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Thread: fem xcite wipes

  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Default fem xcite wipes

    I will be brief, For

    the third time, I have used these wipes around girls that are 21 and under and have "hits" for the third time. The

    girls go chatty and crazy and giggle like mad. Although the girls in this age group are not what im after, I aim for

    25+, I must say for you guys that want to attract the young girls dont go past these wipes. The wipes are supposedly

    made for women and do have a bubble gum type scent, but I dont think the girls even notice that your wearing a fem

    scent. This product works very well for men that want to attract the youngies, I can assure you.

  2. #2
    Stranger CATPYCO's Avatar
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    Hey bronzie...listen.. Can't I

    just buy a bottle of Pheromol Factor and call it a day?

    Same thing right?

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    Go for it, same maker

    apparently, but not same product or effect.

  4. #4
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    1. how do the excite

    wipes effect women that are older ? just saying they attract girls say 18-21? what effect have you

    noticed on women say age 25? or 30? just curious?

    2. a314- i know you dont like the webstie for them, but what

    did the product do for you personally?

    3. bronzie, what product have you noticed that works the best so far?


  5. #5
    Full Member The Real FTR's Avatar
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    I wish there were some way

    to know what's in them. "Dr. D's" mix for women doesn't tell me much.

  6. #6
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    Where do they sell these

    wipes at?

    I did not see them on LS. Unless i'm on the wrong page.

  7. #7
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    Default excite wipes -bronzie

    YES, bronzie

    your evaluation and analysis of the excite wipes is spot on, and or very similiar to mine.

    Very good for younger

    females, they seem to get very giggly and chatty.

    Great product for you younger men wanting to attract the

    younger girls 18 -25. I have tried pheromal factor although the product is okay. IT does not compare to the excite

    wipes, the men variety. That was the best nol product i have ever used. HITS WERE CONSISTENT, AND THERE WAS MANY OF


    GREAT product, for opening up people communication etc. OH, well DR, dodd does it again?

  8. #8
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    woofa, what's the men's

    variety of excite wipes you refer to? L-S only carries women's...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofa1

    Great Post Woofa. I agree with you whole heartedly.

    Xcite Wipes are by a mile the best pheromone product I have owned, and I have pretty much owned and used all the

    products available on LS. The older members will remember LS sold the men’s Xcite wipes some years ago. I too have

    used pheromal factor, and like you state, it is an okay product, but in no way matches the punch that Xcite Wipes


    Spiderweb, a314 smells great, it has a very fine Neroli scent that is warm and spicy. However,

    unfortunately that is as far as I can go to say anything positive about this product. I have used this for one month

    straight under what I deem controlled conditions and I have not seen anything positive come out of this product, in

    fact I have seen nothing come out of this product. I see no so called "James Bond effect" as stated on their rather

    grandeur marketing web page, I believe it was a wasted purchase, and at 70 bucks a pop, it is a rather expensive

    bottle of Neroli scent.

    FTR, I bet if we knew what is in those wipes, pheromone manufacturers the world over

    would emulate them. My guess is they are a guarded secret by Dr D.

    GREEN OVNI & live4themusic, the men’s

    variety of these wipes are extremely rare to come by, as the product has ceased in production, I own a few, just by

    sheer luck, and they are worth their weight in gold. LS sell the fem wipes, but my guess is because the product has

    ceased in manufacture, they also are an “endangered species of pheromones” that will no longer be available.

  10. #10
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    Would there be the same

    effect if a guy used the xcite wipes for women instead of the men version?

    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    Great Post Woofa. I

    agree with you whole heartedly. Xcite Wipes are by a mile the best pheromone product I have owned, and I have pretty

    much owned and used all the products available on LS. The older members will remember LS sold the menÕs Xcite wipes

    some years ago. I too have used pheromal factor, and like you state, it is an okay product, but in no way matches

    the punch that Xcite Wipes pull.

    Spiderweb, a314 smells great, it has a very fine Neroli scent that is warm

    and spicy. However, unfortunately that is as far as I can go to say anything positive about this product. I have

    used this for one month straight under what I deem controlled conditions and I have not seen anything positive come

    out of this product, in fact I have seen nothing come out of this product. I see no so called "James Bond effect" as

    stated on their rather grandeur marketing web page, I believe it was a wasted purchase, and at 70 bucks a pop, it is

    a rather expensive bottle of Neroli scent.

    FTR, I bet if we knew what is in those wipes, pheromone

    manufacturers the world over would emulate them. My guess is they are a guarded secret by Dr D.


    live4themusic, the menÕs variety of these wipes are extremely rare to come by, as the product has ceased in

    production, I own a few, just by sheer luck, and they are worth their weight in gold. LS sell the fem wipes, but my

    guess is because the product has ceased in manufacture, they also are an Òendangered species of pheromonesÓ that

    will no longer be available.

  11. #11
    Phero Pro
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    AznPheroNoob, Yes. I believe so.

    In my experience this has been the case, I dont see any difference in effect, they work equally well, on me. The

    only difference is the scent, fem version is floral, male is somewhat sandlewood.

  12. #12
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    YES, as you observed bronzie LS

    did use to sell them a while back. But production has ceased? But as a pure product, and for the effect it had.

    Speaking as close as possible from and subjective and observational point of view? It was very good.

    From the

    female perspective, it made them laugh and be very chatty. So if you are good at kino, it supplements this product

    very well. But i assume it is all nol? Works well, adding a bit of spice lets say PI and or NPA.

    Find what

    works for you in reference to npa and or pi and gor for it?

    Bronzie you say the female excite wipes, have had

    the same efect on you as the male male version? Yeah

  13. #13
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    Default to bronzie

    HEY, bronzie so i would

    say a314 didnt work for you. I have heard mixed reports about this product. Some good ,some not very good.


    summation, what would you say if you were to rate it out of ten?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofa1
    HEY, bronzie so i

    would say a314 didnt work for you. I have heard mixed reports about this product. Some good ,some not very good.

    IN summation, what would you say if you were to rate it out of ten?
    Woofa, I agree, use kino

    and some basic seduction techniques with xcite wipes and your on a winning streak with the ladies (just beware of

    the after effects), if you are comfortable with using androstenone, in conjunction with the wipes, go for it, under

    the right circumstances and with the right female, this is a killer combination. I am not sure what are in the wipes

    because nothing is stated on the product, but my guess is .nol, reason I say this is because the effects are very

    much in line with what .nol creates, girls becoming very chatty and open, and alot of laughter at the most trivial

    of things. Also, most Dr D's research ( the creator of the wipes ) was .nol based, he actually invented synthetic

    .nol in the 70s.

    With regards to a314, well, as I stated above, the product has not lived up to my

    expectation, I am not in a position to rate it, because it has not done anything for me. I could give it zero out of

    ten, however, because I have more then half a bottle left, I will let the bottle finish and than make a conclusion

    and report the results in the future in the forum. However, the scent is fantastic, if anyone is looking for a very

    fine Neroli - Nutmeg scent, you really cant go past this product, what it lacks in pheromone effect, it makes up in

    the scent. I will also try this product in combination with other products, something until now, I have not done. On

    the promotional web site, it states that this product increases the effectiveness of other pheromones, well, this is

    my next experiment.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofa1
    YES, as you

    observed bronzie LS did use to sell them a while back. But production has ceased?

    Bronzie you say the

    female excite wipes, have had the same efect on you as the male male version? Yeah
    Yes Woofa,

    production of the original Xcite wipes manufactured by Kiotech have ceased. However, Xcite wipes, as a brand name of

    pheromone still exist, but manufactured by another company, and my guess is they didnt keep the original formula,

    the wipes have a totally different scent (actually offensive to the nose) and do not create the same effect that the

    original wipes created. The packaging is also slightly different, kiotech is not stated on the wipes and they are

    somewhat elongated in appearence. This product has no relation to the original wipes. However, its not all bad news,

    if you want to find the original Xcite wipe formula in liquid form, this is possible.

  16. #16
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Makes sense but how would they

    differ from pure 'nol? For that matter, from SOE?

    I find these very useful but for a different reason.

    With my special female friends, who are typically 40+, we use them in the clutches. I'll wipe one on her breasts,

    belly and inner thighs.

    The extra mones create a more erotic and intoxicating feeling in both of us. More


  17. #17
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    Whitehall, I once read that Xite

    wipes have many pheromones, over 20, and different versions of .nol, look at the guy who invented them? Read his Bio

    - Cv. his experience in the field of pheromones and bio chemistry blows you away.

  18. #18
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    His CV is readily viewed on the

    net via a simple search and is accessible to the public, I didn’t require permission to reproduce it here as there

    is no legal obligation on his web page asking me not too or asking for permission to do so, and since love- scent

    sell his products, I don’t think im out of line with the forum rules,

    However, it’s up to the moderators to

    decide if it’s appropriate to keep up or not.

    George Dodd - Brief Informal CV

    George Dodd is one of

    the best-known scientists working on the sense of smell. But he is much more than just a scientist. Since he was a

    child in Ireland and discovered that he could detect all kinds of smells long before other people could, smells and

    smelling have been the passion of his life. Whilst he was still at the High School Dublin in the 1950’s, he began

    training as a perfumer. During the course of his study for a chemistry degree at Trinity College Dublin, in the

    early 1960’s, he continued this training in perfumery and also undertook research work on the sense of smell,

    including an early interest in electronic noses. His thesis project was concerned with the chemistry of essential

    oils. On graduation, he was offered positions in the international perfumery industry but elected to take a course

    which offered greater challenges.

    In 1965 he worked in Oxford as a technician for the pioneering biochemist

    Hans Krebs. Later that year he began research in molecular enzymology at Oxford under the direction of George Radda

    and this led to a D.Phil. in 1968. He then joined the Molecular Biophysics Unit in Unilever plc under the direction

    of Dennis Chapman. During the following three years Dodd and colleagues produced the first paper on artificial nose

    technology as well as work on biological membranes relevant to odour sensing mechanisms. He was also involved with

    many product programmes across a wide variety of areas – foods, drinks, cosmetics, detergents, perfumes, flavours, -

    which had in common an interest in the sense of smell.

    Dodd joined the University of Warwick in 1971 as a

    lecturer in biochemistry in the department of chemistry. He also formed in 1971 the Warwick Olfaction Group at the

    University, and he remained as its director until he left the University in 1994. During this period, this

    multidisciplinary group had an exemplary record of fund-raising and it was the only smell research group in the UK.

    As shown in the accompanying document, Dodd and colleagues opened-up new areas of olfactory science during this

    period and are recognized as pioneers in these major research themes.

    During this academic phase, Dodd

    continued his industrial interests and was one of the first academics to form a company on a Science Park.

    Osmotherapy ltd, a pioneer of scientific aromatherapy, started at the Warwick Science Park in 1988. It is now part

    of Kiotech Int plc. He also ran a successful scientific consultancy company, Scientific & Technical Consultants Ltd,

    with a colleague, Dr. H. Jenkins. Dodd was also a consultant to several multinational companies and organizations

    including the MOD; Unilever, and other companies with an interest in the sense of smell. Dodd was instrumental in

    creating several TV and radio programmes concerned with the sense of smell.

    Also during his academic period

    Dodd maintained his interest in perfumery, had a unique collection of odorants in his laboratory, and worked as a

    professional perfumer and smell consultant. He organized possibly the first series of public courses on perfumery,

    ever, as part of the University’s extramural activities. In 1978 he opened a perfume studio in Stratford-upon-Avon

    and started a unique business in which he created individual perfumes for clients. Having established the technical

    and commercial success of this business, he had to put the business ‘on ice’ because of the burgeoning demands of

    his research group, which by then numbered twenty workers. Later this year, he will resume, in a new format, the

    unique business of creating personal perfumes for an international audience.

    In 1994 Dodd moved to the

    Highlands of Scotland as part of his philosophy of lifestyle. He formed the company Pheromones ltd which is now part

    of Kiotech Int plc. He also worked as a senior research fellow in the Highlands Psychiatric Research Group at Craig

    Dunain Hospital. He introduced this group to the idea of breath tests and he was instrumental in getting funds for

    this group which have led to the first commercial breath test for monitoring schizophrenia. He worked as a

    consultant for Lifetime Sciences ltd, and developed human pheromone fragrances for this company. In 1996, he became

    a founding director, along with Robert Page and William Campbell, of Kiotech Int plc, the first biotechnology

    company in the world specialising in the sense of smell. Later that year Kiotech began trading on ofex. Kiotech now

    has 3 successful products and research is advanced on other products.

    George Dodd – Key Publications

    George Dodd has been a perfumer and also a pioneer in olfactory research for over 30 years. He and his

    colleagues have made key discoveries in several areas. For convenience, the 3 key publications in each of the

    following areas are cited.

    Molecular Mechanisms

    Presence of Membrane Particles in Freeze-Etched

    Bovine Olfactory Cilia
    B P Menco, G H Dodd, M Davy & L H Bannister
    Nature 263, 597-599 (1976)
    The first

    visualization of olfactory receptor proteins

    Evidence for the Specific Involvement of cyclic-AMP in the

    Olfactory Transduction Mechanism
    A Menevse, G H Dodd & T M Poynder
    Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 77, 671-677

    One of the first papers identifying an enzyme basis for olfactory transduction

    The Effect of

    Concanavalin A on the Rat Electro-Olfactogram. Differential Inhibition of Odorant Response
    S G Shirley, E H

    Polak, R A Mather & G H Dodd
    Biochem. J. 245, 175-184 (1987)
    First mapping of a specific olfactory receptor

    using chemical modification methods

    Electronic Nose Technology

    Small Molecule-Lipid Membrane

    Interactions and the Puncturing Theory of Olfaction
    R J Cherry, G H Dodd & D Chapman
    Biochim. Biophys. Acta.

    211, 409-416 (1970)
    First demonstration of odorant-induced electrical changes in lipid bilayer membranes

    Analysis of Discrimination Mechanisms in the Mammalian Olfactory System Using a Model Nose
    K Persaud & G

    H Dodd
    Nature, 299, 352-355 (1982)
    First description of an electronic nose system

    The Design of an

    Artificial Olfactory System
    J Gardner, P Bartlett, G H Dodd & H Shurmer
    In ‘Chemosensory Information

    Processing’ – (ed. D. Schild), Springer-Verlag, pp 131-175 (1990)
    First formal description of an industrially

    useful electronic nose

    Olfactory Psychology

    Unconscious Odour Conditioning in Human Subjects

    M D Kirk-Smith, C Van Toller & G H Dodd
    Biol. Psychology 17, 221-231 (1983)
    First experimental

    demonstration of this important phenomenon in perfumery and odour science

    Skin Conductance and Subjective

    Assessments Associated with the Odour of Androstanone
    S Van Toller, M Kirk-Smith, N Wood, J Lombard & G H Dodd

    Biol. Psychology 16, 85-107 (1983)
    First demonstration that anosmic subjects can detect the odour signal –

    without being aware of it

    ‘Ageing and the Sense of Smell’
    S Van Toller, G H Dodd & A Billing

    C Thomas, publishers, USA, (1985)
    The biggest study, to 1985, of a neglected area of olfaction which is

    important in clinical medicine

    Psychology of Perfumery

    The Biology and Psychology of Perfumery

    H Dodd & C Van Toller
    Perfumer & Flavorist 8, 1-14 (1983)
    The first description of perfumery phenomena in

    terms of modern molecular biology and psychology

    ‘Perfumery: The Psychology and Biology of Fragrance’

    (eds) S Van Toller & G H Dodd
    Chapman & Hall, (1988)
    The proceedings of the world’s first international

    conference on the Psychology of Perfumery

    ‘Fragrance: The Psychology and Biology of Perfume’
    (eds) S Van

    Toller & G H Dodd
    Elsevier, (1992)
    The proceeding of the second international conference on the Psychology

    of Perfumery

  19. #19
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    Based on this thread, I added

    xcite wipes for women to my arsenal and I'm sure glad I did. My new combo is one mini-gel pack of Chikara, a gel

    pack of SOE and a wipe of xcite.

    I'm a strip club maven, and this combo gave me more "bang for my buck"

    than any combo or single product I've tried. I've been recently privately bemoaning the fact that strippers

    stopped giving me flirty kisses to my neck and cheek. My new combo brought that back big-time!

    I would say

    my new combo increased physical affection and aggressiveness by 75-150%!

  20. #20
    Phero Pro
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    Fantastic, Syra, sounds like a

    very interesting combo, unfortunatly no one can duplicate your particular combo with other products, we dont know

    exactly what is in chikara, and xcite wipes will be a forever unknown, the product is not manufactured anymore, and

    my guess is the genius that created this product will never disclose the contents to the public. We all know what is

    in SOE though.

    I once was told by a major supplier of the original xcite wipes that professional female

    strippers in the UK were given and told to apply xcite wipes before they did thier act, so they could have increased

    tips and an increase in money flow. I guess in your case, the opposite occured, maybe you should have asked for a

    kiss and a tip too!

    Great story.

  21. #21
    King of the coupons!
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    [quote=SyraBrian]Based on this

    thread, I added xcite wipes for women to my arsenal and I'm sure glad I did. My new combo is one mini-gel pack of

    Chikara, a gel pack of SOE and a wipe of xcite.

    I'm a strip club maven, and this combo gave me more "bang for

    my buck" than any combo or single product I've tried. I've been recently privately bemoaning the fact that

    strippers stopped giving me flirty kisses to my neck and cheek. My new combo brought that back big-time!

    I would say my new combo increased physical affection and aggressiveness by 75-150%![/quote]

    Syra, are

    you sure it's the mix and not the tips?

    What kind of physical affection and aggresiveness?

    Are the

    strippers all 21 and under?

    Bronzie Baby, are you still using the felines wipes? If so, have you gotten any hits

    from those above 21?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  22. #22
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    I use both the fem and male

    wipes, hits from 18-30+

    However when used alone, xcite wipes cause girls 18+ -25 to go crazy, im not even

    going to mention younger girls, since they are not what im looking for, but since the age of consent here in Europe

    is 16 in most countries, at least in my country, I dont think im tredding on dangerous ground by mentioning I got a

    definite hit from a 17yr old girl, on the wipes.

    That said, to attract older girls using the wipes, and the

    age range that im after 25+ add some .none!

  23. #23
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    I use both the

    fem and male wipes, hits from 18-30+

    However when used alone, xcite wipes cause girls 18+ -25 to go crazy, im

    not even going to mention younger girls, since they are not what im looking for, but since the age of consent here

    in Europe is 16 in most countries, at least in my country, I dont think im tredding on dangerous ground by

    mentioning I got a definite hit from a 17yr old girl, on the wipes.

    That said, to attract older girls using the

    wipes, and the age range that im after 25+ add some .none!
    Thanks, Bronzie Baby!


    are you in Europe?

    Now, to wrap this up ...

    What does the fem wipes smell like ... girlish?

    Have you

    used/are you using a cover scent, and if so, have you found anything that smells similar to the wipes?


    you, and g'day!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  24. #24
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    Default ecxite wipes

    Great evaluation of

    DR.d, bronzie. He in my view is one of the best by far in this field. His product is by the far the best pheromone

    product i have used.

    I assume it has nol based, purely bc of the effect it has. For me it beats any nol product

    out there. In combo with either pi and or NPA, it has gotten the most hits. And this is how i judge it?


    disrespect to other nol based products, but i feel his formula whatever it is is a class above anything i have

    encountered. Again this is my opinion. Well done bronzie for offering this information on dr.d and his high

    credentials in this area.

    Well done Bronzie.

  25. #25
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    My humble appreciation to your

    kind words of gratitude woofa and words of wisdom, yes he is the best in this field, by a mile.

    I came across

    a rather rough obscure statistical web site on kiotech (the manufacturers of the xcite wipes) look what they had to


    A major distributor was contracted to sell 2 million wipes in 1 year! Obviously this numerical

    statistical outlay, just goes to show Xcite wipes were a very very serious product at the time. In no way resembles

    any other pheromone product that has come before humanity, and maybe may never come



  26. #26
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    Thanks, Bronzie


    Where are you in Europe?

    What does the fem wipes smell like ... girlish?

    Have you

    used/are you using a cover scent, and if so, have you found anything that smells similar to the wipes?


    you, and g'day!
    WOOFA1, are you talking about the female wipes, or you talking wipes in


    Annnnd, what do you think the wipes smell like ... weak enough to use a cover scent?


    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    Syra, are you

    sure it's the mix and not the tips?

    What kind of physical affection and aggresiveness?

    Are the

    strippers all 21 and under?

    Bronzie Baby, are you still using the felines wipes? If so, have you gotten any

    hits from those above 21?

    Mobley, I'm comparing it to my typical

    baseline experience at strip clubs. I pretty much tip the same regardless of whatever products I'm wearing. The

    girls are at least 18 up to 30 or so, most between 18 and 25.

    A combo of a mini-gel pack of Chikara (which I

    love because it gives a compulsive dabber like me less chance to od), a gel pack of SoE, and an Xcite! wipe for

    women resulted in the following:

    An increase in kissing to the neck and cheeks from both on-stage dancers

    and dancers hanging around the bar.

    An increase in touching of my inner thigh and body by dancers asking me

    for private dances.

    An increase in propositions for private dances.

    An increase in multiple

    propositions from the same dancers for private dances.

    An increase in dancers hanging around me even after

    I've turned down their offers of private dances.

    An increase in boobing and butt presentations from dancers

    hanging out at the bar.

    An increase in grinding and lapping activity from the girls doing on-stage

    dancing. One, an 18-21 year old energetic little blonde hard body, singled me out completely by lapping me, kissing

    my neck and asking me if I wanted a private dance as soon as she got off-stage. She requested this from none of the

    other meat rack denizens. Another, a very attractive black women in her late twenties, started giggling as soon as

    she got near me and kissed me repeatedly on the cheek in rat-a-tat-tat fashion. She also did this with no other meat

    rack denizen.

    An increase in propositions from other dancers while I was hanging out enjoying the on-stage


    And halfway through the one private dance I did, with the blonde early twentyish bombshell who had

    been chasing me all night long, the poor girl became completedly unraveled, started giggling uncontrollably and

    shouted "You're so cute!" She then proceeded to give me the best private dance I've ever had.

    With other

    combos, I've received consistently more attention than the other middle-aged men of comparative looks and social

    status, but less attention than the young studs and rich dudes.

    To use a sports analogy, I was like a good

    minor league baseball player or second division soccer player who couldn't quite hang with the big boys. With my

    current combo, I feel like I can.

    Hope that answers your question, Mobley! And if you want to see the

    private dancer I'm talking about, PM me and I'll give you directions on how to see her picture on her club


    I'm technologically weak, so I won't be able to link you directly.
    Last edited by SyraBrian; 10-16-2006 at 02:42 PM.

  28. #28
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    mob man. Yes, i am refering to

    the excite wipes mens variety.I have been told from a reliable source that the female variety, has exactly the same

    formula, but only the fragrance is different. So if you dont like smelling .Easy just use cover scent.

    Dude i

    have experimented with many money mones. But the effect these wipes had, were amazing.Again using either NPA/PI to

    add that spicy effect, more edgy you know what i mean? Has given me the most consistent hits.

    REad bronzies

    evaluation on DR.dodd credintials. His no mug?? iNfact a much qualified person in this field.

    Has anyone

    evaluated a314, i have been hearing mixed reports. Is there mones in them? Can anyone help.

  29. #29
    Full Member
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    Jul 2005
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    mobExcite wipes mens i was

    refering to. Cant purcase from LS anymore ceased production. Happened to come across a friend who purchased them

    from a distributor from kiotech? Can anyone else besides bronzie give the true opinion on a314?

  30. #30
    Phero Pro
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    Sep 2004
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofa1
    REad bronzies

    evaluation on DR.dodd credintials. His no mug?? iNfact a much qualified person in this field.

    for the aknowledgement Woofa, yes, I included his CV in this post just to convey to the members the degree of

    expertise this Man has in the field of smell technology. And ofcourse Pheromones. I wonder if the Queen of England

    has knighted him Sir Pheromone? or Lord Pheromone?....

    As for A314, I own this product woofa,

    but still cannot give you a decisive conclusion, will need to experiment more. Maybe others can contribute, or start

    a new thread....

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