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Thread: TE not working

  1. #1
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    Default TE not working

    Well I just got my first

    bottle of TE recently and the sample.
    First I tried a TE gel pack on my neck and jacket collar and didn't get

    any reaction not even an OD reaction which I found out later one pack of gel was too much. People were just being

    their normal self. So I shower good that night and this time gave the spray a go. One spray on my wrist and one

    on my neck. Again I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary either.

    Please tell me what I'm doing

    wrong guys and what I should do to fix it, thx.

  2. #2
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    I've had my triumphs and

    tribulations with TE. What i have found is that often OD reactions are harder to notice than hits. You're gonna

    notice a girl checking you out but you're not gonna notice people avoiding you. start out with small dosages and

    work your way up.

  3. #3
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    Well I went to the mall with oen

    pack on me and I don't know if I stink or not. I notice everything was normal but maybe people normally avoid me.

    Well I'll try it again tonight to see how it goes, still I think this whole pheromone business just seem too good

    to be true.

    Edit: The reason I put on a lot is because I thought might need more than an average white guy

    since I'm an Asian guy with scrawny build, so I couldn't imagine anyone be intimidate of me.

  4. #4
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    start at 1/2 or 1/4

    pack (i started at 1/16) but still i need more testing....

    or start at one spray (if spray thingy)

  5. #5
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    still I think this whole

    pheromone business just seem too good to be true.
    Like most good things in life, the sucessful use of

    artifical pheromones requires a great deal of knowledge and skill to make it effective. You need to experiment with

    amounts and combinations to find what works with your unique pheromome signature and persona. Nevertheless, even a

    perfect application will not defeat a loser, negative attitude or poor social skills. For best results, you need to

    work on the total package, e.g., appearance, social skills and status.

    The best way to think of 'mones is as an

    enhancement of the real you. It amps you up and makes you a little bigger than life. If you're depressed or

    negative, that gets amped up too, so you gotta have your ducks in a row. 'Mones ain't a free lunch or magic pill.

    It took me several months to nail down the basics and start getting fairly consistent results.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  6. #6
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    If it really does work

    then I'm willing to put forth all the effort but I just don't want to waste my time on something that just seem

    too good to be true. Nevertheless I'm the only person that can convince myself.

    But the reason I turned to

    mone is because this is the last year in highschool for me and I want to enjoy it as much as possible. But this is

    hard for me because I'm label as the nerd which makes it hard for me to get respect from the jocks with lower IQ

    because they think they are better than me for some reason. Also I'm curse with facial hyperhidrosis which

    altogether turn me completely antisocial the past two years.
    But thank the lord a lot of Asian chicks dig me for

    some reason I'm still trying to figure out.

    So recently I got tired of this because this really hot Asian

    girl start talking to me all the time. Then I found out from her friends that she liked me. But the problem is I was

    so used to being antisocial I couldn't talk to the girl and we usually get those akward silent moment. After a

    while she gave up on me and went after another guy. So I'm banging my head on the wall cursing at myself for

    passing up the opportunity cause I never got the gut to even ask for her phone number. So after about three weeks

    she dump the guy and I notice she give me the occasional stare all the time, so I'm helping mone will help me a

    little bit here and get me a little bit more respect.

    I'm starting to think TE wasn't the best idea for

    this but come Wednesday I'll give it a go in school and see what happen.

    BTW: How many times do I have to

    wash my jacket to get the mone off?

  7. #7
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trgl
    But the problem is I

    was so used to being antisocial I couldn't talk to the girl and we usually get those akward silent moment. After a

    while she gave up on me and went after another guy.
    TE nor any ~mone is not going to "fix" this.

    You need to fix this. After you do, then ~mones will make you a more "better" you. ~Mones simply enhance that which

    is you, they won't make women rip off their clothes and rape you without you saying a word. You'll want to start

    working on this now, because when you get into college...

    There are lots of people here that will work with you

    on this, just ask.

    Also, perhaps TE will never "work" for you, everybodys different and what works for me may be

    a total failure for you. For example lots of people think AE is "the bomb", for me, total failure, not a thing, go


    By the way,
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  8. #8
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    Thanks for the advice man but I

    think the reason I'm antisocial is because of the hyperhidrosis I'm hoping that won't be a problem because I'm

    trying to find a way to fix it. Once that happen I'll use mone to give me a little help.
    And yes college is

    nearing and I really don't wanna be left out of the fun.

    Edit: Let me rephrase that , I go to a special

    highschool with only 400 people that is located on a college campus. The whole program is pretty sweet because I get

    two years college credit once I graduate after just 4 years of highschool.
    And there is A LOT of gifted college

    girls around that just walk by me like I'm invisible , so that was another reason I turn to mone.

  9. #9
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trgl
    Thanks for the advice

    man but I think the reason I'm antisocial is because of the hyperhidrosis I'm hoping that won't be a problem

    because I'm trying to find a way to fix it. ...
    {tough love/on}So you sweat, big deal. Once you work on

    gaining some confidence, that'll take care of itself. Then you'll need to find another excuse.{tough love/off}
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  10. #10
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    trgl, listen carefully to mjim,

    he knows more then any us in here, some things only come with experience, and he has it

    .mones will not help

    your growing pains! if you use them as a placebo effect fine, but i wouldnt rely on them for this either

  11. #11
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    Exclamation Luke, may the smell be with you

    A- i havent figured out how to use the mones but i KNOW its a trial error thing
    B- if you cant "read"

    a person is interested in you HOW THE HELL you figure your gona do with it mones ?
    C- i read somwhere none dosent

    work so well with Asian chix
    D- Get a Grip man,your a nerd SO WHAT!??

    ok here is some sugesstion


    nerd: did it occur to you you might be borring ? get some subject to talk about ... be funny
    2- BODY LANGUAGE!!!!

    this is how you "read" somone : air flipping feet pointing at you (moving towards you with her feet loose in the

    shoe) are just signs to look for (better lern to awnser to those sings in body langage too )
    3- mone like said

    before are a TOOL if you have a hamer dosent mean you can hit a nail with it! Trial & error man... just like evry

    body else...
    4- check the basics :
    -tidyness (be clean& smell clean)
    -hair cleaned & combed

    (clean them & wash your mouth & carry A pack of fresh breath gums)
    5- start conversations with complete strangers

    (at school) [girls mostly] this will help your confidence
    Last edited by eric_pelletier_tw; 10-09-2006 at 07:30 PM. Reason: Errors & Typo

  12. #12
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    1-Good point there, to strangers I

    seem boring but I'm really not and I'm pretty funny, one of the few things I have going for me. But I try to tone

    down the funny thing a bit lately because I learned it's hard to earn people's respect this way.


    reading body language is still new to me so maybe it's working and I don't know it.



    4-Got the basic going but I'm worry I might stink and not know it because TE unscented smell good to

    me but many people said it smell like piss.

    5-I have never done that in my life. One time I was sitting alone

    during lunch in the hall doing my homework, then this beautiful girl sat beside me ( 3 feet away) for about 30

    minutes and neither of us said one word. I think I really need to work on this one but I just have no idea


    I also agree with you about the Asian chix not agreeing with high none(most of them are too scare to

    talk to me as it is) but I guess I'll find out come time for school.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Like most good

    things in life, the sucessful use of artifical pheromones requires a great deal of knowledge and skill to make it

    effective. You need to experiment with amounts and combinations to find what works with your unique pheromome

    signature and persona. Nevertheless, even a perfect application will not defeat a loser, negative attitude or poor

    social skills. For best results, you need to work on the total package, e.g., appearance, social skills and


    The best way to think of 'mones is as an enhancement of the real you. It amps you up and makes you a

    little bigger than life. If you're depressed or negative, that gets amped up too, so you gotta have your ducks in a

    row. 'Mones ain't a free lunch or magic pill. It took me several months to nail down the basics and start getting

    fairly consistent results.
    First post
    Have to agree with u. Mones are an enhancement(big enhancement

    I tried various combinations with A314,PI,SOE,NPA and LT and initially I couldn't believe my

    I get DIHLs at clubs and upon acting almost immediately on the DIHLs with a big smile and non-chalant

    "hello", the door is opened. Talk about enhancement! Never ever been this easy before the use of mones.

    sexual advances were just unbelieveable. Initially, I thought it may be a coincidence or a placebo effect but when I

    met 2 gals(best friends) I wasn't so sure anymore. One of them started kissing my arm while moving my hand towards

    her undies.
    Her best friend was so perplexed and shocked at her reaction. It's through the friend's reaction that

    I realized it's the mones.

    I also observed that mones are optimized when gals get high on booze and their

    inhibitions set loose.

  14. #14
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Do you happen

    to remember what you were wearing that night Windcloud? That has to be the most impressive hit I've read about


  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by trgl
    Well I just

    got my first bottle of TE recently and the sample.
    First I tried a TE gel pack on my neck and jacket collar and

    didn't get any reaction not even an OD reaction which I found out later one pack of gel was too much. People were

    just being their normal self. So I shower good that night and this time gave the spray a go. One spray on my

    wrist and one on my neck. Again I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary either.

    Please tell me what

    I'm doing wrong guys and what I should do to fix it, thx.
    Dear trgl,

    Normally the absence of result

    is cause by our personal attitude. Sometimes we have to look into ourselfs bcoz most of the answers that we are

    looking are within. Pheromones are not magic, just use it daily, be cheerful, friendly & helpful towards people.

    Normally people will avoid someone who has negative attitude or like you mentioned - antisocial. How do you expect

    to see 'good results' with this?

    Always interact with people, it doesn't matter if they ignored

    you.Everything has ratios. Listen more and talk less. Show that you're paying attention on what she's saying (if

    you want to attract a woman). Have interest in the other party's topics of conversation. The most important thing

    is to be 'positive'. And for the pheromones, whether it works or not, it's a different story...


    (An Asian too)

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim
    {tough love/on}So you

    sweat, big deal. Once you work on gaining some confidence, that'll take care of itself. Then you'll need to find

    another excuse.{tough love/off}
    your skill with the switch knows no equal.

    what a great

    i really hope others get a look, its speaks to alot of the issues in so few words.....
    i cant imagine

    anyone not comming away with something from here.

  17. #17
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    your skill with the

    switch knows no equal.

    Gee thanks! <blush>
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  18. #18
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    Body language (BL) my

    friend is evry thing i actualy have a story about that but to keep it short : forget about DIHL stuff this girl was

    so into me ... cuz BL experience i did (i didnt say a f*kn word ! ) aslo im shure of all that trust me on this BL is

    so cool...

    Edith about that last thing its simple start asking time (leave your watch at home helps a

    start with a old lady or somthing soon you will find its just in your head : how do you think a salesman does

    it ?
    a good strategy is to start in your class & move up ..
    say hi to a diffrent girl evry day for a week then

    say hi my name is "dude" do you know what time it is?
    then try diffrent subjet like nice dress ,shoes hair-do

    think of somthing
    then move up a litle longer & longer conversation with diffrent ppl all the time ....


    the ice not your spirit you idiot!"

  19. #19
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    Default WARNING: long post ahead.

    Quote Originally Posted by trgl
    1-Good point there, to strangers I seem boring but I'm really not and I'm pretty funny, one of the

    few things I have going for me. But I try to tone down the funny thing a bit lately because I learned it's hard to

    earn people's respect this way.

    2-This reading body language is still new to me so maybe it's working and I

    don't know it.

    3-Well said

    4-Got the basic going but I'm worry I might stink and not know it

    because TE unscented smell good to me but many people said it smell like piss.

    5-I have never done that in my

    life. One time I was sitting alone during lunch in the hall doing my homework, then this beautiful girl sat beside

    me ( 3 feet away) for about 30 minutes and neither of us said one word. I think I really need to work on this one

    but I just have no idea how.

    I also agree with you about the Asian chix not agreeing with high none(most of

    them are too scare to talk to me as it is) but I guess I'll find out come time for school.

    1) Not exatcly. Being fun ONLY won´t realy earn you instant respect, but it helps a lot with breaking

    the ice and creating a nice atmosphere; once it´s done, it´ll be easier for you to show other parts of your

    character. Just don´t be the court´s clown.

    2) There´s a number of good books and e-books (including free

    ones) dealing with BL. The best way of really learning about it is to watch other people, specially when you´re not

    in the spotlight. Observe other groups, how people in it react to some words and moves, try to understand what the

    gestures mean and, of course, confirm them later on the "bibliography" you have. Take quick notes for yourself if

    necessary. You won´t be able to interpret what they´re saying to you (and thus you won´t reply correctly) if you

    can´t see what happens to others.

    4) That´s a bit hard, but the best thing is to ask people that know you

    well and do care about you. For example, my sister and one of my cousins play a big role in this "How´s this

    shirt?", "Do I look nice?", "Do I smell bad?" thing. This may be a bit unconfortable in the beginning, but it ain´t

    any trauma. After some time, you won´t need to ask anymore.

    5) it´s probably the worst part if you think

    it is, or the best one if you wish to believe it. The "ask the time" approach works quite nice; when I entered

    college, I used to leave my watch at home or even in the pocket just to have this excuse.

    If you´re not used

    to start conversations, I´d advice you to try practicing when you´re in a good mood, avoid it when you´re down. The

    reason is simple: if you get a bad result when you already don´t feel good, you´ll stick too much to it and be

    depressed, while good results won´t have a great effect in your mind. Besides, it´s hard to show people how good you

    are when you don´t THINK you are. So, do think you ARE. But be aware that for each success, there will ALWAYS be

    various failures.

    Write down in a sheet of paper you good qualities, and maybe even some other you wish to

    (and can) afford to have by yourself. Then hang it in a visible place, read it every day start and every singe time

    you see it, think "Hey, I really AM this, and it´s good". Watch other people´s qualities, try to figure out how they

    afford to have them, and eventually (not often) ask them about some points, like "hey, how can you maintain this

    large smile all day long?", they´ll probably answer with something you could use too.

    Sounds stupid, but it´s

    guaranteed to work. Once you´re aware of, and maximizing your qualities (and THEN the ´mones will be working

    really nice), you can begin working out your bad parts - but probably not before this moment.


    last, sorry for the long post, though I tried to be brief... and may the force be with you!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by live4themusic

    Do you happen to remember what you were wearing that night Windcloud? That has

    to be the most impressive hit I've read about here.
    yes I do. I keep a log book on my dosage/mix ratio n

    hits/lack of with each combo.
    I was wearing A314/NPA 2 drops each n 1/2 pack SOE n 2 sprays LT. As the night

    progressed n the ladies got friskier, I excused myself n reapplied 6 inches of A314/NPA/Cologne with 1:1:3ratio

    respectively .

  21. #21
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    Default residual

    Haven't had any hits

    for a few days. I may have mone residual issues resulting in OD. Gonna stop using mones for a few days. Anybody

    with the same problem?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by restless

    1) Not exatcly. Being fun ONLY won´t realy earn you instant respect, but it helps a lot with breaking

    the ice and creating a nice atmosphere; once it´s done, it´ll be easier for you to show other parts of your

    character. Just don´t be the court´s clown.

    2) There´s a number of good books and e-books (including free

    ones) dealing with BL. The best way of really learning about it is to watch other people, specially when you´re not

    in the spotlight. Observe other groups, how people in it react to some words and moves, try to understand what the

    gestures mean and, of course, confirm them later on the "bibliography" you have. Take quick notes for yourself if

    necessary. You won´t be able to interpret what they´re saying to you (and thus you won´t reply correctly) if you

    can´t see what happens to others.

    4) That´s a bit hard, but the best thing is to ask people that know you

    well and do care about you. For example, my sister and one of my cousins play a big role in this "How´s this

    shirt?", "Do I look nice?", "Do I smell bad?" thing. This may be a bit unconfortable in the beginning, but it ain´t

    any trauma. After some time, you won´t need to ask anymore.

    5) it´s probably the worst part if you think

    it is, or the best one if you wish to believe it. The "ask the time" approach works quite nice; when I entered

    college, I used to leave my watch at home or even in the pocket just to have this excuse.

    If you´re not used

    to start conversations, I´d advice you to try practicing when you´re in a good mood, avoid it when you´re down. The

    reason is simple: if you get a bad result when you already don´t feel good, you´ll stick too much to it and be

    depressed, while good results won´t have a great effect in your mind. Besides, it´s hard to show people how good you

    are when you don´t THINK you are. So, do think you ARE. But be aware that for each success, there will ALWAYS be

    various failures.

    Write down in a sheet of paper you good qualities, and maybe even some other you wish to

    (and can) afford to have by yourself. Then hang it in a visible place, read it every day start and every singe time

    you see it, think "Hey, I really AM this, and it´s good". Watch other people´s qualities, try to figure out how they

    afford to have them, and eventually (not often) ask them about some points, like "hey, how can you maintain this

    large smile all day long?", they´ll probably answer with something you could use too.

    Sounds stupid, but it´s

    guaranteed to work. Once you´re aware of, and maximizing your qualities (and THEN the ´mones will be working

    really nice), you can begin working out your bad parts - but probably not before this moment.


    last, sorry for the long post, though I tried to be brief... and may the force be with you!

    OK I

    think it's my fault that I made it sound like I was completely antisocial and don't know how to talk to people. I

    was very sociable up until a year ago so I do know how to socialize with other people when I want to. It's just

    that I tend to shy away from hanging out in groups because I don't enjoy it much. But guys lets not make this

    problem all about me and not mone since after all this is a pheromone forum. I realize I need to work on some stuff

    but that is my personal problem and I'll sort it out myself.
    However I like to know from some long time mone

    user on why after 4 spray of TE I'm getting no OD reaction, in fact I talk more today than I did in a long

    time .
    Does anyone think I should try more than 4 sprays to see what happen?

  23. #23
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    i would try to OD just

    for the sake of knowing limits ex: i get 1/4 of TE get no reaction so i increase doses till i get OD reactions witch

    sets the upper barrier of OD/bad smell limit so from that point you can go back & set thing more adjusted : if you

    tried at 1/2 TEgel & then at 1 TEgel
    the if you OD at 1 1/2 you then can test at 1/4 ,3/4 ,1 1/4 & 1 3/4

    always try for several days at the same dosage (to see if it wasnt somthing else that trew off the reactions)

    still testing so im far from success ...

  24. #24
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    I found It took a lot of TE for

    me to OD. I really think NPA is greate because i apper to have low none levels. I have to bathe in TE to feel

    affects but i only use mones in clubs/bars etc

  25. #25
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    Talking of TE &

    androstenone, I read somewhere in the forum that older person has low a-none level. Can any expert out there verify

    this? I'm waiting for my Beginners Kit to arrive somewhere this week I hope.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by trgl
    OK I think it's my

    fault that I made it sound like I was completely antisocial and don't know how to talk to people. I was very

    sociable up until a year ago so I do know how to socialize with other people when I want to. It's just that I tend

    to shy away from hanging out in groups because I don't enjoy it much. But guys lets not make this problem all about

    me and not mone since after all this is a pheromone forum. I realize I need to work on some stuff but that is my

    personal problem and I'll sort it out myself.
    Oooops... sorry, guess I got it entirely wrong.

    Then I'll just hope it may help someone else.

    I don't know TE, but if my short-term experiences

    with scented IMPI count, I found that one only spray at the adam's apple, spread by one wrist to each ear, is far

    better than 2 sprays, with wich I get... absolutely nothing. Any unusual reaction, positive or


    Someone said here that Impi is weaker than TE or NPA, so starting back from one spray may be nice.

    Also, following a tip somewhere in this forum, I recently started to slightly rub my shirt's collar to my neck

    after appliance, and this seems to amp the effects a little - but I'm still talking about scented Impi. Eric's

    tips work for sure too.

  27. #27
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    Mones doesnt maketh the person.

    The person must make himself.

    May seem a little deep but from my experience this is the reality. Mones may help

    but if you havent got your game going it may become is a futile effort.

    By game i mean knowing thyself, learning

    from mistakes in life, and having awareness. Through spiritual practises meditation, yoga, reading etc. This can be

    achieved, but its a journey and everyone has one. We shoudnt get dissapointed if a particurlar mone doesnt have the

    desired effect. Think of it in this context the mones are part of your journey? Learn from them ? By the way te does

    not work for me either , but NPA does? You beauty.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofa1
    Mones doesnt

    maketh the person. The person must make himself.

    May seem a little deep but from my experience this is the

    reality. Mones may help but if you havent got your game going it may become is a futile effort.

    By game i

    mean knowing thyself, learning from mistakes in life, and having awareness. Through spiritual practises meditation,

    yoga, reading etc. This can be achieved, but its a journey and everyone has one. We shoudnt get dissapointed if a

    particurlar mone doesnt have the desired effect. Think of it in this context the mones are part of your journey?

    Learn from them ? By the way te does not work for me either , but NPA does? You


    great words of wisdom Woofa.....

  29. #29
    Phero Dude
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    Today I went shopping and was in a

    great mood , engaged lots of assistants in small talk , flirted with a few for the fun of it. In short got several

    hits.... but here's the thing, I havn't worn any mones for about a week. It was all me.
    The first thing you need

    to work on is yourself , mones only amplify "the you" at the time. But you know this by now....
    Good luck!
    early 40's white male or or

  30. #30
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    Well guys after two weeks I'm

    pretty sure I got what jambat called the TE effect. I got no response from women but the guys are more talkative and

    respect me a lot more. Exmple would be, I was waiting for a ride home in school and I was tired of waiting so went

    to take a leak. When I came back this one guys ask me if that white honda was my ride so I said yes. Next thing I

    know he is running after the car hollering for it to come back .I'm like WTF this guy is a stranger not even

    my friends would do that for me.
    So now I need to know what to do, honestly I'm flattered but I wasn't looking

    to attract guys so WTF do I do?
    Lol maybe I accidently got TE for women.

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    By ant2000 in forum Pheromone Discussion
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    Last Post: 11-17-2005, 11:25 PM
  2. Chikara and TE (mixing?)
    By Premizen in forum Pheromone Discussion
    Replies: 3
    Last Post: 08-01-2005, 07:25 AM
  3. Do I need to add Musk Oil to use TE
    By tonicma in forum Pheromone Discussion
    Replies: 4
    Last Post: 01-16-2005, 12:33 AM
  4. diluted te working
    By darkness in forum Pheromone Discussion
    Replies: 4
    Last Post: 09-04-2003, 10:19 AM
  5. TE & APC
    By Jaggy in forum Archives 2
    Replies: 6
    Last Post: 08-20-2001, 01:51 AM


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