Hey am I happy!!!!!!!!
I ordered 25 and just received on today here in Greece. No Customs paid!!!!!!!
Apllied one dab NPA 2 SOE 2 drops AE. In my work and went to a coleagues\' desk. She was in a meeting with the Fin. Controller. I am the Group Credit Controller, and she is the Vendors and Banks Controller. All same level. Entered their meeting and sat on a chair. Both no reaction then became happy......, chatting etc.
Then out of the blue she tells me that my tie is so beautifull and she gives me a light but continuous DIHL........
The other guy was calmed even if our disscussion was about our boss CFO and we were all pissed off with him.
I left the office with her, I am very close to her and she seems a little dazzed and confused. She could not say anything just was staring at me and then comes to reality and then she is confused again and so on for a minute. Then she seems to wonder what to do and I go for the elevator. I call her after that from my office couple times and she is calm and talking nicely.
Oh men!!!!!!!

At 3.00 pm we all have a meeting with our boss (CFO). I\'ll put more NPA (1 dab maybe) and se how he is going to react. I\'ll report later the outcome.

At 5.00 pm I am interviewed from another company. (CEO and CFO). I\'ll try hard and my what has to be happen there!!!!!!!!

Hey Guys, I am kicking ASS!!!!!!

Se ya all later
