Olfactory Cues Modulate Facial Attractiveness. M. Luisa Dematte, Robert Osterbauer, and

Charles Spence. Chem. Senses published 16 May 2007, 10.1093/chemse/bjm030


"Given the widespread evidence

that olfactory/pheromonal characteristics appear to be particularly relevant for mating behavior..."

"... the

results of the present study add to a growing list of studies demonstrating that the presence of olfactory cues can

exert a small but significant crossmodal influence on people’s judgments of a variety of nonolfactory stimulus


This is the first time I've seen anyone besides me use the term(s)

olfactory/pheromonal--and they used it in the same context that I did in my recent review. Other researchers, if not

others in general will understand the importance of using the same language to report findings.

James V.
