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  1. #1
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    Talking The Fat Asian College Kid Experiment//Observations and Questions

    For those of you who haven't read my

    previous thread, I'm "an asian male, 18 years

    old, 5' 7", ~220 lbs. On a scale of 1 to 10 for hottness, i'd rate myself a 3."

    Day 1:
    Last night, I

    received my first pheromone batch in the mail. After much deliberation with myself, I chose to go with Chikara gel

    for my 1st field test. Originally, I planned to use 1/4 of the gel packet, but in haste, I accidentally squeezed out

    1/2 of the packet. Since it would be a waste to throw it out, I applied it all on the usual points: on the neck and


    After application, I went to "dance class", which is mainly filled with girls (yay!) In discreet

    evaluation, I noticed things were sort of different compared to previous days. I talked more, the upperclassmen guys

    seemed to not treat me as "freshman" (so to speak), and, oddly enough, many girls in the class seemed to not realize

    what they were doing and either stare at me (the metal backside of my iPod works great as a mirror) or stop in their

    tracks and walk around the other way. I need to test this more but from what I saw today, it seems Chikara worked

    for me. Kinda.

    At the same time I was getting those great reactions from some girls, others looked like they

    just saw a serial rapist or simply just turned their head the opposite way. Unfortunately, one of the girls in this

    group is an acquaintance of mine (whom I hope I may develop the relationship further.) Usually, she will talk to me

    a lot after class. Today, she appeared to be very quiet. When I asked her if she would like to go see a movie on

    Saturday night, instead of her usual response of "Sure. What movie?" or "Yeah, we should...[blah blah blah]," she

    stated "I'll see if I have time."

    This odd distribution of my observation leaves me with a few questions I

    would like to ask:

    **ends formal tone**

    1. Did I OD? After I applied twice the amount I planned to, I

    developed a headache that lasted for about 2 minutes. After the headache, I felt like I wanted to lie in the middle

    of the dance room floor and go to bed (but that could be due to the fact I only had 5 hours of rest last


    2. One thing I noticed was all the very hot, pretty, talkative girls (alpha females?) were in the

    group of DHILs whereas the average looking, somewhat quiet girls (beta females?) were part of the freaked

    out/looking away group. A sign of OD? Is this normal?

    3. Since I am a very big male (220lbs, ~5'7"), could I

    have scared the beta females due to the combination of my size and the amount of aNone I ended up


    While Chikara seems to be effective for me, I think aNone sends the wrong signal to the type of

    girl I tend to go for (the quiet, average looking, petite beta girl). I'll put Chikara aside for now and test out

    Scent of Eros tomorrow. Perhaps the A-rone will send out a nice alpha male signal without freaking them out.
    TAG Body Spray. Pheromones for idiots.
    The Pheromone Experiment.

  2. #2
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    your whole pack of chikara

    intimidated the shit outta the average girls. You came across alot more alpha.

    Why did your " friend "

    suddenly give u the cold treatment? Well, answer could be simple enough. The other girls were staring at you and

    girls are hypersensitive to other girls. She probably felt a bit jealous or that you think u're too cocky, and

    doesn't feel good bout it. Usually when they say " i'll see if I have the time ", it means " try a little harder

    and ask again " or " u made me unhappy, time to teach you a lesson".

    She could geniunely be busy but I doubt

    it from the sounds of what you were saying. In any case, ignore what she said, and DO NOT try harder. Just be laid

    back, and don't act phased. Just say " cool! next time then " with a big smile. She'll come to her senses


    Thing is, you have to pay more attention to your behaviour when you wear mones too. Sometimes it can

    make u overly quiet ( chikara for me ) and sometimes really talkative ( anol products ) to the extent that I talk

    bullshit or start acting too cocky. You have to pay extra attention to yourself. Maybe you could have offended her

    in some way, or just acted so differently that you could have given her a shell-shock.

    Either case, even if

    you have acted differently, act as if you don't care what she thinks or what others think. Deny any


    Good luck!


  3. #3
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    Default Quietness with SOE



    I experimented with Scent of Eros today. I applied 1/4 of the packet to my neck, wrists, and hair; mainly

    on the neck. I proceeded with my day as usual and I noticed one thing: after application, I instantly turned from a

    moderate talker to a no talker. In fact, this was true with everyone near me.

    In my language

    class, when the professor made us discuss a topic with the people in a group, my group was absolutely silent with

    the exception of 2 cheerleaders. Usually my group will talk relatively much but today, almost none.


    of Day 2:
    SOE seems to have a slient effect on myself and the people around me. I still need to test SOE more

    before I draw a conclusion, but at 1/4 of a gel pack, that is what I experienced.

    Quote Originally Posted by nfs
    Thing is, you

    have to pay more attention to your behaviour when you wear mones too. Sometimes it can make u overly quiet ( chikara

    for me ) and sometimes really talkative ( anol products )...
    I guess SOE is my equivalent of NFS'

    Chik effect
    TAG Body Spray. Pheromones for idiots.
    The Pheromone Experiment.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    "The Fat Asian College Kid


    Who comes UP with these oddball thread titles, I mean, really?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    "The Fat

    Asian College Kid Experiment"????!!!

    Who comes UP with these oddball thread titles, I mean,

    you? I modeled the thread's title after yours.
    TAG Body Spray. Pheromones for idiots.
    The Pheromone Experiment.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    I was being sarcastic.

  7. #7
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    I must say that SOE makes me quite

    depressed and quiet. I've said this a few times over other threads when newbies ask about it's effects. But I'll

    say it again here - I do want to point out that this just happens for me, and might not happen for you.

    Anol alone does not do this to me though.. ...Must be something else in SOE

    So AznPheroNoob, looks

    like we both don't go well with SOE. Try chikara or something else. Mind you, it's not always good to be talkative


  8. #8
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    Default Xcite wipes for Women are well...for women

    Day 3:

    Today was entirely traumatic. There is a thread on here from a few weeks ago that

    talked about how xcite wipes work really good on college girls and how the gender combination does not matter. Well,

    throughout today, I noticed I was getting no hits. Then, I backtracked my mind and I realized something: In one of

    my classes, I sit with a bunch of guys in the back. Usually, there's no talking between us, but today, all of us

    were talking to the point where we acted like women.

    Literally, all of us were talking even when the

    professor was lecturing AND we stayed after class waiting for each other to walk out the buliding together (and it

    was a group of 5 of us). Those cops must be turning us into girly men.

    After I noticed this effect, I did

    some testing; this time observing the males. Sure enough, a lot of them turned their heads when I walked past them.

    I got scared

    So my conclusion for Xcite wipes for women: It didn't help me break the ice with

    girls or for that matter, do anything with girls. instead, it had a profound effect on my fellow males, not in the

    sexual way, but in the meeting new friends way. Chances are I'll keep the xcite wipes around for when I feel lonely

    and want to meet new guy friends.
    TAG Body Spray. Pheromones for idiots.
    The Pheromone Experiment.

  9. #9
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by AznPheroNoob
    Day 3:

    Today was entirely traumatic. There is a thread on here from a few weeks ago that talked about how xcite wipes

    work really good on college girls and how the gender combination does not matter. Well, throughout today, I noticed

    I was getting no hits. Then, I backtracked my mind and I realized something: In one of my classes, I sit with a

    bunch of guys in the back. Usually, there's no talking between us, but today, all of us were talking to the point

    where we acted like women.

    Literally, all of us were talking even when the professor was lecturing AND we stayed

    after class waiting for each other to walk out the buliding together (and it was a group of 5 of us). Those cops

    must be turning us into girly men.

    After I noticed this effect, I did some testing; this time observing the

    males. Sure enough, a lot of them turned their heads when I walked past them. I got scared

    So my

    conclusion for Xcite wipes for women: It didn't help me break the ice with girls or for that matter, do anything

    with girls. instead, it had a profound effect on my fellow males, not in the sexual way, but in the meeting new

    friends way. Chances are I'll keep the xcite wipes around for when I feel lonely and want to meet new guy

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

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