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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
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    Default So I got a date with a Hawaiian chick...


    27 years






    Slim athletic build
    Laid back personality

    Products used:

    NPA – great success both alone and in mixes, but inconsistent. I’m good for one to

    two dabs, max two and a half. Anything past that and it gets bad.

    WAGG-N – real good success in mixes (NPA and AE in particular). Makes me come off too soft when used

    alone though.

    AE – Average success. I’ve actually gotten a couple

    DIHL with AE but nothing consistently good to give it more than average.

    Chikara – Slightly below average. Haven’t seen too much worth mentioning when using Chikara alone. I

    get a little attention but nothing significant.

    PI – Average, but as

    advertised, consistent success. Better in mixes for me (SOE or WAGG-N).

    SOE – Good success. This is another that works better in mixes or combined for me (ie NPA and/or


    A314 – on the way…

    What’s up fellas. I’ve been using mones for about a year now. Have lurked around here off and on since

    then, though as you can see, this is my first time posting. Anyways, I’ve got a date with this Hawaiian chick on

    Sunday (gonna catch a flick) and I’m trynna figure out which mone(s) to use to accomplish a specific goal.

    A little background…She’s younger (23) and we work for the same

    company (I’ve been there over a year; her a couple months…fresh from the island ). We don’t work together though.

    I work in the main office and she works at a client site, so we hardly ever see each other or interact in a work

    setting (we did in the beginning because all new employees start off in the main office and that’s how we got to

    know each other). Anyways, we’ve hung out on a few occasions but only twice alone. The first time we went to lunch

    around the time she first started. The second time was last week. She just moved in to her own apartment and I

    helped her assemble some furniture. Afterwards, she took me out to eat as a thank you. The other occasions were in

    group settings (a couple happy hours with coworkers; went rock climbing with a couple other people). Now I’m not

    looking for anything long-term here with this chick. She’s cool as hell and I like kickin it with her cause we have

    a lot of common interests and our personalities mesh (she’s small but athletic and likes sports…like a lil feminine

    tomboy). I just want some cutty buddy love though LOL Which leads me to the task at hand. Right now, I can feel that

    we’re at that point where we’re going to either progress down that path to being cutty buddies or I’m going to fall

    into the eternal persecution of THE FRIEND ZONE. I’m trying to figure out what mone or mix of mones I should used

    this weekend to keep her comfortable around me but make her feel a little more intimate. Not so much intimate as in

    sex because I can tell she’s not promiscuous, but more touchy feely flirtatious.

    More background on this chick…she’s not shy in the least bit but she is fairly reserved, similar to

    myself. I threw a few little slick sexual comments out there last time to see if she’d bite but she didn’t for the

    most part. She nibbled a couple times though lol Maybe she’s not that comfortable around me yet (she’s comfortable

    enough to be alone with me wearing them little ass shorts she had on though lol) She’s not extremely experienced,

    from what I can tell. She’s only had 3 boyfriends and all were during college. Told me she’s never heard the words

    “I love you” from her parents or said “I love you” to a significant other which leads me to believe I have my work

    cut out for me in the intimacy dept. She seems to be a daddy’s girl though so I was thinking maybe A314 or a mix

    containing it? I just ordered that though earlier this week and the order got messed up, so it probably won’t be

    here in time. I was also thinking some type of SOE mix since she does fall into that age bracket. For the past

    couple months I’ve been wearing a WAGG-N/AE/NPA (2 drops, 3 drops, 1 ½ dabs) combo that’s worked pretty good for me

    all-around and she’s been receptive to that since I’ve met her. But that friends line hasn’t been crossed yet and I

    believe this next encounter on Sunday will be pivotal in determining whether it ever will be.

    Anyone here have any experience with Hawaiian chicks?

    Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to give as much info and background on the situation as


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
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    Hey, I'm no expert, but for your

    situation I would probably try either 2 drops of AE covered with SOE or 1 dab of NPA topped with SOE.
    No expert

    here, just my two cents...

    My experience so far is that non-caucasians seem to be more affected (more

    sensitive?) by the TE/NPA/A7 type products. One of my African American friends pretty much flipped out in a "You

    smell like complete shit I want to throw up" way when I had one drop of A7 on. (Oh and I heard about... for


    One thing you might consider adding to your collection that I use on first dates is Liquid Trust.. Since

    I got it I've only had three 1st dates, but on each within 30 minutes I got some variation of "I can't believe

    I'm telling you this, I feel like I just know you" from each.

    Also, not related to mones, but just my personal

    opinion. Movie is bad first date plan. Unless you can't, you want conversation with her... lots of it, and a

    movie isn't conducive to that. With my mones on, looking as much as possible directly into their eyes with a

    smile... They get very exasperated.. looking away, trying not to smile...
    If you have any charm at all, they'll

    cave in..... Remember, the mones are just a really nice suit--You've got to wear it well. Sometimes I get

    overexcited and do something like your combo (WAGG-N/AE/NPA) but it's too hard to tell for me what's doing what,

    and there's a lot of the same components in there. Might be overload for a young lass.

    I'm also pretty laid back and somewhat

    reserved with new people... For a little schnaz I'll spray some LT onto my finger and dab it directly under my

    nose--It makes me open up too. After I've lured the target in with laughter and conversation mones, I'll move to

    'sexual hit' mones...

    I know they're not magic potions, but the quantity and quality of my sex life has

    increased probably 500% since I started the mones..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zlo5 View Post

    I'm no expert, but for your situation I would probably try either 2 drops of AE covered with SOE or 1 dab of NPA

    topped with SOE.
    No expert here, just my two cents...
    Yeah I'm really leaning towards an SOE mix and

    I'm thinking about layin off the NPA in fear that it might be intimidating her a little bit, so that AE and SOE

    combo might be the way to go.

    I'm gonna look into that Liquid Trust. I've gotten similar "I feel so

    comfortable around you" reactions with WAGG myself.

    I see where your coming from, in regards to the limited

    conversation on movie dates. We'll probably get a bite to eat afterwards though, so I'll have another opportunity

    to just sit down and talk with her. Thanks for the input!

  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    She's ethnically Hawaiian--as in

    Polynesian--or merely from Hawaii? I live on Oahu and there are almost no pure Hawaiians. Most claiming to be

    Hawaiian are extremely international, a mix of Polynesian, Asian, Portuguese and Anglo. So her response to

    pheromones is somewhat conditional on her racial background. If she has more Asian and Polynesian blood, go easy on

    the -none products and heavier on the nols. If she has more White and Portuguese blood, you can be more free with

    the -none.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
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    Yeah she's ethnically

    Hawaiian. She was initially staying with her cousin when she first got here (with whom she just met) and her cousin

    is from the Phillipines so my guess is she would at least have Phillipino in her blood. I forget which island she's

    from but she said she grew up in the countryside. Thanks man, I'll definitely go light on the none. What about rone

    though? Do you think she'd be receptive to something like A314?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by P.

    Anyways, I’ve got a date with this Hawaiian chick on Sunday (gonna

    catch a flick) and I’m trynna figure out which mone(s) to use to accomplish a specific goal.

    So, how'd it go? Let us know what you wound up using and how the young lass reacted...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zlo5 View Post

    how'd it go? Let us know what you wound up using and how the young lass reacted...
    Okay, so I ended up going with 2 drops of A314 (one split between two pulse points on neck and one

    split behind each ear), ¾ pack of SOE on the neck and chest, 2 drops of AE distributed to the


    We ended up

    running late for the showing we planned on going to so we decided to catch the next show and grab something to eat

    before hand. That went really well. Conversation was good. Body language was good. We were laughing and joking,

    conversing on similar interests. I’m a big Sade fan and there’s a song by her that she really digs but she’s not

    familiar with the rest of her stuff. So I burned one of Sade’s CDs for her. I joked with her about how whenever she

    had her a little cutty buddy over she could use it to set the mood or whenever she tried to seduce me she could use

    that CD. She gave me a playful little giggle and response like “no thanks” and then we got into what a cutty buddy

    was cause she wasn’t familiar with the term. She was definitely a tad bit more open to the sexual innuendos.

    When we got into the

    movie is where I kind of got puzzled. Her body language did a total 180, as if she was deliberately positioning

    herself away from me. Legs crossed pointed in opposite direction, arms crossed for a good majority of the movie and

    body leaning to the opposite side. Wasn’t sure how to read that. I mean, I wasn’t expecting her to be all over me or

    anything like that but I just found it odd that she seemed to be more standoffish in the theatre after we were

    interacting pretty well beforehand.

    After the movie, conversation was still good. She lives like 2 minutes away from the theatre so I

    dropped her off but I had to step in for a second cause I left some tools from the other day. We talked for another

    5 minutes and I gave her a hug (in which she was slightly standoffish) and left still unsure. Yesterday morning, I

    checked my email and it turns out she hit me up before I had even made it to the crib (I live like 30 to 45 mins

    away depending on traffic). She sent me her myspace address (I had asked her about it few days before, but had

    forgot about it) and a link to a site we had been joking about when we were grabbing a bite to eat before the movie.

    I hit her back, but she hasn’t responded yet so we’ll see where this situation goes…

  8. #8
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    Well, sounds like overall it went

    well. The movie part is interesting, it may have just made her uncomfortable because of the whole stereotypical

    'put your arm around her' thought and my personsal favorite 'cutting a hole in the bottom of the popcorn and

    setting it on your lap' .

    Oh yeah, one of my other 'tricks' I like it to when you first meet (even if

    you've never met before) smile really big and give her a hug. Women llooooveee hugs and they don't think there's

    anything sexual about it. Seems to break down a 'touch barrier' pretty well, plus they get a good wiff of your

    pheremones and feel the strength of your arms around them. My experience is that their comfort level instantly


    Good luck!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
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    Quote Originally Posted by P.


    27 years






    Slim athletic build
    Laid back personality

    Products used:

    NPA – great success both alone and in mixes, but inconsistent. I’m good for one to

    two dabs, max two and a half. Anything past that and it gets bad.

    WAGG-N – real good success in mixes (NPA and AE in particular). Makes me come off too soft when used

    alone though.

    AE – Average success. I’ve actually gotten a couple

    DIHL with AE but nothing consistently good to give it more than average.

    Chikara – Slightly below average. Haven’t seen too much worth mentioning when using Chikara alone. I

    get a little attention but nothing significant.

    PI – Average, but as

    advertised, consistent success. Better in mixes for me (SOE or WAGG-N).

    SOE – Good success. This is another that works better in mixes or combined for me (ie NPA and/or


    A314 – on the way…

    What’s up fellas. I’ve been using mones for about a year now. Have lurked around here off and on since

    then, though as you can see, this is my first time posting. Anyways, I’ve got a date with this Hawaiian chick on

    Sunday (gonna catch a flick) and I’m trynna figure out which mone(s) to use to accomplish a specific goal.

    A little background…She’s younger (23) and we work for the same

    company (I’ve been there over a year; her a couple months…fresh from the island ). We don’t work together though.

    I work in the main office and she works at a client site, so we hardly ever see each other or interact in a work

    setting (we did in the beginning because all new employees start off in the main office and that’s how we got to

    know each other). Anyways, we’ve hung out on a few occasions but only twice alone. The first time we went to lunch

    around the time she first started. The second time was last week. She just moved in to her own apartment and I

    helped her assemble some furniture. Afterwards, she took me out to eat as a thank you. The other occasions were in

    group settings (a couple happy hours with coworkers; went rock climbing with a couple other people). Now I’m not

    looking for anything long-term here with this chick. She’s cool as hell and I like kickin it with her cause we have

    a lot of common interests and our personalities mesh (she’s small but athletic and likes sports…like a lil feminine

    tomboy). I just want some cutty buddy love though LOL Which leads me to the task at hand. Right now, I can feel that

    we’re at that point where we’re going to either progress down that path to being cutty buddies or I’m going to fall

    into the eternal persecution of THE FRIEND ZONE. I’m trying to figure out what mone or mix of mones I should used

    this weekend to keep her comfortable around me but make her feel a little more intimate. Not so much intimate as in

    sex because I can tell she’s not promiscuous, but more touchy feely flirtatious.

    More background on this chick…she’s not shy in the least bit but she is fairly reserved, similar to

    myself. I threw a few little slick sexual comments out there last time to see if she’d bite but she didn’t for the

    most part. She nibbled a couple times though lol Maybe she’s not that comfortable around me yet (she’s comfortable

    enough to be alone with me wearing them little ass shorts she had on though lol) She’s not extremely experienced,

    from what I can tell. She’s only had 3 boyfriends and all were during college. Told me she’s never heard the words

    “I love you” from her parents or said “I love you” to a significant other which leads me to believe I have my work

    cut out for me in the intimacy dept. She seems to be a daddy’s girl though so I was thinking maybe A314 or a mix

    containing it? I just ordered that though earlier this week and the order got messed up, so it probably won’t be

    here in time. I was also thinking some type of SOE mix since she does fall into that age bracket. For the past

    couple months I’ve been wearing a WAGG-N/AE/NPA (2 drops, 3 drops, 1 ½ dabs) combo that’s worked pretty good for me

    all-around and she’s been receptive to that since I’ve met her. But that friends line hasn’t been crossed yet and I

    believe this next encounter on Sunday will be pivotal in determining whether it ever will be.

    Anyone here have any experience with Hawaiian chicks?

    Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to give as much info and background on the situation as

    Howzit braddah. Good job on the post , I haven't had any definitive

    HITS per se with other islander girls as of yet, mainly (since I am using NPA w/ cover scent I have been getting

    lotsa hits from haole (white), black, and even hispanic women). And gogi, good observation on the difference between

    native Hawaiian and hapa haole's. I have Polynesian descent but its been diluted over the years with marrying into

    Filipino families. Now, Filipinos are classified as Asian as per the American government's standpoint. I say f*ck

    that cuz its really about the individual Pilipino's family bloodline. My ancestor's didn't start out as Asian, we

    just married in, so for some U.S. politician to say I am asian, well, I get a lil offended, no disrespect to my

    asian friends or other asians, I have not met. My main target is islander women, cuz that is who I want to marry n'

    have kids wit down the road. But haole girls are just sooo fun and freaky 2 be with hahahahaha

    . There is this one girl that i've had the biggest crush on since h/s. I want to kick it wit her more to see if she

    would be receptive to my "products". She's more pure-blood than me. She is straight up Hawaiian/Filipino. Whereas

    my kid brother and I are Hawaiian/New Zealand, Filipino, on our papa's side, and Haole on our mother's. Talk about

    mixed LOL. I'd like to see people give more posts on their experiences with da islander girls. But I know some on

    dis forum may not be into them. Oh well, to each their own

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