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  1. #1
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    Default New Product Suggestions

    As many people report major success with certain combinations, the current school of thought is to fuse

    such combinations together into one convenient package..(I.e. AQ + LT)

    originally posted by


    f i may sugest something, do you think you can you can brew something up thats sorta like a

    combanation of AE + masters.

    its just a suggestion and it dosn't really matter if you make it or not as i do

    my own mixing with it. but i just like to say that, its a really good mix. i think thats just what im going to buy

    from now on, as i havn't found anything else thats better then this (i'll also buy NPA of course) and the last

    couple of things i brough hasn't really worked for me.

    here is the break down of the stuff i have tried.

    ae, masters, NPA= love them

    chikara = its alright makes me feel like a smart ass and i like to teach people

    stuff when i wear it

    KZI testing kit = fave one was the 5:1 as i got some decent results with it so i migh try

    that alpha 7 down the road.

    lucky 7 chem set = awsome as i can make anything with it, i ended up makeing my own

    ae (2:1.5:1) with a dash of other mones like A1 and estra. but i had to order the real ae and other stuff as my lid

    for the nol broke because it was on too tight and now i got no more nol.

    wagg and soe= did what it was suppose

    to do, but their vibes and my personality didn't match that much.

    LT + TE = still messing around with it, i see

    some potential but still havn't found the right dose.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    this is awsome.

    hey HEC,

    i was just wondering, do you work for love scent or do you work for a different distributer or are you just like a

    independant researcher?

  3. #3
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    HEC, i was just wondering, do you work for love scent or do you work for a different distributer or are you just

    like a independant researcher?
    I'm not at liberty to say..
    Last edited by Archetypical Hybrid (HEC); 01-10-2007 at 11:31 AM.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    ok, once i make a new email

    acount with comcast i'll PM you with it, as im thinking about getting rid of my yahoo email aocount (i sing up for

    too many newslatter and now im getting so many crappy mail that i dont even check my mail that much no more.)

  5. #5
    Full Member bubblebob's Avatar
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    Slightly off-topic: For this

    reason I've got two mails accounts - one for the private stuff only (friends etc) and one for registrations on

    boards like this one and newsletters... Keeps the shit out of the private box!

  6. #6
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubblebob

    off-topic: For this reason I've got two mails accounts - one for the private stuff only (friends etc) and one for

    registrations on boards like this one and newsletters... Keeps the shit out of the private box!
    i agree.

    right now in my yahoo acount i have around 2500 emails and i dont have time to go througe them all. i think most

    places that say they wont sell your email to a 3rd party or what not, actually do and don't give a damn as i get

    mails about shit i have never even heard of.

  7. #7
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    HELLO ?!

    Anyone interested in this "will work for mones" offer?

    Does anyone even understand what the hell I'm talking

    about with this "development kit?"

    Questions, Concerns, Other?

  8. #8
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archetypical Hybrid

    HELLO ?! Anyone interested in this "will work for mones" offer?

    Does anyone even understand what the hell

    I'm talking about with this "development kit?"

    Questions, Concerns, Other?
    • Is it you'll

      make a packet with a bottle of master and and AE and a recipe?

    • Or a set where master and AE are

      mixed in one bottle?
    And with this I

    presume that there will be more than one combination here...?
    Fx. if people like AE and NPA, or other things

    they've mixed..

  9. #9
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    I remember you

    mentioning this will work for mones concept in another thread but I was confused at what the requirement are. Feel

    free to email me or answer back here with more details.

  10. #10
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlboro_man

    remember you mentioning this will work for mones concept in another thread but I was confused at what the

    requirement are. Feel free to email me or answer back here with more


    a little up in this thread

    he says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Archetypical Hybrid (HEC)
    I guess the million-dollar question here is: would you consumers like to

    see oxytocin added to products such as our , or by JVK with his SOE?

    Vote please! Yay or Nay.. Include

    supporting comments if possible..

  11. #11
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I have the "Lucky 7 Chemset" as

    well as several other chemset componets (e.g., A-1, beta & alpha nol, androstenone and androstanone) and enjoy

    "rolling my own." My all time fav product is SOE. However, the oil carrier cramps my style as it doesn't mix well

    with colognes in an atomizer. Hence I mix 4 androstenol: 1 androsterone from chemsets and cut with Burberry Weekend

    or Issey Miyake. I tried increasing the 'rone component (4 androstenol: 2 androsterone) but JVK is right, it's too

    funky and makes you stink like armpit! I also have an atomizer mixed with beta nol, rone and Issey Miyake. Effects

    are a bit mellower than alpha nol but seem to encourage deeper conversations on dates (alpha nol encourages buku BS

    & giggling).

    My other fav is NPA and A-1 mixed with Burberry Weekend or Issey Miyake. Often I mellow it with

    SOE or my SOE clone mix. I recently mixed a batch with chemset androstenone and A-1. It seems somewhat stronger than

    NPA but maybe that's just my imagination.

    If I have to be around my GF while she is on the rag, I always

    load up with 2-4 drops of A-1 (nothing else). Makes the day go really smooth. Otherwise it's bitch 'n whine


    I find the main problem with premixed all-in-one products is the cheap scent. Also, they often need

    supplements to work well for me. Chikara, AE, Perception and IMPI just ain't ma cup 'o herb due to the funky

    scent. Sadly, those 4 products didn't work for me at all. Perhaps they tried to be all things to too many


    I welcome highly concentrated and unscented products intended to be mixed/cut with cologne. I'm not

    really interested in a all-in-one product if it contains a scent componet. Also, I want to know what's in it. How

    can I make an informed choice if I don't know what I'm buying?

    Finally I went through an entire bottle of

    LT and really got zip. Perhaps it works on a subtle level but, if so, the results were too subtle for me to

    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  12. #12
    King of the coupons!
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    Thumbs up

    The old UNSCENTED AE comes back

    to mind while you're using your tall hat, white gloves, and magic wand, Signor HEC.

    The Olden Goldies:

    NPA:SOE:A1 & APC:NPA:A1 ... your brain should come out with the correct fusions plus some.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  13. #13
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    i think he is giving us a

    chance to make our own product, test drive it, fine tune it our self, and mail in a report. so pretty much we get

    all these equipments and mones for free (or a small diposit) and make out own stuff, but we just have to report it

    back on what it is, what it dose and how it turned out i guess. it dosn't have to be like products that already

    exist (like ae, npa, masters and etc.) but you make your own.

    its like getting the lucky 7 plus all other chem

    set mones to play around with.

    this is what im getting at.

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    I'm like geoggi...I'd much

    rather 'roll my own'. That way I get the effects I want, and control the ones I don't. This really is the most

    effective way to use pheromones.

    Mixing for yourself is the best, most consistent way to go, as mixes should be

    highly attuned to the unique characteristics of the users. Different pheromones work differently for different

    people, and if we can't take the individual difference in natural phero output, personality and physical

    characterstics into account, you lose consistency/effectiveness. For example, some benefit from high doses of

    androstenone, others from low doses. Some like dienone, some are too crippled by the negative effects. There's too

    much variability from user to create a highly complicated mix that would consistently work for all users.


    is the reason that products like Chikara and Perception get very, very mixed results. Simpler formulations, such as

    NPA, SOE, etc are used more regularly, as people can better tailor the use of these products to themselves.


    if people use similar mixes, there's a lot of variability in ratios. Mixes should be perfectly attuned to

    the unique characteristics of the users, the goals of the users, and the environments they're used in. The more

    complex the individual mix, the harder it is to fine-tune the effects...the more flexibility you lose, and the more

    consistency you lose.

  15. #15
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Perhaps he just wanna give

    us the possibility to make our own mixes.. Like AE have different mones in..
    And if there's a general mix that

    works good for many we could get this in a mild version - so everyone can get their amount (1 drop or 5 drops) and

    then mix with something else that does the trick for you..
    Like AE - many have good results with this.. Somebody

    needs 1 drop others 3-4 etc. but generally if a mix is generally used it could be made public avalibly in a mild

    version (so noone gets an OD from 1 drop)..
    FX. if a lot of people use NPA + AE in many of their mixes he could

    make it together and you could add that little difference that gives the extra for you..
    instead of using NPA + AE

    + other mones..
    I know you probably still gotta mix but some of the general mixes could be made..

    Is this the

    point HEC or am I just ..?

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkingMann
    Perhaps he just

    wanna give us the possibility to make our own mixes.. Like AE have different mones in..
    And if there's a general

    mix that works good for many we could get this in a mild version - so everyone can get their amount (1 drop or 5

    drops) and then mix with something else that does the trick for you..
    Like AE - many have good results with this..

    Somebody needs 1 drop others 3-4 etc. but generally if a mix is generally used it could be made public avalibly in a

    mild version (so noone gets an OD from 1 drop)..
    FX. if a lot of people use NPA + AE in many of their mixes he

    could make it together and you could add that little difference that gives the extra for you..
    instead of using NPA

    + AE + other mones..
    I know you probably still gotta mix but some of the general mixes could be made..

    Is this

    the point HEC or am I just ..?
    Where's the incentive behind us not making mixes ourselves,

    if we're capable? I like being able to mix and match my pheromones for different situations

  17. #17
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Sigma : That's right but

    then again.. Why buy AE? It's already mixed..
    As so many other products in here.. And if there's a general mix

    many use it could be handy, but else I can't see it..

  18. #18
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkingMann
    Sigma : That's

    right but then again.. Why buy AE? It's already mixed..
    As so many other products in here.. And if there's a

    general mix many use it could be handy, but else I can't see it..
    AE is mixed, but its primarily an

    androstenone note. The rone and nol in there seem to 'steer' the androstenone, but they aren't the forefront of

    the effect of AE.

    I guess I can see the benefit of a pre-mixed batch, but it would still be less consistent from

    user to user than having each user tailor the pheromones to suit their individual characteristics. The mixes I

    employ now incorporate as many as 6-7 different pheromones, and are highly attuned to the different environments and

    situations they'll be worn in. Different situations benefit from different pheromones. It takes a lot of

    fine-tuning, and its very much a 'work in progress' but I'm seeing better results than ever. I suppose a

    simplified approach would be easier or more convenient, but not neccesarily better.

  19. #19
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Of course a premixed multiple

    'mone commercial product is easier and more convenient for the user. However, like Sigma writes, it often does not

    work as adverstised due to individual differences in body chemistry, age, race and target (young women, older women,

    business relations, etc.). I have tried most of the premixed commercial products with little sucess. SOE is the only

    exception. To get the the premixed commercial products to work for me I had to supplement with 1-3 additonal

    pheromones. In such cases, what's the point? You might as well roll your own and get it right from the


    I suspect if a product designer were to offer a mix in half a dozen renditions, each tailored for

    specific types of pheromone signatures, or a range of signatures, many of the shortcomings of premixed multiple

    'mone commercial product would be addressed. Imagine AE for middle aged Asian men (extra 'none), AE for young body

    builders (reduced none & extra 'nol), AE for business & social (double helping of nol + A-1 & estratetraenol), etc.

    Somehow I don't think that's going to happen. This is a small business and lacks the resources to test across

    divergent age and racial groups.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  20. #20
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    I can only agree but many

    products is premixed and predefined so it doesn't suit everyone.. Many of the products from LS is still mixes and

    will not work equially to all in all situations.. Look at AE, A7, AQ etc etc is all mixes.. They're not only one

    mone compunds but is mixed for general succes criteria.. And we could do the same for our own mixes and results.. If

    we have an mix (or more mixes) that generally is giving succes it could be an option..
    But my point is only that it

    could be usefull for generally used mixes because else we will all mix for our own needs..

  21. #21
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    The point is "general succes

    criteria" varies with each individual. A few drops of my my most effective general purpose mix is likely to be a

    massive OD for a young White or Black man, but gets me in like flint!
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  22. #22
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    The point is

    "general succes criteria" varies with each individual. A few drops of my my most effective general purpose mix is

    likely to be a massive OD for a young White or Black man, but gets me in like flint!
    Even given the

    difference in personal body chemistry, there are differences in personalities and lifestyles that dictate which

    pheromones, in what amounts would be most beneficial. Your age, ethnicity, social class...whatever can all dictate

    the nature of the social interactiosn you're in. And different social environments call for different types of

    pheromones. A younger male would not have the same type of social interactions as an older male, and the mixes

    employed should reflect those differences.

    IE, you would not want to wear massive amounts of androstenone to a

    more formal setting, or at work. You would not want to wear massive amounts of androstenone around women who are

    easily intimidated or put off by it. But there are instances when high doses of androstenone would be

    beneficial....such as a club or sex mix. Androstenone is just one of many phero angles that needs to be adjusted to

    the user.

    so yeah I agree with you...there is no general success criteria that would work for most men, in most

    situations. Because all men are different. Now we could take one of these highly complex pre-mixed batches

    and fine tune them with our own pheromones, but again you lose that flexibility to fine-tune the individual

    pheromones with a pre-mixed batch.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma
    Now we could take

    one of these highly complex pre-mixed batches and fine tune them with our own pheromones, but again you lose that

    flexibility to fine-tune the individual pheromones with a pre-mixed batch.
    Best thing ive read

    in a long time, you say it, plain and simple.

    Everyone is different and mix and matching your own pheromones

    to suit your individual body chemistry and situation from non-complex products that contain straight Androstenone or

    Androstenol, etc is the best bet.

    But from a marketing point of view, keeping a products formula a secret and

    "supposedly complex" can be interpreted as marketing ploy, (unless your DR.Dodd ofcourse) but a rather foolish

    strategy for customers that are Discerning Buyers. Full disclosure at least in the world of pheromones gains peoples

    respect and loyalty (i.e SOE and JVkhol).

  24. #24
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma
    ... I agree with

    you...there is no general success criteria that would work for most men, in most situations. Because all men are

    But one of the biggest differences between men and women is that most men produce a

    more masculine (androgenic) scent than most women (estrogenic). This means that is you are among men who tend to

    compete for the attention of women, it would probably help if you had the more masculine scent.

    Where all men

    are most different is in scent production that is more directly related to "kinship" pheromones--how much your scent

    is like that of her dad or brother. But this is a secondary choice for a heterosexual woman. Her first consideration

    is the scent of masculinity.


  25. #25
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    So you're not buying

    anything in here besides the chemset and the mones that's only "straight" mones? And only contain one

    Because after all L-S aint goin out of business soon (and thank God for that) and most of their products is

    still mixes and we all buy em.. A7, chikira etc etc.. Yes they don't all give us the magic dust we need but then we

    mix em with something else..
    Because when people in here keep bying these mixes there must be a reason.. They

    don't just keep buyin the chemset and straight mones because then L-S wouldn't keep selling these mixes.. And

    since they're sold we could perhaps make our own mix.. We all in here have an community and experience that the

    scientisst in labs in no way can have! We share information and our succes storys.. And perhaps if a couple of

    people is using the same mix then we could make that to be sold as "our" product.. Like A7 (this is also mixed),

    chikira etc etc.
    And as long as we make it "very thin" it will probably suit all..
    If one needs 1 drop, then

    another will probably need 4 drops etc. and we will more likely be able to crawl under the OD on 1 drop effect if

    it's more "thin"..

    Because if these products and mixes are bein sold in here, people must be using them and then

    be suitin them (the mixes) to their needs.. And we could do the same but only better because we have another

    understanding to make this product.. We have another kinda experience than a "labrat" that have read studies etc..

    It's all fine but we have field experience.. Often it looks fine on the drawin board but in real life it's not

    always the case, and these products is not suited for everyone.. No we make them suit our needs..
    And if the

    companyes can make them, I think we can too.. But of course it's not easy but I would say it would be


    But yes I'll totally agree with you on we all makes these mixes (A7, chikira) suit our needs by mixin

    them with something else.. But I think we could make a better alround product than the makers of A7, chikira etc.

    because we have the community with experience.. The "labrats" only have outside people and experiments.. No field

    experience like we have..

    Remember I'm not sayin we can make a product/mix that by it self works for 50% of the

    guys testin and using it.. But I think we can do a better job of makin a product thats better than the creators of

    A7, chikira etc.
    And people will still mix to suit "our" product for their own style etc. but perhaps it would work

    better than A7, chikira etc etc.
    We have a whole community of people who can tell us what works for them..

    many "labrats" can have that when makin a product?

  26. #26
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkingMann
    So you're not

    buying anything in here besides the chemset and the mones that's only "straight" mones? And only contain one

    Because after all L-S aint goin out of business soon (and thank God for that) and most of their products is

    still mixes and we all buy em.. A7, chikira etc etc.. Yes they don't all give us the magic dust we need but then we

    mix em with something else..
    Because when people in here keep bying these mixes there must be a reason.. They

    don't just keep buyin the chemset and straight mones because then L-S wouldn't keep selling these mixes.. And

    since they're sold we could perhaps make our own mix.. We all in here have an community and experience that the

    scientisst in labs in no way can have! We share information and our succes storys.. And perhaps if a couple of

    people is using the same mix then we could make that to be sold as "our" product.. Like A7 (this is also mixed),

    chikira etc etc.
    And as long as we make it "very thin" it will probably suit all..
    If one needs 1 drop, then

    another will probably need 4 drops etc. and we will more likely be able to crawl under the OD on 1 drop effect if

    it's more "thin"..

    Because if these products and mixes are bein sold in here, people must be using them and

    then be suitin them (the mixes) to their needs.. And we could do the same but only better because we have another

    understanding to make this product.. We have another kinda experience than a "labrat" that have read studies etc..

    It's all fine but we have field experience.. Often it looks fine on the drawin board but in real life it's not

    always the case, and these products is not suited for everyone.. No we make them suit our needs..
    And if the

    companyes can make them, I think we can too.. But of course it's not easy but I would say it would be possible..

    But yes I'll totally agree with you on we all makes these mixes (A7, chikira) suit our needs by mixin them with

    something else.. But I think we could make a better alround product than the makers of A7, chikira etc. because we

    have the community with experience.. The "labrats" only have outside people and experiments.. No field experience

    like we have..

    Remember I'm not sayin we can make a product/mix that by it self works for 50% of the guys

    testin and using it.. But I think we can do a better job of makin a product thats better than the creators of A7,

    chikira etc.
    And people will still mix to suit "our" product for their own style etc. but perhaps it would work

    better than A7, chikira etc etc.
    We have a whole community of people who can tell us what works for them..

    many "labrats" can have that when makin a product?
    Actually I do most of my pheromone shopping

    elsewhere. Out of respect for LS I'll say no more than that (so don't ask). But anyway yeah most of the products I

    buy are chemset types, or highly minimalistic (1 central pheromone reaction).

    Even when I did shop here more

    frequently, I prefered the more minalistic products, because they gave me far more mixing options. Among my old

    favorites SOE, NPA, Chemset A1, A314 (which has a very centralized effect, despite its complex composition), and

    realm. This group of products could be mixed and matched to suit different situations.

    Clubbing: SOE (high dose)

    NPA (high dose) A1 (moderate dose)

    Work: A314 (moderate dose) + SOE (moderate dose)

    Comfort/dating: SOE

    (moderate dose) A1 (high dose) NPA (low dose) A314 (moderade dose)

    etc, etc, etc

    With more complex products,

    you lose the flexibility to tailor your mixes to be more effective in different situations.

    As far as the

    collective experiences shared amongst the phero community (as a whole) goes.....the feedback I've read from

    different posters is really what has led me to believe that theres far too much individual variability from user to

    user. The types of mixes that users employ and are successful with are highly different at times. There have been

    times when I've tried to emulate another users mix it would be a total bust, or needed to be altered to suit my own


    To put things in perspective, look into the posts about how Geoggi and I used NPA. The levels

    of NPA that he and I wore would easily spell an OD for most, but it brought good results with the both of us.


    do think there's a possibility that we'll eventually find more effective compex mixes....but to really see the

    most worthwhile, most effective results, a highly customized approach will always be far more effective.

  27. #27
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    lol is it just me or is

    everyone saying the same thing with different words?

  28. #28
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slickracer
    lol is it

    just me or is everyone saying the same thing with different words?
    I don't know if we just not listen to

    each other.. :P
    But it's like we dont get further than this..
    Seems like we will just not agree or make an

    compromise on this subject..

  29. #29
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkingMann
    I don't know

    if we just not listen to each other.. :P
    But it's like we dont get further than this..
    Seems like we will just

    not agree or make an compromise on this subject..
    I hear ya workingman...but just because you listen to

    someone doesn't mean you have to agree, or compromise. There's just a difference of opinion, and thats prefectly

    healthy is a place of free discussion. We'll agree to disagree then

    Nothing wrong with being able to think

    for yourself, and not buying into something just because its what you've been told. The world needs more people

    like that.

  30. #30
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma
    I hear ya

    workingman...but just because you listen to someone doesn't mean you have to agree, or compromise. There's just a

    difference of opinion, and thats prefectly healthy is a place of free discussion. We'll agree to disagree then

    Nothing wrong with being able to think for yourself, and not buying into something just because its what

    you've been told. The world needs more people like that.
    See this is the kinda discissuion I've been

    missin lately..
    We can discuss an argue and not agree but without it being nasty.. It's professionel and

    mature/adult discussion were we respect each other..
    But nice to talking/discussing oppionions..


    always believed that wether we agree or not it could be keept civilized and in an proper tone with respect.. Just

    because people doesnt agree with you at least you can treat them with respect.. And I think most often no matter

    what if you argue and present your values in a good manor you'll be respected and listened to more..
    If you always

    try to use sence and arguments that's good, often the discussion will be keept civilized and the adult way..

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