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  1. #1
    Stranger ifrit's Avatar
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    Talking Introduction and a couple of questions

    I've been a lurker for a few days until i finally registered. I've been reading the forum with great

    interest and also searched the archives and done my newbie share of FAQ diving - a lot of interesting information

    around here. I've also put an order on a few products from LS (NPA, SOE, C7) to start my own pheromone


    About me then; I'm a 30 yr old asian guy who have been living in Scandinavia for almost my entire

    life. I'm 176cm and weigh 85kg (sorry, metric system here hehe). I'm athletically build since I lift weights and

    have been practicing martial arts since I was a teenager. I'm good at taking and maintaining contact with women,

    though I'm too much of the 'good guy' type. My illness is that I easily get trapped in the friend zone. I'm

    interested in experimenting with pheromones to enhance my social life and of course increase sexual possibilities (I

    AM a guy afterall).

    After reading the forums, I've come to the conclusion that since I'm asian and I'm that

    'good guy', a heavy -none product like NPA would benefit. But lets leave that for my future posts and


    Before I found LS and this forum, I bought a product called 'P10 10x' from a not so legit local

    website for about $43. It was when I was trying to find more info on this product that I found this place ('P10'

    -> perfect ten etc).

    I'm pretty sure, well actually I'm 100% sure, that this isn't the Perfect Ten sold by LS.

    On this 10 ml bottle, it says that it contains 1000mg (yes, that's right 1000 mg, thats a whole gram)

    pheromones (-nol and -none). It doesn't say the ratio between the the -nol and -none, only that it's 99% etanol

    and 1k mg -mones and that the producer is called Smartlab.

    Lets hold our horses for a minute here. 1000mg / 10 ml

    would be 100mg/ml. A single drop (0.05 ml) would be 5 mg/ml. A crapload of OD anyone?

    Anyway, I'm pretty sure I

    just paid ~40 bucks for a shot of alcohol, but lets play with these thoughts anyway. Lets say the product *is* legit

    and that it does contain that huge amount of mones. Would it even be possible, what's the maximum saturation for

    -mones in an etanol solution? And, what kind of (medical) effects would that have on the -moner/-monee?


    sure that it would stink like a hockey changingroom from hell and cause every mammal in a 2km radius to go crazy).

  2. #2
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ifrit
    Before I found LS and

    this forum, I bought a product called 'P10 10x' from a not so legit local website for about $43. It was when I was

    trying to find more info on this product that I found this place ('P10' -> perfect ten etc).

    I'm pretty sure,

    well actually I'm 100% sure, that this isn't the Perfect Ten sold by LS. On this 10 ml bottle, it says that it

    contains 1000mg (yes, that's right 1000 mg, thats a whole gram) pheromones (-nol and -none). It doesn't say

    the ratio between the the -nol and -none, only that it's 99% etanol and 1k mg -mones and that the producer is

    called Smartlab.
    Sorry, but the "real deal" is made by Stone Labs, contains 10 mg of ~mones in 30 ml of

    alcohol, and sells for about $150 US.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  3. #3
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Try looking at the post in

    the forum.. Some can't take more than 1-2 sprays of TE before they get OD effects.. So what do you think


  4. #4
    Stranger ifrit's Avatar
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    Mtnjim, thanks for telling, but as

    I wrote, I'm already certain it wasn't the same as LS' P10.

    Workingman, I've done that and I'm pretty sure

    the OD would be astronomous. I'm not asking seriously, just playing-pondering.

    ... and introducing myself.

    Didn't know you had to be hardcore dead serious all the time.

  5. #5
    Phero Guru
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    Default welcome aboard....


    wondering as I find it interesting, How did you wind up in a Scandinavian country as an Asian? Are you an

    offspring of refugees or ?? Anyway, hope the mones work out for you!!! They do work.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  6. #6
    Stranger ifrit's Avatar
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    koolking, thanks!

    As for how i

    ended up here (so far, might be moving on soon) - just like how many other ethnical groups end up in foreign

    countries - immigration. Scandinavia isnt the typical place for asians to go to though, other than as


    As for the asian/good guy, well actually the whole pheromone thingy, I guess it can't replace the

    social/behavourial factors. It'll be interesting to see how much the effects of the mones though.

  7. #7
    Phero Guru
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    Default yeah, ok but

    how? I'd like to

    know circumstances? And, where would you be moving on to?

    I lived in Vietnam, Thailand, and the

    Philippines for about 20 years, USA now. Gegogi is an Asian guy that's had great success with mones. I've had

    good success with them too. Lots of good info/people here, the VERY best forum that I frequent.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  8. #8
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    welcome! i know you said

    that you searched through the forums & archives already, but just in case you haven't come across it yet, here's a

    thread that helped me out quite a bit when i first started using


    http://www.lo on

    as for your hypothetical, i think

    it'd be pretty funny to see what would happen (assuming it's even possible to have something that concentrated --

    i'm no scientist, so i wouldn't know ). although i wouldn't want to be the -moner testing that out. HAHA

    as for the "good guy" thing, you're right, i'm afraid. -mones can't change social/behavioral "issues."

    it's why i took a 1.5 year hiatus from -mones (to work on my social skills/"game"...once i became convinced that

    -mone products weren't a hoax).

    i have to run. good luck on your "new toys." and no, not all of us here are

    hardcore serious all the time!

  9. #9
    Stranger ifrit's Avatar
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    Default hehe

    That's quite some

    interest in my background (you know I'm a guy right? ). Anyway, too keep it short (this is a pheromone forum

    after all): my parents moved and since I was a little kid of 3, I moved too. I'm chinese and I might be moving to

    Malaysia after I fell in love with that country a couple of years ago (warmer, nicer people, better food,

    interesting culture etc).

    Thanks! I saw that info on the sticky newbie thread and I've already started

    to do some maths on future potions hehe.. yeah, I know I should try the products as standalones first.

    I think

    that as a tool, mones can do wonders if one's attitude is right. But the fact to simply getting your arse out there

    and taking contact with women is half the job anyway. I'm quite convinced that mones aren't a hoax after reading

    so many peoples experiences around here.

    Some updated info on that alcohol shot I bought - I emailed the producer

    and got the answer that the content ratio is 50/50 -nol and -none. The recommended dosage is two dabs. I tried it

    last night to see if I could notice the smell. I actually *could* smell a feint musky odor and it *did* trigger some

    mood changes (that might also was due to fatigue). I still believe that they got the contents info farked up, but

    maybe it does contain some mones after all. I'm gonna test this thing out while I wait for the stuff from LS.

  10. #10
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    i'm gonna stop posting links b/c

    every link i post for someone gets "yeah i saw...." LOL j/k

    i actually didn't know that that info was in the

    stickied newbie thread (i disappeared from the forums for about 2 years).

    about using -mones while working on

    social skills/"game", sorry...i didn't mean to say that you should not use -mones while working on your social

    skills/"game". i think -mones can help a person improve in those areas, actually. like you pointed out, Ifrit,

    getting one's arse out there & realizing that -mones are a tool (not a magic potion) is half the battle.

    in my

    own situation, i was *SO* bad at it that i felt like i was wasting my money. here's a good example of how bad i can

    be w/women:

    i was dancing in a club once. i wore a mix i'd made from the chemset (w/some NPA/m in the mix also).

    a cute girl was dancing nearby. she moved in front of me, turned around, bent forward & stuck her butt out at me,

    looked back at, and smiled. i didn't think anything of it. i just laughed & danced on. she lingered nearby for a

    bit, and then went away.

    two hours later, while at home playing video games on my computer, i suddenly realized:

    "wait...that was an invitation & i blew it!"

    my friends (male & female) all had nice laughs over that one.

  11. #11
    Stranger ifrit's Avatar
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    gecko, .
    I hope you're better

    at spotting ze signs of bootay offerings now.

    So, according to your experience, how much would you say the

    usage of -mones helped you out, besides other possible factors (getting your game up, etc)?

    I'm quite intrigued

    by NLP and other aspects of gaming too. Haven't really gotten into much of the de Angelo stuff, but I've (ofc)

    read The Game by Neil Strauss. Lots of interesting stuff in there ...

  12. #12
    Phero Guru
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    Default Ifrit....

    you might fare better

    in Thailand with the ladies!!!
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ifrit
    gecko, .
    I hope

    you're better at spotting ze signs of bootay offerings now.

    So, according to your experience, how much would

    you say the usage of -mones helped you out, besides other possible factors (getting your game up, etc)?


    quite intrigued by NLP and other aspects of gaming too. Haven't really gotten into much of the de Angelo stuff, but

    I've (ofc) read The Game by Neil Strauss. Lots of interesting stuff in there ...


    for the late reply. I’ve been mad busy w/school crap.

    Someone else said it best when he/she said in another

    thread that –mones are just part of your ensemble. That’s the way I look at now, too. The –mones, clothes, smile,

    wit, etc…all of it put together is what helps.

    If I had to narrow it down, I’d say that, at most, the –mones

    have helped me get my target’s initial attention. They partly help in keeping that attention, but it’s the

    personality, body language, conversation, wit, etc. that reels them in.

    I haven’t had much time to play with

    –mones much since I started using them again. I tend to not pay attention to my surroundings during class b/c I’m

    focused on the lecture. Most other people in class are like that, too. But I’ve gotten better at reading women, I

    think. Hopefully, the next time I get a booty in the face I’ll have my head on straight enough to know what's going

    on. LOL

    I’m still no Cassanova, by any means. I’ve been so focused on law school that I don’t even try to

    pick up anyone when do I get a chance to go out (w/the exception of a couple girls from school, but got shot down by

    both...LOL). At most, I just flirt for the fun of it. But then again, practice makes perfect, I suppose.

    EDIT: i forgot to mention that i go w/the minimus route. at

    first, i thought maybe my body naturally produces a lot of -none. then i came back to the forums after being gone

    for 2 years & saw the "living up to the alpha aura" discussion. if you subscribe to that theory, it makes sense why

    "less is more" works well for me (a guy who's not very alpha to begin w/) b/c i don't have to "compensate" as much

    to live up to the "aura" i'm putting out w/the -none i'm wearing.

    by the way, have you gotten your package yet,

    ifrit? hope you're having fun testing out the -mones, if you have.
    Last edited by gecko; 02-02-2007 at 10:22 PM.

  14. #14
    Stranger ifrit's Avatar
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    I know what you're

    saying and I've had my share of experience with Thai ladies. But in all honesty, the malaysians are more my cup of

    tea (tarek). And there are plenty of thai ppl in Malaysia, spec. in the northern parts (Lankawi, etc) anyway. It's

    like a smorgasbord of cultures.

    Yeah, though I'm all n00bish about -mones business, that's the feeling

    I've gotten so far by searching and reading. Mones are tools and as such they are a part of a bigger picture.

    Sounds like you've found a good balance between the -mones as an enhancement of other personal skills.

    I'm also

    intrigued about the minimalistic approach. I'm more of a "sniper" (maybe that's why, or due to, I was a sniper in

    the military) kind of guy, I don't really like the shotgun-in-your-face-approach.

    My goal isn't to get

    freakishly huge amounts of sex (teenage style) again, but I do want to get out of my rusty state (I was in a

    long-term relationship until a few months ago), thaw my lady attraction abilities and getting back into the


    I haven't received my stuff from LS yet, but it's only been a week. I've emailed Bruce about a

    tracking no, but haven't got any answer yet. I guess he's been busy and I won't harass him about it ... quite yet

    Oh well, still eagerly waiting for the stuff and meanwhile I might as well do some more read-up in the

    archives ...

  15. #15
    Stranger ifrit's Avatar
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    Default Update

    Having received some of the

    stuff I ordered, I started to experiment a few days ago. I've got the SOE gels and also a couple of TE gel samples.

    Still awaiting my SOE unscented, NPA and C7 gels (bloody customs holding them), so the main testing still awaits.

    Anyway. Since I'm buying into less-is-more theory, I started out easily. I did 1/4 of a SOE gelpack, applied to

    behind ears and on neck and wiping the remaining gel on the fingers on my wrists. I found the fresh scent very

    pleasant so I didn't bother to use any cover scent. I didn't notice much of a difference the first three days, but

    then again I didn't bother to test it "for real" and I've already have a pretty decent way of communicating with


    So, last night I was invited to a party held by a couple of ladies (~late twenties). I decided to spice

    it up a little with TE - a tiny little drop of gel (about 1/5 of a pack) on my chest together with the usual 1/4 SOE

    gel on neck and wrists. I noticed a warm, tingling sensation on the application area and I liked the TE gel scent


    One of the hosts, a sweet korean woman, didn't leave me the whole evening for more than a few seconds after

    the first introduction. Got a number close and a promise of meeting again for an Asian cook out. Did also notice a

    calm and chilled out mood in myself the whole evening. Also got some attention from other ladies, but not anything

    special than the ordinary (they were there with their boyfriends).

    Now, was it a hit? Maybe it was, maybe it

    wasn't. I need more testing and consistency to determine that. I really hope that the customs releases my main

    artillery soon.

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    I'm a white guy so what may

    work for me may not for you but...
    I've found that SOE is a good partner for TE , In the past I've had great

    success with 8-12 inches of unscented SOE rolled on and about 1/4 packet of TE gel.
    Often I've been told by

    (previously unknown) woman that I have an aura of "I'm the man" but not in an unpleasent way, a friendly "at peace

    with things" way when wearing this combo. BTW, this often happened after they came up to me in a crowded bar, but

    they were still sober well sort of...

    Customs, yep know what thats like... my last few shipments took 6 weeks to

    arrive due to them checking them out, usually it only takes 7 days with global priority mail. I thought the first

    time that they had "gone missing" so phoned up the post office to find out if anything was being held for me, after

    no luck there I sent an email to bruce just making sure it was sent. He offered to resend the order but thankfully

    it arrived a day or two later. (after 6 weeks!)
    early 40's white male or or

  17. #17
    Stranger ifrit's Avatar
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    Thanks for your feedback! I

    usually get that vibe with (some) women even without -mones, but tend to end up in the dreaded friend zone anyway.

    I've been working with my conversations and other behavourial aspects lately and it has paid off. With the -mones

    enhancement, I think I'll be back in the game in no time.

    The fudgin customs only held my stuff for 8 days (I

    just got them) - 6 weeks, I can only imagine the agony! The good news is - I just got my stuff! I'm like a friggin

    kid on X-mas Eve

    And now the real fun begins ...

  18. #18
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ifrit
    The fudgin

    customs only held my stuff for 8 days (I just got them) - 6 weeks, I can only imagine the agony! The good news is -

    I just got my stuff! I'm like a friggin kid on X-mas Eve

    And now the real fun begins ...
    I still

    get that feeling every time I order something new!

  19. #19
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlboro_man
    I still

    get that feeling every time I order something new!
    Yes me too!
    The time from ordering is like

    the last two days to X-mas and when recieving my order makes me like a kid that just got the biggest and most

    exspensive best gift ever..

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