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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
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    Question Alpha Male Pill?

    Does anyone have any

    thoughts on this?

    Methly 1-D the active ingridient is



    the site"Methyl 1-D is shown to increase the secretion of pheromones, the all important "scent" that drives women

    wild and makes other men fear you when you enter a room."
    Last edited by belgareth; 07-04-2009 at 02:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
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    this is a anabolic test

    booster...i would imagine you would get the same result with ZMA withoout the worry of hair loss or bitch tits...

    any increase in test will bring all this ad promises....why not just get some PI/men....that will exude a high

    test aura without messing your insides up. Its the easy way to the alpha male status, cause as JKohl says, it all

    goes back to the stink!

  3. #3
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    May 2006
    Funen, Denmark
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiderweb
    this is a

    anabolic test booster...i would imagine you would get the same result with ZMA withoout the worry of hair loss or

    bitch tits...

    any increase in test will bring all this ad promises....why not just get some PI/men....that will

    exude a high test aura without messing your insides up. Its the easy way to the alpha male status, cause as JKohl

    says, it all goes back to the stink!
    Plus when you mess with your test. balance then your natural

    mone output varyes and then none of your products will need the same amount as it will change your whole body

    chemistry and thereby the mones needed..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
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    First off don't go off to M-1D

    as it's not close to the prohormones that were on the shelf prior to the prohormone ban. 2nd of all I agree with

    what Spiderweb says; many may not know that you might get gynecomastia from usage of such products just

    like steroids that aromatizes and results in estrogen conversion. I also think some users that don't know what

    they're doing forget about PCT, post cycle therapy as both with prohormones and juice you need to do PCT to get

    back natural test levels back on track and stop any estrogen levels from rising after synthetic test was inside the

    body. Stick to ZMA, Zinc,
    Tribulus terrestris, Horny goat weed,

    yohimbe, and Peruvian maca root. Sorry for the long



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