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  1. #1
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB

    Based on a posting by Wilde Oscar and an earlier thread on porcine pheromones and their cross-species effecs, I propose a new standard unit of pheromone effectiveness - the \"Smashed Pig Ball\" or SPB. As has been pointed out, we men would smear ourselves with smashed pig balls if we thought that would attract the ladies. Since this is pretty much what we do with exogenous pheromones, let\'s honor our boar-ing friends with a unit of measurement.

    I propose that we award SPBs to products based on field experience and testing - hits, DIHLs, f-closes, etc. Let\'s ignore concentration, cost, other fragrance, convenience, etc. By this standard, NPA and TE would rate the same based on relative concentration although in the field, NPA may have an advantage.

    To start things off, here\'s my ratings so far. Note I have tried every product I list.

    NPA - 8 SPB

    TE - 7 SPB

    Xcite - 2 SPB

    Realm for Men - 0.5 SPB

    Andron - 3 SPB

    Musk2 - 1 SPB

    SoE - ??? Why? because the effects are qualitatively different from the aNONE products above - easy contact, relaxation - yes; but I\'ve yet to see hair flipping, DIHL, glassy eyes from SoE alone.

  2. #2
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB


  3. #3

    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB

    Remember my previous suggestion of testing our pheromones out on some pigs! Their response is probably more easily quantifiable.

  4. #4

    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB

    Maybe, we can also rate different concentrations and dosages of these products. For instance:

    NPA, 0.02 mg, skin (neck) 9.0 SPB.
    NPA, 0.01 mg, clothing (shirt) 7.0 SPB


  5. #5
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB


    Great idea! What you need to establish now is a standardized criteria for the ratings. May I suggest as a start that to qualify for a 10 SPB rating (a nadia, if you will), not only an f-close, but an f-close with O/G (bj) be required. And a 9 could be either an f-close OR an O/G close, and so on.
    Actually this seems to be more suited to be a product/sortie rating system than simply a product rating system. Combos could be rated as well.

    D&G/NPA (5 to 1) - 9 SPB

    Thanks for the belly laugh! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB

    How about a rating system on the website? You know how allows you to rate movies and books that you buy? why not have something like that on the site where customers can rate the product based on how effective it was for them? Just an idea...maybe Bruce could figure something out.


  7. #7
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB


    I guess you\'re right. WAY too many subjective (both subject-driven, and subject perceived) variables for a sortie/encounter/incident specific rating system to yield data worthy of scrutiny.

    Ordinarily I wouldn\'t let this deter me, and would attempt to come up with a system of my own, but since there\'s no way I can even HOPE to come close to the hilarity of the \"Smashed Pig Balls\" unit of measure I\'ll just put it on the back burner for now. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB

    Well I\'m a relative newbie here so I don\'t want to suggest anything, but I do I want to say I like Wilde Oscar\'s suggestion as it would provide a useful statistic on the ultimate effectiveness of a particular product. Sure closing involves certain other skills, but if from the rankings a trend is noticed of more 10s (based on Wilde Oscar\'s suggestion)with a particular product this would be very useful info.

  9. #9
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB


    There you have it. The masses have spoken! Okay,....ONE guy. This has inspired me to undertake the rating system based on specific individual outing results that I spoke of in an earlier post. AND I\'ve come up with a TOTALLY NEW, TOTALLY ORIGINAL unit of measure.
    PST\'s - Pureed Swine Testicles [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]
    Sorry! It\'s been a LONG day!

  10. #10
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB

    Now, as the SPB unit works well for aNONE-heavy prducts but doesn\'t seem to fit SoE, which creates a different response, we also need a unit of effectiveness for copulin products.

    I have seen one proposed unit which I refuse to repeat here. It just won\'t do!

    I\'d like to see our female Forum members come forward with a suggestion. After all, I would only wear copulins if they were endogenous and personally applied.

    Any takers?

    (I mean for a unit suggestion - not a personal copulin transfer.)

    [ January 28, 2002: Message edited by: Whitehall ]

  11. #11
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB


    The problem with your metric is that closing involves social skills beyond the manufacturers\' product or personal application techniques. Since I\'ve gotten lucky before pheromones, likewise, I can\'t give them ALL the credit either. Still, we pay our money to get assists and we should rate products/ combinations/ application techniques on the degree to which they assist us rather than the final results. A subtle but important distinction.

    As to SoE, it rates very high in effectiveness in getting chattiness, relaxation, etc. It is probably even more effective in achieving those results than NPA in getting hair flips and DIHL. It just doesn\'t do what smashed pig balls do.

  12. #12

    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB

    How about an \"all star balloting\" from favorites from 1 to 3. Each first place vote is worth 3 points, 2nd 2 points, 3rd 1 point. It\'d be interesting to see what the top vote getter is!

    Also, have the people fill out their age to determine if there\'s an age-specific preference.

  13. #13

    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB

    Yet another newbie opinion about this rating system.
    I would like to look at pheros at what they can \"add\" to my experiences. How one particular phero has maximize the chances of achieving x goal.
    How about comparing similar A with scenario B, where A is very similar to B, where in A you didn\'t wear any pheros and in B you did. For example, I know that when I go to the grocery store, the cashier girl has never known I existed, but during the next visit I\'m wearing pheros and to my surprise she smiles a lot. In this case I have gone from a 0 to a 6 (where 0=no reaction 6=nice smile) so my gain is 6. So if I was wearing product p I would rate product p with a 6.
    I\'m sure there are plenty of flaws with my approach, but we can at least stablish a rating system where we are clear what a rating of 1 or a rating of 6 really means.

    Thanks for reading my message
    ~curious dude

  14. #14
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB

    So what about the other products? From other postings, here\'s my guesses - if you know better, please provide input:

    PF - 6 SPB

    P10 - 7 SPB

    AFA - 6 SPB

    PI - 6 SPB

    Andro 4.2 - 4 SPB

    AE - 4 SPB

    Did I forget anything? The next step would be to do the SPB/$ ratios to give you bang-for-the-buck ratings.

    APC - 1 SPB

  15. #15

    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB

    it should also be a posting for other products containing or claiming to contain pheromones, athena 10x and marilyn miglin pheromones colognes for example. it should also have past products relating such as \"score.\" you could have a listing for them all and what the spb measuring unit which applies.

  16. #16
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB


    I did see that suggestion that was posted on another thread for the unit of measurement for the effectiveness of Copulin products scale. While I\'ll withhold comment about that particular submission, the idea of using the same acronym seemed interesting.

    Since the ladies don\'t seem to be jumping at the chance to contribute, I hope you\'ll consider the following idea.

    What about equating the effectiveness of the Copulin products with a visual signal that basically sends the same message, and call them
    \"Sensually Proffered Buttocks\" units?

    While there was no indication as to the gender of the person who offered the earlier suggestion, I\'m sure it was no lady! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    I am working on my SPB ratings, just finding it difficult for some reason. Every product that I use regularly seems to be getting a perfect score. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    [ January 29, 2002: Message edited by: Wilde Oscar ]

  17. #17

    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB

    I love the amazon suggestion.

    I can see it now:

    User Rating: ***

    7 out of 10 users reported getting laid while wearing this product.

    Was this review helpful?

  18. #18

    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB

    I think Attraction would rank about 6.

    I strongly oppose link the ranking to f-closes. I\'ve had -0- zip, nada such closes for a year, and I\'ve been using pheros for 6 months. You\'d get a zero rating for about half of the products Bruce sells from me if you depended on the close.

    You really don\'t want to blow the curve with someone unlucky, especially when the phero response can be so obviously different from the non-phero response, providing \"hard\" evidence that they are working.

  19. #19

    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB

    I don\'t think a rating system is very effective because each users advice is based on his/her personal experiences. some people have really good experiences w/ a phero that someone else had absolutely no luck with. and then there\'s the whole age issue...which is better for older/younger girls/guys?

    anyway, the ideas for a unit of measure are pretty funny, I\'ll give y\'all that much, lol

  20. #20

    Default Re: A Proposed Unit of Pheromone Effectiveness - the SPB

    I like the idea of a choas rating (that is the amount of chaos caused) The edge NPA and Alter ego could rate ***** SOE probably would rate ****** 6 as top of the line something like attraction and Primal insticct or andro would get between *** and **** based on available information etc etc.

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