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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Final Word of Experience/Comments About PI...

    Moderators, please don't delete this thread. I promise it will not contain any useless rants or

    raves, and I won't delete my posts. I wanted to wrap up my last thread, but you guys got rid of here is my

    message. I think I have something important and relevant to say with regards to my experiences with PI.

    So, the

    last time I touched PI was Monday of last week, about 8 days ago (10/6). I claimed to have "permanently OD'd" and

    that everywhere I went people were staying far away and holding noses/faces/mouths.

    It got to a point where I

    skipped work, avoided parents and friends, and just isolated myself. Everyone I knew thought I was acting crazy or

    I'd dropped off the face of the planet. I finally told my parents about 'mones...unfortunately, they didn't

    believe a word of it. My mom kept saying how she's really sensitive to smell, and if it was so, then she would

    have noticed long ago. My dad felt similarly. I even told friends, and none of them believed me. I called a

    doctor, and he had never heard of 'mones. I asked people who rubbed their noses if I smell...most of them had no

    clue what I was talking about.

    So, I went out the other night with a good friend to show him what I was talking

    about. I was very relieved when he pointed out how natural it is for people to touch their noses casually or their

    faces. I even do it myself! He also pointed out that if something smells bad, you usually scrunch up your face,

    not touch your nose. He was right, what I was saying didn't make any sense.

    I've come to the following

    conclusion...and I hope no one else falls into the trap/paranoia I fell into.

    First off, don't be too

    ridiculously over-observant. A couple times people were asking me why I was always looking around, like I was

    paranoid or something. I remember once someone even asked if there was someone after me! Of course if you keep

    looking at people you'll notice them rubbing noses or touching their faces. I was just becoming really aware of

    something that usually happens anyway. This leads me to my conclusion...

    That I probably wasn't stinking at all

    most of these times. It's starting to get cold here and lots of people also have allergies. It's more than

    likely that they are touching their noses for other reasons. Moreover, a lot of times I jumped to conclusions and

    judged certain actions of women as hits. Oh, she rubbed her ear...that's a hit. Or, she scratched her head while

    looking at me, she must want me. No, LOL. And what an absolute idiot I was for thinking that way.

    As one poster

    said, I probably mislead a lot of readers into thinking PI is pure magic of some sort. Now, it's not to say I

    didn't get real hits. Girls have approached me, and I can look back and say there are times I was clearly drawing

    stares or girls getting in my personal space. However, today is 8 days since I last applied 'mones. I got 1-2

    reactions that I would consider "hits" today. Was it the 'mones? Who knows really. They were pretty obvious

    signs of attraction I would say. I've mentioned that I used to catch these "signs" in the past, so it could just

    be my good looks. If anything, I still give PI 2 thumbs up.

    Clearly, even if people rubbing their noses is for

    other reasons, I do notice that a sense of leadership falls upon me, and people look to me for approval when I have

    'mones. I also notice that in general women do tend to approach or be more near me with them on. In that sense,

    PI is a solid product because it opens those opportunities. On the other hand, you could say that wearing PI

    sometimes gives you a sense of confidence from these reactions...that in itself just starts a chain reaction of good

    things happenening. For example, girl approaches you, you feel great, so you get really good at approaching some

    other girls, they give good reactions...and so on. It doesn't mean those were ALL hits, maybe just 1-2 was due to

    'mones, and you couldn't know which ones. I don't think it's a placebo because sometimes I've felt like total

    shit, and a girl approaches me out of nowhere and smiles even though I'm frowning. But to sit somewhere and

    analyze every single body movement of a woman and nitpick saying this or that was a hit...that's leading nowhere

    but to a state of paranoia. Because then you start thinking the same thing when guys scratch their heads or rub

    their I smell, etc.

    My word of advice is, first off, it seems showering too often or rubbing your

    application spots does create more 'mone strength. Definitely it helps to sweat and exercise to get rid of

    'mones. Not sweating is actually pretty bad. I also think wearing the same clothes is bad, as well as not

    laundrying often. Perhaps washing sheets and towels more frequently also helps because you'll have residue on them

    from sleeping and drying yourself. It's not overboard, it's just taking precautions, especially if you have the

    tendency to perhaps OD or think that you OD.

    I also used to use A LOT of cover scent. I think that's one of the

    biggest reasons people held their noses or got repulsed. I would wear 10-20 sprays of cover scent, or more.

    Someone here once mentioned that too much cover could be the problem, but I didn't realize the significance of

    their comment until now.

    But also, more than anything. Stop focusing so much on the reactions of other people.

    You'll drive yourself insane. I think I've finally reached the point today where I don't know if it was my

    'mones or just my attractive qualities or personality that got me those 1-2 hits. And I think that's the best

    state of mind to be in when using 'mones...when you have no clue if it's you or the 'mones.

    So why keep

    using them? Because, like I said, they definitely do work. It's just the overanalyzing that can kill you.

    Unfortunately, I had to go through a week of hell to learn my lesson, but I've got it now.

  2. #2
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    I've come to the following

    conclusion...and I hope no one else falls into the trap/paranoia I fell into.

    Perhaps you may have

    seen this post I posted in "Open Discussion".

    Your post is precisely the reason I posted it (See? There really is a method to my madness. ).
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    smooth, I know exactly what your

    trying to say, and I agree, .mones can drive a man insane, if that man is already insane to begin with!


    goes like this, if you are so self conciouse, analyize every single thing in your enviroment when wearing pheromones

    and attribute anything and everything on pheromones, it's more likey than not, that you (not directing this at you

    personally) have some sort of psycological condition that needs to get addressed, could be an anxiety issue or


    Just want to address one thing you mentioned, if people do find a smell offensive, they do tend to

    wipe thier nose or shift the air away from thier nose, I have observed this on a number of occassions, especially

    once, when I OD'd on PI/W.

    Smooth, you have to put things in perspective, pheromones may help in some

    situations with social interaction, but obsessing over them and any potential effects they have on you and the

    enviroment is not healthy.

  4. #4
    Phero Pro
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    by the way, PI is a great

    product, and I read the NEW PI is a new and improved formula over the PI sold over the years, its smoother and less

    edgy but holds the same punch. PI is also sold in a alcohol carrier spray.

  5. #5
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    i would go on bonzie

    with this
    not evry thing is about mones you have your own natural mones aswell
    & what about mood caracter phisical

    apearance... smell of clean is one of them too

    it has been said soooooooo many times mones are just a bonus

    not a miracle pill ...
    one thing i found to be good is to actualy learn about Body Language BEFORE mones as i did.

    good BL is way too much of an asset to let it go under your nose unnoticed...

    i do see some difrence but i dont

    atribute evrything to mones. its all just a bag of stuff getting all togetter to form what is a given situation you

    only add mones to make the bag heavier.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Very funny bronzie...thanks

    much, but I'm not insane.

    To be honest though, when I first began using 'mones it was due to a dating yes, I was a bit unconfident. I also find that I seek validation from women to feel good about myself

    some times...I have had anxiety in the past, so it's not uncommon for me to feel this way. I get what you're

    saying though, point taken.

    As for people wiping their noses, I doubt it. Shifting the air away seems logical,

    but you would also scrunch your face up or something of that nature. People don't just sit there relaxed and touch

    their noses...I think I was subscribing to your logic before, and that led me to paranoia. There's no way I'm

    OD'd 8 days after not touching 'mones, because plenty of people were rubbing their noses today, I just didn't

    make anything of it this time.

    If anything, I think it's from nervousness. I noticed when I cracked a joke in a

    group everyone laughed and relaxed a bit. When I think about how they rub their nose or scratch it or around it, I

    realized I do the same thing in situations when I'm a bit timid or intimidated by someone. Or, at times when I

    can't think of what to say, or I'm too distracted by something else (not a smell), that I can't concentrate on

    what the person is saying.

    Can anyone here smell PI? If so, what does it even smell like? I have asked

    numerous people if I smell, or if they smell anything, and they say there is no smell, and that their reactions are

    just habit. I finally believe it because I do the same exact things. I noticed people in their cars with these

    reactions...people in their cars feel more comfortable to touch their faces...I've seen people even pick their

    noses and do weird stuff in their cars, it's like they feel no one can see them.

    Of course what I had been doing

    wasn't healthy...that was my whole point. Basically, the reason I posted is because I doubt any people (or guys

    mainly) who have no problems with women and are super confident even try 'mones. I would have never tried them if

    I wasn't feeling down on myself. Before 'mones, and before hitting a dating drought as I call it, I was feeling

    out of this world and doing great with women. So, I figure that most people who will try 'mones, will be people

    who are somewhat self-conscious, somewhat I figure what happened to me is not so uncommon.

    eric, I

    think reading too much into body language is something that led me to paranoia, so I'd just say be careful with

    that. I have several books/articles on the topic, and it made me waaay too observant. From now on, I'm not even

    going to pay attention to body language unless it is very very pronounced. By the way, what did you say last time

    about touching the bridge of the nose being a sexual sign? I haven't seen that written anywhere, do you have more

    info about it? Because honestly, there have been times a girl has rubbed her nose but came and stood much closer to

    me. It seems contradictory...of course, in the paranoid sense that rubbing her nose must mean I smell bad.

    Otherwise, if I ignore that little detail, there is no reason to panic.

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim
    Perhaps you may have

    seen this post I posted in "Open Discussion".

    Your post is precisely the reason I posted it (See? There really is a method to my madness. ).

    was just about to him that.


  8. #8
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    Smooth, good come back.


    phero's use, usually comes an amplified sense of observation. You look for effects on others, what they do, how

    they move, say, body language and so on.

    It is tempting to relate many of those observations to what phero you

    have on. If you look for an itch, you'll have one.

    For ex., if you observe any woman closely, she will sense it

    and observe you back, return your looks, maybe even get closer to enjoy the attention, or just being curious.

    Now for PI. If you don't get it on clothes or bed, it will evaborate in a day, or with a normal shower with a


    It smells the least of Anone products, but it still smells, like sweat, in wiffs here and there.


    20 sprays of any cologne, is like a bar of soap on legs.

  9. #9
    Full Member Superman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smooth312
    Basically, the

    reason I posted is because I doubt any people (or guys mainly) who have no problems with women and are super

    confident even try 'mones.
    I think I'm confident enough (super confident) myself but, still, I am

    enjoying the use 'mones. Why not get help and improve yourself if you can? That's my motto.

  10. #10
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    it's a good thing to

    keep perspective when you watch/use BL becose its actualy more than 50% of what you say (i personaly think it

    somewhere around 80 to 90 %!!)

    i dont remember where exactly that i've read this notion but i tested it & it

    works well actualy it is a pretty simple fact :fingers are related to temper & emotions ex:giving the finger

    whearing rings (i have read somwhere that you can actualy know what kind of person is with you just by lookin at

    theire rings & jewels ) the gesture i was talking about is simply rubing the "index" under the nose sideways (left

    to right to left... ) there is lots & lots of gestures we do unconciously & that is one of them !

    the reason

    you would see lots of nose gesture is simple the nose area is verry sensitive specialy under & on the tip it's like

    a clito or nipples lots of sensorial nervs there.

    other nose gesture (non sexual)
    -picking nose

    -rubing the sides -> /\ up & down
    -scraching the same
    -rubing up & down under the nose (arch in

    the middle)
    -locking the nose (not realated to bad smell,cleaning??)

    usualy when a whoman is attracted whe will

    give plenty of BL signs legs moving /uncrossing ,hair flipping ,go to batroom 2 freshen up(brigns her bag?) ,eyes

    locking (DIHL)
    as i said lots of signs ...

  11. #11
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "First off, don't be too

    ridiculously over-observant...
    Smooth, I'm glad you woke up. As far as your recent conclusions--I

    hate to say it--but we told you so. If you're prone to paranoia and exaggeration one is better off keeping it

    inside lest others think the worse of you. In time and with experience it will subside, giving way to more rational

    perspective. Methinks a man is better off posting or speaking this mind after some thought and reflection.

    "My word of advice is, first off, it seems showering too often or rubbing your application spots does

    create more 'mone strength. Definitely it helps to sweat and exercise to get rid of 'mones."

    is simply and unequivocally untrue and patently poor advice. It does not take an advanced degree in Public Health to

    figure not bathing increases buildup of both natural and artifical pheromones, not to mention some nasy funk.

    Moreover, vigorous exercise increases natural pheromone output thereby adding to any artifical pheromones applied

    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mak
    Smooth, good come


    With phero's use, usually comes an amplified sense of observation. You look for effects on others, what

    they do, how they move, say, body language and so on.

    It is tempting to relate many of those observations to

    what phero you have on. If you look for an itch, you'll have one.

    For ex., if you observe any woman closely,

    she will sense it and observe you back, return your looks, maybe even get closer to enjoy the attention, or just

    being curious.

    Now for PI. If you don't get it on clothes or bed, it will evaborate in a day, or with a normal

    shower with a scrub.

    It smells the least of Anone products, but it still smells, like sweat, in wiffs here and


    And 20 sprays of any cologne, is like a bar of soap on legs., thanks for pointing that


    It's very I was sitting at work and I smelled a scent of sweat. I usually can't smell

    -none, but I've recently been smelling sweat around my house and on some occasions when I'm just sitting down

    somewhere for a long time.

    eric, thanks for re-stating what you said about the nose rubbing. Wow, girls do

    this a lot and get closer to me, so I'm guessing it's a good thing then. Cool.

    Hey...anyway, I washed my

    sheets and all my clothes last night...did a couple loads of laundry. Today, I got a plethora of what you would

    call hits. I'm talking too many to count. I'm no longer paranoid and in fact quite calm and relaxed. But girls

    were approaching and touching me, etc. This is not an over-exaggeration. When things like this were happening, I

    just kept wondering to myself, 'how is this even possible' I don't know how much of it was me, or how much was

    possible 'mone residue left after 10 days of not applying?

    I think another possibility is that after the past

    2-3 weeks of wearing PI, I'd grown accustomed to being very aware of body language and the effects on women. I got

    into the mind state that I could make any woman melt...even when watching TV and seeing celebs I would think to

    myself that she could be mine because my good looks + 'mones are pure sexy. So, I have a feeling this strong

    belief may just be manifesting itself in my reality. As in, I'm so confident that every girl wants me, that it's

    just happening. My confidence has been sky-high lately, and my ego is off the scale.

    If anyone is interested in

    spending a day hanging out with me, just to see what I mean, then shoot me a PM. You can stay at my house (I have a

    couple empty guest rooms), and you're welcome to my food as well. I would really like to spend a day with another

    phero user and show them what is going on, because...even after writing this thread, I can't believe I'm getting

    such reactions today. Either I'm damn sexy, or PI has really sank into my bloodstream. Anyhow, that's really

    the last I'm writing about PI...

    good day to all.

  13. #13
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    See? Wasn't it better to ask

    than to guess?

    Great to see things are going on now. As for what's the cause, just follow the the "KISS

    approach": whatever may be working, just enjoy it. Now go there and do something about all this; if you don't

    believe it, try it! [Edit: just to clarify, this last phrase refers to the attraction you seem to


    Good luck!

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by restless
    See? Wasn't

    it better to ask than to guess?

    Great to see things are going on now. As for what's the cause, just follow

    the the "KISS approach": whatever may be working, just enjoy it. Now go there and do something about all this; if

    you don't believe it, try it! [Edit: just to clarify, this last phrase refers to the attraction you seem to


    Good luck!
    Yeah, for sure. I'm using NPA now more than PI though.

    Anyway, the

    reason for bumping this thread is because...

    I have a confession to make (and I'll keep it short for sake of


    I was HIGH when I thought I was OD'ing...and possibly a lot of the times when I

    thought I was getting hits. I really really really overly-emphasized a lot of little details that happen regularly

    to be "hits"...I still got quite a few real hits with PI, such as women touching and approaching me...but a lot of

    the stuff I overemphasized.

    The drugs in my body were residue from "tripping" on something, which I can only

    name through Private Messaging. Anyway, there are side-effects that follow the days afterwards, such as

    PARANOIA. No wonder I was being so paranoid to something that happens so often on a

    regular basis, such as people unconsciously touching their noses/faces/heads. Just observe this, and you'll

    realize it has absolutely nothing to do with ' happens ALL the time. I was going crazy because of the




    Yes, that's in all Caps because those 2 weeks were like a nightmare.

    Okay, back to your regularly

    scheduled programming. And honestly, I'm sorry for not telling you this earlier, but I didn't know it was because

    of the drugs until I finally went to the doctor and they told me. My liver is now in not great condition, and I

    will never be "tripping" or doing such drugs again.

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