I know you guys get tons of posts like this, i'm new and would like some suggestions on what to do,

and i'm hoping you aren't jaded of answering these questions yet. I did spend some time searching the forums and

couldn't seem to find the answer i was looking for.

basically, i've always heard about using phermones and

always considered they could be effective. it makes sense, humans are still animals and behave instictually, but i

was always skeptical of those back of the magazine ads promising your wildest desires. i actually took the time to

look into the science of it and found this site, which is making me believe there really is some science behind


Anyways, i am interested in trying a little experiment with phermones just for fun and am not sure what i

should get. I was reading that knowing a bit about me and my goals would help you give me advice. I am on the

shorter end, about 5' 3", good looking, very sweet, athletic build. I don't have problems talking to girls and

i'm not looking for phermones to get me chicks, just give me a little edge. Because of my shorter stature and my

natural friendliness, I feel like i'm lacking the "alpha male" characteristic. I am confident and can easily take

charge when necessary but that is definately not the initial impression you would get from me.

I was wondering

what you might suggest to add a little more alpha male scent without coming off like a caveman, something that would

fit my personality and help get some more hits from the ladies. I'm hoping not to have to do some crazy concoction

and spend a ton of money but i'm interested in trying this stuff out. any suggestions would be greaty
