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  1. #31
    Phero Pro
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    Hi Everyone,

    Just popped in

    and found out that Bruce has a new product under the tree for us. Cool! 8) Just ordered one along with a restock

    of a fav product. I'll check back in when I have results. I have a trip down to San Diego around New Years that I

    can try this at.

    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  2. #32
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    "it is almost impossible not to

    smile after about 10 seconds of being exposed to this.. It creates a warm, joyous sensation not unlike, although

    much stronger than estratetraenol."

    Hi HEC, Can you elaborate on this please, thanks. What I'm thinking is

    that something along this line might be better for starting a cult with smiling followers rather than as a means to

    get laid.

    "Thank you for your constructive criticism. The concept of starting a cult sounds

    promising - why don't you try it and let us know of your results? Furthermore your shallowness speaks for your


    Shallow, gee whiz. Try to put yourself in the customer's shoe why don't you? You say "it is

    almost impossible not to smile after about 10 seconds of being exposed to this.. It creates a warm, joyous sensation

    not unlike, although much stronger than estratetraenol." And, I have to think now that if I wear it and walk into a

    room with some number of people that they are all going to have a warm and joyous sensation due to my presence?

    I only asked you to elaborate a bit and you won't. So, that's ok. I have some coming and I'll try it

    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  3. #33
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    Shallow, gee whiz. Try to put yourself in the customer's shoe why don't you? You say "it is almost

    impossible not to smile after about 10 seconds of being exposed to this.. It creates a warm, joyous sensation not

    unlike, although much stronger than estratetraenol." And, I have to think now that if I wear it and walk into a room

    with some number of people that they are all going to have a warm and joyous sensation due to my presence?
    What I meant was that it creates this sensation particularly for the wearer.. For as far as effects on

    others, that's the whole point of this alpha-test...

  4. #34
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    Ordered the product, will report

    on results.

    Either I'll serve as evidence that P.T. Barnum was right, or this stuff will be 'DA BOMB!!

  5. #35
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    HEC, you said something

    here about the future reaserch of pheromones... if I got it right, it ment that we're (humans) about to find out

    pheromones to attract specifically men OR women...
    Can you PLEEEEAZE elaborate on this?
    It sounds so

    intreaging...yum yum yum... I so hope it's gonna be soon that these are introduced to L-S customers

    I'm so keen to hear the reports on this new product. Thank you Bruce, we love you
    Last edited by tenaciousBLADE; 12-16-2006 at 01:24 PM. Reason: added the P.S.

  6. #36
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    sounds so intreaging...yum yum yum... I so hope it's gonna be soon that these are introduced to L-S customers

    Indeed it is intriguing! It is not everyday that a totally new class of pheromones is discovered,

    which are many times more powerful than even the strongest pheromones currently known. It's going to be an

    interesting ride, as this is only the first breakthrough!

    Mind you all that there are other pheromones in the

    pipeline, which are over 10 times as active as this one (at the VNO). This equates to a compound which is not only 5

    times more active than androstadienone, but over 50 times more active (at the VNO)! - A response of approximately

    550 millivolts at the VNO, versus the meager 7-10 millivolts currently offered by androstadienone.

    In my

    professional opinion, these are the true human pheromones.. I think that the androstenes were the primary

    focus of everyone since the inception, and were not the true candidates for use as human pheromones. Androstenes

    might have a slight effect, but this effect is far too small and intermittent to afford them the title of

    "human pheromones."

    if I got it right, it ment that we're (humans) about to find out pheromones to

    attract specifically men OR women...
    What I mean is that certain pheromones selectively target

    either the male or female VNO.. However, most of them to a degree slightly activate the "wrong" gender's

    VNO, however the proportion of the effect at the "right" gender's VNO is over one hundred-fold more. However,

    considering the incredible activity, that small fraction may be considerable.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archetypical Hybrid

    Indeed it is intriguing! It is not everyday that a totally new class of pheromones is discovered, which are

    many times more powerful than even the strongest pheromones currently known. It's going to be an interesting ride,

    as this is only the first breakthrough!
    So, when can we expect the second breakthrough? Are they gonna

    be "launched" one at a time?

  8. #38
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    This sounds interesting so I

    just ordered a bottle. I just moved to a new city so I have prime opportunity to test this new product. If you check

    out any of my previous posts you can see that I am a skeptic and will not over-report any findings. I plan to test

    this product by itself with a cover scent.
    24 year old, good looking, white guy SOE+NPA works like a charm
    Chikara no results nice scent
    Pherlure cant wear it; strong scent headache
    AA314 good stuff
    NPA girls get frisky, stinks
    A7 almost as good as NPA
    SOE legit

  9. #39
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archetypical Hybrid

    Indeed it is intriguing! It is not everyday that a totally new class of pheromones is discovered, which are

    many times more powerful than even the strongest pheromones currently known. It's going to be an interesting ride,

    as this is only the first breakthrough!

    Mind you all that there are other pheromones in the pipeline, which

    are over 10 times as active as this one (at the VNO). This equates to a compound which is not only 5 times more

    active than androstadienone, but over 50 times more active (at the VNO)! - A response of approximately 550

    millivolts at the VNO, versus the meager 7-10 millivolts currently offered by androstadienone.

    In my

    professional opinion, these are the true human pheromones.. I think that the androstenes were the primary

    focus of everyone since the inception, and were not the true candidates for use as human pheromones. Androstenes

    might have a slight effect, but this effect is far too small and intermittent to afford them the title of

    "human pheromones."
    Very interesting to say the least. I do have one question as to the effects

    themselves. Most current phermones have to be applied with a bell curve in terms of effects ie. Too much = no

    effect/overstimulation. Wont these have the same effect as basically applying several grams of none/nol etc instead


  10. #40
    Stranger Mr. Happy's Avatar
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    Icehawk asks a very

    good question.

    Something I was wondering myself.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Icehawk
    Very interesting to say

    the least. I do have one question as to the effects themselves. Most current phermones have to be applied with a

    bell curve in terms of effects ie. Too much = no effect/overstimulation. Wont these have the same effect as

    basically applying several grams of none/nol etc instead mcg?
    Yes, I'm curious about this too.

    Previously people have said that about 50mcg seems to be a reasonable application. What he's recommending

    is 500mcg, which, if it's 5x as powerful would make it equivalent to 2.5mg in a single application.


    would be a super-ultra overdose of most pheromones.

    If it's really 5x as strong, one would need nothing

    like 1/2 ml. More like .02 ml.

    So we have a paradox. Either it's 5x the strength of androstadienone and the

    correct application amount is tiny, or it's 1/10 the strength and you really need 1/2 ml.

    It can't be


  12. #42
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xvs
    Yes, I'm curious

    about this too.

    Previously people have said that about 50mcg seems to be a reasonable application. What he's

    recommending is 500mcg, which, if it's 5x as powerful would make it equivalent to 2.5mg in a single application.

    This would be a super-ultra overdose of most pheromones.

    If it's really 5x as strong, one would need nothing

    like 1/2 ml. More like .02 ml.

    So we have a paradox. Either it's 5x the strength of androstadienone and the

    correct application amount is tiny, or it's 1/10 the strength and you really need 1/2 ml.

    It can't be

    Or perhaps its 5X the effectiveness at a given dose? That would be very subjective though.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #43
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Hoestly testing will tell.

    Because measuring by VNO response, a 5-10x larger ammount of A1 to compensate for its lesser response might still

    yeild in the same result of say 7-10 millivolts, meaning the stuff Archtypical Hybrid is describing trully

    revolutionary. What I mean is we might be talking about response per receptor site, and if thats the case than no

    ammount of current pheros would be able to cause the same effect.

  14. #44
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    I’m also

    curious regarding the large recommended application amount – curious, not necessarily disbelieving. And I will

    definitely start w/ lower doses, unless HEC can explain why a more powerful pheromone should be applied in greater


    Never the less, I have ordered up some for personal


    One possible explanation for OD may lie in the fact

    that what we have been using for sexual attraction (androstenone) is even more effective as a pig pheromone than it

    is for humans. There may be some cross-over positive stimulation effect between species, which we’ve been benefiting

    from, but there may also be an aversion effect built in when high concentrations are encountered precisely due to it

    being a pheromone that is predominately used by a different species.

    There are apparently pheromones that we can load up on w/o much danger of OD – specifically

    alpha-Nol, beta-Nol, and A-1 (or
    androstadienone). Rone seems to be possible to OD

    on, but w/o as adverse effects as eNone.

    Another explanation

    may lie in the nature of the active receptor portion of the hydrocarbon molecules that HEC has been developing. (My

    wording may not be exactly correct as Organic Chemistry is a 40 year old memory for me). HEC speculated earlier this

    year that if one was able to synthesize molecules that have two different active receptor portions on a single

    molecule, both of which are known to stimulate the VNO, that the effects might not be just additive, but

    synergistic. It sounds like he has found synergism.

    Actually I am

    quite anxious to get started with this new phero. Unfortunately I’ll be mostly around only family through the

    holidays. However, if it arrives on time, I’ll try it on them. After all AQ, and LT together seemed to brighten the

    day, and increase conversation among family the last time I visited them.

    When I get more time to post, I have something of interest to add to the AQ thread.

  15. #45
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    An important

    point is that I have never seen any "OD" effects from this pheromone. applications of up to 5mg have been tried,

    personally, but it does not seem to evoke any stronger responses than does .25mg or .5mg.

    .25mg or .5mg are

    just arbitrary suggestions - it might be fully active in as low an application size as, say, .05 milligrams. We

    really don't know how it will behave yet in real-world environments.

    From the testing of this pheromone in the

    studies, wherein an air stream was introduced nasally, the "dose" used was in the range of nanograms - micrograms.

    However, no one knows just how much of a pheromone, applied to clothes, actually reaches another's VNO organ


    Note that the application size is not additive. If one were to apply twice as much of A1 as another,

    the VNO response would not be twice as high for the latter of the individuals. - In other words no matter how much

    you use you will still get only the same 7-10mv. I don't yet understand the "OD' phenomenon, but as per ICE's

    observations, this is why the incredible VNO activity of this pheromone is, in fact, revolutionary

  16. #46
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I always figured that ODs were about

    crossing the conscious threshhold with the pheromones that had a noticeable smell to them (mainly aNONE). Obviously

    you can OD on men's PI. I have gotten loads of emails to that effect over the years ("dude, you need a shower

    etc). Coming on too alpha/strong on a more subtle level than your every day garden variety BO, has been speculated

    about, but I can't really say for sure about that. Maybe it is just a matter of the wearer becoming more

    aggressive even irritable under the effects of his own OD. That seems more plausible.

    Now, on the subject of how

    much a particular pheromone is able to stimulate the VNO, there was probably some method for standardizing the

    exposure, making it sort of a matter of how much you need to wear to get a reaction. Interesting question. I

    don't know the answer.

    Then there is the question of the quality/type of the stimulation as well as the

    quantitative issue.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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    Yoga in Eugene
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  17. #47
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Actually, what I came here to post

    is that we are down to about 9 bottles of this stuff, and we still haven't gotten any user feedback. I'm

    wondering if we should get some more or let it run out and see what we are up against.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  18. #48
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    That's probably because of the

    slow US mail during holidays. I'm still waiting on my chemset stuff mailed last Tuesday. Normally they're on my

    steps in 3 or 4 days.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  19. #49
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    Default received my order

    today and

    might be able to test a bit tomorrow. The bottle arrived fine, no leaks and no discernible scent from it unopened.

    The application amount seems like a lot compared to what I usually do with AE/m and others.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  20. #50
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    There were a couple of orders that

    shipped overnight I think. KoolKing, you got an alpha-test? I can't really detect a fragrence myself, so be

    careful. Not that you can OD as such, but don't waste it. Put it on somewhere and have female friends take a

    whiff. Take a whiff yourself too.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  21. #51
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Ok, questions slightly to the

    left field for HEC.
    Is the stuff synthetic/brand new to mother nature aka work previously mentioned by BDC

    Concepts a while back?
    How many other compounds could be available?

    As for more of the stuff,

    Bruce you better

  22. #52
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    questions slightly to the left field for HEC.
    Is the stuff synthetic/brand new to mother nature aka work

    previously mentioned by BDC Concepts a while back?
    How many other compounds could be available?

    These compounds are completely synthetic - they are not produced by humans or found even in minute

    traces anwhere in the body or on the skin. Thus, they are not a product of nature's innovation, but rather

    science's. I have never heard of BDC concepts, and so, no, they are not related at all.

    There are over 20 of

    these new pheromones which show promising results, however we expect to only materialize a few of them with the

    highest activity - some for males, some for females.

    When? Jeez.. That's up to Bruce!

  23. #53
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    So HEC... There's an

    important question asked here, that you still haven't answered:
    When are the other pheromones expected to be out

    on the market?
    Is there at least an assumption as to the end of the project, leading to their first markete-day?

  24. #54
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Default Vno

    Whether the VNO exists or

    not.. Who cares? As long as this shit is working I don't care if my ass has a VNO and detects it.. As long I get a

    result from it, it's fine..

    And about criticing "Archetypical Hybrid (HEC)" I think you all should be a little

    more down to earth..
    He's NOT marketing it.. He's not earning from it.. If I recommend a phero in here, it's not

    marketing because I don't get anything out of it!
    Year its "mouth-to-mouth advertising/marketing" but it's not

    really marketing.. Because then everytime somebody would talk about a product or recommend a product it would be

    marketing.. And I believe that's way out of the "concept" called marketing!

    And another thing.. He's only

    trying to help you all and tell you about it (as much as he can and are allowed) and all you do is attack his

    statements/comments and posts.. What kinda way is that to threat the hands that's feeding you (with information). I

    think it's okay to be sceptic and all, but it's possible to say it nicely and constructively.
    Many of you ask

    about things and when he replies and answers you all attack him with a negative attitude (or so it seems to me).

    you're skeptical -fine! But you could still have respect for him.
    If you don't belive him that's okay.. Say it,

    and that's it. Someone else here maybe believes in him, and don't wanna read 21 posts about if it's bull or not.

    That's just waste of time, and posts..
    Sorry for the loong post here, but I really think some of you should think

    about what you're saying one more time before you post it because some is just waste of space I think..

  25. #55
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I agree with you. Their

    attitudes are comical because all of us are considered a little off to even be spending time and money on

    pheromones. Then these people act as if anybody not conforming to what they have decided is THE TRUTH is a heretic

    and should be flamed.

    Rather narrow minded and provincial, really. Expected better out of these people.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  26. #56
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Thank you WorkingMan and

    Bel for saying something. I too feel the same way but didn't feel like taking on the world in regards to this. I

    was really skeptical when I first ordered mones about everything everone said and now I have a completely open mind

    as I know for a fact that they work. HEC please keep providing as much info as you can and thank you!

  27. #57
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    Default It really comes down to how you handle yourself

    Like, alcohol remains the world's fave social enhancer and get laid drug... the ratio of

    alcohol used for this purpose to pheromones used for this purpose is probably like 100,000,000,000:1 and look how

    many ways alcohol is used, from the finest Robert Parker rated 97+ wines at $150 a bottle retail or in the most

    elegant of dining experiences... which can be a nice intro into evening activities... to the cheapest vodka and

    gatorade... and, heck, I've been in some of the most exclusive restaurants in the world and seen people who could

    afford anything who could NOT handle their liquor and become wildly out of control, and I've seen people behave

    like the smoothest gentlemen passing around a pint bottle... in this context, pheromones are one tool, which can be

    an effective tool, or an ineffective tool... just remember that you are the action, not the pheromone... the

    pheromone is like a mutual friend who introduces you, and maybe hangs around and helps with the flow of the

    conversation... a great phero blend may be like having the perfect wingman as opposed to a slightly overbearing oaf

    secreting too much pit-none or a wussy clown ... you definitely don't want the wussy clown... but the hairy scary

    oaf will lose you some points too...

  28. #58
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    Default hoping someone

    else steps up to

    the plate and gives this a test ride. I can't for now. My dog had his first epiletic seizure yesterday and now

    another one this morning. My mind is on other matters and am also headed out in a few days for Christmas. I'll

    have to report after the holidays.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  29. #59
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    there at least an assumption as to the end of the project, leading to their first markete-day?
    As soon

    as Bruce Green-Lights the batch synthesis, it can be ready in less than 30 days. The material used for production of

    the pheromone solutions will be highly pure, in excess of 99%.

    Note that we first have to see how this

    alpha-test goes before the gears can be set in motion. So post some reports people as soon as possible!

  30. #60
    Full Member Mungojerry's Avatar
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    Last edited by Mungojerry; 10-05-2015 at 08:29 AM.

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