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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
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    Default Which is the best phero/combo to wear when rushing a frat.

    I basically NEED to pledge in this fraternity because it's fun and I believe it will make my

    college life very fulfilling. It's a really popular frat and theres lots of competition. So... I need a BIG boost

    minimal fear of OD. What type of pheros should I wear? PLEASE help!

    btw I'm a 20 year old good looking

    tall chinese male... metro..

  2. #2
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
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    From what I've read, I

    would think A314 would be perfectly suited to your situation.

    Even more important though, is for you to become

    outcome-indepent regarding getting into this fraternity. Take the position that you are screening them to see if you

    have any reason to WANT to join the fraternity.

    Personally, I am not a huge fan of the fraternity system. I

    don't trust that a group of people who decide to consider me a friend only because I've made a lifetime,

    irreversible commitment to them and the Greek letters they are represented by actually care about me as an

    individual. In fact the fraternity system is designed to give all members a very strong sense of being part of a

    group, which is more important than that person as an individual.

    Interestingly enough, I rushed just for the

    heck of it, not really trying to impress anyone, and not really caring whether I got invited to join. Truth be told,

    I knew that while going through the rush process, the fraternities would be giving all the rushees free food and

    drinks, and I would probably get invited to some parties. This was the only reason I even went through rush in the

    first place. I guess you could say I was an attention whore.

    As it happened, I was offered bids from every

    fraternity that I didn't cut (except one which cut me). Members of these fraternities went out of their way

    to accomodate me, and try to get me to select them. When the time came, I chose to associate with one of them. Over

    time though (before I had been fully initiated, thank god) I realized how much I was not enjoying myself hanging out

    with these guys, because I knew they pretty much viewed me just as a member of the hive. So after about 3 months of

    hanging out with these guys nonstop, I decided not to join, and haven't heard from a one of them since (not that it

    bugs me).

    It is human nature to chase what seems unattainable. That is why we put astronauts on the moon. At the

    same time, once we have something, we quickly grow tired of it. Case in point: the first moon landing was in 1969;

    the last one as of right now was in 1972.

    At this moment you seem to be consumed by the notion that you NEED to

    join this fraternity (your own words). Believe me, you can have plenty of fun without it. If you take my words to

    heart, you will go through the rush process screening them to see if YOU want to consider joining THEM. This will

    make you seem challenging to them and you will have fraternity members trying to impress YOU.

    Similarly, A314

    appears to increase the perceived value of the wearer, without causing aggression responses in males. If you have

    more value, it makes you seem more unattainable, and therefore more desirable.

    Take it for what it's worth.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    YEA!! you're right! I should

    make myself unattainable so they'll want me. Thanks for putting it in perspective. I realize now that hanging out

    with a group of guys is not interesting. My only motivation now to join is because most of the hot girls at my

    school are in sorrorites. It seems as though all of them dedicate their lives to attending frat events. If I want to

    get into these events and get near them I'd have to be in a frat. It's not as if I can't find attractive girls

    elsewhere but I guess it's the unattainable thing again. The girls only go to frat events that I can't get into

    most of the time so I can't get to them making me want them more. but... I still want them... like 5 of

    them at the same time.

    Unfortunately I don't have A314 at the moment. I'm thinking about buying it and having

    it delivered overnight but it'll cost me a bundle. The rush events start tomorrow so I think I've got to make the

    best out of what I have.

    I have
    Perception gel packs

    Is there anyway I

    could simulate the effects of A314? I don't care about ODing anymore.

  4. #4
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    yes, a314 for your enhanced

    status..if you dont have that...go with SOE or a nol product with a "hint" of none, like apc...

    its other guys

    you want to like you, so have that detachted attitude as above, but i would go with alot of nol to make the guys

    like you and feel comfortable with you...

    once youre in the frat, and the sorority chicks come around, then pull

    out the big guns..NONE and a little nol..LOL...the frat guys will alreayd have initiated you and you will be getting

    all the chicks
    Do the SOE/spmo with maybe a tiny bit of none....

    Once youre in, pull out your npa/jb#1 combo

    and and show them who the real boss is...LOL

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
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    First day of rush... Pretty

    good... I guess... I talked to everybody and they seem to like me. I don't know if they're just being nice or if

    they're under influence by my SoE. I applied 6 inches on both wrists 3 inches where my mustache should be and 4

    inches where my beard should be. (I don't have a mustache or beard). So thats.. 19 inches total. I went over my

    mustache and wrist again in the bathroom about 2 and a 1/2 hours later.

    I read in the pherolibrary that it's

    reccomended that I put on 6-8 inches. I know the less is more principle applies to NPA but does it apply to SoE as

    well? From what I've read the more you put the more there is. So should I put on even more? Give me some

    advice guys

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