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Thread: NPA result

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default NPA result

    Well, I just got back from

    Mexico and would like to share some results while out and about with the use of pheromones at the clubs.

    I used

    2 dabs of NPA on my neck and behind my ears, covered with Gravity cologne.

    Our group met some chicks that were

    from Mexico City, and we decided to hit it up at a club later in the day.

    This club played house techno.


    get to the club and head to the dance floor. I started to dance with one of the chicks(Chica #1), not being so

    There's something that you all should know; in Mexico, they do not like to dance

    close(grinding)...especially this girl. I did try early on to get very close, and she said "No". So the first chick

    I was dancing with did not allow me to dance close to her. I danced about 4 feet from her(her comfort level).

    Ok, so about an hour passed and I was working a sweat. I knew this would make the pheromones come out more, plus

    my own natural pheromones, and the Gravity cologne.

    I started to dance with the first chick's friend, Chica

    #2. was fun. I started about 2 feet dancing with her. After 2 minutes of this I moved to a foot in front of

    her, touching her mildly, and moving my neck close to her face so she would smell me. After 2 minutes of that, I

    grabbed her waist. She allowed it(I was surprised). So why the hell not, I moved my waist right into hers. Started

    to grind right on her, as if I was having sex with her standing up. She grabbed my arm, I placed my hands on her ass

    and pulled her into me with my hands. I noticed she was breathing heavily, so I mixed up the grinding up a bit so

    the intensity would persist. We looked straight into each others' eyes as we grinded onto each other. I made her

    feel like we were on waves in the water. We danced for an hour, straight. Heh, I wonder how wet I made her.


    so we sat down at our table to cool off. Chica#1 was sitting next to me. After about 5 minutes of cooling down, off

    to the dance floor again, this time with Chica#1...

    Right away she was about a foot next to me. I thought,

    "Hmm... she's dancing close...ok cool" I didn't do anything to move in. Guess what, she grabbed my waist with both

    of her hands! That shocked me, since this girl was the stingy one in the beginning. So why not, I moved in and

    grinded on her very mildly...not like Chica#2. We danced for about 20 minutes.

    Work of the pheromones? Maybe.

    Work of my moves? Maybe. Probably both.

    The thing is, is that they knew how people from the US dance, and they

    did not like that. They ended up dancing with me that way. Maybe they thought, "Hey, it isn't really that

    bad...lets give it a try" Maybe they were seduced into doing it. Maybe the alcohol lowered their inhibitions just

    right. Maybe it was due to the pheromones Honestly, we all did not drink that much except for 2 of my guys. It was

    most likely a combination of all these.

    I'll test more.

    Club #2

    We met 2 girls from

    Argentina. We decided to go to a club last minute. Again, they were not comfortable dancing close. One of the girls

    was really close to me when sitting down at our table. Lots of boob rubs, touching of my shoulder, her cheek onto

    mine, etc. I did whatever i could to NOT move in, or touch her. The only thing I wanted to do to her was talk. I

    wanted to see what she would do, basically. My other guy was making out with the other girl at this point.

  2. #2
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Sounds cool..

    when chicka#1 sees you doing things to chicka#2 that she kinda also wants she competes of your attention witg

    Often when you're at a club girls can have a distance but if you get close and talkin to another girl

    she has to do something more to get your attention..
    At the beginning she can have the distance because then she's

    in control and when she "loses" your attention to another chick she has to go further to keep your attention so

    often girls will compete over you if you do your game right..
    But sounds cool.. You didn't do anything with these


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Do anything like what? I kissed

    Chica#2. Other than that, I danced with them. Oh and I grabbed Chica#2 ass, really hard. She didn't like that

    hehe. Was testing where I was.

  4. #4
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Kissed or more.. Like slowly

    start caressin them on the dancefloor and makin them come home to the bed

  5. #5
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    Haha, nah I wasn't planning on

    doing that. Fun at the club was all I wanted.

  6. #6
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Great reporting. Thanks.
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

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