I got some self-help

tapes and read about NLP and hypnosis also..
They all say that by those "commands" they bring when talking they

"program" my unconcius mind without I have to know it..
Now I'm wondering..
all of them except 1 is on english..

Will my unconcius mind recieve it in the same way when it's in English?
I understand all of it with my concius

mind, but will my unconcius also understand the "commands" so it will be "programmed" and these tapes will work on

my mind?

And most of them say I don't have to really listen to it, because my unconcius mind will find the parts

needed and do the "programming" by itself..
Will that also mean that if i sit and do something else while

"listeneing" to these tapes but not concius listening, will they still work?
Because they say that their "commands"

will go into my unconcius mind and "program it" ny itself so theorectically will I not need to conciusly to

Or am I getting this the wrong way?

I also got that because often there's two voices simustaniusly so

it get's really confusing (I know this is a way to the unconcius mind - I've read about it) but doesn't that also

mean that as long I listen to it but without processing/listening/taking attention from it, will it still get to my

unconcius mind?

Or will I have to listen because it's not in English even though I understand and speak English?

To process it in my head before my unconcius mind will get it in danish (processed the tape in my head)?
Or will it

not at all work because it's in English?