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  1. #1
    Stranger london-boy's Avatar
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    Default Successful night with chikara

    I have heard alot of negativty towards Chikara on here but then again maybe it is better for younger guys.

    was goin for a night out with a young 1/2 Jamaican girl age 18 to the Cinema that i had known for 2 days & only ever

    spoken to on the phone so this was the 1st time we had met as it was a friend of hers who i know who gave her my

    number, then on our way back that to our homes last night we were talking, and out of the blue she asked me if i had

    ever had sex in the cinema before, then tellin me how she had, then about a few mins later, again out the blue she

    was pointing out her "scenes of the crime" (where she had sex) down ally ways etcc, i do realise she is probably a

    bit of a slut but the one thing that ruined that night out was me nearlly gettin ran over and into an argument with

    the person who almost did that, so it kinda messed my mood up and i turned down the offer to go abck to hers "for a

    drink", but we might be hooking up later for a drink up. But i would definatly say i could have ended that night

    gettin me some "Rangoose"

    This was with 1 single spray of Chikara the forehead (experimenting locations at

    the mo plus i tend to sweat a bit there) plus a few sprays of failure (pherlure) on my chest, just to give off that

    scent after walking about a bit creating sweat that makes my own odor.

    I'm guessin the NOL int the product gave

    her that chatiness, i'm wondering if it has a higher level of Beta NOL to the Alpha NOL because it wasnt just

    chattiness but it was deeper as she was tellin me about her sexual in public sexual experiences. Tonight or whenever

    i next meet her i'm thinking of doing two sprays of Chikara and maybe the other rubbish on my body for when we get

    down cos i have heard that the smell alone of aqua di gio or pherlure can turn women on. I'll give some more

    updates later in the week!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Fuck Man! Dude I Love

    Chikara!! i just logged on to tell the people of tonite! With Chikara! Same Thing man.. She was Hella Chatty and

    then she got deep in to ex-relationships... then we messed around, and she was telling me where she likes to have

    sex in a house! exactly man what u were going threw.. but i ended up having sex! but yeah man! i used a

    full gel packet of chikara (my bottle is on the way!) and is was just like u said! i guess u just beat me to the

    post! and BTW, i'm 22 about 5-11. 160lbs..
    Plus I have phelure too man, it hella sux balls! i'm going to

    give it away for x-mas.. plus it stinks.. Chikara smells hella good and works wonders!!!

  3. #3
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "...but it was deeper as

    she was tellin me about her sexual in public sexual experiences."
    I'm not sure I'd describe such talk

    as "deeper." Normally that's something you hold back on until you know the person better. Sounds like she vocalized

    whatever came in her head. Alpha 'nol is good at encouraging that. Of course maybe that's just the way she is...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  4. #4
    Stranger london-boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEEL-RESERVE

    Man! Dude I Love Chikara!! i just logged on to tell the people of tonite! With Chikara! Same Thing man.. She was

    Hella Chatty and then she got deep in to ex-relationships... then we messed around, and she was telling me where she

    likes to have sex in a house! exactly man what u were going threw.. but i ended up having sex! but yeah

    man! i used a full gel packet of chikara (my bottle is on the way!) and is was just like u said! i guess u just

    beat me to the post! and BTW, i'm 22 about 5-11. 160lbs..
    Plus I have phelure too man, it hella sux balls!

    i'm going to give it away for x-mas.. plus it stinks.. Chikara smells hella good and works wonders!!!

    i'm glad it worked out for you, it kinda lifted my spirits to see it worked after alot of negative reviews from

    older guys on here. But i'm sure Beta NOL played its part, cos it gives them more that feel of trust and there for

    letting the conversations get deeper etc. How many sprays is a full gel packet equivelent to? and STEEL how old was

    the girl??
    Last edited by london-boy; 03-05-2007 at 06:30 AM. Reason: misprint

  5. #5
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    i'm not sure how many

    sprays is the same as a full gel pak.. but anyway the girl was 23.. and it was like outta nowhere, we were just

    chillin' and bam! she attacked me! pretty dam cool! but i've also heard of better results with the bottle!

    (hopefully coming in the mail today)... but yeah either way, glad u had a good experience with it too man!

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Try one spray for a few days then

    One works for me!
    subtle but you need to look for it, it's there.
    early 40's white male or or

  7. #7
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    yeah i used 3 sprays

    today... i think im going down to 2.. just to test out different amounts at a time... plus im a work.. so the air

    is pretty still... i'll let u know of the results! but i still love this stuff man... o and people say that to some

    members... it makes them look "gayish"... well.. i dunno about that... but its working for me! damm I love

    this site... i cant beleive i just happen to come across this just now..! LOL!

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