beta-androstadienol (beta-ol-A1)

with regards to


Among the vomeropherins, F(beta-ol-A1) produced the most significant differences within the group (females). Here, A

induced a small effect that was significantly different from E(alpha-ol-A1).

E, a stereoisomer of

F(beta-ol-A1), does not stimulate the VNO in female subjects while F(beta-ol-A1) does. This is a demonstration of

the specificity of VNO recognition of vomeropherins. In this regard it is interesting to note that while

F(beta-ol-A1) is a superior vomeropherin, E(alpha-ol-A1) generates a stronger olfactory effect than does

So beta-ol-A1 has better VNO activity but alpha-ol-A1 has a more pronounced smell?