
girlfriend Sue used to use it and loved it but did go back to her own home-made scent which is really pretty nice

and more to her tastes.

I decided to to a little experimenting today so made a mix of 4 drops of Pheros

(that's just an approximation as the bottle has a wide spout), 2 of AE/m, 1 of A1, 2 of scented (haven't

had any real positives with this yet but it is pretty powerful and noticeable - one alpha male friend of mine said

when he caught a whiff of it a few weeks ago "Damn, what the fuck have you been smoking?"), 2 sprays of Liquid

Trust, and 1/3 pack of scented SOE gel. I used a coffee cup plate to drop the stuff into and mixed with my finger.

The scent result was very pleasant and enjoyable. I'm hooked on it. But, although I spent a good hour in a Walmart

I didn't notice any hits. The weather may be a factor, it's damn cold here right now and everyone is bundled up

with tons of clothing and not in a good mood. Further testing is warranted and since I love the scent so much, I'm

eager to do so.

The Pheros bottle I have has to be at least 3-4 years old and it's held up perfectly well.

I had to shake the bottle vigorously though.

So now that I'm hooked on it, I'm wondering what the future

of Pheros is going to be? DST Bruce ???? TIA