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  1. #1
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    Default A314 my experience

    Just got the

    A314, couldnt resist the james bond effect, so wanted to share my experience with it..tried one drop behind ears,

    smeared down, and for like first 3-4 hours, felt like i was sorta high on weed, wihtout the high of course..but i

    felt that butterflies in my stomach with a mild euphoria and a faster pulse, not sure if i noticed any hits or not

    but people seemed friendly and respectful..its like everythign felt really "smooth", even my movements were sorta

    slower and people would look at me and smile, but not sure if they were hits...then bout 4 hours later, the buzz is

    gone and i reapply another drop..then the irritation starts, start feeling aggressive and irritated, and notice

    aggressive postures from men, others look sneak glances at me or just look at me, but look away or dont notice me

    whne i look back, like an irritated invisible..LOL...does anyone have any ideas as to whats going on? this is the

    strangest product...i tried some SOE with it but not sure if thats helping...

  2. #2
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    I got mine also and I have

    been using up to 3 drops in classroom enviroment. I do notice a ton of reactions. It's like I une the classroom.

    For a group project I started drafting people like it was the NBA draft and people went crazy. I ended up with 3

    girls in my group. Sweet stuff. I am also about to start adding L.Trust to that mix and order something with NONE.

    There is this pretty girl I like but I have a girlfriend. Who knows.
    I was having nervous breakdowns.

  3. #3
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    Yeah, i have noticed that

    after the initual buzz calms down and i cant smell or sense a thing, i start getting um...hits..but not hits...more

    like free flowing rapport...i dont get stares walking down the street like with the edge or PI, but i have noticed

    the day to day relationships i have ...seem to be turning out very i get sutble looks that people are

    seeing me differently...yes, i think a314 is working...but its subtle, but major at the same time, if that makes

    sense...i definitely like it for some reason..i think it opens doors for i think it changes peoples

    impressions of you in their mind after exposure, different from the neck jerking looks that the next day, dont

    amount to pee, but its a long term perception change..mystical, but cool

  4. #4
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    Let me comment on A314, before the

    A314 shills show up here. First of all it is a good product, when used in conjuction with heavy none products. When

    Jasmin used to be allowed to post here, she said much the same thing. The product worked well with the heavy none

    product while still keeping the sexual vibe of the none. It worked better than SOE in that regards, because even

    with NPA or Edge added to the SOE, people would yak my leg off and waste my valuable time. They don't do that with

    the A314-NPA/Edge combo.

    Another thing about A314 that is very important, is that it works better around

    people who don't know you yet. Once people get to know you, you can give yourself an A314 enema and it won't do

    you a bit of good. In other words, if you are not James Bond, but rather the toilet bowl cleaner man, than it ain't

    gonna do squat. James Bond has the "James Bond" effect because he IS James Bond. A stock broker will always garner

    more respect than a burger flipper regardless of the pheromone used.
    Last edited by tounge; 09-25-2006 at 10:40 PM.

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Toilet bowl cleaner man here

    agrees with you completely, and your timing is funny - I just realized this tonight.

    The NPA/A314 combo works

    well, but once people get to know me, there's little to no effect. Theres even a bit of a backlash or rebound

    effect - women who were originally interested seem to reverse their interest pretty quickly. it could have

    something to do with the fact that I'm not pursuing them, but their reactions have been more extreme than one

    would expect. I'm talking about complete derision, barely disguised looks of disdain and disgust. Women who

    expressed interest, and guys who deferred to me - they stop doing that after little more than 2 weeks. Well, I

    can't think of anything James Bondish to say, so it's back to flipping burgers for me...

  6. #6
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    Well Gabe, if you work in a

    hospital, then you know the order of the food chain. Doctors on top.

    Actually most pheromones are that way.

    You gotta walk the walk. Like I said, once people get to know the real you, you better have something more than

    pheromones covering you.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    ...Actually most

    pheromones are that way. You gotta walk the walk. Like I said, once people get to know the real you, you better have

    something more than pheromones covering you.
    I wonder if that is really true of all pheromones.


    think NPA specifically is ONLY an "attention getter", like good looks, driving a nice car, etc. What you do with

    that attention is up to you, but a woman can remark "Nice car" or "He's handsome." and it means nothing more than

    that. It doesn't always effect her overall perception of you. But if somebody is tricked into thinking you're

    something that you're not (ahem, A314+NPA), and the effect wears off, then negative reactions should be expected

    BUT this doesn't mean that all pheromones or pheromone combos would cause these symptomes of "pheromone


  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    I guess what I'm saying is

    that wearing NPA is like having a neon sign that says "Hey, check me out." while wearing NPA/A314 is like wearing a


  9. #9
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    I totally agree that NPA is a major

    attention getter. It is powerful stuff. The way women react to it depends entirely on their cycles in my experience.

    I use NPA mainly when I officiate basketball. It works well in that area for me. The stories I could tell if I

    wasn't so lazy. But if you wore NPA everyday around the same people, then they would eventually become use to your

    enhanced signature.

    I use mones much like my supplements, that is I cycle on and off. And from over 25 years

    of mone experience(starting with the early 80's Jovan craze) have learned there is no magic potion.

  10. #10
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    well, im around people all day

    that i already know, and the a314 seems to change how they react to me. Pheros are chemicals and hit that part of

    the brain that works before thinking..preferences are beyond concious control until the forebrain kicks in, but even

    then, a perception of you is different in some way..if you are a 5, they may boost you up to a 9...if you are a 2,

    then they may boost you to a 5...but youre still a five... A314 puts me in a very high class with women, and wearing

    the edge with it or npa makes it all very smooth...i like a314, i think im addicted to works so well

    with other none products...i really can sense a change in my "status" iwth it, and add some none, and youre good to

    go..i like it

    Yeah, person can get used to your pheromones, just as you yourself get used to them...but they

    cant conciously stop the unconcious thought processes that keep whirling and they find themselves saying "im

    attracted to him for some reason"...once you stop wearing the mones, you will see the people around you act

    differently, and you will see just what an effect ( good or bad ) the pheros had on them...and their perception of


  11. #11
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    I understand some of your points,

    Spidey. But what I don't understand, is that in your first post that opened this thread. You stated you JUST GOT

    the A314.
    Isn't a bit too early for you to be making long term claims? I have had this product along time(and

    also have the MX102). I believe Gabe has also used this product for awhile. You may get a temporary boost in status

    with A314, but after you have been around the same folk your status is solely based on your actual status.

    Subconcious thought only goes so far.

  12. #12
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    so what are you trying to say?

    Mones worn around the same people everyday after awhile have no effect on them? Yes, people get used to them, but

    familiarity doesnt automatically render the mones useless? is that what youre trying to say?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    In other words, if

    you are not James Bond, but rather the toilet bowl cleaner man, than it ain't gonna do squat. James Bond has the

    "James Bond" effect because he IS James Bond. A stock broker will always garner more respect than a burger flipper

    regardless of the pheromone used.
    true true, i agree

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiderweb
    so what are you

    trying to say? Mones worn around the same people everyday after awhile have no effect on them? Yes, people get

    used to them, but familiarity doesnt automatically render the mones useless? is that what youre trying to

    this is right, .mones are not a silver bullet, they can help, thats it.

    psycology is

    much more powerful than pheromones

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiderweb
    so what are you

    trying to say? Mones worn around the same people everyday after awhile have no effect on them? Yes, people get

    used to them, but familiarity doesnt automatically render the mones useless? is that what youre trying to


    That is somewhat what I am trying to say. If you wear the same mones for a long time around

    the same people, that becomes you phero signature to them. They will then adapt to you for better or worse. Looking

    at Gabe's situation, I think you are right about thae NPA buildup having an effect. However a product like A314

    may garner a higher status initially, but if you do not have a high status position among the people you work with

    and see you everyday, then you could have A314 coming out your butt, and it won't change your


    Supplemental pheromones are meant to enhance your nature, not perform supernatural miracles.

  16. #16
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    well, i agree that people

    arent going to treat you like the president of the company or another high status position if you arent that..but it

    seems that it would steer you into the perception that you would be worthy or capable of moving towards that

    direction,..much like dressing for a position you wish to attain, its like dressing the part but on a phero

    subconcious level it would seem to would cause others to see you as a person that would fit the role of a

    position for status of one higher than you have, not necessarily that they would begin to actually treat you like a

    superior, at least not conciously...i havetn used A314 long enough to know what the long term effects would be if

    any, i was just stating that it does seem to change how others and myself react and act in everyday life...trying to

    find an upside to spending 70 bucks, you know?

    If i could diagnose one common malady here, its build up od

    problems...i have many many times had a great day with npa, and the next day, become invisible or recieved

    hostility, and those invisible little buggers called mones are still alive after another reapplication...why an

    effective phero eraser hasnt been developed, ill never know..its almost like that would be a requirement to have one

    if you are gonna use up..its the biggest problem us phero enthusists and newbies face...its got to be

    erradicated...i read where zinc was an anti androgen, thinking bout using my dandruff shampoo thats full of zinc

    oxide as a face scrubber..

    one day, men everywhere will be free to turn women on everyday with their npa, and

    not have to face the scourage of build day,..i can dream

  17. #17
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    Buildup will always be a problem. A

    phero eraser won't work. You will wipe out your natural mones also and then you'd be in much worse shape than

    never having used mones. As far as moving up in a company or at a job, qualification are the deciding factor. If you

    are competing with a couple of people for the same position, and the qualies and everything else is equal, than

    Pheromones could most certainly give you an edge.

    I think you will be best served by cycling on and off

    the mones. It has been the most effacious route for me. And it really stretchs your phero dollar a bit further.

  18. #18
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    thanks, getting the

    invisible thing going on after a few days of hits...its gotta be buildup..also, i was just thinking...there are alot

    of posts on here bout folks who used mones for a while, adn then stopped for whatever reason, and noticed that

    people started treating them differently, so apparently the mones were still affecting the people they were around

    on a daily basis...while the people may have gotten used to them, it seems they were still having an affect ( minus

    buildup of course )

    do you think a314 has served you well? or have you noticed much of anything with it?

  19. #19
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    one day, men everywhere will

    be free to turn women on everyday with their npa, and not have to face the scourage of build day,..i can

    you can dream?!?
    WE ALL CAN DREAM, lol.
    damn the build-up!!!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiderweb


    you think a314 has served you well? or have you noticed much of anything with it?


    hell yea. For me it is a terrific product when used in conjuction withThe Edge or AE. It really tames the none

    factor. It helps me to become more receptive to younger women while wearing a high none product. I don't get any

    James Bond effect from it or anything like that. Just nice subtle but obvious things that may not happen without

    that combo.

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    I understand some

    of your points, Spidey... I believe Gabe has also used this product for awhile. You may get a temporary boost in

    status with A314, but after you have been around the same folk your status is solely based on your actual status.

    Subconcious thought only goes so far.
    I think that's it in a nutshell. I wore A314 by itself

    yesterday, and peoples behavior made me think very carefully about my use of it. To be specific, I had what some

    would call "hits" from a few beautiful women in a bookstore, but that was from over 30 feet away, and it made me

    think... It has become harder for me to attribute pheromones influence to the behavior of the people I work with

    day to day. People, and relationships, have their ups and downs, their cycles, highpoints, and rough spots. The

    people who I work with day in and day out, 8-10 hours a day do not treat me as if I were anything other than what I

    am, a friend and co-worker... while I hesitate to say that people who I have sporadic (or initial, new) contact

    with, maybe minutes or a few hours a day, treat me in ways that I can more easily attribute to the -mones. Why do

    I hesitate? Because I don't know how specific strangers would otherwise choose to treat me without A314. I am

    called "Sir" and "Honey" as often as I'm called "Dude" - every day. It would be very easy to chalk this up to

    daily A314 use if I had not experienced this treatment in the past. I also think that using A314 every day and

    having a good day serves - psychologically - as positive reinforcement, but may or may not have anything to do with

    the actual presence of A314. Maybe A314 should be re-named "Voodoo", because that's possibly the effect it has on

    the wearer. "I had a good day...must have been the A314".
    Anyone agree?

  22. #22
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Completely agree with you. But

    don't just apply it to A314, apply it across the board. I think far to much credit is given to mones in general.

    They are not magic and I don't believe any pheromone can generate some of the things I've read here and other

    places. Personally, I'd say that more than 50% of 'hits' are in the user's mind.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  23. #23
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    It was easy for me to say this

    about A314 because it is supposed to be something like a "respect generator" and respect and courtesy is something

    that is easily observed without the application of A314. Other pheromone products have more of a "shotgun" approach

    or effect - and still others have more dramatic, easily observed effects on the wearer. (ie the "instant" lines

    intolerable effects on myself)

  24. #24
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    Sometimes I wonder about the

    placebo effects of pheromones myself. However, certain pheromones are extreme enough that there is no question they

    work. Take NPA, it can work for or against you - but it works! I don't think there is a placebo working when

    several different women tell you how horney they are in your presence or get sexually suggestive around you - this

    pheromone proved to me that pheromones work. Others are more subtle, so it much harder to sort out in my mind if a

    placebo or the pheromones are working - I don't think it matters as long as the results are good.

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