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  1. #1
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    Default Is this stuff for real?

    Pheromones in

    general, I mean. I'm completely new to pheromones, and my first thought upon reading some of the testimonials and

    what not was 'This is too good to be true'. Say(hypothetically... of course) I liked this girl and she talks to me

    every now and then but ignores me for the most part, I come in with a good pheromone product on and she will become

    interested, whether it be sexually or mentally or whatever? Maybe it's just me but this concept seems really hard

    to believe. I'm certainly one to get my hopes up, which is why I'm wondering... do they work for a majority of

    people or are all we are hearing from in testimonials and forums the small amount of people they actually do work

    for. It would be nice to get some thoughts on all these things. Thanks everyone.

  2. #2
    Journeyman CrystalMoon's Avatar
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    No, of COURSE it's not for


    Hundreds of us come here just for the good of our health, and lie about the effects we get, just to make

    our lives seem more exciting..


    Okay..sorry for the heavy sarcasm, but come on! Are YOU for


    Can you honestly see hundreds of people making up such stories?

    Yes, it is all real, and if you read

    right through the various forums here, you will get all your answers, and welcome to the wonderful world of


    Start with the Pheromone library link, and go from there.

    Just your luck to get me on a day when I

    am not in the best of tempers, I'm afraid..

    We look forward to YOUR first hit stories.

    Ail :-)
    Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will )O(

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    You just need to read

    the threads and you will see sincere posts from people who have posted over a long period of time.

    Your best

    first bet about a purchase (in my opinion) would be SOE + the male sample pack.

    You need to read the library

    posts about each of the products thouroughly.

    Some of the old hands are a bit snippy when they get asked the

    *same* question for the 85th time when the information is already there to read.
    They are very helpful with real


    Everyone has their own experience on what works. If you are old, young, have high natural -none,

    the race of your potential partner, all matter.

    Your *attitude* matters and frequently locking up on the "one

    special" girl is indicative of personality issues that need to be adjusted before the mones are going to work their


    In my experience they work almost too well- I've had to say "no" for the first time in my life after

    getting stressed from too many partners at the same time for the first time in my life. It can be intoxicating for

    it to be so easy for ladies to find you:
    a) funnier than you were before
    b) more interesting
    c) more trusting

    more scary
    e) more erotic

    After about 5 or 6 months, the words that most often come to my head are


    But a *quick* summary with females is that their monthly cycle matters. For many of them, there are

    times they are open- and times they are closed and feel yucky. And if you feel yucky- nothing matters.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by xsc614
    I come in with a

    good pheromone product on and she will become interested, whether it be sexually or mentally or whatever?

    For the most part, pheromones amplify what you already have. Some products might amplify your sense of humor and

    your charm while others amplify your "alpha-male" side. In this sense, she could become interested as you

    appear more attractive. Remember, pheromones are more to amplify your appearance and bring out the good stuff than

    to amplify her arousal. This is why male and female products work regardless of sexual orientation. Don't think

    "she will be more interested", think "i will be more interesting". In the same way a good haircut, clean shave, or

    nice wardrobe will bring out your good looks, mones will bring out your attractive qualities.

    And yes, they do

    work, but not always to the extent that these testimonials show. If you try it though, you will definately see

    results. There are seasoned pheromone veterans on this forum that have combined decades of experience and success

    with pheromone products. Search the forum for some results and you will see that these products work on real people

    with real stories.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Method
    For the most part,

    pheromones amplify what you already have. Some products might amplify your sense of humor and your charm while

    others amplify your "alpha-male" side. In this sense, she could become interested as you appear more

    attractive. Remember, pheromones are more to amplify your appearance and bring out the good stuff than to amplify

    her arousal. This is why male and female products work regardless of sexual orientation. Don't think "she will be

    more interested", think "i will be more interesting". In the same way a good haircut, clean shave, or nice wardrobe

    will bring out your good looks, mones will bring out your attractive qualities.

    And yes, they do work, but not

    always to the extent that these testimonials show. If you try it though, you will definately see results. There are

    seasoned pheromone veterans on this forum that have combined decades of experience and success with pheromone

    products. Search the forum for some results and you will see that these products work on real people with real

    Ahh, that clears things up quite a bit. Thank you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    happy to help

  7. #7
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    Pheromones work!, barely

    Obsessing about pheromone use will do you more harm than good. Find a product you like stick with it and forget

    about it. Work on other parts of your game. They are so much more important. Sometimes, I feel people on this forum

    give pheromones a little too much credit for the outcome in a given situation. Guys like women, women like men, is

    it so shocking that people hook up every once in a while. One other thing you have to watch out for is people

    attributing complex psychological states to pheromone use. No one on this planet can read a womens mind. So making

    too complex an assumption of their state of mind is a tretcherous path.

    That being said, the products sold by

    Bruce are top notch. Every product he sells has been extensively researched by this forum community, and many of

    them have pheromone concentration listings. That helps weed out the BS. I am so glad I came across this site and am

    a customer for life or til they are illegal.

    Good luck
    24 year old, good looking, white guy SOE+NPA works like a charm
    Chikara no results nice scent
    Pherlure cant wear it; strong scent headache
    AA314 good stuff
    NPA girls get frisky, stinks
    A7 almost as good as NPA
    SOE legit

  8. #8
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    xsc614, check out my post "The

    Original is best..." which will take you to the orignal "Hit Squad" page and you can see the stories from people

    (some of them still here now) from 2001. I've spent a lot of money on pheros and I wouldn't if I didn't think

    they worked.


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