Hey everyone, I've been reading up as much as I can about pheromones and they seem to interest me

quite bit especially on the scientific side. A wonderful fascination I must say about them and how they work and

how differently they work with users. My question is once used correctly will mones smell good(ex. say I wear

1/3-1/2 a gel pack of Chikara and it smells good to my nose will that mean it will smell good to all but yet the

possibilities of having any reaction from females be dependant on whether Chikara gets them going? I'm aksing this

question because I'm wondering if a good smelling pheromone to some say including myself may be something that

kills the nose to others.

Thanks again and I must say great forum over here with great people I already picked

up some nice tips when it comes to using mones:

1. It's a tool part of your arsenal i.e. it's the corkscrew of

a swissarmy knife but you are the entire knife itself. Mones alone won't get the girls or the outcomes you want

without the individual using skills already needed in terms of getting the female in your hands.

2. Less is more,

start small work up gradually in amounts. - I'll follow this motto once my order arrives and I start using mones

for the very first time.

3. Don't expect reactions all the time despite if the individual is affected by the

mones. I.E. A female is attracted and turn on by the mones but yet won't show any physical sign or trait of it

while the user is observing. Can it be too much none; could be but I'm also thinking though some may be affected it

doesn't mean they'll react if they're shy or too intimidated.

Intro: I'm a 19 year old college student lifted

weights a while back but not for the last 7-8 months due to moving but I've leaned out even more and still have a

frame as I'm currently more skinny then compared to 7-8 months ago. I'm also a very easy going guy, sarcastic,

appreciates people and I don't have a problem meeting new people, holding conversations and talking. But I think

being the nice guy always equates to not being noticed by the girls.. I love to dress to impress and never had an

issue as some tagged me in the past of being called a metrosexual(thinking maybe the dress to impress trait may add

more to this as the trait defined itself) but I didn't overdue it at all as I just make sure I look presentable

with no scruff beard and I smell good. To start with my pheromone experimentation I bought some gel packs of Chikara

and SOE and some sample. I've read up that straight none products might repel the females in my age group but that

doesn't mean I'll rule out using straight none products such as NPA,PI,APC,etc.

Thanks for reading this long

thread I made. I hope I can continue learning from the tips, experience and stories of everyone as well becoming a

user of mones and using them to my advantage.