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  1. #1
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    Default Newbie experiments

    Im a newbie to this

    stuff but yesterday i got PI, AE, NPA, SOE, and Chikira.

    First experiment mall: SOE+Chikira..1spray of Chikira.

    and 2 and a half rolls of SOE

    Im 5,8 half cuban half jamacian, 21. 140 pounds

    Got 1 hit from good looking

    classy women, in her mid 30s....I was just standing in line behind her and she turned around and just started

    glancing at me and shaking her hair and then walked away. nothing spectacular.
    Continued walked around the mall and

    just getting the feel for it. Didnt really notice anything special.

    2nd day...2 Sparys of chikira and 2 drops of

    PI...15 min later i pick up one of my girl friends. Fairly good looking italian girl. While in the car all i noticed

    that she was getting a bit nervous and told me that my music was giving her a headache.
    We goto the mall. My girl

    friend goes to have a cigarret so i just stand around and i got my first hit that day when this brown lady walked up

    to me and asked me for a lighter. and she smiled at me. she was in her mid 20's maybe a 7.
    So i just walked

    through the mall with me and my girl friend, we walked into alot of stores i noticed little things but nothing

    really to consider a hit.

    I drop off the girl friend go and pick up 3 of my guy friends, they have mones on too.

    we go to another mall. I spray on 1 more of chikira and one more dap of PI..........So we went to our first mall and

    just stood thur outside waiting for my friend to have a cigarret. This perisan guy walks up to us asks us for a

    cigarret n then starts talking to us for a while. then me and my friends go inside the mall walk around and noticed

    that persian guy following us like he was confused lol thatwas pretty funny........after walking around for a bit we

    noticed some old people looking at us from both sexes but nothing esle to consider a hit. and then we left the mall

    and went to another mall.
    Walked around in the stores, standed in the proximity of or targets and tried to

    observe, nothing special at all.
    So at the end I got a lil fustrated and saw this Hot italian girl 18, tanned, a 9.

    Sprayed chikiria once on me waited a bit n then walked up to her and stated talking to her, I got her # but i dont

    think the mones effected it maybe. After that we walked around a bit noticed asian girls responded to it. And then

    we left. I felt pretty good tho getting that hot italian girls number, but i still need to figure out a better mix

    for myself

    2morrow im going to try, SOE and AE

  2. #2
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    Hi There,
    Im still

    experimenting myself. I would say try each alone to see what results u get then start layering the different

    products. Start out small. Sounds like you were putting too much on in a short period of time. The doses U put on

    sounds more for club setting. Did you feel any changes in your own personality during this time?

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    yes the first time, i felt

    really talkative, and all i wanted to do was socialize.......

  4. #4
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    Today i used 3 drops of AE and

    about 3 strips of SOE, when i was in line at the grocery store i noticed one italian female shorter then me seemed

    to be vary sexualy fustrated, and checkng me out a couple of times, the women behind her was doing the same, I think

    im happy with this combination...

    I have the roll on SOE can is thur any other ways i can measure a drop or

    apply it on differently.....I was thinking of using the AE dropper..But duno how many drops of SOE (in the roller

    bottle) would be equivalent to the standard drop........

  5. #5
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj_clue View Post

    i used 3 drops of AE and about 3 strips of SOE, when i was in line at the grocery store i noticed one italian female

    shorter then me seemed to be vary sexualy fustrated, and checkng me out a couple of times, the women behind her was

    doing the same, I think im happy with this combination...

    I have the roll on SOE can is thur any other ways i

    can measure a drop or apply it on differently.....I was thinking of using the AE dropper..But duno how many drops of

    SOE (in the roller bottle) would be equivalent to the standard drop........
    My SOE bottle has finished, and now i have another mix of Alpha 7 and A 314 in the bottle as a

    base with added cologne and the roller top put back in place. Considering all fluids have different thicknesses

    then the amount of drops per millilitre will always vary, and also the dropper used and the temperature will always

    play a part in giving various readings to the pheromone quantities per ml, so it is best to obtain an eyedropper

    with ml gradients marked on it and then do 5 or 6 repeated measurements of how many drops per ml you have in your

    product, you will get different readings each time so out of six or more readings go for an average and be content

    with that, multiply it by 10 and then it will give you an estimate of how many drops you may be close to having in

    your 10 ml bottle. With the mix i am using in the SOE bottle i am getting about 8" to one drop, with about 350 drops

    in the bottle, so that makes about 2800" per bottle, Always be very carefull when you put your fingernail under the

    top casing to remove the roller as it will come out very easily in this instance, and you dont want to spill any, so

    you may need to do it over a container so as to catch any spillage if you are not so articulate with your hands.

    Roughly a drop of SOE probably is around 20 mcg pheromones per drop depending on the dropper and temperature, so 3

    drops would be a generous application which would give you roughly about 116 very good applications per bottle which

    is well under 50 cents per application, there is no doubting that this products is good value for money, not only

    that but the really good thing is that this stuff works. But it will be better to do your own measurements so you

    can take into consideration the variables at your disposal.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  6. #6
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    Thanks for the info ill try


    Today i used 2 drops of NPA, and 2 drops of SOE.

    First i used SOE by it self in the grocery store.

    Just noticed a man following my trail.

    then put NPA went to the mall, walked around, standed around in stores.

    Noticed a couple of girls brushing their hair, but can't consider those hits.

    Felt really weird after using NPA.

    But didnt get any real hits at the mall.

    Next im gonna try AE with PI

  7. #7
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj_clue View Post
    Thanks for the info ill try that.

    Today i used 2 drops of NPA, and 2 drops of SOE.

    First i used SOE by it self in the grocery store. Just noticed a man following my trail.

    then put NPA went to

    the mall, walked around, standed around in stores. Noticed a couple of girls brushing their hair, but can't

    consider those hits.

    Felt really weird after using NPA. But didnt get any real hits at the mall.

    Next im

    gonna try AE with PI
    Maby too much NPA this time, NPA x 1 + SOE x 3 may

    have registered. sometimes that extra drop of NPA can make or break the deal depending on the pheromones you are

    naturally giving off at the time, and also these may change depending upon your bio rythums and other factors.

    Sometimes that little extra aNONE drop is enough to paint you out of the picture, sad but it happens

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  8. #8
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj_clue View Post

    i used 3 drops of AE and about 3 strips of SOE, when i was in line at the grocery store i noticed one italian female

    shorter then me seemed to be vary sexualy fustrated, and checkng me out a couple of times, the women behind her was

    doing the same, I think im happy with this combination...

    I have the roll on SOE can is thur any other ways i

    can measure a drop or apply it on differently.....I was thinking of using the AE dropper..But duno how many drops of

    SOE (in the roller bottle) would be equivalent to the standard drop........
    One good method of measuring out drops per ml of your favourite product is to use a 3ml syringe, this

    also was reccomended by Oscar concerning this subject. So just suck up about 1/2" of air and then suck up your

    product until it becomes level with the 1ml marking on the syringe, now very steadily push down slowly and count out

    your drops till it runs dry, so do this about 7 times and then work out your average reading for drops per ml, if

    you have a steady hand and some clean containers it should not take you long to work out how many drops total you

    have in your bottle of new product, so for instance if you have SOE at 5mg/10mL then that is 5000 mcg pheromones in

    your bottle, now divide the 5000 mcg by the total number of drops you have in your bottle and that will then tell

    how many mcg of pheromone you have in each drop of your product, it may not be exactly perfect but you will always

    know how many mcg of pheromone you are getting per drop and then it is easy to perscribe the correct number of drops

    you need for your applications and or your mix recipies. For my requirements then 3 drops of SOE is a good average

    amount which gives me in excess 50 mcg of this nol and rone combo, and this is also great to wear with a Little

    NPA,or PI or A7 or TE or A 4.2 or RM, or Impi, or PPA . As you can see the choices are almost unlimited but there

    is always something that is certain to become a favourite, SOE and NPA is a Bombshell for me, and i have been using

    one of my recent products Alpha 7 which is proving itself to be a really great aNONE standalone as well as a dynamic

    and stable base to use in my favourite mix combos, A7 is a Smooth operator, i had a drop on lastnight combined with

    24" SOE and it led to a tantalising and a real fun night allround.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  9. #9
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    Default Better results today

    Thanks for

    the info

    Today I put on PI one drop infront of each armpit (more heat the better), and sprayed chikira 3


    Went to the mall with a girlfriend (Colombian, 17,) at first she was vary talkative, but as we were

    walking in the mall, she told me that alot of girls were checking me out, and this really hot brown chick stars at

    me for a while then walks in front of us and then pretends like she is fixing her shoe, then my friend noticed her

    following me. I noticed other girls checking me out, felt really good.

  10. #10
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj_clue View Post
    Thanks for the info

    Today I put on PI one drop infront of each armpit (more heat the

    better), and sprayed chikira 3 sprays.

    Went to the mall with a girlfriend (Colombian, 17,) at first she was vary

    talkative, but as we were walking in the mall, she told me that alot of girls were checking me out, and this really

    hot brown chick stars at me for a while then walks in front of us and then pretends like she is fixing her shoe,

    then my friend noticed her following me. I noticed other girls checking me out, felt really good.
    Hey J good post, shit man it seems you can utilize the PI to some good advantage,

    what shirt were you wearing or singlet or T ? It seems like the chicks must really be picking up on your Chikara

    trail, wow you are D Man, its really interesting to see how much Chikara is used by everyone and what enhances its

    effects and dynamics ect.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  11. #11
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    I was wearing a 100 cotten

    sweater...i guess it absorbs the substance really well, I can still smell it on my shirt. But i dabed the PI on he


  12. #12
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj_clue View Post
    I was

    wearing a 100 cotten sweater...i guess it absorbs the substance really well, I can still smell it on my shirt. But i

    dabed the PI on he inside.
    Thanks heaps, winter is on the way here in

    Australia, so you have hit the nail on the head with your consideration of the heat factor involved with phero

    distribution, as i have also noticed some excellent results with AE and SOE gels when i am heated up good. ha ha

    temperature wise i mean, the other heat usually follows.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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