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  1. #1
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    Default Newb looking to learn more and get advice

    I know you guys get tons of posts like this, i'm new and would like some suggestions on what to do,

    and i'm hoping you aren't jaded of answering these questions yet. I did spend some time searching the forums and

    couldn't seem to find the answer i was looking for.

    basically, i've always heard about using phermones and

    always considered they could be effective. it makes sense, humans are still animals and behave instictually, but i

    was always skeptical of those back of the magazine ads promising your wildest desires. i actually took the time to

    look into the science of it and found this site, which is making me believe there really is some science behind


    Anyways, i am interested in trying a little experiment with phermones just for fun and am not sure what i

    should get. I was reading that knowing a bit about me and my goals would help you give me advice. I am on the

    shorter end, about 5' 3", good looking, very sweet, athletic build. I don't have problems talking to girls and

    i'm not looking for phermones to get me chicks, just give me a little edge. Because of my shorter stature and my

    natural friendliness, I feel like i'm lacking the "alpha male" characteristic. I am confident and can easily take

    charge when necessary but that is definately not the initial impression you would get from me.

    I was wondering

    what you might suggest to add a little more alpha male scent without coming off like a caveman, something that would

    fit my personality and help get some more hits from the ladies. I'm hoping not to have to do some crazy concoction

    and spend a ton of money but i'm interested in trying this stuff out. any suggestions would be greaty


  2. #2
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    A314 helps impart a peaceful

    alpha air without coming off as a Neanderthal or cocky arse. If you want a little more "dirty" later you can

    supplement with a few dabs of TE or NPA. SOE is great for encouraging a friendly and talkative vibe. I've been

    using A314 and SOE together at work for the last month with excellent results. After work, when I hit the local

    happy hour, I add 3 or 4 dabs of NPA for a nasty boy edge.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  3. #3
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    thanks for you suggestion. i

    looked at a314 and from the reviews they say it has a fatherly vibe which maybe good. how well does it work alone?

    i would prefer an unscented product or one that could be easily covered by cologne. what kind of application is

    best for a314?

    again thanks for your advice, i'm just looking to get as many suggestions as possible because

    i'm really interested in learning about all this stuff.

  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Ah dunno about a "fatherly vibe."

    I felt A314 fostered friendly but respectful interactions. Nobody flips you shit but they ain't nervous or afraid

    of you. However, the vibe is up to you. I wouldn't turn on the "fatherly" vibe except about little kids. At work I

    project an authoritative alpha image and A314 amps me up even more--makes work easier. On a date, I act personable

    and sexual and the woman responds in-kind. She would anyway without A314 but the product helps move things along

    faster and more intensely. So A314 is a total shape-shifter depending on your persona: it can be sexual, fatherly or

    whatever depending on how you project and carry yourself during interactions. I can say women certainly have made no

    bones about coming on to me. If that's "fatherly" I guess they mean it in the sense of "oh daddy please be the

    father of my children!"

    Unfortuately A314 is scented. Personally I hate the scent as it smells like headshop

    incense and organic hippie witch supply house. So if you must pigeonhole the vibe, I'd call it essense of

    earthdaddy or stoner dude. And the smell doesn't really mix well with "fresh" modern colognes like Weekend, Issey

    Miyake or CK One. It works well with TE Heat and Patchouli oil! So some hairy legged earthmamas may be in your


    what kind of application is best for a314?
    It's a heavy oil based product

    and you must work it to get a drop out. I apply to exposed skin. I steer clear of clothing as it


    There are not many unscented products. Also, understand unscented simply means no fragrance added.

    All pheromone products stink to some degree. Unscented TE and NPA smell worse than ass. Think cat piss mixed with 2

    hour workout armpit. WAGG nearly makes me wanta hurl--I think it's the nol. Unscented SOE is pretty musky and

    slightly BO like. However a good dose of cologne will cover most of them save OD level apps.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
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    so basically, it will give off

    the attitude you are protraying, which sounds like a jack of all trades. however, the difficulty in covering up its

    essence of stoner is not very reassuring. i understand that all phermones will have some sort of scent, and you say

    a good dose of cologne will cover it up. I'm hoping that i wouldnt need so much cologne that i stink up every room

    i walk into. i'd like attention, but not disgust from an OD of cologne.

    any other products you or anyone else

    might suggest or is A314 probably my best bet. i'd like to hear from anyone else who's used it too.


  6. #6
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gkaye13

    basically, it will give off the attitude you are protraying, which sounds like a jack of all trades. however, the

    difficulty in covering up its essence of stoner is not very reassuring. i understand that all phermones will have

    some sort of scent, and you say a good dose of cologne will cover it up. I'm hoping that i wouldnt need so much

    cologne that i stink up every room i walk into. i'd like attention, but not disgust from an OD of cologne.


    other products you or anyone else might suggest or is A314 probably my best bet. i'd like to hear from anyone else

    who's used it too.

    I have 2 bottles of A314, one was purchased

    here at L-S and it does smell a little funky, but as soon as my 18 yo daughter got a whiff she stated " Dad i really

    like that smell" the fragrance is not what i would call unplesant or overpowering, i even like it, and it dissapates

    rather quickly so you can still use some of your own cologne if you wish. My other bottle i purchased directly from

    the manufacturer of A314 and it is still the exact same classic formula as the one L-S distributes except it has a

    slightly different carrier oil and also a different fragrance, it is a little sweeter and longer lasting, but the

    smell is not better than the l-s product only different, and it did cost a little more, I love to use A314 because

    it suits me, and at 3 drops alone it is not what i would consider sexual, but your opinions would be taken

    seriously, sometimes i add a little NPA and then i dont get approached by the women, and usually i will instigate

    the opening conversation, and once they get a whiff i cant get rid of them . but i am 55 so i can easily use some

    extra Androstenone like say NPA, or ALPHA 7, I dont know your age, but if you are young then i suggest you go for

    some Edge with several inches of SOE, as you can also purchase these in gel packs to test the products out. Some

    young men will also get good results with AQ, ie at say between 3 and 6 drops depending on conditions, this

    is a real good formulation with an abundance of quality pheronones, and really loosens the girls up, the only

    trouble is they would be following you around, making a nusience of themselves. Good luck with your choice, hope it

    suits you, and i cant really give you much advice with the straight Androstenone products seeing as dont know your

    age, but you seem to be young, A314 would possably suit you at work, it even has a touch of androstenone in it, but

    not enough to mention, so a combination product like AQ has a chance to suit you, especially for fun social scenes.

    But on the other hand if you just want to amp up your alpha he man a touch, then the edge is a one to look at and

    you wont OD, like if you was wearing its more powerfull brother NPA which is over 4.5 stronger and less easily to

    manage for a youngmans needs. Even with Alpha 7, it would last you a long time, because you would start out at 1/3

    drop and work up to one drop if necessary.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  7. #7
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    thanks for your input, I am

    young 22 and work in a very young environment, lots of fashion brands and when i go out i'm generally surrounded by

    those around my age or younger. From what i am understanding, AQ would be pretty good for social settings but how

    would it go from work to a night out? You also suggest Edge with SOE. I'm just trying to understand the

    difference and seeing which would suit my situation better. It's just that i'm trying to get a little bit of

    extra alpha male, well i guess i would be looking for a "jack-of-all-trades" one that might enhance the vibes i'm

    giving be friendliness, sexual or occasional dominance at work.

    thanks again!

  8. #8
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gkaye13
    thanks for

    your input, I am young 22 and work in a very young environment, lots of fashion brands and when i go out i'm

    generally surrounded by those around my age or younger. From what i am understanding, AQ would be pretty good for

    social settings but how would it go from work to a night out? You also suggest Edge with SOE. I'm just trying to

    understand the difference and seeing which would suit my situation better. It's just that i'm trying to get a

    little bit of extra alpha male, well i guess i would be looking for a "jack-of-all-trades" one that might enhance

    the vibes i'm giving be friendliness, sexual or occasional dominance at work.

    thanks again!

    you shower after work before you go out into town?
    Then it would be a good time to apply the evening mones perhaps,

    but I'm not sure how two applications could affect the results as I only use one per day usually..
    But I would

    prosume that the shower would have got rid of the most of the earlier mones left-overs..
    But again depends on how

    much you sweat and how hot you skin is (as the hotter your skin is the faster the mones would avaporate and perhaps

    would be easier to get washed of - but NOT sure)
    WorkingMann - you've been there, done that!

  9. #9
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gkaye13
    thanks for

    your input, I am young 22 and work in a very young environment, lots of fashion brands and when i go out i'm

    generally surrounded by those around my age or younger. From what i am understanding, AQ would be pretty good for

    social settings but how would it go from work to a night out? You also suggest Edge with SOE. I'm just trying to

    understand the difference and seeing which would suit my situation better. It's just that i'm trying to get a

    little bit of extra alpha male, well i guess i would be looking for a "jack-of-all-trades" one that might enhance

    the vibes i'm giving be friendliness, sexual or occasional dominance at work.

    thanks again!
    Well AQ would make you a comfortable interesting fun man to be around, so a few drops

    at work and 5 or 6 at play. The A314 would give you some suttle respect, but it would not necessarily make you more

    approachable, but you would appear more respected or revered, and also the results are not right there in your face

    with A314 it takes time to become familiar with its effects. IF you are a naturally friendly sort of guy then as i

    said a very small application of Androstenone would certainly amp up your masculinity. OK just for the sake of it

    then considering you want a jack of all trades singular product with a little heat, go and purchase some Alter Ego

    and start out at one drop, but i would not go over 3 especially at work, and if you are not wearing a fragrance then

    go for the AE scented. if you tend to get a little sweaty then just spread a drop or two out on your hair at the

    back of head..
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  10. #10
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    to workingmann - generally after

    work we'll go out for a few drinks and that turns into a few more and so on. it really depends on the night but

    most nights we go from work to the bars.


    thanks again for you suggestions. just to make sense of all

    this, sorry there are just so many different kinds and experience is the best teacher, which you seem to have. AQ

    is milder and would make a comfortable atmosphere while AE is basically good all around.

    i've got A314, TE with

    SOE, AQ and AE. so would you say AE would probably be the best to start out with? And as far as application, i am

    not sweaty, i actually rarely sweat, you would say 1-2 drops at work, what about when moving to the night scene?

    can it be covered with cologne? and should i apply it where i normally apply cologne?

    i appreciate your patience

    and taking the time to educate me. there is a ton of information on this forum and even after spending days reading

    about it, it's hard to get a clear grasp without someone's help.

  11. #11
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    Ae is a very good all rounder i

    would agree with terry that 3 drops especially for me is the higher limit stakes.

    Soe good one for beginners

    A314 exudes respect ito2 drops.

    Npa and TE= have more edgy sexual spice .Have been getting great

    responses from te lately, not as strong as Npa, and seems not to have the edgyness around it .That is nervousness,

    from women. Adding a314 does the trick to offset the edgyness of npa.

    Good luck

  12. #12
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gkaye13

    workingmann - generally after work we'll go out for a few drinks and that turns into a few more and so on. it

    really depends on the night but most nights we go from work to the bars.


    thanks again for you

    suggestions. just to make sense of all this, sorry there are just so many different kinds and experience is the best

    teacher, which you seem to have. AQ is milder and would make a comfortable atmosphere while AE is basically good all


    i've got A314, TE with SOE, AQ and AE. so would you say AE would probably be the best to start out

    with? And as far as application, i am not sweaty, i actually rarely sweat, you would say 1-2 drops at work, what

    about when moving to the night scene? can it be covered with cologne? and should i apply it where i normally apply


    i appreciate your patience and taking the time to educate me. there is a ton of information on this

    forum and even after spending days reading about it, it's hard to get a clear grasp without someone's

    OK seeing as you need something with some added masculinity

    and an allrounder go for the AE unscented use about 2 drops at work and cover with a light spray of cologne, and

    then give the old application area a wipe over with an alcohol wipe before the nightclub application of 4 drops. Try

    and have a couple of days break from it as well each week. As we dont want you to get an excessive buildup of

    pheromone residues ect.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  13. #13
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    To me the products that are

    unquestionably great, relative to other options, are Edge and a314. That leaves -nol, to round out the essentials.

    You also need -nol. I prefer chem set alpha and beta -nol mixed, but that's too expensive for most.

    PF is

    maybe a cheap source of -nol -- reputedly -- but no one really knows what's in it. Still, I usually opt for that to

    save money, knowing I might be wrong to.

    There really is no cheap, reliable source of -nol here, which is

    probably the biggest unmet product need. SOE adds more -rone, which is counterproductive if you are using a314 for

    -rone, which is best, IMHO. So SOE is not really an ideal source of -nol either. PI/w has copulins, so it is also

    not ideal for -nol. SP oils are unreliable, because noone knows how much -nol is in them (plus they are cheap

    synthetic fragrances, not that the fragrance is useless -- I put a good bit of SP juniper in Pheros to round

    out a natural juniper note and add -nol).

    Chikara, IMPI, and are great for some people, very good in

    lesser amounts for others, and less ideal for others. Still, all are well worth trying, if you can budget it.

    Personally, Chikara is one I definitely have in my arsenal, if I can afford it, just to use small amounts of in

    combinations. I had good luck with Impi back in the day too, though I wasn't sure if or how the extra ingredient

    improved on Edge. The extra ingredient may have made it less sexually appealing, I'm not sure.

    Other products

    are good too, but not necessarily as the best, most efficient approach to getting the essentials.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  14. #14
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    As teery said use some

    alcohol or at least try to wash your wrists or other application points before giving the second dosage before going

    into town..
    And if you want something to give you a little "alpha push" I would go with A314 and works great.. at

    least for me..
    AE does a great work also but to me A314 is more really alpha where with AE you're not as much

    alpha but more the guy that's friendly (not friend friendly) but also has some sexual side to it..
    WorkingMann - you've been there, done that!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    To me the

    products that are unquestionably great, relative to other options, are Edge and a314. That leaves -nol, to round out

    the essentials. You also need -nol. I prefer chem set alpha and beta -nol mixed, but that's too expensive for


    out of curiosity, how much chem set alpha and beta -nol do you usually use w/your Edge and

    A314 combo?

    i've decided to jump on the A314 bandwagon.

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