall and i had a girlfriend once and she was a good 9" taller than me, it did not seem to bother her

    that i was shorter.

    She used to seek me out wherever i was for lovemaking.

    I even moved house to live alone and get some

    peace in a caravan park, it only took her several days to find me, but still after 20 years can not forget how

    good she was.

    I wonder what she is doing now.

    But i have noticed that sometimes there is definately a set time and place for

    an event or relationship to occur in our lives and when the second hand hits the mark neither hell nor high water

    can stop the process from unfolding.

    I know that we make our action, but sometimes i feel that there is an actual

    force guiding me to stay fixed on a certain cource and not deviate.

    There are forces at work in our lives that we

    are not completly aware of and sometimes these forces effect our relationships with women, and no matter what else

    pheromones power money or beauty, they have the power over any other factor or actions that we ourselves make


    As it seems somethings are just meant to be or not to be.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  17. #17
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    When thinking about it I

    know a girl that is heavily build and she really really hot! And know other girls her size and just wants to look

    So I don't mind a little but not much...! Some of them are quite nice but depends again how much were


    In fact I like my girls to have a little over the limit.. Skinny girls aren't really me.. Have to have

    more than bones and a little over aren't all that bad but again it depends how it falls down from her..

    another girl I've been playing around with who used to be really fat but lost weight and is actually quite hot now,

    but when I got her panties of..
    EW! You know when they have a big bulb right over the puss and then got a normal

    stomach.. That kinda thing really isn't me!
    WorkingMann - you've been there, done that!

  18. #18
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    I am with WorkingMann on

    his choice of women, a little more meat on the bones than half the near anorexic girls out there nowadays. Believe

    me there is a girl I like quite a bit but one day I saw some blubber on the belly, she not what people call chubby

    but shes... a little on the meaty side... It was a turn off but afterwards I felt ashame really because I am suppose

    to like her for who she is and her body in general.

    Anyone ever feel what I'm talking about?

  19. #19
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I like a girl who has meat but

    isn't actually fat. Women are supposed to have a certain amount of fat on their bodies. But I expect her to keep

    herself in good physical condition. That means a normal body weight, not anorexic.
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  20. #20
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Can't say meaty or fat turns me

    on. I like 'em slender but toned. More of a dancer body with long muscles rather than bulk. Don't care for dancer

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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    I like a

    girl who has meat but isn't actually fat. Women are supposed to have a certain amount of fat on their bodies. But I

    expect her to keep herself in good physical condition. That means a normal body weight, not anorexic.

    Females tend to have a fat pad on their belly. It is believed to provide energy if there were to be a baby for

    the woman. It's very hard to get rid of this pad on them. Some actually have it removed surgically.

  22. #22
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default No thick hocks for me plz

    In my younger days i was a bit of a root rat and would stab just about anything in

    a dress.

    But i am a little bit more discerning now that i have matured a little, and i like to check them


    It has been mainly due to better luck than management in the past that i have never contracted any

    serious social diseases.

    I find that girls with big fat calves and fat ankles and or thick stocky necks tend to not

    interest me.

    I prefer Asian slimline models, even some black velvet is a turn on for me, especially if they

    like plenty of loving.

    I did get a good dose of CRABS once after having sex with a stunning Indian girl who was a heavy

    drug addict.

    I was wearing a pair of jeans that my best friend had loaned to me on a one off



    left the next week for Western Australia to go out fox shooting on the Nullabor Plains nearly 2000 miles away with

    most of our gang.

    There was no way i was going bush and cut myself off from my supply of women and



    Jim ended up cursing me when he eventually put the jeans on and ended up miles from civilisation with a good dose of

    CRABS ha ha. ( in the middle of the dessert )

    He was scratching and scratching and he even soaked his scrotum and also the

    old boy in diesel fuel ha ha But to no avail, as the Crabs are very persistant.

    He tried just about everything to rid off the


    He never did find any relief to multiplication of

    the CRABS for months until he ended up going to Perth W.A. and for $2.00 he got rid of the Crabs in about 2


    I am

    so glad he had several months to cool of before he returned back to Queanbeyan, where i was at the time.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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    lol, good one Terry. At

    last I don't have stories like this to share but who knows maybe sometime this year...

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    Default the world of fat....

    some of you

    know that my girlfriend and I are swingers. About 5 years ago we went, for the first time, to a swinger's party in

    rural Maine. We spent about 2 hours on a dirt road and got there rather late one Saturday night. We were greeted

    at the door by a young woman in a baby doll lingerie outfit who must have weighed 300+ pounds, all pure lard. She

    proceeded to introduce us to the rest of the folks and every woman there was obese. The outfits they wore didn't

    help matters. We had to leave fairly quickly, it was that bad. But, on the other hand, they were having sex with

    each other and the guys there.

    I've known guys that pursue only heavy-set women, I just don't get it

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  25. #25
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    The key is whether someone

    takes care of themselves.

    I get turned off more by people who get grossed out just because someone is

    overweight, or worse yet, because their friend dates someone who is. I admit, people who get easily grossed out and

    disgusted by normal things in nature are a pet peeve.

    Having said that, I was talking to a morbidly obese local

    singer the other night -- very talented and interesting person, and she smelled literally like vomit. I was

    physically repulsed by her presence, no matter what else I thought of her. A smell like that indicates profound

    health problems that need to be addressed. Obviously I could never be close to a person like that.

    But a

    large person who is otherwise healthy and takes good care of themselves can be quite attractive and sexy for many


    For my own personal romantic life, slimmer is better. So many people are overweight these days, it can

    be very frustrating trying to find a woman to be attracted to. It seems like 9 out of ten people are significantly

    overweight any more. I try to be open minded, and could lose five or ten pounds myself, but there's a limit.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  26. #26
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis View Post
    It seems

    like 9 out of ten people are significantly overweight any more.

    I think the "official" figure is

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  27. #27
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim View Post
    I think

    the "official" figure is 66%.
    Is that based on those BMI charts? I don't take them very seriously.

    There are too many exceptions.
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    Is that

    based on those BMI charts? I don't take them very seriously. There are too many exceptions.
    Not sure,

    day before yesterday, on the "Today" show they had a segment on dieting. That was the figure quoted by the celebrity

    doctor they had on. That's why I said " "official" "(with the quotes).
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  29. #29
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim View Post
    Not sure,

    day before yesterday, on the "Today" show they had a segment on dieting. That was the figure quoted by the celebrity

    doctor they had on. That's why I said " "official" "(with the quotes).
    Sorry, missed the quotes.

    It's like so many other stats...liars figure and figures lie. Although, in this case, especially here in Texas,

    it might be closer to the truth than is comfortable to admit too. Gods, but there are some big people here.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    It's like

    so many other stats...liars figure and figures lie. Although, in this case, especially here in Texas, it might be

    closer to the truth than is comfortable to admit too. Gods, but there are some big people here.

    know, even here in California where "everyone" belongs to a gym, there's a ton o' tubbies.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

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