I am psychologically addicted to

them. I have not seen results really, and yet, I have spent more money on these things than anything. Not out of

hope, I have game and I am good looking. I am just addicted to running to the mailbox to get the new toys, and play

with mixes. I enjoy mixing them for the planned situation. I keep a roll on with me of my own mixture. I am too

oblivious to even notice if it is working, but it sure is fun to play with. So is it addicting? Yes. But physically?

No. If I forget to put them on I do not withdraw or even care. I just like playing with them.

I do have an

addicting personality. Heck, I get addicted to anything I like. Don't get me started on masterbation. I can have

sex with a girl and still go home and do it becuase it is my habbit. Thats why I can't try coke or anyhting.