Quote Originally Posted by visual999
damn right,

PI scored for me again tonight... got 3 phone numbers... 6 chicks (girlfriends) were competing for me like crazy,

and 3 of them had boyfriends.

I'm not saying everyone should go with PI now, I think it's just what

compliments my persona the best - added 1,5 drops again. Been adding that every day for 3 days, no OD yet.

have to re-apply cologne like every 8 hours, because while the cologne's smell weakens, the PI smell stays much

longer I think, so have to re-hide it.

PI works wonders with a group of chicks - maybe that one hot chick isn't

affected that much at first, or isn't showing it, but one of the girls in the group will be hit hard by PI and will

get you into the group, where you can slowly start turning the chicks into competitors.

2007 = Back

to the Basics (PI)

Happy New Year!!!
So you apply "1" drop.. Where do you apply it to and what cover

do you use?