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  1. #31
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    I don't think you could see

    the molecules even if it was the case.. I think they're too small to you can see them with the bare eye..

  2. #32
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    maybe molecules was the wrong

    word, but there's some kind of tracking spray already in existence and on sale on internet that you can spray on

    someone and then when you look at it with special sunglasses it glows - so it'd be easy to find someone in crowd

    and to tail them. Maybe one could put some of that into the phero mix. Was just a random thought of my very drunk

    mind. Happy New Year!!!

  3. #33
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by visual999
    I've had

    great success with PI, no scoring results with NPA yet... at this moment I'm theorizing it may be because NPA gives

    the though playboy vibe - the guy that only has sex with different women and no relationships.

    While PI gives

    just the though guy vibe that might be more relationship oriented, and as we know 99% of women out there are looking

    for a relationship, not a one-nighter.

    Any comments on that theory?
    There may be truth to that

    comment as I make it very clear to women that I meet that I am not in relationship mode and therefore the mone may

    match the vibe well for me. Hmmmm. I may have to order PI next time as a comparision factor.

    For those of you

    who have had sucess with both: What would you say are comparable ratio's between the 2? I know that 2 dabs of NPA

    works well for me, but if I try PI would you say more, less or an equal amt for the same effect?

  4. #34
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by visual999

    molecules was the wrong word, but there's some kind of tracking spray already in existence and on sale on internet

    that you can spray on someone and then when you look at it with special sunglasses it glows - so it'd be easy to

    find someone in crowd and to tail them. Maybe one could put some of that into the phero mix. Was just a random

    thought of my very drunk mind. Happy New Year!!!
    OKay but perhaps it also could be toxic to the body,

    or give an allergic reaction or something.. Not cool! Especially not if you meet this reel hot chick and she sniffs

    and BOOM.. Down she goes..


  5. #35
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    Another bump for PI!!!!!

    The chicks that I met with PI on are calling me ALL THE TIME now, and when i say all the time, i mean 17 phone

    calls between 3 chicks today!!!

    They're asking me if there's _anything_ they can do for me - maybe

    they could buy me a coffee, or maybe they could "do something" for me... this is just nuts... life rocks this


    I actually tested the PI power by pissing one of them off real hard on date last night, multiple

    times... and every time, she would stand up about to leave... then would sit down again with her arms crossed and

    sit there really pissed and 30 seconds later she would move closer to me again and start sniffing the PI spots

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by visual999


    actually tested the PI power by pissing one of them off real hard on date last night, multiple times... and every

    time, she would stand up about to leave... then would sit down again with her arms crossed and sit there really

    pissed and 30 seconds later she would move closer to me again and start sniffing the PI spots

    Wow. Sounds like a great time.

  7. #37
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by visual999

    bump for PI!!!!!

    The chicks that I met with PI on are calling me ALL THE TIME now, and when i say all the time,

    i mean 17 phone calls between 3 chicks today!!!

    They're asking me if there's _anything_ they can do

    for me - maybe they could buy me a coffee, or maybe they could "do something" for me... this is just nuts... life

    rocks this year!!!

    I actually tested the PI power by pissing one of them off real hard on date last night,

    multiple times... and every time, she would stand up about to leave... then would sit down again with her arms

    crossed and sit there really pissed and 30 seconds later she would move closer to me again and start sniffing the PI

    HMMM.... keep up the testing, I may have to give this a try after all.

  8. #38
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    Terry, have you done the same

    test with PI yet, that you did with NPA?

  9. #39
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Thanks for reminding me

    Quote Originally Posted by visual999
    Terry, have you done the same test with PI yet, that you did with NPA?
    Visual, hi, sorry i did not fullfill my promise to try the PI under the same control

    conditions as i did with the NPA, I have had a few survival issues to deal with latley, but i will get back to you

    with a post this week, thank you for the reminder, i needed it.terry

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  10. #40
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Not Pi Alone, But Interesting

    Quote Originally Posted by visual999
    Terry, have you done the same test with PI yet, that you did with NPA?
    I applied A314 x 2 dr under the gills, and PI x 1 dr on back of neck, that was at

    7.15 am, i wore this as to appear a little intimidating for a short interveiw, came home went for a run, then done a

    few sets for shoulders and deltoids, had a shower using no soap, the upshot of this was my girl who came within 2 ft

    of me 9 and 1/2 hours later started to get seriously affectionate and she said, have you put some of that sexy scent

    on again, i was not interested at all, but incredably the earlier mix must have really held its potency, as there

    was no chance of me just getting away with a rest, i was really amazed that she could actually detect it, but she

    said later that there was no mistaking the strange smell that makes her feel that way. So i hope you can understand

    it, when i say i will not be doing the PI alone test home application for a day or two at least, not after

    thisafternoons intense and wonderfull encounter.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  11. #41
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    Default pi or npa

    Pi= sustained usage for

    a month.

    Quantity .5 to one drop on neck. Essential oil as cover scent.

    Results= A lot of eye contact, used

    mainly in situations were a lot of female congregate. Some almost to a point of literal respect.And very attentive

    to conversation.

    Oppurtunity exist with good kino, for relationship to occur, ie frienship, and or taking it to

    the next level.Depending on your situation at the the time. Overall very good product. Have used with a314 seems on

    occasions to lessen the agressive side of PI , ie reduces the propensity for the od effect.

    NPA= 1 to 3 drops

    maximum. Will use with nol based product, find that NPA on its on me is very strong.Hence nol based product such as

    soe, excite wipes .Works really well in conjuction.
    Find that this combo seems to attract younger women 21 to

    28.However have had major hits with older women also, which i prefer. Added chikira to the mix on occasions coulple

    of sprays is sufficient. Found the women seem to open up a bit more with this one, but not always.


    usage for over 2 months, with this combo. Again NPA is best use were a lot of the female congregate ie bars and

    clubs. Has a sexual vibe to it. I never use at work as i dont want that feeling with my work collegues. However find

    soe a good one for that, also Alter ego. I speak publicly so these two are a bonus.

    Thats my take.Overall both

    can be as equally effective when used in the right environment and the mood that prevails you at the time. cheers.

    'Imparting knowledge without hate or jealously is great for one soul'

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by visual999 View Post
    Mobley, my experience is that the hotter (more alpha) the woman is, the more she is

    affected by the none, the 24 year old shy mice might get "scared" away by 2 drops, while a 16 year old really alpha

    chick, or a bit older and experienced/secure women can handle it. SoE pulled in lots of the less attractive

    not-alpha chicks for me - lost the few alpha ones with it that I wanted, alpha types i guess want the strong

    none-filled types.

    Basically I think what it does is makes the women feel a bit submissive and a bit sexually

    nervous / jumpy... it sure makes me jumpy...

    I applied 1:1 dabs of NPA and PI in the morning, and now tried

    adding 1:1 more in the evening... but PI didn't come out as dab so I dropped, and messed up all calculation,

    probably got like 3 dabs PI and 1 dab NPA in addition to what I put on in the morning.

    Anyway, a not attractive

    chick was a bit shy, some ugly chicks in the next table, one of them soon started talkin really loud about how much

    money her family has when I sat down ("get a friggin extreme make-over then" was my thought), but an alpha chick on

    the table on the otherside stared me hardcore... really strong sexual stares!!

    She was the hottest most-alpha

    chick there, was talking to her bit less hot/alpha gf and then suddenly just turned her head 90 degrees to where I

    was standing talking to the waitress and gave me a strong 3 second "I want You! Take me right here! Right now!"

    stare. She gave me a total of like 4-5 of those 3 second direct into eye looks.

    Now problem was, I've been on

    low none & high SoE mixes for some time before that, and imho takes some time to build up tolerance to a phero mix

    change - I was feeling too aggressive to have any interest in the chicks there.

    So far I prefer NPA/PI over

    SoE - don't get me wrong SoE was also very effective, but I'm very fun/un-serious without it, and adding SoE makes

    me just too goofy.
    Vis that is a very good adaptation and one I will need 2 look into. I am already

    friendly and outgoing w/o SOE. I can be really goofy as well, and from what you're saying SOE could very well

    enhance that goofiness. I don't want to look like Shempf from the 3 stooges (although he IS my favorite stooge).

    I'd rather be moe . One thing I have noticed about wearing NONE is that it enhances my cockiness 3fold. Now

    cocky is good, women love that, but I am definitely not arrogant. I just purchased the SOE/NPA super combo, but it

    is a lil late getting 2 my house cuz its Labor Day. Hopefully it will come Monday. I will try out SOE with the NPA,

    as well as just solo, to see if it makes me goofier. Thanks for your insight bra.

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