First date I went on with this new girl, I wore an A7+ A314 mix with le male as a cover. I had a

wonderful time and so did she. There was a lot of body language, flirting and touching on her part. We had a lot in

common and conversation was great.

Second date, I used the same combo and had similar results. I ended up at her

place, we talked and cuddled until 5:30 in the morning. I like to delay things a little to build anticipation so

there was nothing except cuddling on the couch.

In the mean time she had gone on dates with a few other guys and

I had gone on a date with another girl.

Third date, I used the same combo perhaps a little heavier than normal

and used one extra drop of a314 to spike the mix. The entire time on the date she was wondering what I smelled like.

I didnt bring it up and was doing my best to kill the conversation. She wasn't turned off by it but it, but she

seemed curious. We get back to my place, I cook her a vegetarian dinner, watch a movie and kiss for the first time.

She said i smelled and tasted kind of like astringent. She said it was like cologne but different. We sat there

cuddling for a couple of hours talking and it turns out that she has been dating 5-6 different guys recently and it

seems like I may be the leader of the pack. From her description the other guys aren't mutts either. One or two of

them are doctors.

Note to self: be easy on the mones or have awkward conversations about what you smell like.