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Thread: LS Atomizers...

  1. #1
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    Default LS Atomizers...

    ...who uses them and

    what's your experience? Most of the times we talk about dabs and drops. Who uses the atomizers. I know LS advices

    against spraying JB#1 from atomizers but I had a non-lovescent atomizer I loved. It was 1ml and shot a mist of the

    fragrance at you. I found the TE bottle to be pretty nice too.

    It seems this misting effect is the way to

    go. I shot this from arms length. The mist seemed to cover me and got the strongest hit I ever had was from doing

    this (the copy shop girl hit, you all know it by now). But the LS and most atomizers seem to spray in a straight

    line. I used an LS atomizer for awhile but it never seemed to be the same. What's your take on this. Maybe Bruce

    advises against this because the liquid is too thick and since JB #1 is all I've ever sprayed maybe the atomizers

    do mist and I just don't know it.

    Plus JB#2 did clog the TE bottle eventually. If I put my NPA in a bottle

    and sprayed it then rubbed on some APC to cover maybe this would be better. Although this would kill the 70/30 mix

    which seems to work pretty well.

    -The Bat

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Jambat, I remember you from back

    then, and your mixes, can you make some new mixes with all these new products we have on offer? I know JB1 2 3 4 5

    BLAH BLAH, are great, but we want new mixes from a wizard such as yourself with new products.

    By the way, im

    about to order, are the atomizers any good? I hate them when they leak, bruce do these leak? are they sealed


  3. #3
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    I hate to say it but yes they do

    leak. This is a common problem with atomizers. The secret to stopping them is crazy glue. Use a plastic syringe and

    drip the desired amount into the atomizer. Drip the next phero you want into the bottle and then add the CG to the

    grooves on the atomizer bottle, then seal.

    The obvious problem is you have buy another aotmizer when you're

    out. Considering I don't use my 'mones as often as one would think this would be a big problem for me. As far as

    more mixes, I just placed an order for JB#1 but as of now will wait until next time to order LT.

    But if

    someone who already owns NPA and LT would be my extended scientific arm and would like to try "JB: Trust". (Yes

    it's what you think it is, NPA mixed with LT at the patented 70/30 ratio) that would be cool. I've been hearing so

    much about LT butadhering to a somewhat tight budget I failed to buy any with my last order.

    The theory is

    an obvious one: stronger attraction mixed with trust. Although all the JB caveats would still apply. So what do you

    think. Whose game?

    -The Bat

  4. #4
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    I've never had a problem

    with my atomizer leaking.

    However, I would like to know how much the LS atomizers hold, or how much (what volume

    of) liquid is dispersed with each spray.

    It just occurred to me that I have no idea if the sprays I've been

    using are the right amount, way too much, or way too little.

    My bottle of TE Sandalwood came with no sprayhead,

    so I put it into the atomizer, but now I'd love to know how many mcg of pheromones I'm getting with each spray.

  5. #5
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    I really miss the one ML sprayer.

    It would hit me with the right amount of mones everytime. And it would disperse it in a mist not a solid spray. I

    could shoot it up in the air and let it fall on me or apply it directly. If I could find a good atomizer that

    sprayed JB#1 I'd be the man. I missed the accuracy. I even miss the strange hits. They made for a great story if

    nothing else. And L4M, I'll check out your blog.


  6. #6
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    I've got a couple of the 4 ml

    atomizers from Sephora and I find that they work extremely well. Good spray pattern, nice and small, and best of all

    they don't leak. I've seen them mentioned by many other members, haven't heard any complaints about them.

  7. #7
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I too use the small Sephora

    atomizers: small, light, good spray and zero leaks from the 6 I own (each loaded with a different mix!). I never

    leave home without one. The LS atomizers are too big for pocket use.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  8. #8
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    I do have LS

    athomizers & i did a lilte research on them about .125ml (do a search) avrage i think.
    Its a 10ml bottle & mine

    neverleaked dispite putting them in my pocket .
    As for spray i suggest you spray one-two shots before becose the

    first few shots are kinda inconsitent & yes it does mist (after the few shots)

    edit :i thried SHOE , sorry

    SOE ,1 spray no results (i still have to try some more (lots of things to try.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I Have a couple of LS Atomizers

    aswel , They work fine .

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