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  1. #1
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    Default Unattractive or intimidating?


    Sometimes, a pheromone product makes girls appear completely uninterested in me

    (the invisible man effect).

    When girls pay no attention to me or even

    walk away from me, it can mean two things.

    It could mean that I don't

    appear masculine enough, i.e. women don't consider me a prospective mate. If that were the case, I would need to

    try a more sexual-type pheromone.

    On the other hand, it could mean that I

    appear too masculine and threatening. If that were the case, I should use a more fiendly-type


    How can I tell which way it is? What signs should I look out

    for, in order to be able to tell whether a pheromone product makes me appear not masculine enough or too


  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagicPower
    How can I tell which

    way it is? What signs should I look out for, in order to be able to tell whether a pheromone product makes me appear

    not masculine enough or too masculine?
    Generally, any products with androstenone will make you seem

    more dominant. Too much will make you seem intimidating.

    The only product I've found with the opposite

    effect -- making you seem friendly and approachable -- is WAGG (and that's the product I use because anything with

    androstenone totally scares 'em off. I'm intimidating enough as it is!).

    So try a product with androstenone

    in it, like Alpha-7, and try WAGG for the opposite effect to see what works for you.

  3. #3
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    There is tremendous magic

    in a smile. People want to have a good time as a rule, and being with someone who looks like they are having a good

    time works right along with that goal. A little WAGG, a little LT maybe, and a dab of good will.... you can't go


    Peace and Love,
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by xvs
    Generally, any products with androstenone will make you seem more dominant. Too much

    will make you seem intimidating.

    So that would have been the case at the

    party where I was last week?

    There were 12 people (4M, 8F). I was wearing Alter

    Ego. The two alpha females kept flirting with me throughout the evening, and even playfully competing for me,

    whereas a lovely shy girl whom I was actually more interested in, wouldn't even look me in the eye, and once when I

    was standing next to her, she actually walked farther away.

    Would you say that's

    a sign of too much -none?

    Quote Originally Posted by xvs
    The only product I've found with the

    opposite effect -- making you seem friendly and approachable -- is WAGG


    don't have WAGG but I just got WAGG-N and tried it once and it didn't seem to do anything. Gotta try


    Quote Originally Posted by xvs
    So try a product with androstenone in it, like Alpha-7

    I've been using Primal Instinct a lot, and the funny thing is that I

    have never noticed any reactions whatsoever.

    Thanks for the reply anyway, I'll

    go on experimenting with different mones.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce
    There is tremendous

    magic in a smile. People want to have a good time as a rule, and being with someone who looks like they are having a

    good time works right along with that goal.

    Yeah, right. You forgot to

    add: bring her flowers and take her dancing.

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Wagg-N gave me one of my two

    negative self hits.

    Otherwise, your post sounds like a classic -none overdose post. Maybe your natural -none is

    already high.

    Bruce has excellent advice.
    1) Smile

    I'd also say
    2) Square off
    3) Keep good posture.

    Know and use their names.
    5) Find appropriate reasons to touch them in safe places (hands, shoulder).

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxo-texas
    Wagg-N gave

    me one of my two negative self hits.
    Pardon my ignorance but what does "negative self hits" mean?

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce
    a dab of good

    Hey Bruce, I couldn't find "good will" on the main site, do you have a link where I can get



    ^to the OP, it sounds to me you may be overdosing on the -none.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by smooth312
    it sounds to me you may be overdosing on the


    All right, everything's

    logical so far. Reading the above, I would agree myself that it's a pretty clear case of -none OD. (Except that

    getting it from 2 drops of AE seems quite an achievement.)

    But now,

    let's make things complicated. Not that I expect anybody to solve my problems for me, but this might be an

    intellectual challenge for you.

    The above-expressed assumption that I

    seem to be naturally high on -none is in grave contradiction with my long-time experiences. You see, I can get

    pretty much any girl agree to go out on a date (that is without any 'mones), but I can't get them into bed

    afterwards. Sometimes they look outright surprised when I suggest after a date that we'd go over to my place or

    something. You can imagine how offending it is when I've spent hours with a girl who appears to be eating from my

    palm, and then suddenly she has this question written all over her face: "Where on Earth did you get the idea that I

    would have SEX with you?" And in spite of that, they're quite willing to date me again, and again, and again. In

    short, I'm a typical case of a "nice guy" women like to be with and talk to, but won't consider as a sex


    Different women have also made it clear that they don't consider

    me physically threatening. For instance, they've been very surprised learning that I do martial arts, and said they

    would have never expected that.

    I think that would suggest I'm

    naturally high on -nol and low on -none, wouldn't it?

    Experts, any

    idea how to explain that contradiction?

    Bruce, just to save your time,

    I do smile. Believe it or not, I also brush my teeth, and I don't fart in the presence of other people. So let's

    skip that part and get to the point.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagicPower

    The above-expressed assumption that I seem to be

    naturally high on -none is in grave contradiction with my long-time experiences. You see, I can get pretty much any

    girl agree to go out on a date (that is without any 'mones), but I can't get them into bed afterwards. Sometimes

    they look outright surprised when I suggest after a date that we'd go over to my place or something. You can

    imagine how offending it is when I've spent hours with a girl who appears to be eating from my palm, and then

    suddenly she has this question written all over her face: "Where on Earth did you get the idea that I would have SEX

    with you?" And in spite of that, they're quite willing to date me again, and again, and again. In short, I'm a

    typical case of a "nice guy" women like to be with and talk to, but won't consider as a sex


    Different women have also made it clear that they don't consider me

    physically threatening. For instance, they've been very surprised learning that I do martial arts, and said they

    would have never expected that.

    I think that would suggest I'm naturally high

    on -nol and low on -none, wouldn't it?

    Experts, any idea how to explain that


    Bruce, just to save your time, I do smile. Believe it or not, I

    also brush my teeth, and I don't fart in the presence of other people. So let's skip that part and get to the


    That problem has probably nothing to do with mones or your own

    natural mone output.
    It is more likely your own behavior that causes it.

    I have been on dates were I

    had great rapport with the girl where we both had a great time but I got the same results as you did when I tried to

    bring it to a physical level.

    The solutions is kino – i.e. touching the girl very early and gradually

    escalate the touching in a natural way. Going from talking for two hours without any touching to suddenly suggesting

    sex is simply to abrupt for many women.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagicPower
    You see, I can get pretty much any girl agree to go

    out on a date (that is without any 'mones), but I can't get them into bed afterwards. Sometimes they look outright

    surprised when I suggest after a date that we'd go over to my place or something. You can imagine how offending it

    is when I've spent hours with a girl who appears to be eating from my palm, and then suddenly she has this question

    written all over her face: "Where on Earth did you get the idea that I would have SEX with you?" And in spite of

    that, they're quite willing to date me again, and again, and again.

    Magic, that sounds like needing a very little steering.

    Once you meet a girl on such a date, execuse yourself

    in the first 5 mins, and go apply nomore than 1 drop of PI, or even half drop to your neck.

    That may tip the

    evening for you, from 'nice guy' to 'desired'.

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Negative self hit.

    I use

    this to describe when putting a mone on makes me feel bad.

    I have a pretty tight reign on my emotions most the

    time and I can usually recognize when they are behaving wierdly without any logical reason. If I have unexplainable

    strong bad feelings when using a mone, I think of that mone as negatively affecting me.

    They are right about the

    touching-- starting it early starts chemical and mental processes in the girl. Think about yourself this


    A girl you have gotten comfortable with and laughed with for a few hours leans towards you.. and when

    you lean toward her she kisses you.

    A pretty girl that you think is kinda hot after chatting with you for a

    few minutes and you are thinking about asking her out and she suddenly leans forward and starts kissing you.


    A pretty girl walking past you that you know nothing about suddenly veers over and starts kissiing


    Probably reactions.
    1) You like it.
    2) You may not feel comfortable.
    3) You will probably violently

    withdraw and feel suspicious and wonder what the hell is going on. Is someone trying to rob you. Etc.

  12. #12
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Why Waste Time?

    Quote Originally Posted by MagicPower

    All right, everything's logical so far. Reading the

    above, I would agree myself that it's a pretty clear case of -none OD. (Except that getting it from 2 drops of AE

    seems quite an achievement.)

    But now, let's make things complicated.

    Not that I expect anybody to solve my problems for me, but this might be an intellectual challenge for


    The above-expressed assumption that I seem to be naturally high on

    -none is in grave contradiction with my long-time experiences. You see, I can get pretty much any girl agree to go

    out on a date (that is without any 'mones), but I can't get them into bed afterwards. Sometimes they look outright

    surprised when I suggest after a date that we'd go over to my place or something. You can imagine how offending it

    is when I've spent hours with a girl who appears to be eating from my palm, and then suddenly she has this question

    written all over her face: "Where on Earth did you get the idea that I would have SEX with you?" And in spite of

    that, they're quite willing to date me again, and again, and again. In short, I'm a typical case of a "nice guy"

    women like to be with and talk to, but won't consider as a sex


    Different women have also made it clear that they don't consider

    me physically threatening. For instance, they've been very surprised learning that I do martial arts, and said they

    would have never expected that.

    I think that would suggest I'm

    naturally high on -nol and low on -none, wouldn't it?

    Experts, any

    idea how to explain that contradiction?

    Bruce, just to save your time,

    I do smile. Believe it or not, I also brush my teeth, and I don't fart in the presence of other people. So let's

    skip that part and get to the point.

    MAGIC hi nice guy, being nice is a most wonderfull quality, so good on you, and i agree it

    will not necessarily get you wasted i mean that in the very best of ways.But it can cause a

    real lot of wasted downtime, so the best strategy would be to convey the message from the outset that you are a nice

    ok great but a sexy nice guy or a sexy hot nice guy,

    you will not be wasting time this way, and it will lead to more getting wasted
    wantonly wasted

    we are dealing with numbers and percentages now as some girls do and some girls dont

    and some girls just wont, and
    some girls just love it and there are

    some girls who cant get enough, SO Slap a good mix on and go and do

    your thing and be noticed,
    and just who are you You sexy hot nice guy.

    hit hit HIT
    hit HIT hit HIT on them. Winers play the numbers

    Thats the name of the game. GO 4 WHAT U WANT , life is so simple and

    time is sliping slowly away.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatGuy
    That problem has probably nothing to do with mones or your own natural mone

    output. It is more likely your own behavior that causes it.

    Guess so.


    Quote Originally Posted by maxo-texas
    A pretty girl walking past you that you know

    nothing about suddenly veers over and starts kissiing


    3) You will probably violently

    withdraw and feel suspicious and wonder what the hell is going on.

    sorry to disappoint you, but I really wouldn't mind. The other two alternatives would be really nice, too, and if

    you asked me which one of the three I'd prefer, it would be rather hard to choose.


    Of course, it is quite clear to me that women are dirrerent.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mak
    that sounds like needing a very little steering. Once you meet a girl on such a

    date, execuse yourself [---] and go apply nomore than 1 drop of PI[---].
    That may tip the

    evening for you, from 'nice guy' to 'desired'.

    like a good idea. Thanks a lot, I'll try it.

    Btw, this sounds interesting to

    discuss further. Has anybody else noticed any 'mones that make women more comfortable with the idea of being

    touched, or even actually wishing you'd touch them?

  14. #14
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    My theory is that you need to at

    least mirror the mones you're wearing otherwise they'll have a negative affect.

    If you wear lots of -none but

    act extremely timid and shy then people are going to be extremely hostile. If you act dominant however then you'll

    get respect from it.

  15. #15
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    My theory is that you need

    to at least mirror the mones you're wearing otherwise they'll have a negative affect.

    If you wear lots of -none

    but act extremely timid and shy then people are going to be extremely hostile. If you act dominant however then

    you'll get respect from it.
    I agree, for best results, your words, action and appearance should match

    and/or complement your pheromone signature. Nevertheless, I have not once experienced hostily or even indifference

    while wearing 'none products and going stealth. I can basically turn off my personality, assume buddha face and

    almost melt into the wall. In said state I'm oft perceived as shy or even unfriendly. Also, I don't find it

    necessary to be cocky, overbearing or obviously social dominant to be treated with respect. However you can project

    an alpha aural by how you carry yourself, use your eyes and even manner of dress. The truth is, it's not a single

    aspect of behavior but the sum of many little things than help complement your pheromone signature project the image

    you desire.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by d3kst3r
    you need to at least mirror the mones you're wearing [---]. If you wear

    lots of -none but act extremely timid and shy then people are going to be extremely


    I agree, but I don't really meet much hostility. My problem is that I

    don't seem to be able to interpret people's reactions correctly. I can't figure out whether I should try to

    appear more masculine or less masculine.

  17. #17
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Be What You Are

    Quote Originally Posted by MagicPower

    I agree, but I don't really meet much hostility. My problem is that I

    don't seem to be able to interpret people's reactions correctly. I can't figure out whether I should try to

    appear more masculine or less masculine.

    Fu*k other

    peoples reactions, just be what you are naturally and please yourself, dont worry the rest of the world will fall

    into line, the only positive way you can change is to become more loving as a person, because just because people

    dont recognise the spiritual side of themselves doesent stop it from manifesting very real effects in their lives,

    pheromones or no pheromones, pheromones will have an effect on you the wearer just wear that one or combo that makes

    you feel good and then it will enhance your signiture which is unique to you and no one else anyway and you will

    attract that what you have an affinity for, in life we are never going to be attractive to every one, except maby

    for the wrong reasons like money or power or fame or looks even still it is of no lasting advantage to you in the

    building of the real man which is not an instant thing but takes a lifetime of refining so all you can really do is

    just relax and be who you are as far as your chemistry is, enhanced or otherwise, as other personalities will still

    have their gut feelings to what is real in their perceptions and a none genuine person or a person who is acting is

    easily discerned on different levels either subconscious or conscious, A person can never perpetuate or sustain that

    which is not true and they will only become twisted and sick inside when they insist on being false and this always

    manifests over time in sickness and disease of mind or body. So as i said find out what is a feel good combo that

    you really like to wear and go for it and relax with your own level of masculinity whatever it may be, as it is

    different 4 all of us, and dress in a manner that pleases you and then you will have better chances of attracting

    that which you have an affinity for and vice versa, its so simple.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  18. #18
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I can't figure out

    whether I should try to appear more masculine or less masculine.
    I agree with Terry, be yourself. When I

    was a young 'n dumb college student I was insecure and worried if I was masculine enough. In hindsight I realize

    this was a total waste of time. If you try to be something your aren't you appear insincere, a mere poser. Once I

    decided "damn the torpedos" and let it all hang out, I did much better. Most people accepted me at face value and

    that was that. No loss at the few that didn't accept me. The most important personality trait is confidence and

    security in who you are, and it really shows if you lack it. Be the real deal.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  19. #19
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default This bloke knows the score

    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    I agree with Terry, be yourself. When I was a young 'n dumb college student I was insecure and

    worried if I was masculine enough. In hindsight I realize this was a total waste of time. If you try to be something

    your aren't you appear insincere, a mere poser. Once I decided "damn the torpedos" and let it all hang out, I did

    much better. Most people accepted me at face value and that was that. No loss at the few that didn't accept me. The

    most important personality trait is confidence and security in who you are, and it really shows if you lack it. Be

    the real deal.
    Listen to Gegogi because he has been there, i really never had

    a formal schooling so he really knows where your at, especially as he knows also the edict of the learning

    facilities and also the social structure and cultural aspects regarding life and culture of the younger man ect.

    Also have a look at some of Slickracers posts and or threads as he is a young man who really knows how to select

    pheromone products that suit him and that he enjoys wearing for the effects they display upon him first and formost,

    Relax and keep up posting because we all wish you success in your endevours and we are here 4 you Magic Power.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40
    Fu*k other peoples reactions, just be what you are

    naturally and please yourself, dont worry the rest of the world will fall into


    Don't give me such crap. For the fortunate few who can naturally

    attract women, it's easy to laugh at those to whom the nature hasn't given that gift. For us the common mortals,

    the statements like the one quoted are an outright insult. If there is one surefire way to devastating failure with

    women, it's by acting naturally and speaking honestly.

    If all that it takes is to be

    yourself, why do you think are all those people buying pheromones? Actually... I wonder what are YOU doing in a

    pheromone forum? :-))

  21. #21
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Ease up their Mr. Magic, you're

    missing the point. Believe me, show me a poser and I'll show you an unhappy man, and a man out of touch with

    himself and those around him. Assuming your natural state of being means setting goals you really want, striving

    towards them and becoming the best that you can be. Out of shape? Eat organic and hit the gym for an hour daily. Got

    butt breath? Practice dental hygiene. Look like a geek? Drag along a fashion conscious friend when shopping. Have

    difficulty speaking in front of groups? Join toastmasters. Look like a guy with no future? Major in something you

    love and rise to the top of your professsion.

    Women are attracted to guys that are confident in themselves

    and have a future. You have to project that in spades. Trying to be more or less masculine is a fast ticket to


    I'm an effeminate Asian male: slight of build, long fingernails, metromale dresser and work as a

    musician. Inside I'm tough as hell, driven and goal oriented, but outside I appear delicate, gentle and somewhat

    feminine. I gave up long ago trying to appear more macho. It just didn't work and made me appear insincere (fake

    voice, swagger, etc.). Women can spot a poser in a nanosecond. However, once I exorcise my demons 'n got my ducks

    in a row, the poonani poured in. And this was long before I used pheromones. Honestly, lots of women are attracted

    to effeminate guys. Oceans of them. I didn't find that out until I said hell with it and decided to be myself--the

    best self I could be--and focused on doing what I loved--music.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  22. #22
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Gegogi and Terry are right, in

    my opnion. Once you learn to be yourself and stop worrying about what others think you'll have better results. You

    don't even need all the pieces. I'm a geek professionally, dress very casually and don't give a damn about style

    but women are not any real problem for me. Even married I have opportunities regularly with very attractive women.

    In part, its because I am not trying to attract them. Just having fun and enjoying life.

    I should add that while

    I agree with the general terms Gegogi used to define an alpha male I disagree on particular people he mentioned. But

    that is probably more an issue of our own mindsets than anything else.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  23. #23
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Please don't be

    offended by this but I have read this whole thread several times and here is what I have concluded.
    1)You over

    value the power of mones. They aren't magic (sorry for the word choice) rather they are part of the equation, as

    well as kino, smile, and cofidence are.
    2) Girls tend to be more relationship driven while men tend to be more sex

    driven, especially when younger. So basically your asking girls to have sex with you when they don't feel that your

    a good long term mate. Reverse the rules: what if a girl made you date her for 2 years without so much as a kiss?

    You would probably run too!
    3)You seem to be trying to follow the footsteps of someone like david D (who I learned

    a ton from) but your not getting the whole picture. He will tell you that he can't pick up every woman he meets.

    Your inner game doesn't seem to be there, and that's what everyone is saying in their own way. The reason everyone

    is telling you to be yourself is because the MOST IMPORTANT THING TO ATTRACT A WOMAN IS CONFIDENCE!!!, and you

    don't seem to be showing it. I have been down this road before so I understand. You are trying to be someone you

    are not and therefore it causes you to fail with the ladies on dates. It's easy to get numbers and stuff by

    "acting" confident but it takes "being" confident to get more. Confidence means being your self regardless of what

    others think, plain and simple!!!!

    In conclusion take some time and get things right in your own head. I used to

    be totally different than who I am now. I have changed to someone I wanted to become by reframing and focussing on

    what I wanted to be. I can tell you it's not a fun process and you probably will lose most of your friends, so make

    sure it's what you want. People do this all this time for example someone who was in the drug scene heavy decides

    to go clean. In the process their personality changes, as well as their habbit's and friends. I wasn't comfortable

    in my own skin before but now I AM. Simply put: Until you love yourself, don't expect any one else to love ya. I

    hope you read this with an open mind, cause I can tell ya I have walked miles in your shoes, but in the end it was

    all worth it.

  24. #24
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Also, I forgot to say this

    but it's real important. I don't always agree with what everyone on this site says but I always read it with an

    open mind. I can tell you Bruce, Bel, and Oscar are very intelligent people and they are definitely worth listening

    to, they don't talk just to talk, they think about what they say and care what they write. I can also say there

    are many others on this forum (way too many to mention) that have tons of wisdom to share with you! Take Terry and

    Geoggi for example in this post. I don't agree with every word they said, but they make some damn good points.

    Best of luck to ya with this whole thing.

  25. #25
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default I was looking at the sales aspect.

    Quote Originally Posted by MagicPower

    Don't give me such crap. For the fortunate few

    who can naturally attract women, it's easy to laugh at those to whom the nature hasn't given that gift. For us the

    common mortals, the statements like the one quoted are an outright insult. If there is one surefire way to

    devastating failure with women, it's by acting naturally and speaking honestly.

    If all

    that it takes is to be yourself, why do you think are all those people buying pheromones? Actually... I wonder what

    are YOU doing in a pheromone forum? :-))

    magic, i really started out to see if there were any products around that could be good enough to withstand the

    scrutiny of direct sales like face to face. and good enough to get repeat sales, unfortunately there are no magic

    bullets around, erum khaaaaar excuse me just clearing my throat,as yet well not amoungst my

    30 different products at least ha ha, so i havent found anything that i could resell like face to face because the

    effects of pheromones are suttle and there are many people who are looking for smack bang her right now instant

    results, besides Magic i am personally really only interested mainly in the social aspects of the use of pheromones,

    and also experimentation of the sexual woman attraction side which is very interesting as excellent results can be

    obtained with the right product application and under the correct conditions to match, Phero Masters usually serve

    an apprenticeship so to speak before becoming sutch and i can assure you they certainly have to develope patience

    and observation skills, Now let me tell you one thing, Most women love getting attention from confident, interesting

    presentable gentlemen, preferably emmiting a nice exotic fragrance, and an intelligent woman can discern what is

    true and what is crap in a mans presentation, they are usually good at discerning these things, However there are

    always some women around who will ALLOW themselves to fall for anything, as sometimes they are desperate for a mans

    company and or love, I know one thing for sure and that is a man does not have to pretend in order to attract a

    girl, I have had so much attention from women when i have been homeless and walking the streets barefoot, i found

    that so many just wanted to take me home and use me all up, there really is no accounting for taste. BUT we here are

    only offering advice, we dont get paid for it, but some of us have been around the block a few times and we have

    learned a few things on the way because we have learned by our mistakes

    free of the waters of knowledge we have to offer, the choice is yours.
    And whatever we wish you the

    utmost success in your endevours.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  26. #26
    Phero Pro
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    Great post terry, I dont think

    anyone has ever summed this subject better than you, on this forum. Good stuff terry..

  27. #27
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Oh Bronzie Hi there

    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    Great post terry, I dont think anyone has ever summed this subject better than you, on this forum.

    Good stuff terry..
    Your very modest Bronzie, I have learned so much from you

    Pheromasters and your advice has saved me wasting my money on lots of crap that is always around, it is a bit of an

    honour really when i get an applaud from guys like yourself and Gegogi and Belgareth. I myself have only had around

    100 different women and girls that i have picked up and scored with so i really am not so experienced when compared

    with a pick up artist, but i can honestly say i would be just as happy had it only been a few, because when it all


    man need. AS its ( ALL IN THE MIND )
    Nevertheless we have are toys our fun our associations and best

    of all we have a friend or two.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  28. #28
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40

    Sans MS][COLOR=navy] I myself have only had around 100 different women and girls that i have picked up and scored

    with so i really am not so experienced when compared with a pick up artist,
    terry your older than me,

    but 100 girls is pretty good by any persons standard i think, im aware that you have been hitched a few times too,

    so you do have alot of experience under your belt with the fairer sex! hahaha, not saying that in the literal


    maybe we should create a whole new post, seduction according to terry, or terry's method?

  29. #29
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default What can i say ?

    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    terry your older than me, but 100 girls is pretty good by any persons standard i think, im aware

    that you have been hitched a few times too, so you do have alot of experience under your belt with the fairer sex!

    hahaha, not saying that in the literal sense!

    maybe we should create a whole new post, seduction according to

    terry, or terry's method?
    Under the belt ha ha, I never had much

    luck when i just wanted to go out and fu*K a girl i usually just went home and had a spill ha ha. The times that i

    always seemed to get sucess was when i sort of just see a girl somewhere and she just took my breath away and i ha

    ha just fell for them as i was in their power and all i really wanted to do was really kiss them and hold them ever

    so close with my heart beating so fast and my head spinning, it was when i ended up in this condition that i always

    got the girl and they never ever settled for my kisses or cuddles which i was more than happy with as i was in LOVE

    ha ha Those were the days, But I am in love with my wife right now and have been for over 10 years and our love is

    always exciting fresh and above all else TRUE. REALLY it just keeps on getting better and that is how it is

    meant to be.TRUE
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40
    Your very modest Bronzie, I have learned so much from you

    Pheromasters and your advice has saved me wasting my money on lots of crap that is always around, it is a bit of an

    honour really when i get an applaud from guys like yourself and Gegogi and Belgareth. I myself have only had around

    100 different women and girls that i have picked up and scored with so i really am not so experienced when compared

    with a pick up artist, but i can honestly say i would be just as happy had it only been a few, because when it all


    man need. AS its ( ALL IN THE MIND )
    Nevertheless we have are toys our fun our associations and best

    of all we have a friend or two.
    wow!! 100 girls huh!

    Terry!! Some people are REALLY


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