Need help anyone...

just got the new primal for men has a blue dot and clearly says 5mg androstenone

for men...however, I CANT SMELL A DAMN THING...

my old bottle of PI/m smells like horrible cat pee when i hold

it up to my nose, and its real runny drops just fall out onto my finger...

with this new bottle, its pure oil,

and it takes like literally 10 sec for one drop to come out..and i literally cant smell anything, even when i hold

the bottle up to my nose...its got a blue dot on the side of it..hell, im wonderinf if the factory didnt make a

mistake and put Womens primal in the wrong bottle...

my bottle of TE smells like cat pee, i can usually smell

the pissy none, but maybe PI cleaned their none up..anyone ordered PI lately, and am i the only one who cant smell

the stuff?