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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Feb 2002
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    Default No guarantees - but still valuable


    thing about pheros for me is to understand the limits of what they can do for you.

    We higher primates

    (including humans) are different than our lower animal cousins. Other animals have more rigid, hardwired sexual

    behaviors. When they are in the correct readiness/hormonal state and the reproductive triggers are present, they

    will indeed mate according to stereotypical behavior patters. Spray boarmate in a pigs face, and if she is in season

    she will assume the position, even with no boar around. Oh, if it were only so easy for us…

    The higher

    primates are different however. Solid research shows how social context, and psychology for humans, moderate our

    sexual behavior. We can mate in the absence of the “correct” hormonal/physiological state, or refrain from mating

    when all those conditions are right. Of course, we are much more likely to mate when those conditions are conducive,

    but those conditions are neither necessary nor sufficient for mating to occur. Our advanced forebrain has the final

    say (that’s why putting the forebrain to sleep with booze produces more impulsive/primitive behavior – the usual

    control of the higher brain is dulled by drunkenness).

    Now human pheros are shown to trigger certain mood,

    hormonal, and neurological states. That’s valuable! Hopefully those applied products will give you an edge you

    didn’t have otherwise, get your target into a more conducive state and state of mind. But don’t count on that to

    guarantee your desired result… humans (and all the higher primates) are just not wired for automatic sexual

    responses like the lower animals. There’s a limit then on what we should expect from phero product use.


    like phero products that have been shown consistently to have measurable and repeatable effects on the study groups.

    I hope those effects put my target in a state more favorable to what I am after. But I recognize I still have work

    to do, especially initially on her mind. I don’t look at phero products as a guarantee then, but as an aid. Like

    having status, good looks, good grooming, tons of money, experience with women, intelligence, and all the other

    things that add up being attractive. Everything you can add to your attractiveness bundle is only helpful. Add

    pheros – I did, and I know they have helped.
    Last edited by Irish; 02-13-2007 at 10:00 AM. Reason: spelling

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