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  1. #1
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Does Anyone Like Chikara ???

    I have been wearing C7 scented for six days, my IOI's have gone to 0 during this

    phase, and i seem to appear just about as popular as President Bush would be attending at a cannabis reform

    discussion group in the highlands of Afganistan. The trouble started with one spray, and up to 3 sprays doesant

    improve things either, even the addition of 1/4 drop of the good medicine NPA doesent even seem to awaken the

    potential of this sleeping beauty. SO i am going to perservere for a little longer. SO very soon if conditions do

    not alter i will be GIVING IT AWAY for the price of postage if there is anyone who loves it enough to consider

    adoption. IT has a sort of dull silver top on it, if that means anything.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  2. #2
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    Nowadays I use only 1 spray of

    unscented C7 and am getting friendly vibes pretty much all around. For more sexually charged outings, 1 spray of it

    with 4-5 dabs of NPA covered by cologne serves me well.

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    I like it, although I think I've

    pretty much always combined it with something. I get good vibes and responses from younger ladies (I'm 29, so

    20-25ish) when combined with SOE. I actually wore some TE with 2 Sprays of C7 this morning and definitely got a

    DIHL stare from one of the receptionists at the hotel I'm staying at outside London. Last time I wore SOE and C7

    (last week) the receptionist at my eye doctor sought me out on myspace. Seem to be having much success with

    receptionists... hmmmm...

  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Many guys--especially younger

    guys--love Chikara and rave about the results. I went through an entire bottle to no avail. However I was able to

    wake it up with a healthy dose of TE (5 or 6 drops). Of course TE worked just as well without the Chikara. Maybe

    Terry and I are too old for Chiraka?
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Thank you for the responses, appreciate yr postings, maby my bio rythums are out of synk this week,

    I have decided to give the Chikara a rest for 3 days, well as i am over middle aged it may be suited more to younger

    guys, so ill give it a little more of a blast next week, and if nothing comes of it, i am sure someone will make use

    of it for the cost of postage.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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    Last edited by Bubbleboy; 10-29-2016 at 01:20 PM.

  7. #7
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi View Post

    guys--especially younger guys--love Chikara and rave about the results. I went through an entire bottle to no avail.

    However I was able to wake it up with a healthy dose of TE (5 or 6 drops). Of course TE worked just as well without

    the Chikara. Maybe Terry and I are too old for Chiraka?

    i recon you may be right there with the age thingy lol, I had previously

    read that you had gone through it to no avail, and yes i seem to get favourable results with NPA, + SOE, and TE ( iv

    only used gel ) and Alpha 7 as i think everyone knows re A7 that i really like it. So ill give the C7 a little more

    time and if it still proves unsuitable there should still be plenty left for someone to make use of. I may go and

    hunt up some straight Androstenol to augument my good aNONE stocks. Basically i just like having fun times with

    people who can laugh a little. so anything to get the fun started would be

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  8. #8
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubbleboy View Post
    Hello i was just reading ur post, and i was going to purcahse chikara but i realised your

    great deal, if it doesnt work outfor you could you please send it to me for the cost of postage?? Thanks

    By the way Iam 15
    Just give me around a week i probably average few sprays

    daily and if still nothing Then no worries Bubbleboy, and as i really dont want to waste it, IT looks like you are

    the first taker as in the right place at the right time so stay posted on this thread, 15 A should be an ideal match

    4 ya.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  9. #9
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    Hey guys,

    I havent had

    much success with anything.... Well, i kinda do at least 2 sprays of C7 when i go out, but overload to like 3 sprays

    if i go out to clubs. I also use gel packets of SOE, still nothing... Well, for me i think its just a combo of many

    things that hinders my success, such as my thread.

    Overall, im not that bad looking, hehe, but hte hits were

    never there, and well, more faith is what i have to give it ^_^.

    - J

    PS: Terry, hehe, make an aution for

    your C7, i wouldnt mind having another bottle of it

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    Last edited by Bubbleboy; 10-29-2016 at 01:20 PM.

  11. #11
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubbleboy View Post
    Thank you sooo much! But i was wondering how much shipping would cost
    Shipping is about US $ 10.00 well ill see how it goes next week with the C7 first. Like i could

    always give it a spray with an added drop of Alpha 7, or NPA, But then these two Androstenone big boys work well for

    me anytime, that is why i have been trying to test the C7 alone 2C how it really matches up with me. I had better

    not ask you to pray that i get good results ha ha,
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  12. #12
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    dude! i'll buy it off of

    you.. postage plus 10 bucks! whats up!?! lemme know!

  13. #13
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    Last edited by Bubbleboy; 10-29-2016 at 01:21 PM.

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    Last edited by Bubbleboy; 10-29-2016 at 01:19 PM.

  15. #15
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubbleboy View Post

    tried the sample for chikara to day and well it was great! In the morning at school during my student coucil

    meeting, some one was staring at me for a few seconds while smiling so i smiled back then this other girl starts

    looking back and forth... after 10 min the meeting,i went to the halls and well guess what happened!! this girl

    comes up to me and starts talking to me for 10 min... so it does work?? or is it not the phermones? Then at

    lunch i put a sample of the edge.. that didnt go to well even though i covered it with

    Well the extra aNONE that the TE supplied may have been too much

    for the young girls to match up with, I am sure that fit young men pump out sufficient Anone naturally, and that the

    Androstenol combined with small amounts of Androsterone sort of products are just right for young men, like SOE, and

    Chikara, even Perception gels are low on aNONE and twice as high on aNOL, with same amount of aRONE as aNONE, so you

    could even get results with using 1/2 of one of these gel packs, and it would be effective most of the

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  16. #16
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEEL-RESERVE View Post
    dude! i'll buy it off of you.. postage plus 10 bucks! whats up!?! lemme

    Hi steel- RSVE; Well i have already promised it to the young bloke if

    it does not pan out for me, and he is 15 yo, and probably cash strapped, ( like me ) so i have morally given him my

    word, the money doesant bother me 4 the product, just affording the postage is a little exxy at the moment 4 me,

    otherwise i would not even ask that. Sorry but you sort of just missed out this time.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  17. #17
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    damm! o well.. i just

    love the smell of it man.. and ur offer was great! well .. maybe next time.. and good luck with finding something

    that works for you! i just wish that BRUCE would make a bigger bottle of this stuff..

  18. #18
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEEL-RESERVE View Post
    damm! o well.. i just love the smell of it man.. and ur offer was great! well .. maybe

    next time.. and good luck with finding something that works for you! i just wish that BRUCE would make a bigger

    bottle of this stuff..
    I have noticed that the spray volume is not very

    much when sprayed, it doesent seem very high in volume, but i think it may be designed this way because it is a

    concentrated pheromone product. I applied 2 sprays today and some SOE and even though i was right in the face of

    several women at times it really was like i was invisable to all of them, this is not usual for me at all, so the C7

    is not being a friend.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  19. #19
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    I had to do a little shopping in some female areas today so just as an experiment i dressed up

    smart casual with some nice clothes and my nike dress walkers instead of my usual thongs and t shirt, and i had on 2

    sprays of Chicky and a little SOE gel. Well from a distance i was getting plenty of IOI,s from the fems, but as soon

    as i was in close up smelling distance they just started to ignore me as if i was not there, this sure is a funny

    situation, it is not as if i am desperate for attention, as i can sure get an abundance with most of my other

    pheroblasters, but it is Project Chikara that i am working on at the moment, just trying to get something out of

    this baby, but it seems she will just not open up to my advances, ha ha, i actually felt unusually tired after

    awhile, so who knows the mysterys contained within this little bottle. lol
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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    Last edited by Bubbleboy; 10-29-2016 at 01:18 PM.

  21. #21
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubbleboy View Post
    Chikara is really cool in a way. Well i herd that Chikara gives dreams, so well i didnt

    have dreams for a while and last night i put some chikara under neath my nose and well surprisingly i had a

    Hey excellent

    BoooooOOOOOOOOoooooooooB Im gunna

    pin a note to my pillow and have a sniff tonight.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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    Last edited by Bubbleboy; 10-29-2016 at 01:18 PM.

  23. #23
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubbleboy View Post
    Well really i was just trying to make

    some bubbles. USED about 4 spray today with one drop NPA , still noooooothin goin on, bad luck 4 me A, WELL 2 or 3

    more days should wrap it up i guess, what do you reccomend to get this exotic Chiky aroused ???. Let me know how

    you go with your PP when you get it up and running. OH well i better plan my Chikara tactics for Saturday which

    starts in 6 hours from now.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  24. #24
    Full Member bubblebob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    Well really i was just trying to make some bubbles.

    USED about 4 spray today with one drop NPA , still noooooothin goin on, bad luck 4 me A, WELL 2 or 3 more days

    should wrap it up i guess, what do you reccomend to get this exotic Chiky aroused ???. Let me know how you go with

    your PP when you get it up and running. OH well i better plan my Chikara tactics for Saturday which starts in 6

    hours from now.
    Hey Terry,

    I don't know if I already mentioned it - I

    always use Chikara with a fair amount of SoE. This combo seems to give me great social results! But if I remember

    correctly, your SoE bottle is empty, right?

    Good luck,

  25. #25
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubblebob View Post


    I don't know if I already mentioned it - I always use Chikara with a fair amount of SoE. This combo

    seems to give me great social results! But if I remember correctly, your SoE bottle is empty, right?


    Senior Bubble, SIR I am well pleased to

    receive your correspondence, as always a pleasure 4 certain. Well i chucked on 1/3 of the .13 SOE g/p around the

    gills with a few sprays of added Chikara, now Oh you Chiky
    why do you avoid me girl, come on lets get

    this thing going hot hot,
    But dis sweet Chiky would not, ha ha. Yeaar i have 3 new you beaut SOE

    .08mg's /ml in stock. Actually Bob i will have a 3 spray hit wit de Chiky and a good splodge of SOE Jelly wrapped

    well around my gills whilst i swager amoungst the damsels dames and dolls tomorrow morning. Hmmmm now that i am

    thinking about it i am very tempted to go to China Town, oh how i just love some of them Asian cultural beauties,

    well its time to catch my breath, and ahem try and forget culture, as culture will surely play havoc with the

    universes. ha ha ha
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 05-11-2007 at 04:15 AM. Reason: change punctuation marko
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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    Last edited by Bubbleboy; 10-29-2016 at 01:17 PM.

  27. #27
    Full Member bubblebob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    Senior Bubble, SIR I am well

    pleased to receive your correspondence, as always a pleasure 4 certain. Well i chucked on 1/3 of the .13 SOE g/p

    around the gills with a few sprays of added Chikara, now Oh you Chiky
    why do you avoid me girl, come

    on lets get this thing going hot hot,
    But dis sweet Chiky would not, ha ha. Yeaar i have 3 new you

    beaut SOE .08mg's /ml in stock. Actually Bob i will have a 3 spray hit wit de Chiky and a good splodge of SOE Jelly

    wrapped well around my gills whilst i swager amoungst the damsels dames and dolls tomorrow morning. Hmmmm now that i

    am thinking about it i am very tempted to go to China Town, oh how i just love some of them Asian cultural beauties,

    well its time to catch my breath, and ahem try and forget culture, as culture will surely play havoc with the

    universes. ha ha ha
    Always an

    exquisite pleasure reading from you, too, Terry!

    You know, I'm starting to believe that all this heavy -none

    stuff is made mainly for the older folks (as wearer as well as the 'target group'), and things like C7 for the

    young ones. I remember you were waiting for my results of the TE test - and I have to say that I've been avoided

    even with as little as two small dabs of TE and a fair amount of SOE, especially by my favourite test subject at my

    office (aged 21, I guess I have mentioned her before - I'm starting to feel a little freaky mentioning her so

    often). After testing TE for 2 weeks with varying amounts and the same result every single time, I have switched

    back to two sprays Chikara and quite a lot of SOE today - and whooosh, she instantly was back into

    smiley-flirty-touchy-mode. It does feel a little like pushing a button - if I want her to keep some distance I can

    use some heavy -none stuff, if I want some flirty time with her, I'll use my good old Chikara. Which brings some

    doubt into the theory, that pheromones do only have a very small impact (like 5% of the overall


    So maybe you should just go back to the things that work for you if C7 just doesn't seem to be

    made for you. But I know how you are feeling - I've experimented with all this -none stuff quite a lot in the last

    time, although I've seen that it won't lead me anywhere...

    Which leads me to some suggestion: If the deal

    with that guy who almost copied my nickname doesn't work out for one reason or another, I'd be willing to

    exchange my bottle of A7 for yours of C7... Maybe give it a little thought...

    All the best,

  28. #28
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubbleboy View Post
    just wondering how am i going to pay shipping? COD?
    Just give me a couple more days, and ill know for certain if i am going to ship the C7 out, and

    then you can send me an email with your email adress, and then i can give my adress and you can then send me a

    postal order for AUS $12.00 for padded envelope and postage cost, it is equal to US $ 10.00. OR you can leave your

    email adress on one of your posts so i can verify it really comes from you, as sometimes in this situation several

    adresses can turn up claiming to be bubbleboy.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  29. #29
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubblebob View Post
    Always an exquisite pleasure reading from you, too, Terry!

    You know, I'm starting to

    believe that all this heavy -none stuff is made mainly for the older folks (as wearer as well as the 'target

    group'), and things like C7 for the young ones. I remember you were waiting for my results of the TE test - and I

    have to say that I've been avoided even with as little as two small dabs of TE and a fair amount of SOE, especially

    by my favourite test subject at my office (aged 21, I guess I have mentioned her before - I'm starting to feel a

    little freaky mentioning her so often). After testing TE for 2 weeks with varying amounts and the same result every

    single time, I have switched back to two sprays Chikara and quite a lot of SOE today - and whooosh, she instantly

    was back into smiley-flirty-touchy-mode. It does feel a little like pushing a button - if I want her to keep some

    distance I can use some heavy -none stuff, if I want some flirty time with her, I'll use my good old Chikara. Which

    brings some doubt into the theory, that pheromones do only have a very small impact (like 5% of the overall


    So maybe you should just go back to the things that work for you if C7 just doesn't seem to be made

    for you. But I know how you are feeling - I've experimented with all this -none stuff quite a lot in the last time,

    although I've seen that it won't lead me anywhere...

    Which leads me to some suggestion: If the deal with that

    guy who almost copied my nickname doesn't work out for one reason or another, I'd be willing to exchange my

    bottle of A7 for yours of C7... Maybe give it a little thought...

    All the best,
    Yes BBob I think it was probably a bit of a coincidence that the young bloke chose bubbleboy, it is

    good you have an avatar so as not to get confused when i am rushing in to post. Well i have a couple of days left on

    the C7 , and if i receive the postage then i will be obliged to send it out to the young bloke as i have given my

    word, but if for some reason there is no follow through i will sure consider the swap as it makes a lot of sense,

    and i love Alpha 7, too bad we didnt think about it earlier before BBjunior hit the button. Well it may of been my

    enthusiastic response to A7 that got a few people interested in the A7, But i was just stating the facts as the

    stuff really done it good 4 me, and now i am posting less than favourable results on my relationship with the

    stubborn C7, and i will not call a product shit just because it does not complement my individuality, because as in

    this case the C7 really is a favourite product of so many users. So it will be riding on me today and tomorrow for

    the last of my Chiky trials. And sincere thanks for your offer Bob, ill keep it in mind.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  30. #30
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    Just give me a couple more days, and ill know for

    certain if i am going to ship the C7 out, and then you can send me an email with your email adress, and then i can

    give my adress and you can then send me a postal order for AUS $12.00 for padded envelope and postage cost, it is

    equal to US $ 10.00. OR you can leave your email adress on one of your posts so i can verify it really comes from

    you, as sometimes in this situation several adresses can turn up claiming to be bubbleboy.

    If you guys don't want to place email addresses on the forum, let me know. I can access

    it in the forum records and send your addresses to both of you without it becoming public.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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