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  1. #1
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    Default A HIT!! Well...maybe not...sort of.

    A hit! (Or was it ACTUALLY a hit?)

    Ok, as the story goes…

    Two days ago I was at work, didn’t

    have any plans for the weekend yet. My friend Hiroshi shows up with this girl that I had never met. As soon as I saw

    her, I thought to myself “Damn, wow she’s hot!” We exchange greetings and I go on to ask Hiroshi what he has planned

    for that evening. He tells me that they were waiting for one other girl, and then were going to go out to eat, and I

    could join them if I’d like. I decided to go, and that made four of us, two guys and two girls. During the evening,

    Hiroshi brings up the topic about me liking cars. He further mentions that I have this steering wheel for my PS2

    that I play racing games with. The Japanese girl (who is sooo hot) gets all giddy giddy, and starts going on about

    how that is so cool and she wants to play. Hiroshi took the other girl to the station so that left the cute girl and

    I alone. While he’s away, she’s quick to start talking to me more about cars. Long story short, the three of us end

    up back at my place playing that game before she has to catch her train. When we take her to the station, I tell her

    that Hiroshi has my number in case she wants to get together again. She tells me that she works tomorrow (which was

    yesterday; and her job is really close to my place) which I took as a hint that she wants me to come visit her at


    I went to visit her at work yesterday with a hint of Chikara.

    When she wasn’t busy, we talked about if she had plans that night. We decided to meet at six. I told her I’d wait

    for her on the first floor by the escalator. After she got off work, I was downstairs checking my e-mail on my cell

    phone and she comes running down the escalator, yells “John!” and waves her hand. Immediately she starts touching me

    on the arm, and when we are leaving, it feels like she wants to wrap her arm around mine. We walk close on the way

    back to my place, and the plan was that I would show her some pictures from the Tokyo Auto Salon 2007, and then we

    would go visit my friend (who is in the car business). She keeps telling me that she doesn’t know about cars but

    wants to learn because she thinks they are so cool after watching “Wild Speed” (The Japanese title for Fast and

    Furious). We go to my friends company, talk with him and some other friends I have there for 30/45 minutes and

    return back to my place. As we head back to my place, she’s going on about how it was so cool, and I am too… We end

    up back at my place, and she tells me that her mother will pick her up at 8:30. We watch a little bit of TV on my

    couch and she looks through my cd folder. 8:30 comes around and we walk to the spot where she will meet her mother.

    She tells me that she has a bit of a cold, and I turn to her, pull her hood over her head and zip up her jacket. She

    stands there and lets me. At the time, she looked like a cute little Eskimo… lol We start to talk about

    relationship, and if she likes anyone and she asks if I like anyone. She further mentions that she thinks it would

    be a good thing if I had a girl to take with me to different car events and to talk more about cars with. Basically,

    someone with the same hobby as mine. While we were waiting, I often look over to this cute little Eskimo and think

    about how pretty she is/how much fun I have with her/how great the evening was. I felt like I could have kissed her

    right then and there. I felt like she would have let me kiss her; but there was something that was holding me back.

    (Keep reading)

    Throughout the evening, I was really surprised how

    comfortable she is around me. I was also surprised at how comfortable I am around her. We will definitely go out

    again…but there’s still a problem. I’m 25 and this girl is only 17. (I know, sometimes it feels like I’m robbing

    from the cradle) I talked to my friend (in the car business, who we visited that night) and asked him what he

    thought about it. He told me it’s very common in Japan… that younger girls often go out with older guys. But she’s

    ONLY 17; not legal age yet. Not saying we’re going to do anything, but we’re really comfortable together, so it

    seems like we may only get closer. There’s another problem too. I’m going to be moving to Tokyo in April, so MAYBE

    the relationship will be short-lived (But Sawara is only about 2 1/2 hours from Tokyo, so we can still meet). I do

    have the opportunity to stay where I’m at, but it seems like over the last couple of months, I’ve wanted to be in

    Tokyo (because it’s easier to meet women and there’s a lot more to do) and it would be kind of silly to stay where

    I’m at because of a girl. Now I’m starting to have second thoughts about moving. Not only about her, but because of

    the friends that I have here. (But I can make friends anywhere…)

    Maybe Bruce can help me out with the age thing since he’s lived in Japan and is married to a Japanese

    girl. Any ideas anyone?

    BTW, I don’t think it happened because of

    the Chikara, but I guess that helped too…

  2. #2
    Full Member bubblebob's Avatar
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    That's quite definitely a hit

    - although I wouldn't say that this was much of a -mone effect.
    I don't know how this is handled in Japan - but

    my first girlfriend was 17, too (I was 21 at this time - a late starter I am) and my next, well, almost girlfriend

    after her was only 16.

    Best of luck,

  3. #3
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    I wouldn't see the age as a

    problem.. Where I live girls have "their first time" when they're 13-15, and the legal age for sex is 16. We call

    it pants-legal.. It's legal to get into her pants..
    And often girls that's 18 are with guys that's 30 or

    So I wouldn't say it would be a problem.. And as you say.. It's socially acceptable to do it so go for


    BTW. asians (chinese and japanese) are really hot!

  4. #4
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    Hey guess what! I pulled another number tonight! Ha-ha

    Ahh, the

    benefits of being in a foreign country…

    Once again, I was wearing a hint of Chikara, so I don’t know if that had something to do with it;

    or if it’s just because I’m a foreigner.

    In other words, I guess I’ve got nothing to worry about eh?

    I’m not sure what’s

    going to happen with the 17 year old, but it’s always good to keep your options open right ? (Now my only problem

    is staying out of the “friend zone” unless I’m sure that’s where I want to be…)


  5. #5
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epyon3359

    I’m not sure what’s

    going to happen with the 17 year old, but it’s always good to keep your options open right ? (Now my only problem

    is staying out of the “friend zone” unless I’m sure that’s where I want to be…)

    Keeping your options open will usually keep you out of the friends zone

    because you end up unintentionally playing hard to get.

    Congrats on the hit! I would say it was a hit if this is

    not normal for you, otherwise congrats on being you. LOL

  6. #6
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    hey a few words of advice since

    i'm in tokyo...

    i love how you say
    I’ve wanted to be in Tokyo (because

    it’s easier to meet women and there’s a lot more to do)
    i should let you know that we here

    in tokyo are very envious of your position outside of the city!

    i'll tell you why... it is true that there are

    more girls in tokyo and the girls in tokyo are going to look much hotter than the ones outside of the city. however,

    girls who live outside of the city tend to be more open and receptive to talking to strangers or meeting new people.

    here in tokyo, the girls are very cold because it is a large city and also because many of these girls get

    approached by many guys everyday. i've lived in a few cities back in the US, and i'd say tokyo is comparable with

    NYC in terms of how open girls are.... which is not very open at all, lol. anyway, this is not to say it's

    impossible. it just means you need really good game.

    anyway, when i'm with my wings here in tokyo, we often

    talk about taking trips out to the "countryside" (like where you live) because the girls there will be more

    receptive and our game will seem stronger because we'll have less competition.

    also, i assume you're a white

    foreigner. since you're in the countryside, you still probably experience some of that "gaijin" effect. basically

    people will look at you or talk to you because you're a foreigner and that makes you different. hell, there are

    probably girls who would trip all over themselves to get a gaijin bf in the countryside.

    on the other hand, in

    tokyo, nobody will give you a second look. in fact nobody really cares about gaijin because there are waaay too many

    of them here. as a white gaijin myself, i've definitely felt a shift when i'm outside of the city and when i'm

    inside. when i'm inside, nobody thinks i'm special and nobody really pays attention to me. when i'm outside,

    random people will say "hello!" to me and the girls will give me second looks. this is the reason why my wings and i

    are planning on taking a trip out to the countryside sometime now that our game is pretty good.

    think of it this

    way: if you didn't have good game in your home country, don't expect things to be any different in tokyo just

    because you're a foreigner. i've seen plenty of foreigners here thinking they're going to pick up easy japanese

    girls just because they are foreigners and they've gotten absolutely nothing. roppongi is a sad sight every weekend

    lol. 5 or 10 years ago, it was a different story. foreigners got laid easily. times seem to have changed though and

    there is definitely a significant increase in foreigners these days. the point is, you'll be competing with all of

    them so if your game isn't up to par already, i'd definitely work on it *before* coming to tokyo.

    oh, and

    enjoy your time in the countryside with the friendly girls while you still can if you do decide to move to tokyo

    feel free to message me if you have any questions or anything.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epyon3359
    Throughout the evening, I was really surprised how comfortable she is around me. I was also

    surprised at how comfortable I am around her. We will definitely go out againEut there’s still a problem. I’m 25

    and this girl is only 17.
    yeah, forgot to talk about this...

    don't worry about it at

    all. in japan, it's not really considered that strange for a high school girl to go out with a guy much older than


    as a real example, one of the girls i'm seeing now is a high school girl and her friend (17) was going out

    with a guy who was 24. in america, i think people would definitely comment about this or at the very least, it would

    seem somewhat abnormal. for the girl i was seeing and her friends though, it wasn't even an issue. it was seen as

    normal and not even comment worthy.

    also, i've definitely met couples here in japan and seen couples on tv

    where the wives are sometimes 10 years younger than the husbands. so, i wouldn't worry about the age thing.

  8. #8
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    Thanks for your reply; it is very helpful.

    There are a few things that I want to mention.

    however, girls who

    live outside of the city tend to be more open and receptive to talking to strangers or meeting new



    I’d have to disagree with you a little on that one. You’re right that girls in the countryside don’t see foreigners

    as often, but they are also more conservative, so unless you’ve got really good game, good luck. The opportunity

    just isn’t there (in the countryside).

    That’s not to say

    that ALL of the countryside is bad, in fact, some of the countryside may actually be good. Nevertheless, where I am

    now, it’s not very convenient. For example, it takes me close to three hours just to get to Shibuya! So

    that’s about 2000 yen one-way, plus the cost of drinks and an entrance fee. Therefore, spending one night in Tokyo

    adds up pretty quick. Also, there aren’t any clubs where I’m living, so it’s really not anything special. The

    closest club is about 40 minutes away and it closes at three, so that leaves me about two hours to do nothing and

    wait for the next train at around 5:30.

    About improving

    my game, David DeAngelo says it himself on Page 126 of the Double your dating e-book,

    cities almost ALWAYS have many more beautiful women than small ones, so if you’re in a small town and you think your

    location is holding you back, remember… it’s not going to get any better.

    Consider moving to a bigger city. In cities like New York, L.A., and

    Chicago, the opportunities to meet women are literally endless. Most suburbs of big cities aren’t half-bad


    I’d like to have the have the

    opportunity to put myself out there, and actually work on improving my game, and well, I think living in or around

    Tokyo would make it a lot easier to practice.
    Even if I strike out, there are always more fish

    in the sea.

    as a white gaijin myself, i've definitely felt a shift when i'm

    outside of the city and when i'm inside. when i'm inside, nobody thinks i'm special and nobody really pays

    attention to me. when i'm outside, random people will say "hello!" to me and the girls will give me second



    funny that you mention that… for me, it seems the opposite. Every time I go to Tokyo or Yokohama, it seems like I

    receive more attention from the ladies. Like out here, I don’t even exist.

    Instead of Tokyo, I may be moving to Saitama, but a lot closer to Tokyo

    (within about 30 minutes by train). (Long story short, two companies want me. One is in Tokyo, and one is in

    Saitama.) So either way I go, I think it’ll be a good move.

    Thanks again for you post. I know

    it’s going to be hard in Tokyo, but none-the-less, I feel like it’ll be better than where I currently


  9. #9
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epyon3359
    Also, there aren’t any clubs where I’m living, so it’s

    really not anything special. The closest club is about 40 minutes away and it closes at three, so that leaves me

    about two hours to do nothing and wait for the next train at around 5:30.
    Well that could

    also be a good thing.. Because then there's more private parties and there it's easyer to pick up girls as they

    aren't goin there just to get free drinks and dance..
    But there's advantages in


    Quote Originally Posted by Epyon3359
    About improving my game, David DeAngelo

    says it himself on Page 126 of the Double your dating e-book,
    “Big cities almost ALWAYS have

    many more beautiful women than small ones, so if you’re in a small town and you think your location is holding you

    back, remember… it’s not going to get any better.

    Consider moving to a bigger city. In cities like New York, L.A., and Chicago, the opportunities to meet women

    are literally endless. Most suburbs of big cities aren’t half-bad either.”

    that's ALSO an advantage but again.. They're more beautifull but harder to get because there's more people to hit

    on them so your game has to be much better than in the countryside.. So there's advantages and


    Quote Originally Posted by Epyon3359
    I’d like to have the have the

    opportunity to put myself out there, and actually work on improving my game, and well, I think living in or around

    Tokyo would make it a lot easier to practice.
    Even if I strike out, there are always more fish

    in the sea.
    You can practice anywhere.. In a big city it perhaps just would take

    longer to see results (because your game has to be that much better) but than again it will most likely also work in

    the countryside..
    But I would work on my game and enjoy the advantages of the countryside a while and improve your

    game there and when you're good there then move on to the city perhaps..

    But nomatter what you choose then the best of luck to you..

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