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Thread: TE not working

  1. #31
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    Not every incident is going to be

    related to the mones man. That might've been an accident... well not an accident, but the guy was nice, happens.

    Not everyone is evil on this planet.

    Here's the deal: when I read the stories on this forum, it sounds like

    people just get a boost in confidence. Keep reading how "this girl looked at me" or "she came to the classroom and

    sat next to me" or "she looked confused as soon as she came by", etc. The confused thing is the best part... how can

    you tell she was confused? And if she was, how do you know that has something to do with you?? The other examples,

    I'm just guessing that they happen everyday but the person realizes them at that particular time because either (1)

    the mones have given him a psychological boost of confidence or (2) they're just regular meaningless actions that

    the person with the mones THINKS is related to him, but most probably isn't.

    Anyways... I just got my stuff in

    the package today. 1st time I'm gonna use em. Chikara, TE, SOE gel packs. As someone who hinges on thinking this

    stuff is all bulls***, I'm gonna try and be objective and will post my results on a separate page of course (I

    don't think pheromones are bs, but the external ones).

  2. #32
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    1st-forgiveme sep (&

    but you post that mones dont work & you havent tried any yet ??

    2nd - as it has been said many

    many many.... times mones dont make you who you are you make you who you are! sorry if this sounds redundant
    3rd -

    yes i got MANY hist WITHOUT mones but that is not why i am here & i think lots of ppl will agree : im here becose my

    "hits" arnt predictable & verry sporadic in nature. I personally have lots of trouble breaking the ice & if mones

    are the awnser then im in the right place.

    4th im still testing & within the first week i saw "results".

    coincidence i do not think so since i was looking for clues of hits way before mones... (i tried to study body

    language first thats why & even got a balatant hit ...

    so before saying mones are bs outside or not it might be

    a good idea to actualy be more scientific & this mone dosent work for ME ... so ill try somthing else...

    note :

    yes i do think alot of ppl take advantage of ppl like us trying to gain profit but some ppl are honest & do theire

    best : thanks bruce & tammy got my order... LS is as honest as it gets from what i have seen. best service ever that

    i have recieved on my many online purchase. so i dont think mones are phony but i do use caution when i get them in

    my use my assessment & my purchase.

  3. #33
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    I NEVER said they don't

    work, never. Go find a quote and if you do, I'll leave this forum for good, forever.

    What I did say is that from

    what I read, I sometimes get the impression that people are just falling for the "self-fulfilling prophecy", as

    someone mentioned in another thread. You always used to get the hints before but never noticed them, and start

    noticing them because of the mones you're wearing (more confident, more aware and consciouss). In addition, you

    might interpret an accident or a regular eye contact or whatever as a hint because of the same reasons.


    not saying they don't work, but that a lot of what I read SEEMS TO ME to be ... accidents or just stories. Again,

    that's my observation, an observation which I say might be only 30% correct. The 70%... well that's why I

    purchased them and I've been using mones since yesterday. I got a thread going on posting the results. So far

    nothing, but I'm still going on with the experiment.

    Not here to fight or stir emotions. I just honestly want to

    find out if they work, but I have my doubts to start with.

  4. #34
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    Default Sorry

    Hum sorry if i

    missunderstood you
    but basicaly what im saying is :
    if you are too negative you might have a

    "self-fulfiling-prophecy" yourself in a negative way, be open minded .

    I like you was verry skeptic at first but

    the more i read, the more i experiment , the more i learn.
    learn about what ? about life ,ppl , interactions on

    diffrent levels than speach.

    That last thing says that im also here by curiosity. i realy like to learn

    belive that evry body is eaqual
    - i dont have lots of $
    - im not a stud (6/10 on avrage)
    - im especialy not tidy

    (clean cut)
    But on the plus side:
    + im intelligent
    + im healty (well soso... )
    + i know where to put my $$

    im "debrouillard" (french)

    so evry body as + & - sides
    but if a bit of mones opens up the ppl around me a litle

    this might do the trick, so thats mostly why ppl are here
    i think:chage the variables in theire interactions. so

    best to keep neutral & be as open as you can so the balance dont fall on one side or the other (no resutls /too much

    results) that way you are more objective & less opiniated (side already chosen)
    if pheromones work in cats why

    would it not in humans : we are more sofisticated & our interactions are too ... so mones play a smaller

    that is what i think :keep on testing i do

    Edit : i think it was edison who said :"i didnt

    fail a 100 times, i found 100 ways not to make a light bulb but i only needed one way to make it work..."

  5. #35
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    I'm all with Edison. I am inclined

    to think this stuff doesn't work, but I'm trying to keep an open mind as much as possible, and to keep testing and

    testing and testing and testing until I've convinced myself that this stuff doesn't work because I don't have any

    evidence to support it.
    I'm negative, but I'm trying my best to put aside the negativity.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by sep
    I'm all with

    Edison. I am inclined to think this stuff doesn't work, but I'm trying to keep an open mind as much as possible,

    and to keep testing and testing and testing and testing until I've convinced myself that this stuff doesn't work

    because I don't have any evidence to support it.
    I'm negative, but I'm trying my best to put aside the

    I loved Edison's spirit. To invent the incandescent lamp was tough but to find out which

    pheromone will work for me is even tougher! So I guess like you, I've to keep on trying.


  7. #37
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sep
    I'm all with

    Edison. I am inclined to think this stuff doesn't work, but I'm trying to keep an open mind as much as possible,

    and to keep testing and testing and testing and testing until I've convinced myself that this stuff doesn't work

    because I don't have any evidence to support it.
    I'm negative, but I'm trying my best to put aside the

    Sep, I'm going to give you a couple more tips that I don't believe anyone has given you so


    First off, a lot of people claim that you will have less of an effect on people you know well than on people

    you don't know. I find this claim problematic, because I have no experience with someone I don't know to base

    whether or not their behavior is out of sorts with how they normally act. While it may be true that you affect them

    more (though I have no idea how one could even determine this without the observation of a third entity who is

    familiar with how the person you just encountered normally behaves), I have definitely found acquaintances and

    friends of mine to be affected, in a few cases, pretty drastically. So definitely don't exclude them from your


    The other thing that a lot of newcomers have been told is to purposefully OD. Personally, I think an OD

    reaction is no indication of a pheromone reaction, because if I ODed on Patchouli or Sandalwood or Armani Code, you

    can bet I would get reactions that are odor-dependent. However, if you have an unscented product as of right now (I

    don't know if the Edge Gelpacks are scented or not) then you can use an OD to determine whether or not the

    pheromones are affecting people. Try putting on 10 times the amount you normally see recommended of an androstenone

    product such as NPA, and I guarantee you you'll have a lot of people keeping some distance from you. I've noticed

    with higher amounts of -none, I treat other (straight) males and they treat me as if we are in competition. Most

    women are pretty put off, but from farther away (like 5-10 feet) I might catch them checking me out.

  8. #38
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    Thanks, live. I'll try to OD next

    Btw, this isn't my thread... I didn't mean to hijack it. I have another thread going on in case you want to

    give me advices, etc.

  9. #39
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Good point, but all of

    this should apply to trgl as well.

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