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  1. #31
    Full Member Cullmanz Own's Avatar
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    Confidence. It all boils

    down to confidence. If you can find a man that never get's nervous, never shows emotion, and has a handle on his

    life and her life then you've found yourself an alpha.

    They're very easy to spot. Take a look around a busy

    place one day. Look for a man that walks upright with dignity and confidence, has a charasmatic soul about him, and

    has slow calculated gestures you've found either a tired alcoholic/drug addict or you've found your alpha.

    Beta males are the ones you need to watch out for.
    "Freedom to change seems to come after acceptance of ourselves." -BT pg. 56

  2. #32
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    Could you expand a bit on this

    beta male thing?

  3. #33
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Beta males exist in a world of

    scarcity and thus will compete over...pretty much everything, especially petty stuff. The alpha male just sits back

    because he knows he owns everything.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  4. #34
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    i saw the header of this post

    and just had to chime in...while its admirable to ask a woman her opinion, its not profitable to do so in the area

    of attraction, CAUSE A WOMAN HAS NO IDEA WHAT SHE WANTS OR WHAT AN ALPHA MAN IS...LOL.... women will say one thing

    and do minute they will like the guy with the muscles, next minute, its the bookworm, next minute, its

    the rich guy, next minute, its fabio...seriously, women really have no clue as to what they want, so the only thing

    is can agree with is be confident, be yourself and BE SURE that she wants to reciprocate your affections, cause they

    are looking to YOU to decide what is best for them...LOL...yeah, i can hear all the ladies screaming out there, but

    really, its all in WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT YOURSELF, they will follow your lead...they want your reality to overpower

    theirs...if you are wearing that invisible sign on your chest that says "piss on me"..then you need to find a good

    source of kleenix cause thats what will happen...the mones will give you a major advantage, but wont override your

    self image, only valuable you see yourself is how much she will value you.. of course, spraying some

    edge around the room doesnt hurt i agree with Cpt Kipling...

  5. #35
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    so the only thing is can

    agree with is be confident, be yourself and BE SURE that she wants to reciprocate your affections, cause they are

    looking to YOU to decide what is best for them...
    Actually even confidence goes out the window with

    some women. I've known several women--mostly nurses--that preferred whimpy nuttless shells of maniods. Why? They

    got off totally on browbeating and bossing them around. I actually dated one for about a week before I decided I'd

    rather date Mary Palms than her. Sheesh, her clit was almost as big as my dick. Alas, I know guys that married women

    like that and totally lost their personally and self-respect: they walk, talk 'n dress as instructed. They carry

    their wifes's purse in public, have a bumpersticker that says "I love my wife" and go shoe shopping together.

    They're pussywhips deluxe. And it's more common than we like to admit.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  6. #36
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    That's actually a very

    insightful post Gegogi. It seems that men who have been in a relationship where they swallowed their pride and

    forsaken their masculinity due to their overly strong feelings for women, then have the women betray them will often

    develop personalities that are the exact opposite. In this case, they become shameless womanisers in the future and

    would rather sleep with and dispose of their women rather than allow themselves to fall in love again. Personally

    I've experienced this case and I admit I've become quite a bastard lately. Also a good example of this is the new

    movie Casino Royale and the line: "The bitch is dead" at the end.

    The same is true for women. After getting burnt

    by a man they often develop over feministic tendencies in their later personalities.

  7. #37
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Cool A very long post on Alpha-male defenitions

    I had not much time to reply this week, so this is (again) gonna be a long


    Originally posted by CptKipling:
    Originally Posted by Mungojerry

    It is a poem called "if" by Rudyard Kipling. Its posted on thounsands of sites on the internet.

    It is always a good one for sending a tingle down ones spine!
    Hey you could have given me at least a

    little time to bask in the adoration!

    Back on topic...I think that most ideas for an alpha male can be pretty

    much boiled down to Mungo's definition.
    lol... So it ain't the Cptns work?
    Well anyhow it's beautiful

    And don't worry Cpt. you still have my respect lol

    Anyhow I agree... Mungojerry's defenition was

    the greatest soup that could be boiled
    Still... I really liked the details in this next post... Check it


    Originally posted by Malboro_man:
    Well I will list some qualities that cause such but it's

    fair to say that these will change depending on location and culture. I don't believe an alpha male here will

    instantly be an alpha somewhere else until he EARNS it.
    Some qualities:
    Honest: obviously needeed

    : to earn the respect of others they must know you care.
    Caring: Goes hand and hand with being

    Unique: Someone who people feel they have to get to know because they instantly can tell your

    Independent: Not afraid to travel or do alone. It amazes me how many people I know that won't

    got to dinner or a mall by themselves.
    Individual: Combines alot of previous stated things but I am using

    it to refer to style. You appear how you want to and if you believe in it others will like it to.

    : If I need to explain this one to ya the rest is way too complicated.
    Leader: ahh a tricky

    one. A true alpha male will sit back and allow someone their moment of glory and then take back over the leadership

    rule as soon as they are done. IMO 1 of the biggest failures of most people trying to be Alpha.

    Those are some of

    the qualities that I have seen in alpha males. My word to the wise, IF you aren't already alpha or close to it then

    be prepared. You will often be challenged and how you handle it will confirm or deny your status just like in a wolf

    pack. NO this does not need to involve a fist fight although some others may try to take that path with you!
    GREAT post!
    One of the bests replys I ever got.
    You state the actual qualities and even explain your

    meaning to the detail. Beautiful.

    Gegogi, what can I say? I disagree. I don't think the

    wikipedia defenition is even close to the real thing
    I'd say Malboro_man said it well, and I too would say

    an alpha male is a leader who has earned the right to be followed

    Nevertheless, he is the alpha-alpha male of the land, and I can't do jack squat about it.
    Pfh... NOT.
    Originally posted by koolking1:
    I respectively disagree. I would say that he's in the

    alpha-alpha male position of all-time but he's hardly alpha himself.

    I mean... Gegogi,
    I agree

    about what you say regarding money & power... They can't be so easily discharged. They affect us all in this world.

    But still that simply doesn't make them an Alpha male. If you put them in an island without their money... would

    they still have the power (AND respect)?
    See my point?

    Many people with power, money, and even fame, got them

    because they're Alpha. But many others get them because they're jerks that just got the chances to step upon good

    gentle people (surely not alphas thought lol). If those people had a real Alpha on their side... he would protect

    them, not step on`em.

    Originally posted by Malboro_man:
    I adjust as necessary and realize

    the only things that I can control are my interactions with people and the situations that I put myself in.
    I'm starting to agree with Gegogi on this here: You are indeed an Alpha my friend

    Now for you, Cullmanz

    Confidence. It all boils down to confidence.
    Well, most of it is indeed (among

    other things) about confidence. You got that right.
    If you can find a man that never

    get's nervous,
    Yes... That one's true.
    never shows emotion, and has a

    handle on his life and her life then you've found yourself an alpha.
    No, no, no, no NO!
    That one

    right there is a big mistake yo`!
    Please don't take this personally, as I'm just trying to help

    But dude... That's SO wrong.
    An Alpha, not only shows emotions, but he also knows when and

    how to show them.
    Yes, he has control over his emotions. I'll give you that much (and I'll actually assume

    that's what you ment). But just so we have no misunderstandings here... It is important that a person knows

    his emotions AND shows them.
    He might not show ALL of his emotions, but if he shows NO emotions whatsoever - than

    he had lost his will to live and\or comunicate - and therefor is not an Alpha.
    Please get this down, my

    friend. It's a mistake you don't wanna make. It costs dearly in the long run.
    Again, I'm not assuming the

    "know-all" role; I'm just trying to help

    Originally posted by CptKipling:
    Beta males exist in

    a world of scarcity and thus will compete over...pretty much everything, especially petty stuff. The alpha male just

    sits back because he knows he owns everything.
    Wow, very nice defenition. Short and (so much) to the point

    Made me think. This is one to remember
    I realize it should be obvious, yet it's really usefull to

    put it in words sometimes.

    Originally posted by Spiderweb:

    LOL... Yeah, I wasn't really going to take the women's reactions

    as they are. I ment to analize them a bit using NLP, and see if I can come up with something. What I was aiming for

    wasn't so much an answer to the question, but more of a structure. I wanted to see how much do women THINK they

    know what they want (granted, men too don't always know what they want). And how confident they are in their

    defenition... i.e. If they give a timeless defenition or if they say that it depends on such & such.
    However, it

    turned out to be a really interesting discussion & I decided to gladfully go along with it

    Originally posted by Spiderweb:
    be confident, be yourself and BE SURE that she wants to

    reciprocate your affections, cause they are looking to YOU to decide what is best for them...LOL...yeah, i can hear

    all the ladies screaming out there, but really, its all in WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT YOURSELF, they will follow your

    I defenetly agree. Not only that, but I myself would look into what a woman thinks about herself, to

    decide if she's for me (especially if we're talking about a long-term relationship).
    I don't know if they always

    want us to take the lead (nor would I always want her to take the lead); but I'm pretty sure they want that

    possibility. We all wanna rest from life from time to time (i.e. let someone else lead for a while).

    want your reality to overpower theirs...
    Hell Yeah!
    well... in a way. I mean, yes, they want your reality

    to overpower theirs, as much as they want theirs to overpower yours (and it's about the same from my point of

    view). What they want is actually for your realities to blend perfectly. I'm saying this from observation & from

    what I myself would want

    Anyhow, Spiderweb, I'm happy to see you're posting replys in my thread

    been waiting for this moment.
    I've read a lot of your posts & got a very good impression from ya`

    Gegogi, back to you...
    Actually even confidence goes out the window with some women.

    I've known several women--mostly nurses--that preferred whimpy nuttless shells of maniods. Why? They got off

    totally on browbeating and bossing them around. I actually dated one for about a week before I decided I'd rather

    date Mary Palms than her. Sheesh, her clit was almost as big as my dick. Alas, I know guys that married women like

    that and totally lost their personally and self-respect: they walk, talk 'n dress as instructed. They carry their

    wifes's purse in public, have a bumpersticker that says "I love my wife" and go shoe shopping together. They're

    pussywhips deluxe. And it's more common than we like to admit.
    Yes, I've dated one such for two months.

    G*d Damn it, that's a bitch! (in the baddest way possible). The only thing that kept me a man in that relationship

    was everything related to sex. She totally bent down in bed. She even brought me another woman to sleep with

    (one she've already slept with before & knew she likes her p*ssy). But in reallity, I got to the

    conclusion those women aren't worth it even if they're the bomb in bed. Too much emotional demage. Seriously...

    You don't wanna attract these ones. I'm sure you agree. So better stay on the confidence, so as to not attract

    them at all
    So about that, I second what d3kst3r said

    I hope it's ok with everyone that

    I've replyed to each and every post this time
    And keep posting. This has become trully interesting

  8. #38
    Full Member Cullmanz Own's Avatar
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    Amen to all that. Back to

    this beta male thing. I once saw myself as a beta but now that I've learned that whatever I want, I can get through

    hard work and confidence, my need to impress others has died.

    Now, I do what I want, and watch others bitch

    about it.
    "Freedom to change seems to come after acceptance of ourselves." -BT pg. 56

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cullmanz Own
    I've learned

    that whatever I want, I can get through hard work and confidence, my need to impress others has


    I've preached this for years around here. Hard work generally leads to success. Being

    successful leads to GENUINE confidence. This is the real secret to attracting quality women. Too many people are

    afraid of hard work and want instant success by using a pill, an E-book or a pheromone mix. Try the hard work method

    and stop worrying about the Alpha-Beta silliness.

    And some of you young guys could really learn from old

    timer posts like Gegogi's. Yes, they can be somewhat vulgar, but get past that and digest the meat of the wisdom.

  10. #40
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    tongue, how old are you? just


    by the way, merry xmas everyone, or merry holidays for the non-christians

  11. #41
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Posted by Cullmanz Own
    I've learned that whatever I want, I can get

    through hard work and confidence, my need to impress others has died

    Good on ya` lad. Great words

  12. #42
    Full Member Mungojerry's Avatar
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    Last edited by Mungojerry; 10-05-2015 at 08:14 AM.

  13. #43
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Only I would change
    2)Don't negatively self talk
    2) Positively

    self talk.

    otherwise, you're using negative words to try & promote positive thinking hehe


  14. #44
    Full Member Cullmanz Own's Avatar
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    TBlade. You stated what I

    ment to comment on. I correct myself in saying that an alpha never shows emotion. What I ment to say was alpha males

    never show emotions that most insecure men show such as emotional hurt.When I first began to 'change' myself, I

    came to a great conclusion. We humans are tied to almost every aspect of our lives in some form of emotion. Most

    NORMAL people (when experiencing a tragic downfall, ex. failing a test) will try to change the outcome of this

    situation for the next time. When I fail a test, I study harder for the next one. This emotion of failure pushed me

    to change myself. I let it all out all so that the next time a situation arose, I would be able to take control and

    overcome this "obsticale".All together, in order for someone to become good at something, they must first fail at

    it. SEVERAL times. Common sense right? Some people just don't seem to recognize how easy it is to change

    "Freedom to change seems to come after acceptance of ourselves." -BT pg. 56

  15. #45
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Very good correction.

    Well said my friend... The failure should be our friend (and become the change), not our enemy, which we dwell on.

    This change of view is something I had to walk through myself...

  16. #46
    Full Member Mungojerry's Avatar
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    Last edited by Mungojerry; 10-05-2015 at 08:14 AM.

  17. #47
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Hey guys I love this

    conversation and we must keep it going as there is a ton of great information being exchanged here. To those of you

    who said I am an alpha, THANK YOU, but I also must say that re-reading this thread again I realized that there are

    several Alpha's in this thread. Take time to re-read and watch how Alpha male's interact. it's really quite

    amazing when you look at the dialogue. Contrary to steroetypical beliefs, it's not the need to argue that makes

    you an alpha, rather it's the ability to be listened to while listening to others!!! It would be great if all of

    us could get together and interact one time in public for the great alpha expierience and I believe we all would

    learn immensely from one another.

  18. #48
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Something I was thinking

    about the other day that fits well into this conversation: It's very rare that someone is naturally an alpha.

    Normally we go through stages until it just happens and we (if your like me) don't exactly know when it happened

    but all of a sudden you look back and say to your self " Wow, I really am a great person and people love me"


    have a test for everyone to try. Please take it seriously as it will only take a couple of seconds. DON'T read

    ahead to the next post until you do this.
    I simply want you to yell at the top of your lungs

    "I Love Myself!"

  19. #49
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    What was your

    Now that you have taken the test I want to share my interpration of the results.
    I figure

    there are several normal outcomes.
    1) you didn't do it because you were too lazy or couldn't yell. Please stop

    reading now and try again later.
    2) You didn't do it because you think this is stupid= Your choice but you

    probably don't want to be better.
    3) You did it but either wouldn't shout it or started laughing= Your don't

    love yourself enough but keep trying (at least you had the nerve to try).
    4) You did it and a very small smile came

    across your face= Your on the right track but need more work. Keep on trying
    5)Your had a big smile, started

    nodding and probably got a fuzzy warm feeling deep inside= You are da man and very confident (chances are you knew

    this test before you ever took it)

    This is something I used to do to myself everyone once in a while (and still

    do) and this really gauges what you feel about yourself on a new level. It's my confidence test and it's the

    stages that I went through and it wasn't until I reached that last one until I knew what I was trying to

    This is my confidence test (very applicable to this post) and I hope you enjoyed it.

  20. #50
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    it's not the

    need to argue that makes you an alpha, rather it's the ability to be listened to while listening to

    I second that one.

  21. #51
    Full Member Cullmanz Own's Avatar
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    I have a great example of

    someone insecure. I work in a grocery store as a stockman. We have an employee of Coca-Cola who comes an puts out

    coke's stock.

    Today I was using a crowbar at work when this particular fella decided he wanted to goof off a

    bit. So I joked with him and he laughed. Then I jokingly threatened him with the crow bar.

    This man, being in

    his late 20s married with kids took me seriously, grabbed me (a 17 year old teenager) by the neck and told me

    "Little pricks like you shouldn't be threating someone like me."

    I pushed him off of me, and walked away

    laughing. He later came back and told me that he was sorry and has a tendency to react to threats.

    I have

    respect for him for confronting me and appoligizing, but the need to fight seems a bit insecure. I myself have never

    been in a fight and don't plan on it. I have no need to fight. Talking works much better.
    "Freedom to change seems to come after acceptance of ourselves." -BT pg. 56

  22. #52
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE

    second that one.
    Hey blade, Did you do the test? Did you know it? What were your results?

  23. #53
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    He later came back and

    told me that he was sorry and has a tendency to react to threats.
    Maybe he worked in law enforcement?

    They tend to take any threat--even those obviously a joke or "what if"--as a life and death situation. One thing

    I've learned in life, it's a bad idea to joke about inflicting serious damage with a crowbar or any other lethal

    weapon. Those outside your peers--foreigners, older folks, women. etc--may not know you're joking and act

    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  24. #54
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    Last edited by Mungojerry; 10-05-2015 at 07:51 AM.

  25. #55
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Default Humility

    This is a fantastic

    thread, with so many good comments. Thanks tBlade for cranking it up, and your comments along the way have been

    very astute.

    However, I've not seen the word humility written in this whole thread. Of course the opposite is


    There are alphas in both camps.

    An alpha is an alpha, by whatever definition. How that person

    handles the position of leadership is really a more important question I think.

    Humility is not weakness, it is

    strength, and it allows for strength in others, and encourages it. An alpha does not fear the strength of others,

    he has the confidence and ability to allow others to succeed under his leadership, and to recognize and assimilate

    their strengths.

    An arrogant alpha thinks only of himself, in business, in family, in life. Untempered by

    humility he may abandon his family, stifle his best employees and die with no friends.

    Personally I think alphas

    are born and not created, the old "nature vs nurture" question. Either way, I know that a man can be raised to

    respect and appreciate the lives around him, then again, an alpha boy is probably a handful!!

    Thanks again Blade

    for starting what's turned out to be a great thread. Too bad the women never got involved.


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