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Thread: Vig-Rx

  1. #31
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    bump because I’m interested in the next exiting instalment of \'the slatedrake penis report \' [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    man, I never used to go for all these self-improvement things until 6 months ago, I’m sure listening to that mega- memory thing I downloaded off the net gave me some sort of subliminal \' buy into the hype\' mentality. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    ah well, at least I do some research before I realise I can afford to squander the money anyway [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] , Ill probably end up shelling out for a supply, I can always send it back within the first two weeks right [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] .

  2. #32
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    Hey Nutz, you asked for it!

    Ok, today will complete week 1 for me on the Vig-Rx. I’ve been following the recommended dosage of two pills per day with meals.

    To date I have noticed that I\'m SLIGHTLY more aroused during the day at times and it does seem like I\'m more robust when I\'m flaccid. I took a benchmark measurement of myself erect, and I don\'t think I\'ve really added anything there at this point. But I also haven’t measured again since last week, I’m probably not going to measure for another two weeks or so, to give this a fair shot. I did take measurements of both length and girth, so we’ll see if either display any results. But it does seem like my dick (can I call it that?...if I have to type penis a ton it\'s going to feel way to clinical) is larger in the flaccid state. I’ve noticed this the last few days when I’ve been on the toilet or in the shower and my dick just looks bigger, let me add that it’s not really thicker, but it’s longer looking.

    On a side note, I did fool around for the first time in a week or so (ok...more than that.) last night and I have to say I was pretty impressed with my performance, as was my girl. Not that I suck usually, but I was able to go for a longer period than I’m accustomed to, and I had a really great big O! No doubt about it, the volume was definitely larger than I’m used to, and it went a great deal farther than normal. I know that’s not the primary focus of the Vig-Rx, but as a side note, it’s not a bad plus to be honest.

    So the test goes on. I’ll report back in another week or so. I’m not doing any other type of improvement type stuff (jelq, stretch, etc&#8230 [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] so any results I believe can be attributed to the Vig-Rx.


  3. #33

    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    Now I became interested in this... Does anyone have the address of the website?

    I think this thread should be bumped all the time so that it would stay on top of the list! This is something almost too important!!! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  4. #34
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    Im doubting this (pheros work yes but vig rx) ok ill keep an open mind but if you want more performance try tribulus territaris for starters.
    Its great for \"performance\" and turn around time as well.
    It also helps to work out because if you are a low body fat percentage like most athelets and are fairly well built or even have some muscles but not arnold swangaeddar type then you will get noticed by women more and more offer of sex etc. Add the pheros and oh well hey it just goes 10 fold.

  5. #35
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    From personal experience, I am very convinced that strong yohimbe concentrates have a dramatic effect in the short term (ie: up to 12 hours after you take it). You simply take a cap or two an hour before sex and voila... Conan the Barbarian, but the next day you are Woody Allen again. I really am not buying this: \"just take it every day until you reach the desired length and then you never have to take it again\". Now, myself, I have only ever experimented with pure yohimbe extracts and then just on a \"one use\" dose basis. PROBABLY if you take something like this Vig RX stuff or the Delightfully Intimate, that most of you guys have gotten a free bottle of by now, what you are going to get is a slight increase of blood flow to the penis ALL THE TIME, not just during sex, so instead of walking around looking like you just finished skinny dipping in a freezing glacial lake, you look like you just got back from a short piss break while love making. Same old pecker, just different amounts of blood circulation. That\'s my 2 cents on the subject. I wouldn\'t be a bit surprised if taking supplements like this taken regularly on an ongoing basis were sort of \"good for your pecker\" in the general health sense, but beyond that I am veeeery skeptical to say the least. It\'s really a shame too, because supplements like these are probably well worth the money and effort just for the general health benefits without having to be marketed as some sort of ludicrous magic potion. It used to be that way with pheromone sites too. A few years ago, nobody could think of any more creative way to market them than to just lie your ass off and hope for the best, flat out promising that girls would be crawling all over you in public places. It is with this in the background that Erox Corp decided to divorce themselves from the pheromones as attractants scene entirely by declaring that pheromones \"don\'t work that way.\" WELL... I don\'t want to be patting myself on the back too hard but (pat pat pat), it turns out there WAS an honest approach to marketing pheromones that would give customers their money\'s worth and still be financially feasible, and now Erox is after a corner of the market, their stock is soaring and the former BS sites are basically just cutting and pasting the ad text from Love Scent, Primal, Stone Labs or Erox in place of their former \"you\'ll be drowning in babes\" approach.

    So, what I am saying is this Vig-rx stuff is proabaly a perfectly wonderful product, and they don\'t NEED to give it some rediculous supernatural powers. It can be marketed honestly and give guys their money\'s worth. Probably the folks selling it, don\'t really understand what the product does, have never researched it or even tried it, and don\'t even believe it that it does ANYTHING AT ALL!! They just figure: \"hey, if you\'re gonna lie, why not go for it!\"

    I worked with a couple of marketing types before coming out with Love Scent and neither of them believed that pheromones did anything whatsoever, but were yet extremely excited about that business potential!!! Can you believe that? One told me: \"What a gold mine. This is going to be the \'pet rock\' of the new millenium.\" meaning it doesn\'t really do anything at all, but everyone will want to buy it anyway. Sheeesh!


    [ April 02, 2002: Message edited by: Bruce ]

  6. #36

    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    Thanks Bruce, your comments make perfect sense.
    I always wondered, if these magic pills do work, how come they are not acknowledged by science, and if they do not work, how come there are som many testimonials to the contrary.
    So this would mean that you could buy a supply and then use it only when you think you need a little extra strength. Interesting.

  7. #37

    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    Well I\'ve just placed a second order. I guess I\'m nearing the end of my second bottle. If you\'re looking for the size difference, I\'m not sure I\'m noticing any. I haven\'t had much chance to measure but visually I don\'t see and grand improvements. I\'ll attest to the previous comments of improved size while flaccid and that I can hold out far longer during sex. I also seem to be good to go at anytime! Last night my girlfriend and I got back from a family trip and had our first chance to be alone. We were at it a couple of times before sleeping, she woke me up at 3 am to climb on top of me, and then we were sneaking one in before getting ready for work! So far the most amazing event was an evening when I was able to entertain her 8 times, each one ending in orgasm for me and her....that just seemed like mindblowing performance compared to what I\'ve experienced before... I\'ve always had drive, but nothing like that in so short a time.
    If you\'re buying it for the extra size I\'m wouldn\'t swear by it and would expect to be disappointed, but as a performance enhancer this stuff is amazing! Someone mentioned that the same ingredients are available elsewhere for cheaper but I\'m going to stick with what I\'ve found to work. I\'ve gone from going home every night to the tele alone to having a new girlfriend who treats me like gold because she thinks she\'s just found a sex god! It\'s amazing how well treated you are when a woman is getting more pleasure in the bed than she\'s experienced before!

  8. #38
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    The stuff that I take is just a straight yohimbe extract, and like I said, you take a couple of those and an hour later you would look pretty funny trying to take a piss at a public rest room. This is a different supplement from this VigRX or the Delightfully Intimate that we sell. These two formulae are made to be taken a couple times a day, every day for a month, and they probably contain just SOME yohimbe but not all. The rest I am just guessing, but I have a feeling if you take these pills every day for a month, you will notice a bit more size down there, but due ONLY to increased blood flow in the region, NOT because your pecker really got longer. I mean really... how the heck could that happen???
    So, really, like I was saying, the product is probably fine, and could really help tune up the system down there. It is just the marketing that is screwed up.
    Ok, here is an illustration of what I mean: We make a great vitamin oil that is super good for you. It is worth every penny of what we are charging but then market it like this:
    Guys!!!!! Dick of Death wiener expansion kit! Complete with easy to follow instruction book. Works in seconds! Just have your girlfriend massage this incredible oil into your penis and watch it grow right before your very eyes! Here\'s what customers are saying about Dick of Death:
    \"I have to admit I was skeptical at first, but I had my girlfriend massage my penis with this stuff and it grew to 4 times its normal size within seconds! This stuff is incredible. I\'ll be back for more; you can be sure of that!\"


  9. #39

    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    Not to be undone by all of this, there is also a product called Enzyte that has a guy who looks like he was on the wrong end of the Joker from the first Batman movie in their commercial (Almost as bad as the belly buttons singing \"I\'m Coming Out,\" of Diana Ross fame.) While I can not say that any of this is real or placebo effect, I will say that all of these companies use a draconian set of rules to prey on Mens (and Womens) insecurities. I guess that the ad agencies and products have caught up with us guys. It will be interesting to see where it all goes from here.

    [ April 02, 2002: Message edited by: Walter Mitty ]

  10. #40

    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    I\'m totally with Bruce on this one. I do think it\'s a totally viable product that is making some less than actual claims. I\'m pleased with what I\'ve got but it\'s no where near the claims on the Vig-RX site. I just chalk it up to luck that it wasn\'t a total screwing over and I have a use for what I am getting from the product.... That Enzyte sight though! WOW! That\'s some expensive crap! It also seems to be made up of just a form of only one of the ingredients in Vig-RX but costs almost twice as much!

    Anyway, for those who try it, best of luck and I\'m sure you\'ll get something out of the experience. For those who nod sagely and keep their money in their pockets I can say you also haven\'t missed out on anything big (excuse the pun)!

  11. #41
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    On the one hand, yohimbine has been an FDA recognized pharmaceutical for many years before Viagra. The approved protocol was to take twice or thrice a day. But this was for impotence not pecker enhancement. Mostly it works by toning the nerves in the spine that connect to the genitals - size is not affected.

    Bruce is absolutely correct about marketing types. I just finished an MBA and in one of my marketing classes I had a big blowup with my prof. She was going over a case study for marketing over-the-counter pain relievers and telling us how to \"position\" them for faster/stronger/cheaper etc. I asked the ethical implications since the Nobel prize had just been awarded to a guy who claimed they were all the same chemical inside the body? She mumbled something, changed the subject and gave me a \"C\" for the course.

    So, the question is, are marketers natural liars or are they trained?

  12. #42

    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    I\'d say they are trained. I don\'t have the reference, but after WWII, the fellow who was in charge of the US propaganda effort was recuited for advertising. Anyone ever wonder where the term \"Target Audience\" came from? Food for thought...

  13. #43
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    I think it happened when I was in high school but there was a scandal in the media a long while back that cigarette ads were using subliminal symbols in magazine ads that actually appealed to suicidal tendencies in their \"target audience.\" (images of skulls in the smoke etc) You can\'t get much lower than that.

  14. #44
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    Anybody trying Vacuum or exercise which we can find it in Internet ?
    what is the result

  15. #45
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    BTW one of the other products mentioned contains yohimbine, but vig-rx dosen\'t according to the ingredients on the website. I would imagine a 100mg or so dose of yohimbine could enhance the effects slightly, but its powerful stuff I hear so go careful (yohimbine that is).

  16. #46
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    course they do have a 60 day gaurentee, surely if theres no major efects after 2 mounths, many people send it back?

    Guess I depends on if its older or younger people buying, If I bought I would want the length thing, and then for kicks, no other problems, but for you older fellows out there [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] the other effects may be a big help [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  17. #47

    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    im going to give vig-rx a try anyway, but is it safe to order it thru their website? i mean, i\'ve posted some questions about the product thru their website but didn\'t got any reply. Just being careful here.

  18. #48
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    A couple of others here have ordered with no problems. any more results guys?

  19. #49
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx


    Mr. Nutz,

    100 mg of yohimbine will put you in the nut house if not worst!!! There\'s a difference between YOHIMBE - the raw herb, and YOHIMBINE - the pure chemical. The former is widely availible while the latter is a prescription-only item yet is contained in the raw herb. If you\'re going to play with this stuff, you\'ll probably get the herb or a herb extract - for newbies, try and get a standardized preparation - a good dose of yohimbine is 5 to 15 mg - the prescription tabs contain 5.4 mg each so 100 mg would be 20 pills. The raw herb might contain a few percent (2 to 5%?) of the pure drug. Also with the raw herb you\'ll get a whole witch\'s brew of other alkaloids. I haven\'t tried pure yohimbine yet but understand its effects are not as complex or as spooky as a herbal preparation.

    TO summarize - DO NOT TAKE 100 MG of PURE YOHIMBINE!!!! You\'ll be sorry if you do.

  20. #50
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    LoL, yeah, I did mean the herb, apparently its a potent hullucionegen in the wrong ( right? [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ) hands [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    hehe, if I bought from QHI that would mean takeing one box at a time [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    [ April 03, 2002: Message edited by: Nutz ]

  21. #51
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    Yohimbine HCl is an alpha 2 antagonist, which increases the release of norepinephrine, the body\'s primary thermogenic hormone. It also causes vasodilation of blood vessels around fat cells, allowing fatty acids to be mobilized and used for energy, rather than being reincorporated into adipose tissue as triglycerides

    The copy above is not my Intellectual prop, it\'s cut and pasted from one of the best supplement sites in the world -

    Avant Labs Products

    FYI - I\'ve taken upwards of 10 milligrams of Yohimbine at one time. You can expect some nervousness, increased heart-rate, etc... If you\'re prone to anxiety or have trouble with stress in general, I would avoid this supp. I’ve only taken it in regard to weight loss though, not really sure if it has ever had any kind of sexual effect on me. Maybe time to try though….

    As far as the Vig-Rx, I’ll be posting more info later next week once I take another measurement and compare to my baseline. From a pure visual standpoint though, it doesn’t look like I’m gaining any length/girth at this point. Also been sick for a few days, so my whole system is way out of wack right now.

    Let me know if you have any questions on the Y-HCL.


  22. #52

    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    ~bump~ Awaiting Slatedrake update....

  23. #53
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx


    I guess I need to measure my dick tonight.

    Off the top of my head though (ok...bad pun), I really don\'t think it looks any bigger.

    I\'ll beat it like it owes me money tonight and take some specs.


  24. #54
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx


    I\'ve now been using the Vig-Rx product for 1 month and two days and my results are....




    I can\'t even speak to a small gain in length/width.

    Did the math last night, and wasn\'t really surprised to find the old yardstick measuring exactly as it did one-month ago.

    This place better honor the money back guarantee or I\'m really going to be pissed.


  25. #55
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    Insightful analysis, Mr. Bassman. You\'re quite right about the effects of the ingredients. Bruce\'s \"Delightfully Intimate\" is a fine combination, probably equal to the Vig-Rx stuff, for general sexual enhancement.

    Haven\'t thought about staying hard through greater alcohol consumption - that\'s a good one.

  26. #56

    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    T\'was something I noticed immediately - usually if I have more than a two or three drinks, I\'m going to have to wait a while. A little yohimbe in me, and I can perform past the point of _serious_ buzz. The EtOH thing has always been a problem with me - if I suspected I was going to have sex, I would limit myself to three beers, even in my teens. So this stuff pleases me no end...

  27. #57
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    I\'m not too much of a drinker, never was, but I have noticed that two Irish Coffees were lethal to sexual performance. Must be the combination of caffeine plus EtOH.

  28. #58
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    So why do guys obsess so over dick size? Women seem only mildly interested once it reaches that happy standard size - too small can be a disappointment, true, but too big can be uncomfortable. Big girls might appreciate more heft but in general, \"it ain\'t the meat, it\'s the motion\" when it comes to pleasure.

    The best science on the subject says that dick size is only for competition at gang bangs. Remember that flare on the tip? What\'s that for? Why do we stroke?

    The answer is that the penis and its flare at the tip acts as a pump to expell any semen left in the vagina by a previous guy. A male wants his sperm to do the impregnation so pumping out the other guys\' sperm is a high priority. A bigger dick should make for a better pump. As a side effect, that\'s why we take 15 or more minutes to get it up again after we come inside a woman - that\'s how long it takes for her cervix to suck up the sperm left there. If you started stroking again before she\'s absorbed the first load, your own sperm would be pumped out again.

    Now, in today\'s world, how many of us guys have to engage in that kind of sperm competition? If your sex life is limited to being third at a gang bang, partner, you got problems. You all should be wearing condoms anyway.

    Ergo, if you think you have a small dick, ask a doctor to help - it will require painful surgery but he\'s ethically bound to give you the straight scoop.

    If you just want a bigger dick, ask yourself why. Maybe your woman is too big or loose - finding a smaller/tighter partner is wiser and cheaper; or maybe she is just \"belittling you.\" Maybe you\'d be better off as part of a monogamous pair. Maybe you just want a competitive edge in a competition you\'re not likely to engage in.

    The book to read is \"Sperm Wars.\" Knowledge is a lot cheaper than Vig-Rx. That said, a good hard woody IS important for both partners but there are many, cheaper routes to harder hard-ons.

    [ April 22, 2002: Message edited by: Whitehall ]

  29. #59

    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    I waited until the measuring was done [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] .

    When I first started seeing these \"get a bigger dick\" ads, I took a look at what was in the bottle. Most of this stuff is composed of yohimbe, muria puama (sp), and other various things that are fairly well known to promote:
    * harder erections,
    * increased libido (desire), and
    * improved performance:
    - stay harder longer,
    - slower ejeculation,
    - stay hard after greater alcohol consumption.

    So I got to thinking about why this stuff would be marketed the way is was, and came to these conclusions:

    * most men would run screaming from a marketing approach that suggested that their performance could be improved.

    * many men would buy into something that promised a bigger dick.

    * once guys figured out that this stuff made for better sex, they\'d likely keep buying it for the improvement in the magic, even if the size of the wand didn\'t increase.

    Make sense to anyone else?

  30. #60
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Vig-Rx

    Yet another bump... Or should we use a different word in this case? [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Alright, I admit it, I have the 3-month supply on order; should be here this week... Not that things DON\'T work, but if you can make things BETTER, then what the hell, right? We\'re all looking to be happy, or at least happiER. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    ANYway... The web address for the mfr is:

    Somebody mentioned the pump. I had thought about getting one, but a friend who used to work as a Dominatrix said you have to be EXCEEDINGLY careful, because it can damage blood vessels. If that happens, Mr. Happy is going to be in a permanent coma. [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]


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