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Thread: Advice On PI?

  1. #1
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    Default Advice On PI?

    So i'm preety excited, i

    haven't ordered mones in a long long time. my last purchase was SOE sometime before the summer.

    Well now i

    orderd some PI, should arrive any day now. but i've got a few questions thats allways been in the back of my


    1) i know some ppl report that they easily OD on PI since its so strong. while others report that 1 drop

    just isn't enough. But majority-wise. whats more common? PI is easily OD with 1 drop? or drop isn't enough?


    totally forgot enough PI bottles have dropers or not. preety sure its a dropper

    3)Well i'm gonna start

    out with 1 drop, i hear PI is kinda thick, so i don't think i will have to worry about geting way too much out at

    once. but how big should my drops be? the size of a dime? small ball-bearing?

    4) I know ppl say "apply

    here...etc.." well i'm kinda a germa-phob. one thing i do alot is wash my hands and face. so applying on my

    wrist's is outta the question. also, i have fresh new piercings, so i couldn't apply it behind my ears for fear of

    infection. and i ALLWAYS wear a hat so applying on hair is not happening. so that leaves me with the neck.

    well if i have just 1 drop, that shouldn't be allott right? so do you think applying it right on the adams apple

    would be ok?

    5) should i just apply it directly to my skin? like tilt my head back and drop the bottle on my

    neck? if so, should i rub it around/in? OR...should i just apply a drop to my finger tip, and rub it in?

    6) So

    last question....would females "sence" PI, what is there innital vibe? do they just acknowledge the wearer as "oh

    hes there" or are they "cocky". my biggest fear is having PI give off the kinda vibe that i'm "full-of-my-self".

    what would you guys say is the most common feeling towards PI?

    I know those are some long questions. but i

    definetly would appreciate some help with those

    Thanks in advance guys!

  2. #2
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    1) i know some ppl report

    that they easily OD on PI since its so strong. while others report that 1 drop just isn't enough. But

    majority-wise. whats more common? PI is easily OD with 1 drop? or drop isn't enough?
    Are you Asian? You

    can probably use a little more with no problem. Middle aged Asian male, pour it on. I can swim in it. If you're a

    young African American male, you should tread lightly. In fact, you probably don't need it. I think most young

    White males need to take extreme care as well. If you're elderly, you may need anone replacement therapy and can be

    more generous. Nevertheless, only you can determine the best dosage based on experimentation.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Are you Asian? You

    can probably use a little more with no problem. Middle aged Asian male, pour it on. I can swim in it. If you're a

    young African American male, you should tread lightly. In fact, you probably don't need it. I think most young

    White males need to take extreme care as well. If you're elderly, you may need anone replacement therapy and can be

    more generous. Nevertheless, only you can determine the best dosage based on experimentation.
    yea, i'm

    asian. thxs for the help gegogi,

    where would you recommend applying?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Asian on PI


    I interested to

    know more also on PI or none applications on asian. I'm 28. Living in a all summer humid country. I had just bought

    PI, Npa and SOE. I think I have results with Npa. Not so yet with PI(maybe I have 1 yesterday but can't be sure as

    its already more than 9hrs since I had applied on my neck and ear with Gucci rush as cover).


  5. #5
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    where would you recommend

    I prefer applying most 'mones to clothing. Unfortunately, PI and SOE have an oil carrier and

    therefore will stain clothing. So you'll need to apply to exposed skin, e.g., neck, wrists, upper chest, back of

    hand, etc. Not much use burying it under layers of clothing...

    Be sure to use an ample cover scent. Anone

    products have a strong scent and are ofensive to most females, especially Asian women. Let them feel the effects but

    not smell it.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

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