OK, I'm getting on great with this really hot chick at work - in fact she's doing most of the chasing

...... but now, for some reason she virtually hides or runs away from me every time I see her !! However, at the

same time I have seen her stealing glances at me from behind a filing cabinet or staring at me from across the room

..... ??

Is it :

a) major mone OD !

b) I said/did something stupid and now she has decided she

doesn't want anything to do with me ?

c) she is crazy about me but has heard some bullshit about me from

somebody else

d) she's playing hard to get and wants me to make some forward moves

e) she is

embarrassed about coming on so strong from the start

f) she is upset that I haven't asked her out yet

g) she has met somebody else now and doesn't want me to ask her out now cos she would have top turn me down

etc etc ???