Quote Originally Posted by bubblebob View Post
Yeah, I don't like the scent either - it indeed smells 'grandfatherish'... So... what to

do with 17 XCite wipes???
You could always give them to a friend or a


They would also be a novel gift to keep and pass one one to a good friend now and


Or i

am sure there would be someone on the forum take them off your hands and send you a money


I can

understand it if you really cant tolerate the fragrance.

But once it is applied the girls will still

be attracted by the fragrance even if you dont really care for it.

Twood be a shame to toss them, especially

when they have very good chance of getting you laid.

But in a way i can well understand your

caution, as you certainly would not want to be bothered with any brash hot and horny young 18 year old girls hitting

on ya ha ha No way who could be bothered. ??