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    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Smile Yoga! Yoga! Yoga!

    I think that by now

    just about everyone on this forum knows that I am not a cheerleader or strongly enthusiastic about anything. Saying

    that I'm "reserved", "non-committal", or "neutral" is nice way of puttting it.

    But I've recently

    become enthusiastic about daily yoga practice after purchasing a DVD set by Cameron Shayne. I enjoy it so much that

    I am basically clearing out my "great-room" and setting it up as a yoga/martial arts practice area. I'm also

    considering selling my (fricking expensive) weight bench to make room for a new bed in what is supposed to be my

    dining room, so that I can have more floor space. Weeeelllll.... maybe not.

    Anyhow, Cameron Shayne's Budokon

    style is a promising new blend of Zen meditation, Hatha Yoga, and Martial Arts drills. I say "promising" because

    it's not exactly perfect or very refined - yet it has potential. But already I see that it's the perfect approach

    for me, other than the fact that I prefer David Swenson's
    Ashtanga Yoga over Shayne's choice of Hatha Yoga.

    Anyone else practice yoga? What style(s) and for how long? How has it changed you? I know that Bruce practices it,

    and that the styles I've mentioned are not generally regarded as being very spiritual or metaphysical practices by

    some of the (ahem...snobbier) yogi. What are your thoughts on these styles?

    I'm almost

    ready to begin taking martial arts classes again (10 more pounds to go) and I think I've just started down a very

    long path.

    For the first time in an unbelievably long time, I'm excited. It's almost as if I've "found

    religion", and now I understand the joy that I've seen in peoples eyes when they profess, sincerely, that they're

    "born again".

    I'll try hard not to be an overbearing zealot, but I will include these two


    Oh, and Bruce, before you hit this thread -- I need to mention - I can't

    stand what seems to be the "gold standard" in yogic spiritual writing -- long-winded, overly verbose, flowery

    writing... like Stephen King on frickin acid. Not for me. A little emotion is just fine and dandy, heck, I can

    stand a few lines of occasional self-indulgence in cheezy poetry--but why can't people just get to the damned

    point?! A conversational and concise style of writing is more apt to get my attention and keep my attitude in

    check. I have yet to find that.
    Last edited by gabe1970; 09-29-2006 at 03:12 AM.

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