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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default My first results.

    So I ordered NPA/APC

    (JB1) and SOE. I hear lots of talk about them, and seem like a good place to start. I'm 19 years old, and my race

    is a mutt. I'm Fillipino/Spanish/German + a bunch of other small things, but the rest are minute and therefore

    irrelevant. My test methodology was to just observe, I would go about my normal daily routine and note any reactions

    I get, unfortunately the week of testing I didn't go out with friends. So this taste had little or no social

    interaction. I also have one class a day so there aren't many oppurtunities around girls. I've decided to enter in

    the girl's ethnicities in case anyone is wondering. Anyways, here are my results.

    Day 1. Phero: SOE
    I went to

    get a haircut, and the hairdresser (Who knows me and cuts my hair often) was rubbing herself on me. I'd say it was

    sexual harassment, if not damn close. She was Armenian.

    Day 2. Phero: SOE
    I wore this to a class and had one

    girl (A persian) checking me out the whole freaking time. I was sitting 1 desk away from her. Now it's important to

    note that I have noticed her looking my way before, but it was maybe once or twice a class. This time it was most of

    class time. It did not stop, it continued the whole way through.

    Day3. Phero SOE
    Again, a class. Different Class

    though. The girl from day 2 also had this class with me. I did notice her checking me out again, but she was sitting

    on the otherside of class, so I couldn't check if it was the whole time, but I don't think it was the entire time.

    A different girl (White, can't tell much else besides that) was sitting in front of me. I did notice her trying

    to look back at me a few times, but I left that up to coincidence. The big thing was at the end of class. She turns

    around and asks me something about the class, nothing that you wouldn't normally ask a classmate. However, she

    immediately introduces herself after, and starts trying to chat it up. It's clear that she had some interest in


    Day 4. Phero SOE
    I felt as if I had OD on SOE, which may or may not be possible, but I did use it very

    excessively. I didn't notice anyone trying to go away from me, nor did anyone say I stunk. However, I just felt

    like I had a lot on.

    Before class, I was alone in the room. A girl (Chinese) walks in and she has trouble

    deciding where to sit. First she sits 2 seats ahead in the row next to me, she seems comfortable there then moves

    right next to me. Not sure what to make of this personally.

    One last noteworth incident occured today. A

    (japanese) girl that I've been checking out recently (I have 2 classes with her) sits down right in front of me.

    Nothing major, but when I go to ask her for some help on something, she seems EXTREMELY nervous and shy. Very much

    so, even considering her culture.

    Day 5. Phero JB#1+SOE
    I decided to try this out, just because it was my last

    day of testing, and I was kind of bored. I may or may not have ODd on mones, but one thing was for sure. I had way

    too much cologne on me.

    In any case, nothing with girls. However I did meet up with my family today. My little

    brother had said I smelled different, not bad, just different. My mother did NOT notice anything wierd with me (I

    asked her too), but she's in her mid 50's, and seems to be aging fairly badly. My father did notice something odd

    with me, but only after inquiry. He said he would not have noticed had I not asked about it. He thought I just

    smelled different, not bad. It's important to note that they all took into account my Cologne, my brother/father

    insisted that it wasn't the cologne.

    Those are my results in full. After this testing phase, I'm convinced

    pheromones work. I'll post any major hits on here, but nothing of my testing. It will pnly involve testing

    different dosages/combinations etc. Nothing major really.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Yea, SOE is pretty steady

    anywhere you go. I really think that SOE should be the first stepping block into any girl or any social contact. As

    in, you approach a girl with more -nol, then if you get her #, you may add in some more -rone depending on her

    reaction. Then, you can guage from that and add in some -none for the sexual spice. This is really beginner stuff.

    In other words, I think the worst thing for a newbie to do is to go out with a lot of -none and no -nol. SOE only is

    good, then SOE + small dab of A314, then maybe Chikara... it took me a while to make the conclusion that you need to

    calibrate or shift mones depending on situation.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    How much did u apply King and where

    was your application points?


  4. #4
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    Good question. On day 1 I wore

    about 14 inches or so. Same for day 2 and 3. Day 4, I had originally applied 10 inches of sie. Later in the day (

    afew hours later) I had applied a few more, maybe 3 more inches. Day 5, I applied a dab of NPA and a drop of APC.

    The soe bottle was leaking so I just rubbed whatever got on my hands on my arms. It didn't seem like too much.

    Honestly, I would have applied less, but this stuff comes out so easy, and I forget to consciously measure the


  5. #5
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    my take on SOE:

    sorry if i kinda snatch the tread but it important to note)
    a few days ago i whore about 1ml of SOE (quarter of a

    pack) just to give it a try again see how i would react :
    no seamingly interesting results but today when i whent

    in my supervisor (boss) & i kinda argued on a DDS ( a paper,a ticket of service) & then for a similar reason out of

    the blue he argues whit another co-employe (male also) so kinda wondered if i still had mones on after & few days &

    washes one thing to note i may have whorned the same shirt i did with the mones ! it was like od reactions on SOE!!

    note: i didnt even whear any mones today!

  6. #6
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eric_pelletier_tw

    whore about 1ml of SOE
    You might want to watch your spelling.
    Whore= a "lady of the

    evening" AKA a woman of ill repute.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  7. #7
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    A slut is someone who

    loves sex and will sleep with you.A whore is someone who loves sex and won't sleep with you.

  8. #8
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    sorry what is the

    correct spelling (wear past tense) ? oh also!
    edit: my boss asked if (another coworker) was wearing cologne or

    somthing (while i was there!)

    re edit: this all goes with day X of the fellaw when he "ODed" on SOE

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by eric_pelletier_tw
    sorry what is the correct spelling (wear past tense) ? oh also!
    edit: my boss asked if

    (another coworker) was wearing cologne or somthing (while i was there!)

    re edit: this all goes with day X of the

    fellaw when he "ODed" on SOE
    Wore. All the while I thought that a whore, slut, call girl, bitch & a

    prostitute is the same.. How wrong I was!

  10. #10
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    Thanks for the Wore

    thing .

    Any more testing KingZ ?

    I may Wore but im not Whore

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